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// Copyright 2019-2020
//     by  Centrality Investments Ltd.
//     and Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.

// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate.  If not, see <>.

//! # Generic Asset Module
//! The Generic Asset module provides functionality for handling accounts and asset balances.
//! ## Overview
//! The Generic Asset module provides functions for:
//! - Creating a new kind of asset.
//! - Setting permissions of an asset.
//! - Getting and setting free balances.
//! - Retrieving total, reserved and unreserved balances.
//! - Repatriating a reserved balance to a beneficiary account.
//! - Transferring a balance between accounts (when not reserved).
//! - Slashing an account balance.
//! - Managing total issuance.
//! - Setting and managing locks.
//! ### Terminology
//! - **Staking Asset:** The asset for staking, to participate as Validators in the network.
//! - **Spending Asset:** The asset for payment, such as paying transfer fees, gas fees, etc.
//! - **Permissions:** A set of rules for a kind of asset, defining the allowed operations to the asset, and which
//! accounts are allowed to possess it.
//! - **Total Issuance:** The total number of units in existence in a system.
//! - **Free Balance:** The portion of a balance that is not reserved. The free balance is the only balance that matters
//! for most operations. When this balance falls below the existential deposit, most functionality of the account is
//! removed. When both it and the reserved balance are deleted, then the account is said to be dead.
//! - **Reserved Balance:** Reserved balance still belongs to the account holder, but is suspended. Reserved balance
//! can still be slashed, but only after all the free balance has been slashed. If the reserved balance falls below the
//! existential deposit then it and any related functionality will be deleted. When both it and the free balance are
//! deleted, then the account is said to be dead.
//! - **Imbalance:** A condition when some assets were credited or debited without equal and opposite accounting
//! (i.e. a difference between total issuance and account balances). Functions that result in an imbalance will
//! return an object of the `Imbalance` trait that can be managed within your runtime logic. (If an imbalance is
//! simply dropped, it should automatically maintain any book-keeping such as total issuance.)
//! - **Lock:** A freeze on a specified amount of an account's free balance until a specified block number. Multiple
//! locks always operate over the same funds, so they "overlay" rather than "stack".
//! ### Implementations
//! The Generic Asset module provides `AssetCurrency`, which implements the following traits. If these traits provide
//! the functionality that you need, you can avoid coupling with the Generic Asset module.
//! - `Currency`: Functions for dealing with a fungible assets system.
//! - `ReservableCurrency`: Functions for dealing with assets that can be reserved from an account.
//! - `LockableCurrency`: Functions for dealing with accounts that allow liquidity restrictions.
//! - `Imbalance`: Functions for handling imbalances between total issuance in the system and account balances.
//! Must be used when a function creates new assets (e.g. a reward) or destroys some assets (e.g. a system fee).
//! The Generic Asset module provides two types of `AssetCurrency` as follows.
//! - `StakingAssetCurrency`: Currency for staking.
//! - `SpendingAssetCurrency`: Currency for payments such as transfer fee, gas fee.
//! ## Interface
//! ### Dispatchable Functions
//! - `create`: Create a new kind of asset.
//! - `transfer`: Transfer some liquid free balance to another account.
//! - `update_permission`: Updates permission for a given `asset_id` and an account. The origin of this call
//! must have update permissions.
//! - `mint`: Mint an asset, increases its total issuance. The origin of this call must have mint permissions.
//! - `burn`: Burn an asset, decreases its total issuance. The origin of this call must have burn permissions.
//! - `create_reserved`: Create a new kind of reserved asset. The origin of this call must be root.
//! ### Public Functions
//! - `total_balance`: Get an account's total balance of an asset kind.
//! - `free_balance`: Get an account's free balance of an asset kind.
//! - `reserved_balance`: Get an account's reserved balance of an asset kind.
//! - `create_asset`: Creates an asset.
//! - `make_transfer`: Transfer some liquid free balance from one account to another.
//! This will not emit the `Transferred` event.
//! - `make_transfer_with_event`: Transfer some liquid free balance from one account to another.
//! This will emit the `Transferred` event.
//! - `reserve`: Moves an amount from free balance to reserved balance.
//! - `unreserve`: Move up to an amount from reserved balance to free balance. This function cannot fail.
//! - `mint_free`: Mint to an account's free balance.
//! - `burn_free`: Burn an account's free balance.
//! - `slash`: Deduct up to an amount from the combined balance of `who`, preferring to deduct from the
//!	free balance. This function cannot fail.
//! - `slash_reserved`: Deduct up to an amount from reserved balance of an account. This function cannot fail.
//! - `repatriate_reserved`: Move up to an amount from reserved balance of an account to free balance of another
//! account.
//! - `check_permission`: Check permission to perform burn, mint or update.
//! - `ensure_can_withdraw`: Check if the account is able to make a withdrawal of the given amount
//!	for the given reason.
//! ### Usage
//! The following examples show how to use the Generic Asset Pallet in your custom pallet.
//! ### Examples from the FRAME pallet
//! The Fees Pallet uses the `Currency` trait to handle fee charge/refund, and its types inherit from `Currency`:
//! ```
//! use frame_support::{
//! 	traits::{Currency, ExistenceRequirement, WithdrawReason},
//! };
//! # pub trait Trait: frame_system::Trait {
//! # 	type Currency: Currency<Self::AccountId>;
//! # }
//! type AssetOf<T> = <<T as Trait>::Currency as Currency<<T as frame_system::Trait>::AccountId>>::Balance;
//! fn charge_fee<T: Trait>(transactor: &T::AccountId, amount: AssetOf<T>) -> dispatch::DispatchResult {
//! 	// ...
//! 	T::Currency::withdraw(
//! 		transactor,
//! 		amount,
//! 		WithdrawReason::TransactionPayment.into(),
//! 		ExistenceRequirement::KeepAlive,
//! 	)?;
//! 	// ...
//! 	Ok(())
//! }
//! fn refund_fee<T: Trait>(transactor: &T::AccountId, amount: AssetOf<T>) -> dispatch::DispatchResult {
//! 	// ...
//! 	T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(transactor, amount)?;
//! 	// ...
//! 	Ok(())
//! }
//! # fn main() {}
//! ```
//! ## Genesis config
//! The Generic Asset Pallet depends on the [`GenesisConfig`](./struct.GenesisConfig.html).

