Pierre Krieger authored
* Fix an extra semi-colon yielding a wrong error * Update client/cli/src/commands/run_cmd.rs Co-authored-by:
Bastian Köcher <bkchr@users.noreply.github.com>
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run_cmd.rs 17.87 KiB
// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use crate::arg_enums::RpcMethods;
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::params::ImportParams;
use crate::params::KeystoreParams;
use crate::params::NetworkParams;
use crate::params::OffchainWorkerParams;
use crate::params::SharedParams;
use crate::params::TransactionPoolParams;
use crate::CliConfiguration;
use regex::Regex;
use sc_service::{
config::{BasePath, MultiaddrWithPeerId, PrometheusConfig, TransactionPoolOptions},
ChainSpec, Role,
use sc_telemetry::TelemetryEndpoints;
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr};
use structopt::StructOpt;
/// The `run` command used to run a node.
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
pub struct RunCmd {
/// Enable validator mode.
/// The node will be started with the authority role and actively
/// participate in any consensus task that it can (e.g. depending on
/// availability of local keys).
long = "validator",
conflicts_with_all = &[ "sentry" ]
pub validator: bool,
/// Enable sentry mode.
/// The node will be started with the authority role and participate in
/// consensus tasks as an "observer", it will never actively participate
/// regardless of whether it could (e.g. keys are available locally). This
/// mode is useful as a secure proxy for validators (which would run
/// detached from the network), since we want this node to participate in
/// the full consensus protocols in order to have all needed consensus data
/// available to relay to private nodes.
long = "sentry",
conflicts_with_all = &[ "validator", "light" ],
pub sentry: Vec<MultiaddrWithPeerId>,
/// Disable GRANDPA voter when running in validator mode, otherwise disable the GRANDPA observer.
pub no_grandpa: bool,
/// Experimental: Run in light client mode.
#[structopt(long = "light", conflicts_with = "sentry")]
pub light: bool,
/// Listen to all RPC interfaces.
/// Default is local. Note: not all RPC methods are safe to be exposed publicly. Use an RPC proxy
/// server to filter out dangerous methods. More details: https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/wiki/Public-RPC.
/// Use `--unsafe-rpc-external` to suppress the warning if you understand the risks.
#[structopt(long = "rpc-external")]
pub rpc_external: bool,
/// Listen to all RPC interfaces.
/// Same as `--rpc-external`.
pub unsafe_rpc_external: bool,
/// RPC methods to expose.
/// - `Unsafe`: Exposes every RPC method.
/// - `Safe`: Exposes only a safe subset of RPC methods, denying unsafe RPC methods.
/// - `Auto`: Acts as `Safe` if RPC is served externally, e.g. when `--{rpc,ws}-external` is passed,
/// otherwise acts as `Unsafe`.
value_name = "METHOD SET",
possible_values = &RpcMethods::variants(),
case_insensitive = true,
default_value = "Auto",
pub rpc_methods: RpcMethods,
/// Listen to all Websocket interfaces.
/// Default is local. Note: not all RPC methods are safe to be exposed publicly. Use an RPC proxy
/// server to filter out dangerous methods. More details: https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/wiki/Public-RPC.
/// Use `--unsafe-ws-external` to suppress the warning if you understand the risks.
#[structopt(long = "ws-external")]
pub ws_external: bool,
/// Listen to all Websocket interfaces.
/// Same as `--ws-external` but doesn't warn you about it.
#[structopt(long = "unsafe-ws-external")]
pub unsafe_ws_external: bool,
/// Listen to all Prometheus data source interfaces.
/// Default is local.
#[structopt(long = "prometheus-external")]
pub prometheus_external: bool,
/// Specify IPC RPC server path
#[structopt(long = "ipc-path", value_name = "PATH")]
pub ipc_path: Option<String>,
/// Specify HTTP RPC server TCP port.
