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// This file is part of Substrate.

// Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
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//! Environment definition of the wasm smart-contract runtime.

	exec::{ExecError, ExecResult, Ext, FixSizedKey, TopicOf, VarSizedKey},
	gas::{ChargedAmount, Token},
	BalanceOf, CodeHash, Config, Error, SENTINEL,
use codec::{Decode, DecodeLimit, Encode, MaxEncodedLen};
use frame_support::{dispatch::DispatchError, ensure, traits::Get, weights::Weight, RuntimeDebug};
use pallet_contracts_primitives::{ExecReturnValue, ReturnFlags};
use pallet_contracts_proc_macro::define_env;
use sp_core::crypto::UncheckedFrom;
use sp_io::hashing::{blake2_128, blake2_256, keccak_256, sha2_256};
use sp_runtime::traits::{Bounded, Zero};
use sp_std::{fmt, prelude::*};
use wasmi::{core::HostError, errors::LinkerError, Linker, Memory, Store};
/// The maximum nesting depth a contract can use when encoding types.
const MAX_DECODE_NESTING: u32 = 256;

/// Trait implemented by the [`define_env`](pallet_contracts_proc_macro::define_env) macro for the
/// emitted `Env` struct.
pub trait Environment<HostState> {
	/// Adds all declared functions to the supplied [`Linker`](wasmi::Linker) and
	/// [`Store`](wasmi::Store).
	fn define(
		store: &mut Store<HostState>,
		linker: &mut Linker<HostState>,
/// Type of a storage key.
enum KeyType {
	/// Deprecated fix sized key [0;32].
	/// Variable sized key used in transparent hashing,
	/// cannot be larger than MaxStorageKeyLen.

impl KeyType {
	fn len<T: Config>(&self) -> Result<u32, TrapReason> {
		match self {
			KeyType::Fix => Ok(32u32),
			KeyType::Variable(len) => {
				ensure!(len <= &<T>::MaxStorageKeyLen::get(), Error::<T>::DecodingFailed);

/// Every error that can be returned to a contract when it calls any of the host functions.
/// # Note
/// This enum can be extended in the future: New codes can be added but existing codes
/// will not be changed or removed. This means that any contract **must not** exhaustively
/// match return codes. Instead, contracts should prepare for unknown variants and deal with
/// those errors gracefully in order to be forward compatible.
pub enum ReturnCode {
	/// API call successful.
	Success = 0,
	/// The called function trapped and has its state changes reverted.
	/// In this case no output buffer is returned.
	CalleeTrapped = 1,
	/// The called function ran to completion but decided to revert its state.
	/// An output buffer is returned when one was supplied.
	CalleeReverted = 2,
	/// The passed key does not exist in storage.
	KeyNotFound = 3,
	/// Deprecated and no longer returned: There is only the minimum balance.
	_BelowSubsistenceThreshold = 4,
	/// See [`Error::TransferFailed`].
	TransferFailed = 5,
	/// Deprecated and no longer returned: Endowment is no longer required.
	_EndowmentTooLow = 6,
	/// No code could be found at the supplied code hash.
	CodeNotFound = 7,
	/// The contract that was called is no contract (a plain account).
	/// The call to `seal_debug_message` had no effect because debug message
	/// recording was disabled.
	LoggingDisabled = 9,
	/// The call dispatched by `seal_call_runtime` was executed but returned an error.
	CallRuntimeReturnedError = 10,
	/// ECDSA pubkey recovery failed (most probably wrong recovery id or signature), or
	/// ECDSA compressed pubkey conversion into Ethereum address failed (most probably
	/// wrong pubkey provided).

impl From<ExecReturnValue> for ReturnCode {
	fn from(from: ExecReturnValue) -> Self {
		if from.flags.contains(ReturnFlags::REVERT) {
		} else {
impl From<ReturnCode> for u32 {
	fn from(code: ReturnCode) -> u32 {
		code as u32

/// The data passed through when a contract uses `seal_return`.
	/// The flags as passed through by the contract. They are still unchecked and
	/// will later be parsed into a `ReturnFlags` bitflags struct.
	flags: u32,
	/// The output buffer passed by the contract as return data.
	data: Vec<u8>,

