30.4 KiB
Newer Older
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use crate::{CallFlags, Result, ReturnFlags};
use paste::paste;

#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
mod wasm32;

#[cfg(target_arch = "riscv32")]
mod riscv32;

macro_rules! hash_fn {
	( $name:ident, $bytes:literal ) => {
		paste! {
			#[doc = "Computes the " $name " " $bytes "-bit hash on the given input buffer."]
			#[doc = "\n# Notes\n"]
			#[doc = "- The `input` and `output` buffer may overlap."]
			#[doc = "- The output buffer is expected to hold at least " $bytes " bits."]
			#[doc = "- It is the callers responsibility to provide an output buffer that is large enough to hold the expected amount of bytes returned by the hash function."]
			#[doc = "\n# Parameters\n"]
			#[doc = "- `input`: The input data buffer."]
			#[doc = "- `output`: The output buffer to write the hash result to."]
			fn [<hash_ $name>](input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8; $bytes]);

// TODO remove cfg once used by all targets
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
fn extract_from_slice(output: &mut &mut [u8], new_len: usize) {
	debug_assert!(new_len <= output.len());
	let tmp = core::mem::take(output);
	*output = &mut tmp[..new_len];

#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
fn ptr_len_or_sentinel(data: &mut Option<&mut [u8]>) -> (*mut u8, u32) {
	match data {
		Some(ref mut data) => (data.as_mut_ptr(), data.len() as _),
		None => (crate::SENTINEL as _, 0),
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
fn ptr_or_sentinel(data: &Option<&[u8]>) -> *const u8 {
	match data {
		Some(ref data) => data.as_ptr(),
		None => crate::SENTINEL as _,

/// Implements [`HostFn`] for each supported target architecture.
pub enum HostFnImpl {}

/// Defines all the host apis implemented by both wasm and RISC-V vms.
pub trait HostFn {
	/// Returns the number of times specified contract exists on the call stack. Delegated calls are
	/// not counted as separate calls.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `account`: The contract address. Should be decodable as an `T::AccountId`. Traps
	///   otherwise.
	/// # Return
	///  Returns the number of times specified contract exists on the call stack.
		note = "Unstable function. Behaviour can change without further notice. Use only for testing."
	fn account_reentrance_count(account: &[u8]) -> u32;

	/// Stores the address of the current contract into the supplied buffer.
	/// If the available space in `output` is less than the size of the value a trap is triggered.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the address.
	fn address(output: &mut &mut [u8]);

	/// Adds a new delegate dependency to the contract.
	/// Traps if the maximum number of delegate_dependencies is reached or if
	/// the delegate dependency already exists.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `code_hash`: The code hash of the dependency. Should be decodable as an `T::Hash`. Traps
	///   otherwise.
		note = "Unstable function. Behaviour can change without further notice. Use only for testing."
	fn add_delegate_dependency(code_hash: &[u8]);

	/// Stores the *free* balance of the current account into the supplied buffer.
	/// If the available space in `output` is less than the size of the value a trap is triggered.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the balance.
	fn balance(output: &mut &mut [u8]);

	/// Stores the current block number of the current contract into the supplied buffer.
	/// If the available space in `output` is less than the size of the value a trap is triggered.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the block number.
	fn block_number(output: &mut &mut [u8]);

	/// Make a call to another contract.
	/// This is equivalent to calling the newer version of this function with
	/// `flags` set to [`CallFlags::ALLOW_REENTRY`]. See the newer version for documentation.
	#[deprecated(note = "Deprecated, use newer version instead")]
	fn call(
		callee: &[u8],
		gas: u64,
		value: &[u8],
		input_data: &[u8],
		output: Option<&mut [u8]>,
	) -> Result;

	/// Make a call to another contract.
	/// Equivalent to the newer [`Self::call_v2`] version but works with
	/// *ref_time* Weight only
	fn call_v1(
		flags: CallFlags,
		callee: &[u8],
		gas: u64,
		value: &[u8],
		input_data: &[u8],
		output: Option<&mut [u8]>,
	) -> Result;

