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// Copyright 2017-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.

// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate.  If not, see <>.

//! # Balances Module
//! The Balances module provides functionality for handling accounts and balances.
//! - [`balances::Trait`](./trait.Trait.html)
//! - [`Call`](./enum.Call.html)
//! - [`Module`](./struct.Module.html)
//! ## Overview
//! The Balances module provides functions for:
//! - Getting and setting free balances.
//! - Retrieving total, reserved and unreserved balances.
//! - Repatriating a reserved balance to a beneficiary account that exists.
//! - Transferring a balance between accounts (when not reserved).
//! - Slashing an account balance.
//! - Account creation and removal.
//! - Managing total issuance.
//! - Setting and managing locks.
//! ### Terminology
//! - **Existential Deposit:** The minimum balance required to create or keep an account open. This prevents
//! "dust accounts" from filling storage.
//! - **Total Issuance:** The total number of units in existence in a system.
//! - **Reaping an account:** The act of removing an account by resetting its nonce. Happens after its balance is set
//! to zero.
//! - **Free Balance:** The portion of a balance that is not reserved. The free balance is the only balance that matters
//! for most operations. When this balance falls below the existential deposit, most functionality of the account is
//! removed. When both it and the reserved balance are deleted, then the account is said to be dead.
//! - **Reserved Balance:** Reserved balance still belongs to the account holder, but is suspended. Reserved balance
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Luke Schoen committed
//! can still be slashed, but only after all the free balance has been slashed. If the reserved balance falls below the
//! existential deposit then it and any related functionality will be deleted. When both it and the free balance are
//! deleted, then the account is said to be dead.
//! - **Imbalance:** A condition when some funds were credited or debited without equal and opposite accounting
//! (i.e. a difference between total issuance and account balances). Functions that result in an imbalance will
//! return an object of the `Imbalance` trait that can be managed within your runtime logic. (If an imbalance is
//! simply dropped, it should automatically maintain any book-keeping such as total issuance.)
//! - **Lock:** A freeze on a specified amount of an account's free balance until a specified block number. Multiple
//! locks always operate over the same funds, so they "overlay" rather than "stack".
//! - **Vesting:** Similar to a lock, this is another, but independent, liquidity restriction that reduces linearly
//! over time.
//! ### Implementations
//! The Balances module provides implementations for the following traits. If these traits provide the functionality
//! that you need, then you can avoid coupling with the Balances module.
//! - [`Currency`](../paint_support/traits/trait.Currency.html): Functions for dealing with a
//! fungible assets system.
//! - [`ReservableCurrency`](../paint_support/traits/trait.ReservableCurrency.html):
//! Functions for dealing with assets that can be reserved from an account.
//! - [`LockableCurrency`](../paint_support/traits/trait.LockableCurrency.html): Functions for
//! dealing with accounts that allow liquidity restrictions.
//! - [`Imbalance`](../paint_support/traits/trait.Imbalance.html): Functions for handling
//! imbalances between total issuance in the system and account balances. Must be used when a function
//! creates new funds (e.g. a reward) or destroys some funds (e.g. a system fee).
//! - [`IsDeadAccount`](../paint_system/trait.IsDeadAccount.html): Determiner to say whether a
//! given account is unused.
//! ## Interface
//! ### Dispatchable Functions
//! - `transfer` - Transfer some liquid free balance to another account.
//! - `set_balance` - Set the balances of a given account. The origin of this call must be root.
//! ### Public Functions
//! - `vesting_balance` - Get the amount that is currently being vested and cannot be transferred out of this account.
//! ## Usage
//! The following examples show how to use the Balances module in your custom module.
//! ### Examples from the SRML
//! The Contract module uses the `Currency` trait to handle gas payment, and its types inherit from `Currency`:
//! use support::traits::Currency;
//! # pub trait Trait: system::Trait {
//! # 	type Currency: Currency<Self::AccountId>;
//! # }
//! pub type BalanceOf<T> = <<T as Trait>::Currency as Currency<<T as system::Trait>::AccountId>>::Balance;
//! pub type NegativeImbalanceOf<T> = <<T as Trait>::Currency as Currency<<T as system::Trait>::AccountId>>::NegativeImbalance;
//! # fn main() {}
//! The Staking module uses the `LockableCurrency` trait to lock a stash account's funds:
//! use support::traits::{WithdrawReasons, LockableCurrency};
//! use sr_primitives::traits::Bounded;
//! pub trait Trait: system::Trait {
//! 	type Currency: LockableCurrency<Self::AccountId, Moment=Self::BlockNumber>;
//! }
//! # struct StakingLedger<T: Trait> {
//! # 	stash: <T as system::Trait>::AccountId,
//! # 	total: <<T as Trait>::Currency as support::traits::Currency<<T as system::Trait>::AccountId>>::Balance,
//! # 	phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<T>,
//! # }
//! # const STAKING_ID: [u8; 8] = *b"staking ";
//! fn update_ledger<T: Trait>(
//! 	controller: &T::AccountId,
//! 	ledger: &StakingLedger<T>
//! 	T::Currency::set_lock(
//! 		&ledger.stash,
//! 		T::BlockNumber::max_value(),
//! 		WithdrawReasons::all()
//! 	);
//! 	// <Ledger<T>>::insert(controller, ledger); // Commented out as we don't have access to Staking's storage here.
//! # fn main() {}
//! ```
//! ## Genesis config
//! The Balances module depends on the [`GenesisConfig`](./struct.GenesisConfig.html).
//! ## Assumptions
//! * Total issued balanced of all accounts should be less than `Trait::Balance::max_value()`.

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

use rstd::prelude::*;
use rstd::{cmp, result, mem, fmt::Debug};
use codec::{Codec, Encode, Decode};
use support::{
	StorageValue, Parameter, decl_event, decl_storage, decl_module,
		UpdateBalanceOutcome, Currency, OnFreeBalanceZero, OnUnbalanced, TryDrop,
		WithdrawReason, WithdrawReasons, LockIdentifier, LockableCurrency, ExistenceRequirement,
		Imbalance, SignedImbalance, ReservableCurrency, Get,
use sr_primitives::{
		Zero, SimpleArithmetic, StaticLookup, Member, CheckedAdd, CheckedSub, MaybeSerializeDeserialize,
		Saturating, Bounded,
use system::{IsDeadAccount, OnNewAccount, ensure_signed, ensure_root};
pub use self::imbalances::{PositiveImbalance, NegativeImbalance};

pub trait Subtrait<I: Instance = DefaultInstance>: system::Trait {
	/// The balance of an account.
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Gavin Wood committed
	type Balance: Parameter + Member + SimpleArithmetic + Codec + Default + Copy +
		MaybeSerializeDeserialize + Debug + From<Self::BlockNumber>;
	/// A function that is invoked when the free-balance has fallen below the existential deposit and
	/// has been reduced to zero.
	/// Gives a chance to clean up resources associated with the given account.
	type OnFreeBalanceZero: OnFreeBalanceZero<Self::AccountId>;

	/// Handler for when a new account is created.
	type OnNewAccount: OnNewAccount<Self::AccountId>;

	/// The minimum amount required to keep an account open.
	type ExistentialDeposit: Get<Self::Balance>;

	/// The fee required to make a transfer.
	type TransferFee: Get<Self::Balance>;

	/// The fee required to create an account.
	type CreationFee: Get<Self::Balance>;
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