/// Enumerates all possible reasons why a trap was generated.
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/// This is either used to supply the caller with more information about why an error
/// occurred (the SupervisorError variant).
/// The other case is where the trap does not constitute an error but rather was invoked
/// as a quick way to terminate the application (all other variants).
	/// The supervisor trapped the contract because of an error condition occurred during
	/// execution in privileged code.
	/// Signals that trap was generated in response to call `seal_return` host function.
	/// Signals that a trap was generated in response to a successful call to the
impl<T: Into<DispatchError>> From<T> for TrapReason {
	fn from(from: T) -> Self {

impl fmt::Display for TrapReason {
	fn fmt(&self, _f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {

impl HostError for TrapReason {}

#[cfg_attr(test, derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq))]
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum RuntimeCosts {
	/// Charge the gas meter with the cost of a metering block. The charged costs are
	/// the supplied cost of the block plus the overhead of the metering itself.
	/// Weight charged for copying data from the sandbox.
	/// Weight charged for copying data to the sandbox.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_caller`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_is_contract`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_code_hash`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_own_code_hash`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_caller_is_origin`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_address`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_gas_left`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_balance`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_value_transferred`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_minimum_balance`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_block_number`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_now`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_weight_to_fee`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_input` without the weight of copying the input.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_return` for the given output size.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_terminate`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_random`. It includes the weight for copying the subject.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_deposit_event` with the given number of topics and event size.
	DepositEvent { num_topic: u32, len: u32 },
	/// Weight of calling `seal_debug_message`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_set_storage` for the given storage item sizes.
	SetStorage { old_bytes: u32, new_bytes: u32 },
	/// Weight of calling `seal_clear_storage` per cleared byte.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_contains_storage` per byte of the checked item.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_get_storage` with the specified size in storage.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_take_storage` for the given size.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_transfer`.
	/// Base weight of calling `seal_call`.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_delegate_call` for the given input size.
	/// Weight of the transfer performed during a call.
	/// Weight per byte that is cloned by supplying the `CLONE_INPUT` flag.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_instantiate` for the given input length and salt.
	InstantiateBase { input_data_len: u32, salt_len: u32 },
	/// Weight of the transfer performed during an instantiate.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_hash_sha_256` for the given input size.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_hash_keccak_256` for the given input size.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_hash_blake2_256` for the given input size.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_hash_blake2_128` for the given input size.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_ecdsa_recover`.
	/// Weight charged by a chain extension through `seal_call_chain_extension`.
	/// Weight charged for calling into the runtime.
	/// Weight of calling `seal_set_code_hash`
	/// Weight of calling `ecdsa_to_eth_address`
	/// Weight of calling `account_reentrance_count`
impl RuntimeCosts {
	fn token<T>(&self, s: &HostFnWeights<T>) -> RuntimeToken
		T: Config,
		T::AccountId: UncheckedFrom<T::Hash> + AsRef<[u8]>,
		use self::RuntimeCosts::*;
		let weight = match *self {
			MeteringBlock(amount) => s.gas.saturating_add(amount),
			CopyFromContract(len) => s.return_per_byte.saturating_mul(len.into()),
			CopyToContract(len) => s.input_per_byte.saturating_mul(len.into()),
			CodeHash => s.code_hash,
			OwnCodeHash => s.own_code_hash,
			Address => s.address,
			GasLeft => s.gas_left,
			Balance => s.balance,
			ValueTransferred => s.value_transferred,
			MinimumBalance => s.minimum_balance,
			BlockNumber => s.block_number,
			Now =>,
			WeightToFee => s.weight_to_fee,
			InputBase => s.input,
			Return(len) => s.r#return.saturating_add(s.return_per_byte.saturating_mul(len.into())),
			Terminate => s.terminate,
			Random => s.random,
			DepositEvent { num_topic, len } => s
			DebugMessage => s.debug_message,
			SetStorage { new_bytes, old_bytes } => s
			ClearStorage(len) => s
			ContainsStorage(len) => s
			GetStorage(len) =>
			TakeStorage(len) => s
			CallBase =>,
			DelegateCallBase => s.delegate_call,
			CallSurchargeTransfer => s.call_transfer_surcharge,
			CallInputCloned(len) => s.call_per_cloned_byte.saturating_mul(len.into()),
			InstantiateBase { input_data_len, salt_len } => s
			InstantiateSurchargeTransfer => s.instantiate_transfer_surcharge,
			HashSha256(len) => s
			HashKeccak256(len) => s
			HashBlake256(len) => s
			HashBlake128(len) => s
			CallRuntime(weight) => weight.ref_time(),
			SetCodeHash => s.set_code_hash,
			EcdsaToEthAddress => s.ecdsa_to_eth_address,
			AccountEntranceCount => s.account_reentrance_count,
		RuntimeToken {
			_created_from: *self,
			weight: Weight::from_ref_time(weight),
/// Same as [`Runtime::charge_gas`].
/// We need this access as a macro because sometimes hiding the lifetimes behind
/// a function won't work out.
macro_rules! charge_gas {
	($runtime:expr, $costs:expr) => {{
		let token = $costs.token(&$runtime.ext.schedule().host_fn_weights);