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

use codec::{Decode, Encode, HasCompact, Input, Output, Error as CodecError};
use sp_runtime::{RuntimeDebug, DispatchResult, DispatchError};
use sp_runtime::traits::{
Kian Paimani's avatar
Kian Paimani committed
	CheckedAdd, CheckedSub, MaybeSerializeDeserialize, Member, One, Saturating, AtLeast32Bit,
	Zero, Bounded,
use sp_std::prelude::*;
use sp_std::{cmp, result, fmt::Debug};
use frame_support::{
	decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, ensure, decl_error,
		Currency, ExistenceRequirement, Imbalance, LockIdentifier, LockableCurrency, ReservableCurrency,
Gavin Wood's avatar
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		SignedImbalance, WithdrawReason, WithdrawReasons, TryDrop, BalanceStatus,
	Parameter, StorageMap,
use frame_system::{self as system, ensure_signed, ensure_root};

mod mock;
mod tests;

pub use self::imbalances::{NegativeImbalance, PositiveImbalance};

pub trait Trait: frame_system::Trait {
	type Balance: Parameter
		+ Member
Kian Paimani's avatar
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		+ AtLeast32Bit
		+ Default
		+ Copy
		+ MaybeSerializeDeserialize
		+ Debug;
Kian Paimani's avatar
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	type AssetId: Parameter + Member + AtLeast32Bit + Default + Copy;
	type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as frame_system::Trait>::Event>;
pub trait Subtrait: frame_system::Trait {
	type Balance: Parameter
		+ Member
Kian Paimani's avatar
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		+ AtLeast32Bit
		+ Default
		+ Copy
		+ MaybeSerializeDeserialize
		+ Debug;
Kian Paimani's avatar
Kian Paimani committed
	type AssetId: Parameter + Member + AtLeast32Bit + Default + Copy;

impl<T: Trait> Subtrait for T {
	type Balance = T::Balance;
	type AssetId = T::AssetId;