	/// Call (possibly transferring some amount of funds) into the specified account.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `flags`: See [`CallFlags`] for a documentation of the supported flags.
	/// - `callee`: The address of the callee. Should be decodable as an `T::AccountId`. Traps
	///   otherwise.
	/// - `ref_time_limit`: how much *ref_time* Weight to devote to the execution.
	/// - `proof_size_limit`: how much *proof_size* Weight to devote to the execution.
	/// - `deposit`: The storage deposit limit for instantiation. Should be decodable as a
	///   `Option<T::Balance>`. Traps otherwise. Passing `None` means setting no specific limit for
	///   the call, which implies storage usage up to the limit of the parent call.
	/// - `value`: The value to transfer into the contract. Should be decodable as a `T::Balance`.
	///   Traps otherwise.
	/// - `input`: The input data buffer used to call the contract.
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the call output buffer. If `None`
	///   is provided then the output buffer is not copied.
	/// # Errors
	/// An error means that the call wasn't successful output buffer is returned unless
	/// stated otherwise.
	/// - [CalleeReverted][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CalleeReverted]: Output buffer is returned.
	/// - [CalleeTrapped][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CalleeTrapped]
	/// - [TransferFailed][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::TransferFailed]
	/// - [NotCallable][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::NotCallable]
		note = "Unstable function. Behaviour can change without further notice. Use only for testing."
	fn call_v2(
		flags: CallFlags,
		callee: &[u8],
		ref_time_limit: u64,
		proof_time_limit: u64,
		deposit: Option<&[u8]>,
		value: &[u8],
		input_data: &[u8],
		output: Option<&mut [u8]>,
	) -> Result;

	/// Call into the chain extension provided by the chain if any.
	/// Handling of the input values is up to the specific chain extension and so is the
	/// return value. The extension can decide to use the inputs as primitive inputs or as
	/// in/out arguments by interpreting them as pointers. Any caller of this function
	/// must therefore coordinate with the chain that it targets.
	/// # Note
	/// If no chain extension exists the contract will trap with the `NoChainExtension`
	/// module error.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `func_id`: The function id of the chain extension.
	/// - `input`: The input data buffer.
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the call output buffer. If `None`
	///   is provided then the output buffer is not copied.
	/// # Return
	/// The chain extension returned value, if executed successfully.
	fn call_chain_extension(func_id: u32, input: &[u8], output: Option<&mut [u8]>) -> u32;

	/// Call some dispatchable of the runtime.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `call`: The call data.
	/// # Return
	/// Returns `Error::Success` when the dispatchable was successfully executed and
	/// returned `Ok`. When the dispatchable was executed but returned an error
	/// `Error::CallRuntimeFailed` is returned. The full error is not
	/// provided because it is not guaranteed to be stable.
	/// # Comparison with `ChainExtension`
	/// Just as a chain extension this API allows the runtime to extend the functionality
	/// of contracts. While making use of this function is generally easier it cannot be
	/// used in all cases. Consider writing a chain extension if you need to do perform
	/// one of the following tasks:
	/// - Return data.
	/// - Provide functionality **exclusively** to contracts.
	/// - Provide custom weights.
	/// - Avoid the need to keep the `Call` data structure stable.
	fn call_runtime(call: &[u8]) -> Result;

	/// Stores the address of the caller into the supplied buffer.
	/// If the available space in `output` is less than the size of the value a trap is triggered.
	/// If this is a top-level call (i.e. initiated by an extrinsic) the origin address of the
	/// extrinsic will be returned. Otherwise, if this call is initiated by another contract then
	/// the address of the contract will be returned.
	/// If there is no address associated with the caller (e.g. because the caller is root) then
	/// it traps with `BadOrigin`.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the caller address.
	fn caller(output: &mut &mut [u8]);

	/// Checks whether the caller of the current contract is the origin of the whole call stack.
	/// Prefer this over [`is_contract()`][`Self::is_contract`] when checking whether your contract
	/// is being called by a contract or a plain account. The reason is that it performs better
	/// since it does not need to do any storage lookups.
	/// # Return
	/// A return value of `true` indicates that this contract is being called by a plain account
	/// and `false` indicates that the caller is another contract.
	fn caller_is_origin() -> bool;

	/// Checks whether the caller of the current contract is root.
	/// Note that only the origin of the call stack can be root. Hence this function returning
	/// `true` implies that the contract is being called by the origin.
	/// A return value of `true` indicates that this contract is being called by a root origin,
	/// and `false` indicates that the caller is a signed origin.
		note = "Unstable function. Behaviour can change without further notice. Use only for testing."
	fn caller_is_root() -> u32;