#[cfg_attr(test, derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq))]
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct RuntimeToken {
	_created_from: RuntimeCosts,
	weight: Weight,

impl<T> Token<T> for RuntimeToken
	T: Config,
	T::AccountId: UncheckedFrom<T::Hash> + AsRef<[u8]>,
	fn weight(&self) -> Weight {

	/// Flags used to change the behaviour of `seal_call` and `seal_delegate_call`.
	pub struct CallFlags: u32 {
		/// Forward the input of current function to the callee.
		/// Supplied input pointers are ignored when set.
		/// # Note
		/// A forwarding call will consume the current contracts input. Any attempt to
		/// access the input after this call returns will lead to [`Error::InputForwarded`].
		/// It does not matter if this is due to calling `seal_input` or trying another
		/// forwarding call. Consider using [`Self::CLONE_INPUT`] in order to preserve
		/// the input.
		const FORWARD_INPUT = 0b0000_0001;
		/// Identical to [`Self::FORWARD_INPUT`] but without consuming the input.
		/// This adds some additional weight costs to the call.
		/// # Note
		/// This implies [`Self::FORWARD_INPUT`] and takes precedence when both are set.
		const CLONE_INPUT = 0b0000_0010;
		/// Do not return from the call but rather return the result of the callee to the
		/// callers caller.
		/// # Note
		/// This makes the current contract completely transparent to its caller by replacing
		/// this contracts potential output by the callee ones. Any code after `seal_call`
		/// can be safely considered unreachable.
		const TAIL_CALL = 0b0000_0100;
		/// Allow the callee to reenter into the current contract.
		/// Without this flag any reentrancy into the current contract that originates from
		/// the callee (or any of its callees) is denied. This includes the first callee:
		/// You cannot call into yourself with this flag set.
		/// # Note
		/// For `seal_delegate_call` should be always unset, otherwise
		/// [`Error::InvalidCallFlags`] is returned.
/// The kind of call that should be performed.
enum CallType {
	/// Execute another instantiated contract
	Call { callee_ptr: u32, value_ptr: u32, gas: u64 },
	/// Execute deployed code in the context (storage, account ID, value) of the caller contract
	DelegateCall { code_hash_ptr: u32 },

impl CallType {
	fn cost(&self) -> RuntimeCosts {
			CallType::Call { .. } => RuntimeCosts::CallBase,
			CallType::DelegateCall { .. } => RuntimeCosts::DelegateCallBase,
/// This is only appropriate when writing out data of constant size that does not depend on user
/// input. In this case the costs for this copy was already charged as part of the token at
/// the beginning of the API entry point.
fn already_charged(_: u32) -> Option<RuntimeCosts> {
/// Can only be used for one call.
pub struct Runtime<'a, E: Ext + 'a> {
	ext: &'a mut E,
	input_data: Option<Vec<u8>>,
	chain_extension: Option<Box<<E::T as Config>::ChainExtension>>,
impl<'a, E> Runtime<'a, E>
	E: Ext + 'a,
	<E::T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId:
		UncheckedFrom<<E::T as frame_system::Config>::Hash> + AsRef<[u8]>,
	pub fn new(ext: &'a mut E, input_data: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
			chain_extension: Some(Box::new(Default::default())),
	pub fn memory(&self) -> Option<Memory> {