/// Asset creation options.
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Eq, RuntimeDebug)]
pub struct AssetOptions<Balance: HasCompact, AccountId> {
	/// Initial issuance of this asset. All deposit to the creator of the asset.
	pub initial_issuance: Balance,
	/// Which accounts are allowed to possess this asset.
	pub permissions: PermissionLatest<AccountId>,

/// Owner of an asset.
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Eq, RuntimeDebug)]
pub enum Owner<AccountId> {
	/// No owner.
	/// Owned by an AccountId

impl<AccountId> Default for Owner<AccountId> {
	fn default() -> Self {

/// Asset permissions
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Eq, RuntimeDebug)]
pub struct PermissionsV1<AccountId> {
	/// Who have permission to update asset permission
	pub update: Owner<AccountId>,
	/// Who have permission to mint new asset
	pub mint: Owner<AccountId>,
	/// Who have permission to burn asset
	pub burn: Owner<AccountId>,

#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Eq, RuntimeDebug)]
enum PermissionVersionNumber {
	V1 = 0,

/// Versioned asset permission
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RuntimeDebug)]
pub enum PermissionVersions<AccountId> {

/// Asset permission types
pub enum PermissionType {
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	/// Permission to burn asset permission
	/// Permission to mint new asset
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	/// Permission to update asset

/// Alias to latest asset permissions
pub type PermissionLatest<AccountId> = PermissionsV1<AccountId>;

impl<AccountId> Default for PermissionVersions<AccountId> {
	fn default() -> Self {

impl<AccountId: Encode> Encode for PermissionVersions<AccountId> {
	fn encode_to<T: Output>(&self, dest: &mut T) {
		match self {
			PermissionVersions::V1(payload) => {

impl<AccountId: Encode> codec::EncodeLike for PermissionVersions<AccountId> {}

impl<AccountId: Decode> Decode for PermissionVersions<AccountId> {
	fn decode<I: Input>(input: &mut I) -> core::result::Result<Self, CodecError> {
		let version = PermissionVersionNumber::decode(input)?;
			match version {
				PermissionVersionNumber::V1 => PermissionVersions::V1(Decode::decode(input)?)

impl<AccountId> Default for PermissionsV1<AccountId> {
	fn default() -> Self {
		PermissionsV1 {
			update: Owner::None,
			mint: Owner::None,
			burn: Owner::None,

impl<AccountId> Into<PermissionLatest<AccountId>> for PermissionVersions<AccountId> {
	fn into(self) -> PermissionLatest<AccountId> {
		match self {
			PermissionVersions::V1(v1) => v1,

/// Converts the latest permission to other version.
impl<AccountId> Into<PermissionVersions<AccountId>> for PermissionLatest<AccountId> {
	fn into(self) -> PermissionVersions<AccountId> {

	pub enum Error for Module<T: Trait> {
		/// No new assets id available.
		/// Cannot transfer zero amount.
		/// The origin does not have enough permission to update permissions.
		/// The origin does not have permission to mint an asset.
		/// The origin does not have permission to burn an asset.
		/// Total issuance got overflowed after minting.
		/// Free balance got overflowed after minting.
		/// Total issuance got underflowed after burning.
		/// Free balance got underflowed after burning.
		/// Asset id is already taken.
		/// Asset id not available.
		/// The balance is too low to send amount.
		/// The account liquidity restrictions prevent withdrawal.

decl_module! {
	pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
		fn deposit_event() = default;

		/// Create a new kind of asset.
		fn create(origin, options: AssetOptions<T::Balance, T::AccountId>) -> DispatchResult {
			let origin = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			Self::create_asset(None, Some(origin), options)

