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	/// This is a very expensive function and result should be cached versus being called multiple times.
	pub fn get_npos_targets() -> Vec<T::AccountId> {
		Validators::<T>::iter().map(|(v, _)| v).collect::<Vec<_>>()

	/// This function will add a nominator to the `Nominators` storage map,
	/// and keep track of the `CounterForNominators`.
	/// If the nominator already exists, their nominations will be updated.
	pub fn do_add_nominator(who: &T::AccountId, nominations: Nominations<T::AccountId>) {
		if !Nominators::<T>::contains_key(who) {
			CounterForNominators::<T>::mutate(|x| x.saturating_inc())
		Nominators::<T>::insert(who, nominations);

	/// This function will remove a nominator from the `Nominators` storage map,
	/// and keep track of the `CounterForNominators`.
	/// Returns true if `who` was removed from `Nominators`, otherwise false.
	pub fn do_remove_nominator(who: &T::AccountId) -> bool {
		if Nominators::<T>::contains_key(who) {
			CounterForNominators::<T>::mutate(|x| x.saturating_dec());

	/// This function will add a validator to the `Validators` storage map,
	/// and keep track of the `CounterForValidators`.
	/// If the validator already exists, their preferences will be updated.
	pub fn do_add_validator(who: &T::AccountId, prefs: ValidatorPrefs) {
		if !Validators::<T>::contains_key(who) {
			CounterForValidators::<T>::mutate(|x| x.saturating_inc())
		Validators::<T>::insert(who, prefs);

	/// This function will remove a validator from the `Validators` storage map,
	/// and keep track of the `CounterForValidators`.
	/// Returns true if `who` was removed from `Validators`, otherwise false.
	pub fn do_remove_validator(who: &T::AccountId) -> bool {
		if Validators::<T>::contains_key(who) {
			CounterForValidators::<T>::mutate(|x| x.saturating_dec());
impl<T: Config> frame_election_provider_support::ElectionDataProvider<T::AccountId, T::BlockNumber>
	fn desired_targets() -> data_provider::Result<(u32, Weight)> {
		Ok((Self::validator_count(), <T as frame_system::Config>::DbWeight::get().reads(1)))

	fn voters(
		maybe_max_len: Option<usize>,
	) -> data_provider::Result<(Vec<(T::AccountId, VoteWeight, Vec<T::AccountId>)>, Weight)> {
		let nominator_count = CounterForNominators::<T>::get();
		let validator_count = CounterForValidators::<T>::get();
		let voter_count = nominator_count.saturating_add(validator_count) as usize;
		debug_assert!(<Nominators<T>>::iter().count() as u32 == CounterForNominators::<T>::get());
		debug_assert!(<Validators<T>>::iter().count() as u32 == CounterForValidators::<T>::get());

		if maybe_max_len.map_or(false, |max_len| voter_count > max_len) {
			return Err("Voter snapshot too big");
		let slashing_span_count = <SlashingSpans<T>>::iter().count();
		let weight = T::WeightInfo::get_npos_voters(
			slashing_span_count as u32,
		Ok((Self::get_npos_voters(), weight))
	fn targets(maybe_max_len: Option<usize>) -> data_provider::Result<(Vec<T::AccountId>, Weight)> {
		let target_count = CounterForValidators::<T>::get() as usize;

		if maybe_max_len.map_or(false, |max_len| target_count > max_len) {
			return Err("Target snapshot too big");

		let weight = <T as frame_system::Config>::DbWeight::get().reads(target_count as u64);
		Ok((Self::get_npos_targets(), weight))

	fn next_election_prediction(now: T::BlockNumber) -> T::BlockNumber {
		let current_era = Self::current_era().unwrap_or(0);
		let current_session = Self::current_planned_session();
		let current_era_start_session_index =
		// Number of session in the current era or the maximum session per era if reached.
		let era_progress = current_session

		let until_this_session_end = T::NextNewSession::estimate_next_new_session(now)

		let session_length = T::NextNewSession::average_session_length();

		let sessions_left: T::BlockNumber = match ForceEra::<T>::get() {
			Forcing::ForceNone => Bounded::max_value(),
			Forcing::ForceNew | Forcing::ForceAlways => Zero::zero(),
			Forcing::NotForcing if era_progress >= T::SessionsPerEra::get() => Zero::zero(),
			Forcing::NotForcing => T::SessionsPerEra::get()
				// One session is computed in this_session_end.