	pub fn set_memory(&mut self, memory: Memory) {
		self.memory = Some(memory);
	/// Converts the sandbox result and the runtime state into the execution outcome.
	pub fn to_execution_result(self, sandbox_result: Result<(), wasmi::Error>) -> ExecResult {
		use TrapReason::*;
			// Contract returned from main function -> no data was returned.
			Ok(_) => Ok(ExecReturnValue { flags: ReturnFlags::empty(), data: Vec::new() }),
			// Contract either trapped or some host function aborted the execution.
			Err(wasmi::Error::Trap(trap)) => {
				// If we encoded a reason then it is some abort generated by a host function.
				// Otherwise the trap came from the contract.
				let reason: TrapReason = *trap
					.expect("`TrapReason` is the only type we use to encode host errors; qed");
				match reason {
					Return(ReturnData { flags, data }) => {
						let flags =
						Ok(ExecReturnValue { flags, data })
					Termination =>
						Ok(ExecReturnValue { flags: ReturnFlags::empty(), data: Vec::new() }),
					SupervisorError(error) => return Err(error.into()),
			// Any other error is returned only if instantiation or linking failed (i.e.
			// wasm binary tried to import a function that is not provided by the host).
			// This shouldn't happen because validation process ought to reject such binaries.
			// Because panics are really undesirable in the runtime code, we treat this as
			// a trap for now. Eventually, we might want to revisit this.
			Err(_) => Err(Error::<E::T>::CodeRejected.into()),
	/// Get a mutable reference to the inner `Ext`.
	/// This is mainly for the chain extension to have access to the environment the
	/// contract is executing in.
	pub fn ext(&mut self) -> &mut E {

	/// Charge the gas meter with the specified token.
	/// Returns `Err(HostError)` if there is not enough gas.
	pub fn charge_gas(&mut self, costs: RuntimeCosts) -> Result<ChargedAmount, DispatchError> {
		charge_gas!(self, costs)
	/// Adjust a previously charged amount down to its actual amount.
	/// This is when a maximum a priori amount was charged and then should be partially
	/// refunded to match the actual amount.
	pub fn adjust_gas(&mut self, charged: ChargedAmount, actual_costs: RuntimeCosts) {
		let token = actual_costs.token(&self.ext.schedule().host_fn_weights);
		self.ext.gas_meter().adjust_gas(charged, token);

	/// Read designated chunk from the sandbox memory.
	/// Returns `Err` if one of the following conditions occurs:
	/// - requested buffer is not within the bounds of the sandbox memory.
	pub fn read_sandbox_memory(
		memory: &[u8],
		ptr: u32,
		len: u32,
	) -> Result<Vec<u8>, DispatchError> {
		ensure!(len <= self.ext.schedule().limits.max_memory_size(), Error::<E::T>::OutOfBounds);
		let mut buf = vec![0u8; len as usize];
		self.read_sandbox_memory_into_buf(memory, ptr, buf.as_mut_slice())?;
	/// Read designated chunk from the sandbox memory into the supplied buffer.
	/// Returns `Err` if one of the following conditions occurs:
	/// - requested buffer is not within the bounds of the sandbox memory.
	pub fn read_sandbox_memory_into_buf(
		ptr: u32,
		buf: &mut [u8],
	) -> Result<(), DispatchError> {
		let ptr = ptr as usize;
		let bound_checked =
			memory.get(ptr..ptr + buf.len()).ok_or_else(|| Error::<E::T>::OutOfBounds)?;
	/// Reads and decodes a type with a size fixed at compile time from contract memory.
	/// # Note
	/// The weight of reading a fixed value is included in the overall weight of any
	/// contract callable function.
	pub fn read_sandbox_memory_as<D: Decode + MaxEncodedLen>(
		ptr: u32,
	) -> Result<D, DispatchError> {
		let ptr = ptr as usize;
		let mut bound_checked = memory
			.get(ptr..ptr + D::max_encoded_len() as usize)
			.ok_or_else(|| Error::<E::T>::OutOfBounds)?;
		let decoded = D::decode_all_with_depth_limit(MAX_DECODE_NESTING, &mut bound_checked)
			.map_err(|_| DispatchError::from(Error::<E::T>::DecodingFailed))?;