	/// Clear the value at the given key in the contract storage.
	/// Equivalent to the newer [`Self::clear_storage_v1`] version with
	/// the exception of the return type. Still a valid thing to call when not interested in the
	/// return value.
	fn clear_storage(key: &[u8]);

	/// Clear the value at the given key in the contract storage.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `key`: The storage key.
	/// # Return
	/// Returns the size of the pre-existing value at the specified key if any.
	fn clear_storage_v1(key: &[u8]) -> Option<u32>;

	/// Retrieve the code hash for a specified contract address.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `account_id`: The address of the contract.Should be decodable as an `T::AccountId`. Traps
	///   otherwise.
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the code hash.
	/// # Errors
	/// - [CodeNotFound][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CodeNotFound]
	fn code_hash(account_id: &[u8], output: &mut [u8]) -> Result;

	/// Checks whether there is a value stored under the given key.
	/// This version is to be used with a fixed sized storage key. For runtimes supporting
	/// transparent hashing, please use the newer version of this function.
	fn contains_storage(key: &[u8]) -> Option<u32>;

	/// Checks whether there is a value stored under the given key.
	/// The key length must not exceed the maximum defined by the contracts module parameter.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `key`: The storage key.
	/// # Return
	/// Returns the size of the pre-existing value at the specified key if any.
	fn contains_storage_v1(key: &[u8]) -> Option<u32>;

	/// Emit a custom debug message.
	/// No newlines are added to the supplied message.
	/// Specifying invalid UTF-8 just drops the message with no trap.
	/// This is a no-op if debug message recording is disabled which is always the case
	/// when the code is executing on-chain. The message is interpreted as UTF-8 and
	/// appended to the debug buffer which is then supplied to the calling RPC client.
	/// # Note
	/// Even though no action is taken when debug message recording is disabled there is still
	/// a non trivial overhead (and weight cost) associated with calling this function. Contract
	/// languages should remove calls to this function (either at runtime or compile time) when
	/// not being executed as an RPC. For example, they could allow users to disable logging
	/// through compile time flags (cargo features) for on-chain deployment. Additionally, the
	/// return value of this function can be cached in order to prevent further calls at runtime.
	fn debug_message(str: &[u8]) -> Result;

351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815
	/// Execute code in the context (storage, caller, value) of the current contract.
	/// Reentrancy protection is always disabled since the callee is allowed
	/// to modify the callers storage. This makes going through a reentrancy attack
	/// unnecessary for the callee when it wants to exploit the caller.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `flags`: See [`CallFlags`] for a documentation of the supported flags.
	/// - `code_hash`: The hash of the code to be executed.
	/// - `input`: The input data buffer used to call the contract.
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the call output buffer. If `None`
	///   is provided then the output buffer is not copied.
	/// # Errors
	/// An error means that the call wasn't successful and no output buffer is returned unless
	/// stated otherwise.
	/// - [CalleeReverted][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CalleeReverted]: Output buffer is returned.
	/// - [CalleeTrapped][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CalleeTrapped]
	/// - [CodeNotFound][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CodeNotFound]
	fn delegate_call(
		flags: CallFlags,
		code_hash: &[u8],
		input_data: &[u8],
		output: Option<&mut [u8]>,
	) -> Result;

	/// Deposit a contract event with the data buffer and optional list of topics. There is a limit
	/// on the maximum number of topics specified by `event_topics`.
	/// There should not be any duplicates in `topics`.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `topics`: The topics list encoded as `Vec<T::Hash>`. It can't contain duplicates.
	fn deposit_event(topics: &[u8], data: &[u8]);

	/// Recovers the ECDSA public key from the given message hash and signature.
	/// Writes the public key into the given output buffer.
	/// Assumes the secp256k1 curve.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `signature`: The signature bytes.
	/// - `message_hash`: The message hash bytes.
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the public key.
	/// # Errors
	/// - [EcdsaRecoveryFailed][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::EcdsaRecoveryFailed]
	fn ecdsa_recover(
		signature: &[u8; 65],
		message_hash: &[u8; 32],
		output: &mut [u8; 33],
	) -> Result;

	/// Calculates Ethereum address from the ECDSA compressed public key and stores
	/// it into the supplied buffer.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `pubkey`: The public key bytes.
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the address.
	/// # Errors
	/// - [EcdsaRecoveryFailed][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::EcdsaRecoveryFailed]
	fn ecdsa_to_eth_address(pubkey: &[u8; 33], output: &mut [u8; 20]) -> Result;

