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// Copyright 2019-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.

// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <>.

//! Common runtime code for Polkadot and Kusama.

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

pub mod attestations;
pub mod claims;
pub mod parachains;
pub mod slot_range;
pub mod registrar;
pub mod slots;
pub mod crowdfund;
pub mod impls;

use sp_std::marker::PhantomData;
use codec::{Encode, Decode};
use primitives::{BlockNumber, AccountId, ValidityError};
use sp_runtime::{
	Perbill, traits::{Saturating, SignedExtension, DispatchInfoOf},
	transaction_validity::{TransactionValidityError, TransactionValidity, InvalidTransaction}
use frame_support::{
	parameter_types, traits::{Currency, Filter},
	weights::{Weight, constants::WEIGHT_PER_SECOND},
pub use frame_support::weights::constants::{BlockExecutionWeight, ExtrinsicBaseWeight, RocksDbWeight};

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use staking::StakerStatus;
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
pub use sp_runtime::BuildStorage;
pub use timestamp::Call as TimestampCall;
pub use balances::Call as BalancesCall;
pub use attestations::{Call as AttestationsCall, MORE_ATTESTATIONS_IDENTIFIER};
pub use parachains::Call as ParachainsCall;

/// Implementations of some helper traits passed into runtime modules as associated types.
pub use impls::{CurrencyToVoteHandler, TargetedFeeAdjustment, ToAuthor};
use sp_runtime::traits::Dispatchable;

pub type NegativeImbalance<T> = <balances::Module<T> as Currency<<T as system::Trait>::AccountId>>::NegativeImbalance;

parameter_types! {
	pub const BlockHashCount: BlockNumber = 2400;
	pub const MaximumBlockWeight: Weight = 2 * WEIGHT_PER_SECOND;
	pub const AvailableBlockRatio: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(75);
	pub const MaximumExtrinsicWeight: Weight = AvailableBlockRatio::get()
		.saturating_sub(Perbill::from_percent(10)) * MaximumBlockWeight::get();
	pub const MaximumBlockLength: u32 = 5 * 1024 * 1024;

/// Apply a given filter to transactions.
pub struct TransactionCallFilter<T: Filter<Call>, Call>(PhantomData<(T, Call)>);

impl<F: Filter<Call>, Call> Default for TransactionCallFilter<F, Call> {
	fn default() -> Self { Self::new() }
impl<F: Filter<Call>, Call> Encode for TransactionCallFilter<F, Call> {
	fn using_encoded<R, FO: FnOnce(&[u8]) -> R>(&self, f: FO) -> R { f(&b""[..]) }
impl<F: Filter<Call>, Call> Decode for TransactionCallFilter<F, Call> {
	fn decode<I: codec::Input>(_: &mut I) -> Result<Self, codec::Error> { Ok(Self::new()) }
impl<F: Filter<Call>, Call> Clone for TransactionCallFilter<F, Call> {
	fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self::new() }
impl<F: Filter<Call>, Call> Eq for TransactionCallFilter<F, Call> {}
impl<F: Filter<Call>, Call> PartialEq for TransactionCallFilter<F, Call> {
	fn eq(&self, _: &Self) -> bool { true }
impl<F: Filter<Call>, Call> sp_std::fmt::Debug for TransactionCallFilter<F, Call> {
	fn fmt(&self, _: &mut sp_std::fmt::Formatter) -> sp_std::fmt::Result { Ok(()) }

fn validate<F: Filter<Call>, Call>(call: &Call) -> TransactionValidity {
	if F::filter(call) {
	} else {

impl<F: Filter<Call> + Send + Sync, Call: Dispatchable + Send + Sync>
	SignedExtension for TransactionCallFilter<F, Call>
	const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "TransactionCallFilter";
	type AccountId = AccountId;
	type Call = Call;
	type AdditionalSigned = ();
	type Pre = ();

	fn additional_signed(&self) -> sp_std::result::Result<(), TransactionValidityError> { Ok(()) }

	fn validate(&self,
		_: &Self::AccountId,
		call: &Call,
		_: &DispatchInfoOf<Self::Call>,
		_: usize,
	) -> TransactionValidity { validate::<F, _>(call) }

	fn validate_unsigned(
		call: &Self::Call,
		_info: &DispatchInfoOf<Self::Call>,
		_len: usize,
	) -> TransactionValidity { validate::<F, _>(call) }

impl<F: Filter<Call>, Call> TransactionCallFilter<F, Call> {
	/// Create a new instance.
	pub fn new() -> Self {