	/// Read designated chunk from the sandbox memory and attempt to decode into the specified type.
	/// Returns `Err` if one of the following conditions occurs:
	/// - requested buffer is not within the bounds of the sandbox memory.
	/// - the buffer contents cannot be decoded as the required type.
	/// There must be an extra benchmark for determining the influence of `len` with
	/// regard to the overall weight.
	pub fn read_sandbox_memory_as_unbounded<D: Decode>(
		ptr: u32,
		len: u32,
	) -> Result<D, DispatchError> {
		let ptr = ptr as usize;
		let mut bound_checked =
			memory.get(ptr..ptr + len as usize).ok_or_else(|| Error::<E::T>::OutOfBounds)?;
		let decoded = D::decode_all_with_depth_limit(MAX_DECODE_NESTING, &mut bound_checked)
			.map_err(|_| DispatchError::from(Error::<E::T>::DecodingFailed))?;
	/// Write the given buffer and its length to the designated locations in sandbox memory and
	/// charge gas according to the token returned by `create_token`.
	/// `out_ptr` is the location in sandbox memory where `buf` should be written to.
	/// `out_len_ptr` is an in-out location in sandbox memory. It is read to determine the
	/// length of the buffer located at `out_ptr`. If that buffer is large enough the actual
	/// `buf.len()` is written to this location.
	/// If `out_ptr` is set to the sentinel value of `SENTINEL` and `allow_skip` is true the
	/// operation is skipped and `Ok` is returned. This is supposed to help callers to make copying
	/// output optional. For example to skip copying back the output buffer of an `seal_call`
	/// when the caller is not interested in the result.
	/// `create_token` can optionally instruct this function to charge the gas meter with the token
	/// it returns. `create_token` receives the variable amount of bytes that are about to be copied
	/// by this function.
	/// In addition to the error conditions of `write_sandbox_memory` this functions returns
	/// `Err` if the size of the buffer located at `out_ptr` is too small to fit `buf`.
		out_ptr: u32,
		out_len_ptr: u32,
		buf: &[u8],
		allow_skip: bool,
		create_token: impl FnOnce(u32) -> Option<RuntimeCosts>,
	) -> Result<(), DispatchError> {
		if allow_skip && out_ptr == SENTINEL {
		let len: u32 = self.read_sandbox_memory_as(memory, out_len_ptr)?;
			return Err(Error::<E::T>::OutputBufferTooSmall.into())
		if let Some(costs) = create_token(buf_len) {
		self.write_sandbox_memory(memory, out_ptr, buf)?;
		self.write_sandbox_memory(memory, out_len_ptr, &buf_len.encode())
	/// Write the given buffer to the designated location in the sandbox memory.
	/// Returns `Err` if one of the following conditions occurs:
	/// - designated area is not within the bounds of the sandbox memory.
	fn write_sandbox_memory(
		memory: &mut [u8],
		ptr: u32,
		buf: &[u8],
	) -> Result<(), DispatchError> {
		let ptr = ptr as usize;
		let bound_checked =
			memory.get_mut(ptr..ptr + buf.len()).ok_or_else(|| Error::<E::T>::OutOfBounds)?;
	/// Computes the given hash function on the supplied input.
	/// Reads from the sandboxed input buffer into an intermediate buffer.
	/// Returns the result directly to the output buffer of the sandboxed memory.
	/// It is the callers responsibility to provide an output buffer that
	/// is large enough to hold the expected amount of bytes returned by the
	/// chosen hash function.
	/// # Note
	/// The `input` and `output` buffers may overlap.
	fn compute_hash_on_intermediate_buffer<F, R>(
		hash_fn: F,
		input_ptr: u32,
		input_len: u32,
		output_ptr: u32,
		F: FnOnce(&[u8]) -> R,
		R: AsRef<[u8]>,
		// Copy input into supervisor memory.
		let input = self.read_sandbox_memory(memory, input_ptr, input_len)?;
		// Compute the hash on the input buffer using the given hash function.
		let hash = hash_fn(&input);
		// Write the resulting hash back into the sandboxed output buffer.
		self.write_sandbox_memory(memory, output_ptr, hash.as_ref())?;
	/// Fallible conversion of `DispatchError` to `ReturnCode`.
	fn err_into_return_code(from: DispatchError) -> Result<ReturnCode, DispatchError> {
		use ReturnCode::*;

		let transfer_failed = Error::<E::T>::TransferFailed.into();
		let no_code = Error::<E::T>::CodeNotFound.into();
		let not_found = Error::<E::T>::ContractNotFound.into();

		match from {
			x if x == transfer_failed => Ok(TransferFailed),
			x if x == no_code => Ok(CodeNotFound),
			x if x == not_found => Ok(NotCallable),

