Matteo Muraca authored
# Description Part of #3326 As per title, the `pallet:getter` usage has been removed from: - `pallet-bridge-beefy` - `pallet-bridge-grandpa` - `pallet-bridge-messages` - `pallet-bridge-relayers` - `pallet-xcm-bridge-hub-router` polkadot address: 12poSUQPtcF1HUPQGY3zZu2P8emuW9YnsPduA4XG3oCEfJVp --------- Co-authored-by:
Branislav Kontur <bkontur@gmail.com> Co-authored-by:
cmd[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
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// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Bridges Common.
// Parity Bridges Common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Bridges Common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Bridges Common. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Pallet that may be used instead of `SovereignPaidRemoteExporter` in the XCM router
//! configuration. The main thing that the pallet offers is the dynamic message fee,
//! that is computed based on the bridge queues state. It starts exponentially increasing
//! if the queue between this chain and the sibling/child bridge hub is congested.
//! All other bridge hub queues offer some backpressure mechanisms. So if at least one
//! of all queues is congested, it will eventually lead to the growth of the queue at
//! this chain.
//! **A note on terminology**: when we mention the bridge hub here, we mean the chain that
//! has the messages pallet deployed (`pallet-bridge-grandpa`, `pallet-bridge-messages`,
//! `pallet-xcm-bridge-hub`, ...). It may be the system bridge hub parachain or any other
//! chain.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
pub use bp_xcm_bridge_hub_router::{BridgeState, XcmChannelStatusProvider};
use codec::Encode;
use frame_support::traits::Get;
use sp_core::H256;
use sp_runtime::{FixedPointNumber, FixedU128, Saturating};
use sp_std::vec::Vec;
use xcm::prelude::*;
use xcm_builder::{ExporterFor, InspectMessageQueues, SovereignPaidRemoteExporter};
pub use pallet::*;
pub use weights::WeightInfo;
pub mod benchmarking;
pub mod weights;
mod mock;
/// Minimal delivery fee factor.
pub const MINIMAL_DELIVERY_FEE_FACTOR: FixedU128 = FixedU128::from_u32(1);
/// The factor that is used to increase current message fee factor when bridge experiencing
/// some lags.
const EXPONENTIAL_FEE_BASE: FixedU128 = FixedU128::from_rational(105, 100); // 1.05
/// The factor that is used to increase current message fee factor for every sent kilobyte.
const MESSAGE_SIZE_FEE_BASE: FixedU128 = FixedU128::from_rational(1, 1000); // 0.001
/// Maximal size of the XCM message that may be sent over bridge.
/// This should be less than the maximal size, allowed by the messages pallet, because
/// the message itself is wrapped in other structs and is double encoded.
pub const HARD_MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT: u32 = 32 * 1024;
/// The target that will be used when publishing logs related to this pallet.
/// This doesn't match the pattern used by other bridge pallets (`runtime::bridge-*`). But this
/// pallet has significant differences with those pallets. The main one is that is intended to
/// be deployed at sending chains. Other bridge pallets are likely to be deployed at the separate
/// bridge hub parachain.
pub const LOG_TARGET: &str = "xcm::bridge-hub-router";
pub mod pallet {
use super::*;
use frame_support::pallet_prelude::*;
use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
pub trait Config<I: 'static = ()>: frame_system::Config {
/// The overarching event type.
type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self, I>>
+ IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>;
/// Benchmarks results from runtime we're plugged into.
type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
/// Universal location of this runtime.
type UniversalLocation: Get<InteriorLocation>;
/// Relative location of the supported sibling bridge hub.
type SiblingBridgeHubLocation: Get<Location>;
/// The bridged network that this config is for if specified.
/// Also used for filtering `Bridges` by `BridgedNetworkId`.
/// If not specified, allows all networks pass through.
type BridgedNetworkId: Get<Option<NetworkId>>;
/// Configuration for supported **bridged networks/locations** with **bridge location** and
/// **possible fee**. Allows to externalize better control over allowed **bridged
/// networks/locations**.
type Bridges: ExporterFor;
/// Checks the XCM version for the destination.
type DestinationVersion: GetVersion;
/// Origin of the sibling bridge hub that is allowed to report bridge status.
type BridgeHubOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin>;
/// Actual message sender (`HRMP` or `DMP`) to the sibling bridge hub location.
type ToBridgeHubSender: SendXcm;
/// Local XCM channel manager.
type LocalXcmChannelManager: XcmChannelStatusProvider;
/// Additional fee that is paid for every byte of the outbound message.
type ByteFee: Get<u128>;
/// Asset that is used to paid bridge fee.