		/// Transfer some liquid free balance to another account.
		pub fn transfer(origin, #[compact] asset_id: T::AssetId, to: T::AccountId, #[compact] amount: T::Balance) {
			let origin = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			ensure!(!amount.is_zero(), Error::<T>::ZeroAmount);
			Self::make_transfer_with_event(&asset_id, &origin, &to, amount)?;

		/// Updates permission for a given `asset_id` and an account.
		/// The `origin` must have `update` permission.
		fn update_permission(
			#[compact] asset_id: T::AssetId,
			new_permission: PermissionLatest<T::AccountId>
		) -> DispatchResult {
			let origin = ensure_signed(origin)?;

			let permissions: PermissionVersions<T::AccountId> = new_permission.into();

			if Self::check_permission(&asset_id, &origin, &PermissionType::Update) {
				<Permissions<T>>::insert(asset_id, &permissions);

				Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::PermissionUpdated(asset_id, permissions.into()));

			} else {

		/// Mints an asset, increases its total issuance.
		/// The origin must have `mint` permissions.
		fn mint(origin, #[compact] asset_id: T::AssetId, to: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance) -> DispatchResult {
			let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			Self::mint_free(&asset_id, &who, &to, &amount)?;
			Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Minted(asset_id, to, amount));

		/// Burns an asset, decreases its total issuance.
		/// The `origin` must have `burn` permissions.
		fn burn(origin, #[compact] asset_id: T::AssetId, to: T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance) -> DispatchResult {
			let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			Self::burn_free(&asset_id, &who, &to, &amount)?;
			Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Burned(asset_id, to, amount));

		/// Can be used to create reserved tokens.
		/// Requires Root call.
		fn create_reserved(
			asset_id: T::AssetId,
			options: AssetOptions<T::Balance, T::AccountId>
		) -> DispatchResult {
			Self::create_asset(Some(asset_id), None, options)

#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RuntimeDebug)]
pub struct BalanceLock<Balance> {
	pub id: LockIdentifier,
	pub amount: Balance,
	pub reasons: WithdrawReasons,

decl_storage! {
	trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as GenericAsset {
		/// Total issuance of a given asset.
		/// TWOX-NOTE: `AssetId` is trusted.
		pub TotalIssuance get(fn total_issuance) build(|config: &GenesisConfig<T>| {
			let issuance = config.initial_balance * (config.endowed_accounts.len() as u32).into();
			config.assets.iter().map(|id| (id.clone(), issuance)).collect::<Vec<_>>()
		}): map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AssetId => T::Balance;

		/// The free balance of a given asset under an account.
		/// TWOX-NOTE: `AssetId` is trusted.
		pub FreeBalance:
			double_map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AssetId, hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::AccountId => T::Balance;

		/// The reserved balance of a given asset under an account.
		/// TWOX-NOTE: `AssetId` is trusted.
		pub ReservedBalance:
			double_map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AssetId, hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::AccountId => T::Balance;

		/// Next available ID for user-created asset.
		pub NextAssetId get(fn next_asset_id) config(): T::AssetId;

		/// Permission options for a given asset.
		/// TWOX-NOTE: `AssetId` is trusted.
		pub Permissions get(fn get_permission):
			map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AssetId => PermissionVersions<T::AccountId>;

		/// Any liquidity locks on some account balances.
		pub Locks get(fn locks):
			map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::AccountId => Vec<BalanceLock<T::Balance>>;

		/// The identity of the asset which is the one that is designated for the chain's staking system.
		pub StakingAssetId get(fn staking_asset_id) config(): T::AssetId;