	/// Fallible conversion of a `ExecResult` to `ReturnCode`.
	fn exec_into_return_code(from: ExecResult) -> Result<ReturnCode, DispatchError> {
		use crate::exec::ErrorOrigin::Callee;

		let ExecError { error, origin } = match from {
			Ok(retval) => return Ok(retval.into()),
			Err(err) => err,

		match (error, origin) {
			(_, Callee) => Ok(ReturnCode::CalleeTrapped),
			(err, _) => Self::err_into_return_code(err),
		key_ptr: u32,
		value_ptr: u32,
		value_len: u32,
	) -> Result<u32, TrapReason> {
		let max_size = self.ext.max_value_size();
		let charged = self
			.charge_gas(RuntimeCosts::SetStorage { new_bytes: value_len, old_bytes: max_size })?;
		if value_len > max_size {
			return Err(Error::<E::T>::ValueTooLarge.into())
		let key = self.read_sandbox_memory(memory, key_ptr, key_type.len::<E::T>()?)?;
		let value = Some(self.read_sandbox_memory(memory, value_ptr, value_len)?);
		let write_outcome = match key_type {
			KeyType::Fix => self.ext.set_storage(
				&FixSizedKey::try_from(key).map_err(|_| Error::<E::T>::DecodingFailed)?,
			KeyType::Variable(_) => self.ext.set_storage_transparent(
				&VarSizedKey::<E::T>::try_from(key).map_err(|_| Error::<E::T>::DecodingFailed)?,

			RuntimeCosts::SetStorage { new_bytes: value_len, old_bytes: write_outcome.old_len() },
	fn clear_storage(
		&mut self,
		memory: &[u8],
		key_type: KeyType,
		key_ptr: u32,
	) -> Result<u32, TrapReason> {
		let charged = self.charge_gas(RuntimeCosts::ClearStorage(self.ext.max_value_size()))?;
		let key = self.read_sandbox_memory(memory, key_ptr, key_type.len::<E::T>()?)?;
		let outcome = match key_type {
			KeyType::Fix => self.ext.set_storage(
				&FixSizedKey::try_from(key).map_err(|_| Error::<E::T>::DecodingFailed)?,
			KeyType::Variable(_) => self.ext.set_storage_transparent(
				&VarSizedKey::<E::T>::try_from(key).map_err(|_| Error::<E::T>::DecodingFailed)?,

		self.adjust_gas(charged, RuntimeCosts::ClearStorage(outcome.old_len()));
		key_type: KeyType,
		key_ptr: u32,
		out_ptr: u32,
		out_len_ptr: u32,
	) -> Result<ReturnCode, TrapReason> {
		let charged = self.charge_gas(RuntimeCosts::GetStorage(self.ext.max_value_size()))?;
		let key = self.read_sandbox_memory(memory, key_ptr, key_type.len::<E::T>()?)?;
		let outcome = match key_type {
			KeyType::Fix => self.ext.get_storage(
				&FixSizedKey::try_from(key).map_err(|_| Error::<E::T>::DecodingFailed)?,
			KeyType::Variable(_) => self.ext.get_storage_transparent(
				&VarSizedKey::<E::T>::try_from(key).map_err(|_| Error::<E::T>::DecodingFailed)?,

		if let Some(value) = outcome {
			self.adjust_gas(charged, RuntimeCosts::GetStorage(value.len() as u32));
		} else {
			self.adjust_gas(charged, RuntimeCosts::GetStorage(0));