type FeeAsset: Get<AssetId>;
pub struct Pallet<T, I = ()>(PhantomData<(T, I)>);
impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T, I> {
fn on_initialize(_n: BlockNumberFor<T>) -> Weight {
// if XCM channel is still congested, we don't change anything
if T::LocalXcmChannelManager::is_congested(&T::SiblingBridgeHubLocation::get()) {
return T::WeightInfo::on_initialize_when_congested();
// if bridge has reported congestion, we don't change anything
let mut bridge = Self::bridge();
if bridge.is_congested {
return T::WeightInfo::on_initialize_when_congested();
// if we can't decrease the delivery fee factor anymore, we don't change anything
if bridge.delivery_fee_factor == MINIMAL_DELIVERY_FEE_FACTOR {
return T::WeightInfo::on_initialize_when_congested();
let previous_factor = bridge.delivery_fee_factor;
bridge.delivery_fee_factor =
target: LOG_TARGET,
"Bridge channel is uncongested. Decreased fee factor from {} to {}",
Self::deposit_event(Event::DeliveryFeeFactorDecreased {
new_value: bridge.delivery_fee_factor,
Bridge::<T, I>::put(bridge);
impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Pallet<T, I> {
/// Notification about congested bridge queue.
pub fn report_bridge_status(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
// this argument is not currently used, but to ease future migration, we'll keep it
// here
bridge_id: H256,
is_congested: bool,
) -> DispatchResult {
let _ = T::BridgeHubOrigin::ensure_origin(origin)?;
target: LOG_TARGET,
"Received bridge status from {:?}: congested = {}",
Bridge::<T, I>::mutate(|bridge| {
bridge.is_congested = is_congested;
/// Bridge that we are using.
/// **bridges-v1** assumptions: all outbound messages through this router are using single lane
/// and to single remote consensus. If there is some other remote consensus that uses the same
/// bridge hub, the separate pallet instance shall be used, In `v2` we'll have all required
/// primitives (lane-id aka bridge-id, derived from XCM locations) to support multiple bridges
/// by the same pallet instance.
pub type Bridge<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> = StorageValue<_, BridgeState, ValueQuery>;
impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Pallet<T, I> {
/// Bridge that we are using.
pub fn bridge() -> BridgeState {
Bridge::<T, I>::get()
/// Called when new message is sent (queued to local outbound XCM queue) over the bridge.
pub(crate) fn on_message_sent_to_bridge(message_size: u32) {
target: LOG_TARGET,
"on_message_sent_to_bridge - message_size: {message_size:?}",
let _ = Bridge::<T, I>::try_mutate(|bridge| {
let is_channel_with_bridge_hub_congested =
let is_bridge_congested = bridge.is_congested;
// if outbound queue is not congested AND bridge has not reported congestion, do
// nothing
if !is_channel_with_bridge_hub_congested && !is_bridge_congested {
return Err(());
// ok - we need to increase the fee factor, let's do that
let message_size_factor = FixedU128::from_u32(message_size.saturating_div(1024))
let total_factor = EXPONENTIAL_FEE_BASE.saturating_add(message_size_factor);
let previous_factor = bridge.delivery_fee_factor;
bridge.delivery_fee_factor =
target: LOG_TARGET,
"Bridge channel is congested. Increased fee factor from {} to {}",
Self::deposit_event(Event::DeliveryFeeFactorIncreased {
new_value: bridge.delivery_fee_factor,
#[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)]
pub enum Event<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> {
/// Delivery fee factor has been decreased.
DeliveryFeeFactorDecreased {
/// New value of the `DeliveryFeeFactor`.
new_value: FixedU128,
/// Delivery fee factor has been increased.
DeliveryFeeFactorIncreased {
/// New value of the `DeliveryFeeFactor`.
new_value: FixedU128,
/// We'll be using `SovereignPaidRemoteExporter` to send remote messages over the sibling/child
/// bridge hub.
type ViaBridgeHubExporter<T, I> = SovereignPaidRemoteExporter<
Pallet<T, I>,
<T as Config<I>>::ToBridgeHubSender,
<T as Config<I>>::UniversalLocation,
// This pallet acts as the `ExporterFor` for the `SovereignPaidRemoteExporter` to compute
// message fee using fee factor.
impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> ExporterFor for Pallet<T, I> {
fn exporter_for(
network: &NetworkId,
remote_location: &InteriorLocation,
message: &Xcm<()>,
) -> Option<(Location, Option<Asset>)> {
target: LOG_TARGET,
"exporter_for - network: {network:?}, remote_location: {remote_location:?}, msg: {message:?}",
// ensure that the message is sent to the expected bridged network (if specified).