		/// The identity of the asset which is the one that is designated for paying the chain's transaction fee.
		pub SpendingAssetId get(fn spending_asset_id) config(): T::AssetId;
	add_extra_genesis {
		config(assets): Vec<T::AssetId>;
		config(initial_balance): T::Balance;
		config(endowed_accounts): Vec<T::AccountId>;

		build(|config: &GenesisConfig<T>| {
			config.assets.iter().for_each(|asset_id| {
				config.endowed_accounts.iter().for_each(|account_id| {
					<FreeBalance<T>>::insert(asset_id, account_id, &config.initial_balance);

	pub enum Event<T> where
		<T as frame_system::Trait>::AccountId,
		<T as Trait>::Balance,
		<T as Trait>::AssetId,
		AssetOptions = AssetOptions<<T as Trait>::Balance, <T as frame_system::Trait>::AccountId>
		/// Asset created (asset_id, creator, asset_options).
		Created(AssetId, AccountId, AssetOptions),
		/// Asset transfer succeeded (asset_id, from, to, amount).
		Transferred(AssetId, AccountId, AccountId, Balance),
		/// Asset permission updated (asset_id, new_permissions).
		PermissionUpdated(AssetId, PermissionLatest<AccountId>),
		/// New asset minted (asset_id, account, amount).
		Minted(AssetId, AccountId, Balance),
		/// Asset burned (asset_id, account, amount).
		Burned(AssetId, AccountId, Balance),

impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {

	/// Get an account's total balance of an asset kind.
	pub fn total_balance(asset_id: &T::AssetId, who: &T::AccountId) -> T::Balance {
		Self::free_balance(asset_id, who) + Self::reserved_balance(asset_id, who)

	/// Get an account's free balance of an asset kind.
	pub fn free_balance(asset_id: &T::AssetId, who: &T::AccountId) -> T::Balance {
		<FreeBalance<T>>::get(asset_id, who)

	/// Get an account's reserved balance of an asset kind.
	pub fn reserved_balance(asset_id: &T::AssetId, who: &T::AccountId) -> T::Balance {
		<ReservedBalance<T>>::get(asset_id, who)

	/// Mint to an account's free balance, without event
	pub fn mint_free(
		asset_id: &T::AssetId,
		who: &T::AccountId,
		to: &T::AccountId,
		amount: &T::Balance,
	) -> DispatchResult {
		if Self::check_permission(asset_id, who, &PermissionType::Mint) {
			let original_free_balance = Self::free_balance(&asset_id, &to);
			let current_total_issuance = <TotalIssuance<T>>::get(asset_id);
			let new_total_issuance = current_total_issuance.checked_add(&amount)
			let value = original_free_balance.checked_add(&amount)

			<TotalIssuance<T>>::insert(asset_id, new_total_issuance);
			Self::set_free_balance(&asset_id, &to, value);
		} else {

	/// Burn an account's free balance, without event
	pub fn burn_free(
		asset_id: &T::AssetId,
		who: &T::AccountId,
		to: &T::AccountId,
		amount: &T::Balance,
	) -> DispatchResult {
		if Self::check_permission(asset_id, who, &PermissionType::Burn) {
			let original_free_balance = Self::free_balance(asset_id, to);

			let current_total_issuance = <TotalIssuance<T>>::get(asset_id);
			let new_total_issuance = current_total_issuance.checked_sub(amount)
			let value = original_free_balance.checked_sub(amount)

			<TotalIssuance<T>>::insert(asset_id, new_total_issuance);
			Self::set_free_balance(asset_id, to, value);
		} else {

	/// Creates an asset.
	/// # Arguments
	/// * `asset_id`: An ID of a reserved asset.
	/// If not provided, a user-generated asset will be created with the next available ID.
	/// * `from_account`: The initiator account of this call
	/// * `asset_options`: Asset creation options.
	pub fn create_asset(
		asset_id: Option<T::AssetId>,
		from_account: Option<T::AccountId>,
		options: AssetOptions<T::Balance, T::AccountId>,
	) -> DispatchResult {
		let asset_id = if let Some(asset_id) = asset_id {
			ensure!(!<TotalIssuance<T>>::contains_key(&asset_id), Error::<T>::IdAlreadyTaken);
			ensure!(asset_id < Self::next_asset_id(), Error::<T>::IdUnavailable);
		} else {
			let asset_id = Self::next_asset_id();
			let next_id = asset_id

		let account_id = from_account.unwrap_or_default();
		let permissions: PermissionVersions<T::AccountId> = options.permissions.clone().into();