#[structopt(long = "rpc-port", value_name = "PORT")]
pub rpc_port: Option<u16>,
/// Specify WebSockets RPC server TCP port.
#[structopt(long = "ws-port", value_name = "PORT")]
pub ws_port: Option<u16>,
/// Maximum number of WS RPC server connections.
#[structopt(long = "ws-max-connections", value_name = "COUNT")]
pub ws_max_connections: Option<usize>,
/// Specify browser Origins allowed to access the HTTP & WS RPC servers.
/// A comma-separated list of origins (protocol://domain or special `null`
/// value). Value of `all` will disable origin validation. Default is to
/// allow localhost and https://polkadot.js.org origins. When running in
/// --dev mode the default is to allow all origins.
#[structopt(long = "rpc-cors", value_name = "ORIGINS", parse(try_from_str = parse_cors))]
pub rpc_cors: Option<Cors>,
/// Specify Prometheus data source server TCP Port.
#[structopt(long = "prometheus-port", value_name = "PORT")]
pub prometheus_port: Option<u16>,
/// Do not expose a Prometheus metric endpoint.
/// Prometheus metric endpoint is enabled by default.
#[structopt(long = "no-prometheus")]
pub no_prometheus: bool,
/// The human-readable name for this node.
/// The node name will be reported to the telemetry server, if enabled.
#[structopt(long = "name", value_name = "NAME")]
pub name: Option<String>,
/// Disable connecting to the Substrate telemetry server.
/// Telemetry is on by default on global chains.
#[structopt(long = "no-telemetry")]
pub no_telemetry: bool,
/// The URL of the telemetry server to connect to.
/// This flag can be passed multiple times as a means to specify multiple
/// telemetry endpoints. Verbosity levels range from 0-9, with 0 denoting
/// the least verbosity.
/// Expected format is 'URL VERBOSITY', e.g. `--telemetry-url 'wss://foo/bar 0'`.
#[structopt(long = "telemetry-url", value_name = "URL VERBOSITY", parse(try_from_str = parse_telemetry_endpoints))]
pub telemetry_endpoints: Vec<(String, u8)>,
pub offchain_worker_params: OffchainWorkerParams,
pub shared_params: SharedParams,
pub import_params: ImportParams,
pub network_params: NetworkParams,
pub pool_config: TransactionPoolParams,
/// Shortcut for `--name Alice --validator` with session keys for `Alice` added to keystore.
#[structopt(long, conflicts_with_all = &["bob", "charlie", "dave", "eve", "ferdie", "one", "two"])]
pub alice: bool,
/// Shortcut for `--name Bob --validator` with session keys for `Bob` added to keystore.
#[structopt(long, conflicts_with_all = &["alice", "charlie", "dave", "eve", "ferdie", "one", "two"])]
pub bob: bool,
/// Shortcut for `--name Charlie --validator` with session keys for `Charlie` added to keystore.
#[structopt(long, conflicts_with_all = &["alice", "bob", "dave", "eve", "ferdie", "one", "two"])]
pub charlie: bool,
/// Shortcut for `--name Dave --validator` with session keys for `Dave` added to keystore.
#[structopt(long, conflicts_with_all = &["alice", "bob", "charlie", "eve", "ferdie", "one", "two"])]
pub dave: bool,
/// Shortcut for `--name Eve --validator` with session keys for `Eve` added to keystore.
#[structopt(long, conflicts_with_all = &["alice", "bob", "charlie", "dave", "ferdie", "one", "two"])]
pub eve: bool,
/// Shortcut for `--name Ferdie --validator` with session keys for `Ferdie` added to keystore.
#[structopt(long, conflicts_with_all = &["alice", "bob", "charlie", "dave", "eve", "one", "two"])]
pub ferdie: bool,
/// Shortcut for `--name One --validator` with session keys for `One` added to keystore.