if let Some(bridged_network) = T::BridgedNetworkId::get() {
if *network != bridged_network {
target: LOG_TARGET,
"Router with bridged_network_id {bridged_network:?} does not support bridging to network {network:?}!",
return None;
// ensure that the message is sent to the expected bridged network and location.
let (bridge_hub_location, maybe_payment) = match T::Bridges::exporter_for(
) {
Some((bridge_hub_location, maybe_payment))
if bridge_hub_location.eq(&T::SiblingBridgeHubLocation::get()) =>
(bridge_hub_location, maybe_payment),
_ => {
target: LOG_TARGET,
"Router configured with bridged_network_id {:?} and sibling_bridge_hub_location: {:?} does not support bridging to network {:?} and remote_location {:?}!",
return None;
// take `base_fee` from `T::Brides`, but it has to be the same `T::FeeAsset`
let base_fee = match maybe_payment {
Some(payment) => match payment {
Asset { fun: Fungible(amount), id } if id.eq(&T::FeeAsset::get()) => amount,
invalid_asset => {
target: LOG_TARGET,
"Router with bridged_network_id {:?} is configured for `T::FeeAsset` {:?} \
which is not compatible with {:?} for bridge_hub_location: {:?} for bridging to {:?}/{:?}!",
return None;
None => 0,
// compute fee amount. Keep in mind that this is only the bridge fee. The fee for sending
// message from this chain to child/sibling bridge hub is determined by the
// `Config::ToBridgeHubSender`
let message_size = message.encoded_size();
let message_fee = (message_size as u128).saturating_mul(T::ByteFee::get());
let fee_sum = base_fee.saturating_add(message_fee);
let fee_factor = Self::bridge().delivery_fee_factor;
let fee = fee_factor.saturating_mul_int(fee_sum);
let fee = if fee > 0 { Some((T::FeeAsset::get(), fee).into()) } else { None };
target: LOG_TARGET,
"Going to send message to {:?} ({} bytes) over bridge. Computed bridge fee {:?} using fee factor {}",
(network, remote_location),
Some((bridge_hub_location, fee))
// This pallet acts as the `SendXcm` to the sibling/child bridge hub instead of regular
// XCMP/DMP transport. This allows injecting dynamic message fees into XCM programs that
// are going to the bridged network.
impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> SendXcm for Pallet<T, I> {
type Ticket = (u32, <T::ToBridgeHubSender as SendXcm>::Ticket);
fn validate(
dest: &mut Option<Location>,
xcm: &mut Option<Xcm<()>>,
) -> SendResult<Self::Ticket> {
log::trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "validate - msg: {xcm:?}, destination: {dest:?}");
// In case of success, the `ViaBridgeHubExporter` can modify XCM instructions and consume
// `dest` / `xcm`, so we retain the clone of original message and the destination for later
// `DestinationVersion` validation.
let xcm_to_dest_clone = xcm.clone();
let dest_clone = dest.clone();
// First, use the inner exporter to validate the destination to determine if it is even
// routable. If it is not, return an error. If it is, then the XCM is extended with
// instructions to pay the message fee at the sibling/child bridge hub. The cost will
// include both the cost of (1) delivery to the sibling bridge hub (returned by
// `Config::ToBridgeHubSender`) and (2) delivery to the bridged bridge hub (returned by
// `Self::exporter_for`).
match ViaBridgeHubExporter::<T, I>::validate(dest, xcm) {
Ok((ticket, cost)) => {
// If the ticket is ok, it means we are routing with this router, so we need to
// apply more validations to the cloned `dest` and `xcm`, which are required here.
let xcm_to_dest_clone = xcm_to_dest_clone.ok_or(SendError::MissingArgument)?;
let dest_clone = dest_clone.ok_or(SendError::MissingArgument)?;
// We won't have access to `dest` and `xcm` in the `deliver` method, so we need to
// precompute everything required here. However, `dest` and `xcm` were consumed by
// `ViaBridgeHubExporter`, so we need to use their clones.
let message_size = xcm_to_dest_clone.encoded_size() as _;
// The bridge doesn't support oversized or overweight messages. Therefore, it's
// better to drop such messages here rather than at the bridge hub. Let's check the
// message size."
if message_size > HARD_MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT {
return Err(SendError::ExceedsMaxMessageSize);
// We need to ensure that the known `dest`'s XCM version can comprehend the current
// `xcm` program. This may seem like an additional, unnecessary check, but it is
// not. A similar check is probably performed by the `ViaBridgeHubExporter`, which
// attempts to send a versioned message to the sibling bridge hub. However, the
// local bridge hub may have a higher XCM version than the remote `dest`. Once
// again, it is better to discard such messages here than at the bridge hub (e.g.,
// to avoid losing funds).