		<TotalIssuance<T>>::insert(asset_id, &options.initial_issuance);
		<FreeBalance<T>>::insert(&asset_id, &account_id, &options.initial_issuance);
		<Permissions<T>>::insert(&asset_id, permissions);

		Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Created(asset_id, account_id, options));


	/// Transfer some liquid free balance from one account to another.
	/// This will not emit the `Transferred` event.
	pub fn make_transfer(
		asset_id: &T::AssetId,
		from: &T::AccountId,
		to: &T::AccountId,
		amount: T::Balance
	) -> DispatchResult {
		let new_balance = Self::free_balance(asset_id, from)
		Self::ensure_can_withdraw(asset_id, from, amount, WithdrawReason::Transfer.into(), new_balance)?;

		if from != to {
			<FreeBalance<T>>::mutate(asset_id, from, |balance| *balance -= amount);
			<FreeBalance<T>>::mutate(asset_id, to, |balance| *balance += amount);


	/// Transfer some liquid free balance from one account to another.
	/// This will emit the `Transferred` event.
	pub fn make_transfer_with_event(
		asset_id: &T::AssetId,
		from: &T::AccountId,
		to: &T::AccountId,
		amount: T::Balance,
	) -> DispatchResult {
		Self::make_transfer(asset_id, from, to, amount)?;

		if from != to {
			Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Transferred(*asset_id, from.clone(), to.clone(), amount));


	/// Move `amount` from free balance to reserved balance.
	/// If the free balance is lower than `amount`, then no funds will be moved and an `Err` will
	/// be returned. This is different behavior than `unreserve`.
	pub fn reserve(asset_id: &T::AssetId, who: &T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance)
		// Do we need to consider that this is an atomic transaction?
		let original_reserve_balance = Self::reserved_balance(asset_id, who);
		let original_free_balance = Self::free_balance(asset_id, who);
		if original_free_balance < amount {
		let new_reserve_balance = original_reserve_balance + amount;
		Self::set_reserved_balance(asset_id, who, new_reserve_balance);
		let new_free_balance = original_free_balance - amount;
		Self::set_free_balance(asset_id, who, new_free_balance);

	/// Moves up to `amount` from reserved balance to free balance. This function cannot fail.
	/// As many assets up to `amount` will be moved as possible. If the reserve balance of `who`
	/// is less than `amount`, then the remaining amount will be returned.
	/// NOTE: This is different behavior than `reserve`.
	pub fn unreserve(asset_id: &T::AssetId, who: &T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance) -> T::Balance {
		let b = Self::reserved_balance(asset_id, who);
		let actual = sp_std::cmp::min(b, amount);
		let original_free_balance = Self::free_balance(asset_id, who);
		let new_free_balance = original_free_balance + actual;
		Self::set_free_balance(asset_id, who, new_free_balance);
		Self::set_reserved_balance(asset_id, who, b - actual);
		amount - actual

	/// Deduct up to `amount` from the combined balance of `who`, preferring to deduct from the
	/// free balance. This function cannot fail.
	/// As much funds up to `amount` will be deducted as possible. If this is less than `amount`
	/// then `Some(remaining)` will be returned. Full completion is given by `None`.
	/// NOTE: LOW-LEVEL: This will not attempt to maintain total issuance. It is expected that
	/// the caller will do this.
	pub fn slash(asset_id: &T::AssetId, who: &T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance) -> Option<T::Balance> {
		let free_balance = Self::free_balance(asset_id, who);
		let free_slash = sp_std::cmp::min(free_balance, amount);
		let new_free_balance = free_balance - free_slash;
		Self::set_free_balance(asset_id, who, new_free_balance);
		if free_slash < amount {
			Self::slash_reserved(asset_id, who, amount - free_slash)
		} else {