	/// Stores the weight left into the supplied buffer.
	/// Equivalent to the newer [`Self::gas_left_v1`] version but
	/// works with *ref_time* Weight only.
	fn gas_left(out: &mut &mut [u8]);

	/// Stores the amount of weight left into the supplied buffer.
	/// The data is encoded as Weight.
	/// If the available space in `output` is less than the size of the value a trap is triggered.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the weight left.
		note = "Unstable function. Behaviour can change without further notice. Use only for testing."
	fn gas_left_v1(output: &mut &mut [u8]);

	/// Retrieve the value under the given key from storage.
	/// This version is to be used with a fixed sized storage key. For runtimes supporting
	/// transparent hashing, please use the newer version of this function.
	fn get_storage(key: &[u8], output: &mut &mut [u8]) -> Result;

	/// Retrieve the value under the given key from storage.
	/// The key length must not exceed the maximum defined by the contracts module parameter.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `key`: The storage key.
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the storage entry.
	/// # Errors
	/// [KeyNotFound][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::KeyNotFound]
	fn get_storage_v1(key: &[u8], output: &mut &mut [u8]) -> Result;

	hash_fn!(sha2_256, 32);
	hash_fn!(keccak_256, 32);
	hash_fn!(blake2_256, 32);
	hash_fn!(blake2_128, 16);

	/// Stores the input passed by the caller into the supplied buffer.
	/// # Note
	/// This function traps if:
	/// - the input is larger than the available space.
	/// - the input was previously forwarded by a [`call()`][`Self::call()`].
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the input data.
	fn input(output: &mut &mut [u8]);

	/// Instantiate a contract with the specified code hash.
	/// Equivalent to the newer [`Self::instantiate_v2`] version but works
	/// with *ref_time* Weight only.
	fn instantiate_v1(
		code_hash: &[u8],
		gas: u64,
		value: &[u8],
		input: &[u8],
		address: Option<&mut [u8]>,
		output: Option<&mut [u8]>,
		salt: &[u8],
	) -> Result;

	/// Instantiate a contract with the specified code hash.
	/// This function creates an account and executes the constructor defined in the code specified
	/// by the code hash.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `code_hash`: The hash of the code to be instantiated.
	/// - `ref_time_limit`: how much *ref_time* Weight to devote to the execution.
	/// - `proof_size_limit`: how much *proof_size* Weight to devote to the execution.
	/// - `deposit`: The storage deposit limit for instantiation. Should be decodable as a
	///   `Option<T::Balance>`. Traps otherwise. Passing `None` means setting no specific limit for
	///   the call, which implies storage usage up to the limit of the parent call.
	/// - `value`: The value to transfer into the contract. Should be decodable as a `T::Balance`.
	///   Traps otherwise.
	/// - `input`: The input data buffer.
	/// - `address`: A reference to the address buffer to write the address of the contract. If
	///   `None` is provided then the output buffer is not copied.
	/// - `output`: A reference to the return value buffer to write the constructor output buffer.
	///   If `None` is provided then the output buffer is not copied.
	/// - `salt`: The salt bytes to use for this instantiation.
	/// # Errors
	/// Please consult the [ReturnErrorCode][`crate::ReturnErrorCode`] enum declaration for more
	/// information on those errors. Here we only note things specific to this function.
	/// An error means that the account wasn't created and no address or output buffer
	/// is returned unless stated otherwise.
	/// - [CalleeReverted][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CalleeReverted]: Output buffer is returned.
	/// - [CalleeTrapped][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CalleeTrapped]
	/// - [TransferFailed][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::TransferFailed]
	/// - [CodeNotFound][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CodeNotFound]
		note = "Unstable function. Behaviour can change without further notice. Use only for testing."
	fn instantiate_v2(
		code_hash: &[u8],
		ref_time_limit: u64,
		proof_size_limit: u64,
		deposit: Option<&[u8]>,
		value: &[u8],
		input: &[u8],
		address: Option<&mut [u8]>,
		output: Option<&mut [u8]>,
		salt: &[u8],
	) -> Result;

	/// Returns a nonce that is unique per contract instantiation.
	/// The nonce is incremented for each successful contract instantiation. This is a
	/// sensible default salt for contract instantiations.
	fn instantiation_nonce() -> u64;