let destination_version = T::DestinationVersion::get_version_for(&dest_clone)
let _ = VersionedXcm::from(xcm_to_dest_clone)
.map_err(|()| SendError::DestinationUnsupported)?;
Ok(((message_size, ticket), cost))
Err(e) => {
log::trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "validate - ViaBridgeHubExporter - error: {e:?}");
fn deliver(ticket: Self::Ticket) -> Result<XcmHash, SendError> {
// use router to enqueue message to the sibling/child bridge hub. This also should handle
// payment for passing through this queue.
let (message_size, ticket) = ticket;
let xcm_hash = ViaBridgeHubExporter::<T, I>::deliver(ticket)?;
// increase delivery fee factor if required
log::trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "deliver - message sent, xcm_hash: {xcm_hash:?}");
impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> InspectMessageQueues for Pallet<T, I> {
fn clear_messages() {}
/// This router needs to implement `InspectMessageQueues` but doesn't have to
/// return any messages, since it just reuses the `XcmpQueue` router.
fn get_messages() -> Vec<(VersionedLocation, Vec<VersionedXcm<()>>)> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use frame_support::assert_ok;
use mock::*;
use frame_support::traits::Hooks;
use frame_system::{EventRecord, Phase};
use sp_runtime::traits::One;
fn congested_bridge(delivery_fee_factor: FixedU128) -> BridgeState {
BridgeState { is_congested: true, delivery_fee_factor }
fn uncongested_bridge(delivery_fee_factor: FixedU128) -> BridgeState {
BridgeState { is_congested: false, delivery_fee_factor }
fn initial_fee_factor_is_one() {
run_test(|| {
Bridge::<TestRuntime, ()>::get(),
fn fee_factor_is_not_decreased_from_on_initialize_when_xcm_channel_is_congested() {
run_test(|| {
Bridge::<TestRuntime, ()>::put(uncongested_bridge(FixedU128::from_rational(125, 100)));
// it should not decrease, because queue is congested
let old_delivery = XcmBridgeHubRouter::bridge();
assert_eq!(XcmBridgeHubRouter::bridge(), old_delivery);
assert_eq!(System::events(), vec![]);
fn fee_factor_is_not_decreased_from_on_initialize_when_bridge_has_reported_congestion() {
run_test(|| {
Bridge::<TestRuntime, ()>::put(congested_bridge(FixedU128::from_rational(125, 100)));
// it should not decrease, because bridge congested
let old_bridge = XcmBridgeHubRouter::bridge();
assert_eq!(XcmBridgeHubRouter::bridge(), old_bridge);
assert_eq!(System::events(), vec![]);
fn fee_factor_is_decreased_from_on_initialize_when_xcm_channel_is_uncongested() {
run_test(|| {
let initial_fee_factor = FixedU128::from_rational(125, 100);
Bridge::<TestRuntime, ()>::put(uncongested_bridge(initial_fee_factor));
// it should eventually decrease to one
while XcmBridgeHubRouter::bridge().delivery_fee_factor > MINIMAL_DELIVERY_FEE_FACTOR {
// verify that it doesn't decrease anymore
// check emitted event
let first_system_event = System::events().first().cloned();
Some(EventRecord {
phase: Phase::Initialization,
event: RuntimeEvent::XcmBridgeHubRouter(Event::DeliveryFeeFactorDecreased {
new_value: initial_fee_factor / EXPONENTIAL_FEE_BASE,
topics: vec![],
fn not_applicable_if_destination_is_within_other_network() {
run_test(|| {
// unroutable dest
let dest = Location::new(2, [GlobalConsensus(ByGenesis([0; 32])), Parachain(1000)]);
let xcm: Xcm<()> = vec![ClearOrigin].into();
// check that router does not consume when `NotApplicable`
let mut xcm_wrapper = Some(xcm.clone());
XcmBridgeHubRouter::validate(&mut Some(dest.clone()), &mut xcm_wrapper),
// XCM is NOT consumed and untouched
assert_eq!(Some(xcm.clone()), xcm_wrapper);
// check the full `send_xcm`
assert_eq!(send_xcm::<XcmBridgeHubRouter>(dest, xcm,), Err(SendError::NotApplicable),);
fn exceeds_max_message_size_if_size_is_above_hard_limit() {
run_test(|| {
// routable dest with XCM version
let dest =