	/// Deducts up to `amount` from reserved balance of `who`. This function cannot fail.
	/// As much funds up to `amount` will be deducted as possible. If the reserve balance of `who`
	/// is less than `amount`, then a non-zero second item will be returned.
	/// NOTE: LOW-LEVEL: This will not attempt to maintain total issuance. It is expected that
	/// the caller will do this.
	pub fn slash_reserved(asset_id: &T::AssetId, who: &T::AccountId, amount: T::Balance) -> Option<T::Balance> {
		let original_reserve_balance = Self::reserved_balance(asset_id, who);
		let slash = sp_std::cmp::min(original_reserve_balance, amount);
		let new_reserve_balance = original_reserve_balance - slash;
		Self::set_reserved_balance(asset_id, who, new_reserve_balance);
		if amount == slash {
		} else {
			Some(amount - slash)

Gavin Wood's avatar
Gavin Wood committed
	/// Move up to `amount` from reserved balance of account `who` to balance of account
	/// `beneficiary`, either free or reserved depending on `status`.
	/// As much funds up to `amount` will be moved as possible. If this is less than `amount`, then
	/// the `remaining` would be returned, else `Zero::zero()`.
	/// NOTE: LOW-LEVEL: This will not attempt to maintain total issuance. It is expected that
	/// the caller will do this.
	pub fn repatriate_reserved(
		asset_id: &T::AssetId,
		who: &T::AccountId,
		beneficiary: &T::AccountId,
		amount: T::Balance,
Gavin Wood's avatar
Gavin Wood committed
		status: BalanceStatus,
	) -> T::Balance {
		let b = Self::reserved_balance(asset_id, who);
		let slash = sp_std::cmp::min(b, amount);
Gavin Wood's avatar
Gavin Wood committed
		match status {
			BalanceStatus::Free => {
				let original_free_balance = Self::free_balance(asset_id, beneficiary);
				let new_free_balance = original_free_balance + slash;
				Self::set_free_balance(asset_id, beneficiary, new_free_balance);
			BalanceStatus::Reserved => {
				let original_reserved_balance = Self::reserved_balance(asset_id, beneficiary);
				let new_reserved_balance = original_reserved_balance + slash;
				Self::set_reserved_balance(asset_id, beneficiary, new_reserved_balance);

		let new_reserve_balance = b - slash;
		Self::set_reserved_balance(asset_id, who, new_reserve_balance);
		amount - slash

	/// Check permission to perform burn, mint or update.
	/// # Arguments
	/// * `asset_id`:  A `T::AssetId` type that contains the `asset_id`, which has the permission embedded.
	/// * `who`: A `T::AccountId` type that contains the `account_id` for which to check permissions.
	/// * `what`: The permission to check.
	pub fn check_permission(asset_id: &T::AssetId, who: &T::AccountId, what: &PermissionType) -> bool {
		let permission_versions: PermissionVersions<T::AccountId> = Self::get_permission(asset_id);
		let permission = permission_versions.into();

		match (what, permission) {
				PermissionLatest {
					burn: Owner::Address(account),
			) => account == *who,
				PermissionLatest {
					mint: Owner::Address(account),
			) => account == *who,
				PermissionLatest {
					update: Owner::Address(account),
			) => account == *who,
			_ => false,

	/// Return `Ok` iff the account is able to make a withdrawal of the given amount
	/// for the given reason.
	/// `Err(...)` with the reason why not otherwise.
	pub fn ensure_can_withdraw(
		asset_id: &T::AssetId,
		who: &T::AccountId,
		_amount: T::Balance,
		reasons: WithdrawReasons,
		new_balance: T::Balance,
	) -> DispatchResult {
		if asset_id != &Self::staking_asset_id() {
			return Ok(());

		let locks = Self::locks(who);
		if locks.is_empty() {
			return Ok(());
		if Self::locks(who)
			.into_iter().all(|l| new_balance >= l.amount || !l.reasons.intersects(reasons))
		} else {