	/// Checks whether a specified address belongs to a contract.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `account_id`: The address to check. Should be decodable as an `T::AccountId`. Traps
	///   otherwise.
	/// # Return
	/// Returns `true` if the address belongs to a contract.
	fn is_contract(account_id: &[u8]) -> bool;

	/// Stores the minimum balance (a.k.a. existential deposit) into the supplied buffer.
	/// The data is encoded as `T::Balance`.
	/// If the available space in `output` is less than the size of the value a trap is triggered.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the minimum balance.
	fn minimum_balance(output: &mut &mut [u8]);

	/// Retrieve the code hash of the currently executing contract.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the code hash.
	fn own_code_hash(output: &mut [u8]);

	/// Load the latest block timestamp into the supplied buffer
	/// If the available space in `output` is less than the size of the value a trap is triggered.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the timestamp.
	fn now(output: &mut &mut [u8]);

	/// Returns the number of times the currently executing contract exists on the call stack in
	/// addition to the calling instance.
	/// # Return
	/// Returns `0` when there is no reentrancy.
		note = "Unstable function. Behaviour can change without further notice. Use only for testing."
	fn reentrance_count() -> u32;

	/// Removes the delegate dependency from the contract.
	/// Traps if the delegate dependency does not exist.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `code_hash`: The code hash of the dependency. Should be decodable as an `T::Hash`. Traps
	///   otherwise.
		note = "Unstable function. Behaviour can change without further notice. Use only for testing."
	fn remove_delegate_dependency(code_hash: &[u8]);

	/// Cease contract execution and save a data buffer as a result of the execution.
	/// This function never returns as it stops execution of the caller.
	/// This is the only way to return a data buffer to the caller. Returning from
	/// execution without calling this function is equivalent to calling:
	/// ```nocompile
	/// return_value(ReturnFlags::empty(), &[])
	/// ```
	/// Using an unnamed non empty `ReturnFlags` triggers a trap.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `flags`: Flag used to signal special return conditions to the supervisor. See
	///   [`ReturnFlags`] for a documentation of the supported flags.
	/// - `return_value`: The return value buffer.
	fn return_value(flags: ReturnFlags, return_value: &[u8]) -> !;

	/// Replace the contract code at the specified address with new code.
	/// # Note
	/// There are a couple of important considerations which must be taken into account when
	/// using this API:
	/// 1. The storage at the code address will remain untouched. This means that contract
	/// developers must ensure that the storage layout of the new code is compatible with that of
	/// the old code.
	/// 2. Contracts using this API can't be assumed as having deterministic addresses. Said another
	/// way, when using this API you lose the guarantee that an address always identifies a specific
	/// code hash.
	/// 3. If a contract calls into itself after changing its code the new call would use
	/// the new code. However, if the original caller panics after returning from the sub call it
	/// would revert the changes made by [`set_code_hash()`][`Self::set_code_hash`] and the next
	/// caller would use the old code.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `code_hash`: The hash of the new code. Should be decodable as an `T::Hash`. Traps
	///   otherwise.
	/// # Errors
	/// - [CodeNotFound][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::CodeNotFound]
	fn set_code_hash(code_hash: &[u8]) -> Result;

	/// Set the value at the given key in the contract storage.
	/// Equivalent to [`Self::set_storage_v1`] version with the
	/// exception of the return type. Still a valid thing to call  for fixed sized storage key, when
	/// not interested in the return value.
	fn set_storage(key: &[u8], value: &[u8]);

	/// Set the value at the given key in the contract storage.
	/// This version is to be used with a fixed sized storage key. For runtimes supporting
	/// transparent hashing, please use the newer version of this function.
	fn set_storage_v1(key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Option<u32>;

	/// Set the value at the given key in the contract storage.
	/// The key and value lengths must not exceed the maximums defined by the contracts module
	/// parameters.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `key`: The storage key.
	/// - `encoded_value`: The storage value.
	/// # Return
	/// Returns the size of the pre-existing value at the specified key if any.
	fn set_storage_v2(key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Option<u32>;

	/// Verify a sr25519 signature
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `signature`: The signature bytes.
	/// - `message`: The message bytes.
	/// # Errors
	/// - [Sr25519VerifyFailed][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::Sr25519VerifyFailed]
	fn sr25519_verify(signature: &[u8; 64], message: &[u8], pub_key: &[u8; 32]) -> Result;