	#[cfg(any(feature = "runtime-benchmarks", test))]
	fn put_snapshot(
		voters: Vec<(T::AccountId, VoteWeight, Vec<T::AccountId>)>,
		targets: Vec<T::AccountId>,
		target_stake: Option<VoteWeight>,
		use sp_std::convert::TryFrom;
		targets.into_iter().for_each(|v| {
			let stake: BalanceOf<T> = target_stake
				.and_then(|w| <BalanceOf<T>>::try_from(w).ok())
				.unwrap_or(MinNominatorBond::<T>::get() * 100u32.into());
			<Bonded<T>>::insert(v.clone(), v.clone());
				StakingLedger {
					stash: v.clone(),
					active: stake,
					total: stake,
					unlocking: vec![],
					claimed_rewards: vec![],
				ValidatorPrefs { commission: Perbill::zero(), blocked: false },

		voters.into_iter().for_each(|(v, s, t)| {
			let stake = <BalanceOf<T>>::try_from(s).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
				panic!("cannot convert a VoteWeight into BalanceOf, benchmark needs reconfiguring.")
			<Bonded<T>>::insert(v.clone(), v.clone());
				StakingLedger {
					stash: v.clone(),
					active: stake,
					total: stake,
					unlocking: vec![],
					claimed_rewards: vec![],
				Nominations { targets: t, submitted_in: 0, suppressed: false },
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/// In this implementation `new_session(session)` must be called before `end_session(session-1)`
/// i.e. the new session must be planned before the ending of the previous session.
/// Once the first new_session is planned, all session must start and then end in order, though
/// some session can lag in between the newest session planned and the latest session started.
impl<T: Config> pallet_session::SessionManager<T::AccountId> for Pallet<T> {
	fn new_session(new_index: SessionIndex) -> Option<Vec<T::AccountId>> {
		log!(trace, "planning new session {}", new_index);
		Self::new_session(new_index, false)
	fn new_session_genesis(new_index: SessionIndex) -> Option<Vec<T::AccountId>> {
		log!(trace, "planning new session {} at genesis", new_index);
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	fn start_session(start_index: SessionIndex) {
		log!(trace, "starting session {}", start_index);
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	fn end_session(end_index: SessionIndex) {
		log!(trace, "ending session {}", end_index);
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impl<T: Config> historical::SessionManager<T::AccountId, Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>>
	fn new_session(
		new_index: SessionIndex,
	) -> Option<Vec<(T::AccountId, Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>)>> {
		<Self as pallet_session::SessionManager<_>>::new_session(new_index).map(|validators| {
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			let current_era = Self::current_era()
				// Must be some as a new era has been created.

			validators.into_iter().map(|v| {
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				let exposure = Self::eras_stakers(current_era, &v);
				(v, exposure)
	fn new_session_genesis(
		new_index: SessionIndex,
	) -> Option<Vec<(T::AccountId, Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>)>> {
		<Self as pallet_session::SessionManager<_>>::new_session_genesis(new_index).map(|validators| {
			let current_era = Self::current_era()
				// Must be some as a new era has been created.

			validators.into_iter().map(|v| {
				let exposure = Self::eras_stakers(current_era, &v);
				(v, exposure)
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	fn start_session(start_index: SessionIndex) {
		<Self as pallet_session::SessionManager<_>>::start_session(start_index)
	fn end_session(end_index: SessionIndex) {
		<Self as pallet_session::SessionManager<_>>::end_session(end_index)
/// Add reward points to block authors:
/// * 20 points to the block producer for producing a (non-uncle) block in the relay chain,
/// * 2 points to the block producer for each reference to a previously unreferenced uncle, and
/// * 1 point to the producer of each referenced uncle block.
impl<T> pallet_authorship::EventHandler<T::AccountId, T::BlockNumber> for Pallet<T>
	T: Config + pallet_authorship::Config + pallet_session::Config,
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	fn note_author(author: T::AccountId) {
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		Self::reward_by_ids(vec![(author, 20)])
	fn note_uncle(author: T::AccountId, _age: T::BlockNumber) {
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			(<pallet_authorship::Pallet<T>>::author(), 2),
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			(author, 1)
/// A `Convert` implementation that finds the stash of the given controller account,
/// if any.
pub struct StashOf<T>(sp_std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Config> Convert<T::AccountId, Option<T::AccountId>> for StashOf<T> {
	fn convert(controller: T::AccountId) -> Option<T::AccountId> {
		<Pallet<T>>::ledger(&controller).map(|l| l.stash)
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/// A typed conversion from stash account ID to the active exposure of nominators
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/// Active exposure is the exposure of the validator set currently validating, i.e. in
/// `active_era`. It can differ from the latest planned exposure in `current_era`.
pub struct ExposureOf<T>(sp_std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Config> Convert<T::AccountId, Option<Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>>>
	for ExposureOf<T>
	fn convert(validator: T::AccountId) -> Option<Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>> {
			.map(|active_era| <Pallet<T>>::eras_stakers(active_era.index, &validator))
/// This is intended to be used with `FilterHistoricalOffences`.
	OnOffenceHandler<T::AccountId, pallet_session::historical::IdentificationTuple<T>, Weight>
	T: pallet_session::Config<ValidatorId = <T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>,
	T: pallet_session::historical::Config<
		FullIdentification = Exposure<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>,
		FullIdentificationOf = ExposureOf<T>,
	T::SessionHandler: pallet_session::SessionHandler<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>,
	T::SessionManager: pallet_session::SessionManager<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>,
	T::ValidatorIdOf: Convert<
		<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId,
		Option<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>,
		offenders: &[OffenceDetails<
		slash_fraction: &[Perbill],
		slash_session: SessionIndex,
		let reward_proportion = SlashRewardFraction::<T>::get();
		let mut consumed_weight: Weight = 0;
		let mut add_db_reads_writes = |reads, writes| {
			consumed_weight += T::DbWeight::get().reads_writes(reads, writes);
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		let active_era = {
			let active_era = Self::active_era();
			add_db_reads_writes(1, 0);
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			if active_era.is_none() {
				return consumed_weight
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			active_era.expect("value checked not to be `None`; qed").index
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		let active_era_start_session_index = Self::eras_start_session_index(active_era)
			.unwrap_or_else(|| {
				frame_support::print("Error: start_session_index must be set for current_era");
		add_db_reads_writes(1, 0);
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		let window_start = active_era.saturating_sub(T::BondingDuration::get());
		// Fast path for active-era report - most likely.
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		// `slash_session` cannot be in a future active era. It must be in `active_era` or before.
		let slash_era = if slash_session >= active_era_start_session_index {
			let eras = BondedEras::<T>::get();
			add_db_reads_writes(1, 0);
			// Reverse because it's more likely to find reports from recent eras.
			match eras.iter().rev().filter(|&&(_, ref sesh)| sesh <= &slash_session).next() {
				Some(&(ref slash_era, _)) => *slash_era,
				// Before bonding period. defensive - should be filtered out.
				None => return consumed_weight,