	/// NOTE: LOW-LEVEL: This will not attempt to maintain total issuance. It is expected that
	/// the caller will do this.
	fn set_reserved_balance(asset_id: &T::AssetId, who: &T::AccountId, balance: T::Balance) {
		<ReservedBalance<T>>::insert(asset_id, who, &balance);

	/// NOTE: LOW-LEVEL: This will not attempt to maintain total issuance. It is expected that
	/// the caller will do this.
	fn set_free_balance(asset_id: &T::AssetId, who: &T::AccountId, balance: T::Balance) {
		<FreeBalance<T>>::insert(asset_id, who, &balance);

	fn set_lock(
		id: LockIdentifier,
		who: &T::AccountId,
		amount: T::Balance,
		reasons: WithdrawReasons,
	) {
		let mut new_lock = Some(BalanceLock {
		let mut locks = <Module<T>>::locks(who)
			.filter_map(|l| {
				if == id {
				} else {
		if let Some(lock) = new_lock {
		<Locks<T>>::insert(who, locks);

	fn extend_lock(
		id: LockIdentifier,
		who: &T::AccountId,
		amount: T::Balance,
		reasons: WithdrawReasons,
	) {
		let mut new_lock = Some(BalanceLock {
		let mut locks = <Module<T>>::locks(who)
			.filter_map(|l| {
				if == id {
					new_lock.take().map(|nl| BalanceLock {
						amount: l.amount.max(nl.amount),
						reasons: l.reasons | nl.reasons,
				} else {
		if let Some(lock) = new_lock {
		<Locks<T>>::insert(who, locks);

	fn remove_lock(id: LockIdentifier, who: &T::AccountId) {
		let mut locks = <Module<T>>::locks(who);
		locks.retain(|l| != id);
		<Locks<T>>::insert(who, locks);

pub trait AssetIdProvider {
	type AssetId;
	fn asset_id() -> Self::AssetId;

// wrapping these imbalances in a private module is necessary to ensure absolute privacy
// of the inner member.
mod imbalances {
	use super::{
		result, AssetIdProvider, Imbalance, Saturating, StorageMap, Subtrait, Zero, TryDrop

	/// Opaque, move-only struct with private fields that serves as a token denoting that
	/// funds have been created without any equal and opposite accounting.
	pub struct PositiveImbalance<T: Subtrait, U: AssetIdProvider<AssetId = T::AssetId>>(
	impl<T, U> PositiveImbalance<T, U>
		T: Subtrait,
		U: AssetIdProvider<AssetId = T::AssetId>,
		pub fn new(amount: T::Balance) -> Self {
			PositiveImbalance(amount, Default::default())

	/// Opaque, move-only struct with private fields that serves as a token denoting that
	/// funds have been destroyed without any equal and opposite accounting.
	pub struct NegativeImbalance<T: Subtrait, U: AssetIdProvider<AssetId = T::AssetId>>(
	impl<T, U> NegativeImbalance<T, U>
		T: Subtrait,
		U: AssetIdProvider<AssetId = T::AssetId>,
		pub fn new(amount: T::Balance) -> Self {
			NegativeImbalance(amount, Default::default())

	impl<T, U> TryDrop for PositiveImbalance<T, U>
		T: Subtrait,
		U: AssetIdProvider<AssetId = T::AssetId>,
		fn try_drop(self) -> result::Result<(), Self> {

	impl<T, U> Imbalance<T::Balance> for PositiveImbalance<T, U>
		T: Subtrait,
		U: AssetIdProvider<AssetId = T::AssetId>,
		type Opposite = NegativeImbalance<T, U>;

		fn zero() -> Self {
		fn drop_zero(self) -> result::Result<(), Self> {
			if self.0.is_zero() {
			} else {
		fn split(self, amount: T::Balance) -> (Self, Self) {
			let first = self.0.min(amount);
			let second = self.0 - first;

			(Self::new(first), Self::new(second))
		fn merge(mut self, other: Self) -> Self {
			self.0 = self.0.saturating_add(other.0);

		fn subsume(&mut self, other: Self) {
			self.0 = self.0.saturating_add(other.0);