	/// Retrieve and remove the value under the given key from storage.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `key`: The storage key.
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the storage entry.
	/// # Errors
	/// [KeyNotFound][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::KeyNotFound]
	fn take_storage(key: &[u8], output: &mut &mut [u8]) -> Result;

	/// Transfer some amount of funds into the specified account.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `account_id`: The address of the account to transfer funds to. Should be decodable as an
	///   `T::AccountId`. Traps otherwise.
	/// - `value`: The value to transfer. Should be decodable as a `T::Balance`. Traps otherwise.
	/// # Errors
	/// - [TransferFailed][`crate::ReturnErrorCode::TransferFailed]
	fn transfer(account_id: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result;

	/// Remove the calling account and transfer remaining balance.
	/// This is equivalent to calling the newer version of this function
	#[deprecated(note = "Deprecated, use newer version instead")]
	fn terminate(beneficiary: &[u8]) -> !;

	/// Remove the calling account and transfer remaining **free** balance.
	/// This function never returns. Either the termination was successful and the
	/// execution of the destroyed contract is halted. Or it failed during the termination
	/// which is considered fatal and results in a trap + rollback.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `beneficiary`: The address of the beneficiary account, Should be decodable as an
	/// `T::AccountId`.
	/// # Traps
	/// - The contract is live i.e is already on the call stack.
	/// - Failed to send the balance to the beneficiary.
	/// - The deletion queue is full.
	fn terminate_v1(beneficiary: &[u8]) -> !;

	/// Stores the value transferred along with this call/instantiate into the supplied buffer.
	/// The data is encoded as `T::Balance`.
	/// If the available space in `output` is less than the size of the value a trap is triggered.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the transferred value.
	fn value_transferred(output: &mut &mut [u8]);

	/// Stores the price for the specified amount of gas into the supplied buffer.
	/// Equivalent to the newer [`Self::weight_to_fee_v1`] version but
	/// works with *ref_time* Weight only. It is recommended to switch to the latest version, once
	/// it's stabilized.
	fn weight_to_fee(gas: u64, output: &mut &mut [u8]);

	/// Stores the price for the specified amount of gas into the supplied buffer.
	/// The data is encoded as `T::Balance`.
	/// If the available space in `output` is less than the size of the value a trap is triggered.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `ref_time_limit`: The *ref_time* Weight limit to query the price for.
	/// - `proof_size_limit`: The *proof_size* Weight limit to query the price for.
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the price.
		note = "Unstable function. Behaviour can change without further notice. Use only for testing."
	fn weight_to_fee_v1(ref_time_limit: u64, proof_size_limit: u64, output: &mut &mut [u8]);

	/// Execute an XCM program locally, using the contract's address as the origin.
	/// This is equivalent to dispatching `pallet_xcm::execute` through call_runtime, except that
	/// the function is called directly instead of being dispatched.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `msg`: The message, should be decodable as a [VersionedXcm](,
	///   traps otherwise.
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the [Outcome](
	/// # Return
	/// Returns `Error::Success` when the XCM execution attempt is successful. When the XCM
	/// execution fails, `ReturnCode::XcmExecutionFailed` is returned
		note = "Unstable function. Behaviour can change without further notice. Use only for testing."
	fn xcm_execute(msg: &[u8], output: &mut &mut [u8]) -> Result;

	/// Send an XCM program from the contract to the specified destination.
	/// This is equivalent to dispatching `pallet_xcm::send` through `call_runtime`, except that
	/// the function is called directly instead of being dispatched.
	/// # Parameters
	/// - `dest`: The XCM destination, should be decodable as [VersionedMultiLocation](,
	///   traps otherwise.
	/// - `msg`: The message, should be decodable as a [VersionedXcm](,
	///   traps otherwise.
	/// - `output`: A reference to the output data buffer to write the [XcmHash](
	/// # Return
	/// Returns `ReturnCode::Success` when the message was successfully sent. When the XCM
	/// execution fails, `ReturnErrorCode::XcmSendFailed` is returned.
		note = "Unstable function. Behaviour can change without further notice. Use only for testing."
	fn xcm_send(dest: &[u8], msg: &[u8], output: &mut [u8; 32]) -> Result;