	fn contains_storage(
		&mut self,
		memory: &[u8],
		key_type: KeyType,
		key_ptr: u32,
	) -> Result<u32, TrapReason> {
		let charged = self.charge_gas(RuntimeCosts::ContainsStorage(self.ext.max_value_size()))?;
		let key = self.read_sandbox_memory(memory, key_ptr, key_type.len::<E::T>()?)?;
		let outcome = match key_type {
			KeyType::Fix => self.ext.get_storage_size(
				&FixSizedKey::try_from(key).map_err(|_| Error::<E::T>::DecodingFailed)?,
			KeyType::Variable(_) => self.ext.get_storage_size_transparent(
				&VarSizedKey::<E::T>::try_from(key).map_err(|_| Error::<E::T>::DecodingFailed)?,

		self.adjust_gas(charged, RuntimeCosts::ClearStorage(outcome.unwrap_or(0)));

		input_data_ptr: u32,
		input_data_len: u32,
		output_ptr: u32,
		output_len_ptr: u32,
	) -> Result<ReturnCode, TrapReason> {
		let input_data = if flags.contains(CallFlags::CLONE_INPUT) {
			let input = self.input_data.as_ref().ok_or(Error::<E::T>::InputForwarded)?;
			charge_gas!(self, RuntimeCosts::CallInputCloned(input.len() as u32))?;
		} else if flags.contains(CallFlags::FORWARD_INPUT) {
			self.read_sandbox_memory(memory, input_data_ptr, input_data_len)?

		let call_outcome = match call_type {
			CallType::Call { callee_ptr, value_ptr, gas } => {
				let callee: <<E as Ext>::T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId =
					self.read_sandbox_memory_as(memory, callee_ptr)?;
				let value: BalanceOf<<E as Ext>::T> =
					self.read_sandbox_memory_as(memory, value_ptr)?;
				if value > 0u32.into() {
			CallType::DelegateCall { code_hash_ptr } => {
				if flags.contains(CallFlags::ALLOW_REENTRY) {
					return Err(Error::<E::T>::InvalidCallFlags.into())
				let code_hash = self.read_sandbox_memory_as(memory, code_hash_ptr)?;
				self.ext.delegate_call(code_hash, input_data)

		// `TAIL_CALL` only matters on an `OK` result. Otherwise the call stack comes to
		// a halt anyways without anymore code being executed.
		if flags.contains(CallFlags::TAIL_CALL) {
			if let Ok(return_value) = call_outcome {
				return Err(TrapReason::Return(ReturnData {
					flags: return_value.flags.bits(),
		if let Ok(output) = &call_outcome {
				|len| Some(RuntimeCosts::CopyToContract(len)),

	fn instantiate(
		&mut self,
		code_hash_ptr: u32,
		gas: u64,
		value_ptr: u32,
		input_data_ptr: u32,
		input_data_len: u32,
		address_ptr: u32,
		address_len_ptr: u32,
		output_ptr: u32,
		output_len_ptr: u32,
		salt_ptr: u32,
		salt_len: u32,
	) -> Result<ReturnCode, TrapReason> {
		let gas = Weight::from_ref_time(gas);
		self.charge_gas(RuntimeCosts::InstantiateBase { input_data_len, salt_len })?;
		let value: BalanceOf<<E as Ext>::T> = self.read_sandbox_memory_as(memory, value_ptr)?;
		if value > 0u32.into() {
		let code_hash: CodeHash<<E as Ext>::T> =
			self.read_sandbox_memory_as(memory, code_hash_ptr)?;
		let input_data = self.read_sandbox_memory(memory, input_data_ptr, input_data_len)?;
		let salt = self.read_sandbox_memory(memory, salt_ptr, salt_len)?;
		let instantiate_outcome = self.ext.instantiate(gas, code_hash, value, input_data, &salt);
		if let Ok((address, output)) = &instantiate_outcome {
			if !output.flags.contains(ReturnFlags::REVERT) {
				|len| Some(RuntimeCosts::CopyToContract(len)),
		Ok(Runtime::<E>::exec_into_return_code(|(_, retval)| retval))?)

	fn terminate(&mut self, memory: &[u8], beneficiary_ptr: u32) -> Result<(), TrapReason> {
		let beneficiary: <<E as Ext>::T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId =
			self.read_sandbox_memory_as(memory, beneficiary_ptr)?;