#[structopt(long, conflicts_with_all = &["alice", "bob", "charlie", "dave", "eve", "ferdie", "two"])]
pub one: bool,
/// Shortcut for `--name Two --validator` with session keys for `Two` added to keystore.
#[structopt(long, conflicts_with_all = &["alice", "bob", "charlie", "dave", "eve", "ferdie", "one"])]
pub two: bool,
/// Enable authoring even when offline.
#[structopt(long = "force-authoring")]
pub force_authoring: bool,
pub keystore_params: KeystoreParams,
/// The size of the instances cache for each runtime.
/// The default value is 8 and the values higher than 256 are ignored.
pub max_runtime_instances: Option<usize>,
/// Specify a list of sentry node public addresses.
/// Can't be used with --public-addr as the sentry node would take precedence over the public address
/// specified there.
long = "sentry-nodes",
value_name = "ADDR",
conflicts_with_all = &[ "sentry", "public-addr" ]
pub sentry_nodes: Vec<MultiaddrWithPeerId>,
/// Run a temporary node.
/// A temporary directory will be created to store the configuration and will be deleted
/// at the end of the process.
/// Note: the directory is random per process execution. This directory is used as base path
/// which includes: database, node key and keystore.
#[structopt(long, conflicts_with = "base-path")]
pub tmp: bool,
impl RunCmd {
/// Get the `Sr25519Keyring` matching one of the flag.
pub fn get_keyring(&self) -> Option<sp_keyring::Sr25519Keyring> {
use sp_keyring::Sr25519Keyring::*;
if self.alice {
} else if self.bob {
} else if self.charlie {
} else if self.dave {
} else if self.eve {
} else if self.ferdie {
} else if self.one {
} else if self.two {
} else {
impl CliConfiguration for RunCmd {
fn shared_params(&self) -> &SharedParams {
fn import_params(&self) -> Option<&ImportParams> {
fn network_params(&self) -> Option<&NetworkParams> {
fn keystore_params(&self) -> Option<&KeystoreParams> {
fn offchain_worker_params(&self) -> Option<&OffchainWorkerParams> {
fn node_name(&self) -> Result<String> {
let name: String = match (self.name.as_ref(), self.get_keyring()) {
(Some(name), _) => name.to_string(),
(_, Some(keyring)) => keyring.to_string(),
(None, None) => crate::generate_node_name(),
is_node_name_valid(&name).map_err(|msg| {
"Invalid node name '{}'. Reason: {}. If unsure, use none.",
name, msg
fn dev_key_seed(&self, is_dev: bool) -> Result<Option<String>> {
Ok(self.get_keyring().map(|a| format!("//{}", a)).or_else(|| {
if is_dev && !self.light {
} else {
fn telemetry_endpoints(
chain_spec: &Box<dyn ChainSpec>,
) -> Result<Option<TelemetryEndpoints>> {
Ok(if self.no_telemetry {
} else if !self.telemetry_endpoints.is_empty() {
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?,
} else {
fn role(&self, is_dev: bool) -> Result<Role> {
let keyring = self.get_keyring();
let is_light = self.light;
let is_authority = (self.validator || is_dev || keyring.is_some()) && !is_light;
Ok(if is_light {
} else if is_authority {
sc_service::Role::Authority {
sentry_nodes: self.sentry_nodes.clone(),
} else if !self.sentry.is_empty() {
sc_service::Role::Sentry {
validators: self.sentry.clone(),
} else {
fn force_authoring(&self) -> Result<bool> {
// Imply forced authoring on --dev
Ok(self.shared_params.dev || self.force_authoring)
fn prometheus_config(&self) -> Result<Option<PrometheusConfig>> {
Ok(if self.no_prometheus {
} else {
let interface = if self.prometheus_external {
} else {
SocketAddr::new(interface.into(), self.prometheus_port.unwrap_or(9615))
fn disable_grandpa(&self) -> Result<bool> {
fn rpc_ws_max_connections(&self) -> Result<Option<usize>> {
fn rpc_cors(&self, is_dev: bool) -> Result<Option<Vec<String>>> {
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
if is_dev {
log::warn!("Running in --dev mode, RPC CORS has been disabled.");
} else {
fn rpc_http(&self) -> Result<Option<SocketAddr>> {
let interface = rpc_interface(
Ok(Some(SocketAddr::new(interface, self.rpc_port.unwrap_or(9933))))
fn rpc_ipc(&self) -> Result<Option<String>> {
fn rpc_ws(&self) -> Result<Option<SocketAddr>> {
let interface = rpc_interface(
Ok(Some(SocketAddr::new(interface, self.ws_port.unwrap_or(9944))))
fn rpc_methods(&self) -> Result<sc_service::config::RpcMethods> {
fn transaction_pool(&self) -> Result<TransactionPoolOptions> {
fn max_runtime_instances(&self) -> Result<Option<usize>> {
Ok(self.max_runtime_instances.map(|x| x.min(256)))
fn base_path(&self) -> Result<Option<BasePath>> {
Ok(if self.tmp {
} else {
/// Check whether a node name is considered as valid.