		<Self as Store>::EarliestUnappliedSlash::mutate(|earliest| {
			if earliest.is_none() {
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				*earliest = Some(active_era)
		add_db_reads_writes(1, 1);

		let slash_defer_duration = T::SlashDeferDuration::get();

		let invulnerables = Self::invulnerables();
		add_db_reads_writes(1, 0);

		for (details, slash_fraction) in offenders.iter().zip(slash_fraction) {
			let (stash, exposure) = &details.offender;

			// Skip if the validator is invulnerable.
			if invulnerables.contains(stash) {
			let unapplied = slashing::compute_slash::<T>(slashing::SlashParams {
				slash: *slash_fraction,
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				now: active_era,

			if let Some(mut unapplied) = unapplied {
				let nominators_len = unapplied.others.len() as u64;
				let reporters_len = details.reporters.len() as u64;

					let upper_bound = 1 /* Validator/NominatorSlashInEra */ + 2 /* fetch_spans */;
					let rw = upper_bound + nominators_len * upper_bound;
					add_db_reads_writes(rw, rw);
				unapplied.reporters = details.reporters.clone();
				if slash_defer_duration == 0 {
						let slash_cost = (6, 5);
						let reward_cost = (2, 2);
							(1 + nominators_len) * slash_cost.0 + reward_cost.0 * reporters_len,
							(1 + nominators_len) * slash_cost.1 + reward_cost.1 * reporters_len
					// Defer to end of some `slash_defer_duration` from now.
					<Self as Store>::UnappliedSlashes::mutate(
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						move |for_later| for_later.push(unapplied),
					add_db_reads_writes(1, 1);
			} else {
				add_db_reads_writes(4 /* fetch_spans */, 5 /* kick_out_if_recent */)
/// Filter historical offences out and only allow those from the bonding period.
pub struct FilterHistoricalOffences<T, R> {
	_inner: sp_std::marker::PhantomData<(T, R)>,

impl<T, Reporter, Offender, R, O> ReportOffence<Reporter, Offender, O>
	for FilterHistoricalOffences<Pallet<T>, R>
	R: ReportOffence<Reporter, Offender, O>,
	O: Offence<Offender>,
	fn report_offence(reporters: Vec<Reporter>, offence: O) -> Result<(), OffenceError> {
		// Disallow any slashing from before the current bonding period.
		let offence_session = offence.session_index();
		let bonded_eras = BondedEras::<T>::get();

		if bonded_eras.first().filter(|(_, start)| offence_session >= *start).is_some() {
			R::report_offence(reporters, offence)
		} else {

	fn is_known_offence(offenders: &[Offender], time_slot: &O::TimeSlot) -> bool {
		R::is_known_offence(offenders, time_slot)

/// Check that list is sorted and has no duplicates.
fn is_sorted_and_unique(list: &[u32]) -> bool {|w| w[0] < w[1])