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  • Ankan's avatar
    [NPoS] Paging reward payouts in order to scale rewardable nominators (#1189) · 00b85c51
    Ankan authored
    PR link in the older substrate repository:
    # Context
    Rewards payout is processed today in a single block and limited to
    `MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator`. This number is currently 512 on both
    Kusama and Polkadot.
    This PR tries to scale the nominators payout to an unlimited count in a
    multi-block fashion. Exposures are stored in pages, with each page
    capped to a certain number (`MaxExposurePageSize`). Starting out, this
    number would be the same as `MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator`, but
    eventually, this number can be lowered through new runtime upgrades to
    limit the rewardeable nominators per dispatched call instruction.
    The changes in the PR are backward compatible.
    ## How payouts would work like after this change
    Staking exposes two calls, 1) the existing `payout_stakers` and 2)
    ### payout_stakers
    This remains backward compatible with no signature change. If for a
    given era a validator has multiple pages, they can call `payout_stakers`
    multiple times. The pages are executed in an ascending sequence and the
    runtime takes care of preventing double claims.
    ### payout_stakers_by_page
    Very similar to `payout_stakers` but also accepts an extra param
    `page_index`. An account can choose to payout rewards only for an
    explicitly passed `page_index`.
    **Lets look at an example scenario**
    Given an active validator on Kusama had 1100 nominators,
    `MaxExposurePageSize` set to 512 for Era e. In order to pay out rewards
    to all nominators, the caller would need to call `payout_stakers` 3
    - `payout_stakers(origin, stash, e)` => will pay the first 512
    - `payout_stakers(origin, stash, e)` => will pay the second set of 512
    - `payout_stakers(origin, stash, e)` => will pay the last set of 76
    - `payout_stakers(origin, stash, e)` => calling it the 4th time would
    return an error `InvalidPage`.
    The above calls can also be replaced by `payout_stakers_by_page` and
    passing a `page_index` explicitly.
    ## Commission note
    Validator commission is paid out in chunks across all the pages where
    each commission chunk is proportional to the total stake of the current
    page. This implies higher the total stake of a page, higher will be the
    commission. If all the pages of a validator's single era are paid out,
    the sum of commission paid to the validator across all pages should be
    equal to what the commission would have been if we had a non-paged
    ### Migration Note
    Strictly speaking, we did not need to bump our storage version since
    there is no migration of storage in this PR. But it is still useful to
    mark a storage upgrade for the following reasons:
    - New storage items are introduced in this PR while some older storage
    items are deprecated.
    - For the next `HistoryDepth` eras, the exposure would be incrementally
    migrated to its corresponding paged storage item.
    - Runtimes using staking pallet would strictly need to wait at least
    `HistoryDepth` eras with current upgraded version (14) for the migration
    to complete. At some era `E` such that `E >
    era_at_which_V14_gets_into_effect + HistoryDepth`, we will upgrade to
    version X which will remove the deprecated storage items.
    In other words, it is a strict requirement that E<sub>x</sub> -
    E<sub>14</sub> > `HistoryDepth`, where
    E<sub>x</sub> = Era at which deprecated storages are removed from
    E<sub>14</sub> = Era at which runtime is upgraded to version 14.
    - For Polkadot and Kusama, there is a [tracker
    ticket]( to clean
    up the deprecated storage items.
    ### Storage Changes
    #### Added
    - ErasStakersOverview
    - ClaimedRewards
    - ErasStakersPaged
    #### Deprecated
    The following can be cleaned up after 84 eras which is tracked
    - ErasStakers.
    - ErasStakersClipped.
    - StakingLedger.claimed_rewards, renamed to
    ### Config Changes
    - Renamed MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator to MaxExposurePageSize.
    ### TODO
    - [x] Tracker ticket for cleaning up the old code after 84 eras.
    - [x] Add companion.
    - [x] Redo benchmarks before merge.
    - [x] Add Changelog for pallet_staking.
    - [x] Pallet should be configurable to enable/disable paged rewards.
    - [x] Commission payouts are distributed across pages.
    - [x] Review documentation thoroughly.
    - [x] Rename `MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator` ->
    - [x] NMap for `ErasStakersPaged`.
    - [x] Deprecate ErasStakers.
    - [x] Integrity tests.
    ### Followup issues
    [Runtime api for deprecated ErasStakers storage
    Co-authored-by: default avatarJavier Viola <[email protected]>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarRoss Bulat <[email protected]>
    Co-authored-by: command-bot <>