Location::new(2, [GlobalConsensus(BridgedNetworkId::get()), Parachain(1000)]);
// oversized XCM
let xcm: Xcm<()> = vec![ClearOrigin; HARD_MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT as usize].into();
// dest is routable with the inner router
assert_ok!(ViaBridgeHubExporter::<TestRuntime, ()>::validate(
&mut Some(dest.clone()),
&mut Some(xcm.clone())
// check for oversized message
let mut xcm_wrapper = Some(xcm.clone());
XcmBridgeHubRouter::validate(&mut Some(dest.clone()), &mut xcm_wrapper),
// XCM is consumed by the inner router
// check the full `send_xcm`
send_xcm::<XcmBridgeHubRouter>(dest, xcm,),
fn destination_unsupported_if_wrap_version_fails() {
run_test(|| {
// routable dest but we don't know XCM version
let dest = UnknownXcmVersionForRoutableLocation::get();
let xcm: Xcm<()> = vec![ClearOrigin].into();
// dest is routable with the inner router
assert_ok!(ViaBridgeHubExporter::<TestRuntime, ()>::validate(
&mut Some(dest.clone()),
&mut Some(xcm.clone())
// check that it does not pass XCM version check
let mut xcm_wrapper = Some(xcm.clone());
XcmBridgeHubRouter::validate(&mut Some(dest.clone()), &mut xcm_wrapper),
// XCM is consumed by the inner router
// check the full `send_xcm`
send_xcm::<XcmBridgeHubRouter>(dest, xcm,),
fn returns_proper_delivery_price() {
run_test(|| {
let dest = Location::new(2, [GlobalConsensus(BridgedNetworkId::get())]);
let xcm: Xcm<()> = vec![ClearOrigin].into();
let msg_size = xcm.encoded_size();
// initially the base fee is used: `BASE_FEE + BYTE_FEE * msg_size + HRMP_FEE`
let expected_fee = BASE_FEE + BYTE_FEE * (msg_size as u128) + HRMP_FEE;
XcmBridgeHubRouter::validate(&mut Some(dest.clone()), &mut Some(xcm.clone()))
Some(&(BridgeFeeAsset::get(), expected_fee).into()),
// but when factor is larger than one, it increases the fee, so it becomes:
// `(BASE_FEE + BYTE_FEE * msg_size) * F + HRMP_FEE`
let factor = FixedU128::from_rational(125, 100);
Bridge::<TestRuntime, ()>::put(uncongested_bridge(factor));
let expected_fee =
(FixedU128::saturating_from_integer(BASE_FEE + BYTE_FEE * (msg_size as u128)) *
.into_inner() / FixedU128::DIV +
XcmBridgeHubRouter::validate(&mut Some(dest), &mut Some(xcm)).unwrap().1.get(0),
Some(&(BridgeFeeAsset::get(), expected_fee).into()),
fn sent_message_doesnt_increase_factor_if_queue_is_uncongested() {
run_test(|| {
let old_bridge = XcmBridgeHubRouter::bridge();
Location::new(2, [GlobalConsensus(BridgedNetworkId::get()), Parachain(1000)]),
assert_eq!(old_bridge, XcmBridgeHubRouter::bridge());
assert_eq!(System::events(), vec![]);
fn sent_message_increases_factor_if_xcm_channel_is_congested() {
run_test(|| {
let old_bridge = XcmBridgeHubRouter::bridge();
Location::new(2, [GlobalConsensus(BridgedNetworkId::get()), Parachain(1000)]),
old_bridge.delivery_fee_factor < XcmBridgeHubRouter::bridge().delivery_fee_factor
// check emitted event
let first_system_event = System::events().first().cloned();
Some(EventRecord {
phase: Phase::Initialization,
event: RuntimeEvent::XcmBridgeHubRouter(
Event::DeliveryFeeFactorIncreased { .. }
fn sent_message_increases_factor_if_bridge_has_reported_congestion() {
run_test(|| {
Bridge::<TestRuntime, ()>::put(congested_bridge(MINIMAL_DELIVERY_FEE_FACTOR));
let old_bridge = XcmBridgeHubRouter::bridge();
Location::new(2, [GlobalConsensus(BridgedNetworkId::get()), Parachain(1000)]),
old_bridge.delivery_fee_factor < XcmBridgeHubRouter::bridge().delivery_fee_factor
// check emitted event
let first_system_event = System::events().first().cloned();
Some(EventRecord {
phase: Phase::Initialization,
event: RuntimeEvent::XcmBridgeHubRouter(
Event::DeliveryFeeFactorIncreased { .. }
fn get_messages_does_not_return_anything() {
run_test(|| {
(Parent, Parent, GlobalConsensus(BridgedNetworkId::get()), Parachain(1000)).into(),
assert_eq!(XcmBridgeHubRouter::get_messages(), vec![]);