pub fn is_node_name_valid(_name: &str) -> std::result::Result<(), &str> {
let name = _name.to_string();
if name.chars().count() >= crate::NODE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH {
return Err("Node name too long");
let invalid_chars = r"[\\.@]";
let re = Regex::new(invalid_chars).unwrap();
if re.is_match(&name) {
return Err("Node name should not contain invalid chars such as '.' and '@'");
let invalid_patterns = r"(https?:\\/+)?(www)+";
let re = Regex::new(invalid_patterns).unwrap();
if re.is_match(&name) {
return Err("Node name should not contain urls");
fn rpc_interface(
is_external: bool,
is_unsafe_external: bool,
rpc_methods: RpcMethods,
is_validator: bool,
) -> Result<IpAddr> {
if is_external && is_validator && rpc_methods != RpcMethods::Unsafe {
return Err(Error::Input(
"--rpc-external and --ws-external options shouldn't be \
used if the node is running as a validator. Use `--unsafe-rpc-external` \
or `--rpc-methods=unsafe` if you understand the risks. See the options \
description for more information."
if is_external || is_unsafe_external {
if rpc_methods == RpcMethods::Unsafe {
"It isn't safe to expose RPC publicly without a proxy server that filters \
available set of RPC methods."
} else {
enum TelemetryParsingError {
impl std::error::Error for TelemetryParsingError {}
impl std::fmt::Display for TelemetryParsingError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match &*self {
TelemetryParsingError::MissingVerbosity => write!(f, "Verbosity level missing"),
TelemetryParsingError::VerbosityParsingError(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
fn parse_telemetry_endpoints(s: &str) -> std::result::Result<(String, u8), TelemetryParsingError> {
let pos = s.find(' ');
match pos {
None => Err(TelemetryParsingError::MissingVerbosity),
Some(pos_) => {
let url = s[..pos_].to_string();
let verbosity = s[pos_ + 1..]
Ok((url, verbosity))
/// CORS setting
/// The type is introduced to overcome `Option<Option<T>>`
/// handling of `structopt`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Cors {
/// All hosts allowed.
/// Only hosts on the list are allowed.
impl From<Cors> for Option<Vec<String>> {
fn from(cors: Cors) -> Self {
match cors {
Cors::All => None,
Cors::List(list) => Some(list),
/// Parse cors origins.
fn parse_cors(s: &str) -> std::result::Result<Cors, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut is_all = false;
let mut origins = Vec::new();
for part in s.split(',') {
match part {
"all" | "*" => {
is_all = true;
other => origins.push(other.to_owned()),
Ok(if is_all {
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn tests_node_name_good() {
assert!(is_node_name_valid("short name").is_ok());
fn tests_node_name_bad() {
assert!(is_node_name_valid("long names are not very cool for the ui").is_err());