Skip to content 63.9 KiB
Newer Older
pub enum OccupiedCoreAssumption {
	/// The candidate occupying the core was made available and included to free the core.
	#[codec(index = 0)]
	/// The candidate occupying the core timed out and freed the core without advancing the para.
	#[codec(index = 1)]
	/// The core was not occupied to begin with.
	#[codec(index = 2)]

/// An even concerning a candidate.
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, TypeInfo, RuntimeDebug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(PartialEq))]
pub enum CandidateEvent<H = Hash> {
	/// This candidate receipt was backed in the most recent block.
	/// This includes the core index the candidate is now occupying.
	#[codec(index = 0)]
	CandidateBacked(CandidateReceipt<H>, HeadData, CoreIndex, GroupIndex),
	/// This candidate receipt was included and became a parablock at the most recent block.
	/// This includes the core index the candidate was occupying as well as the group responsible
	/// for backing the candidate.
	#[codec(index = 1)]
	CandidateIncluded(CandidateReceipt<H>, HeadData, CoreIndex, GroupIndex),
	/// This candidate receipt was not made available in time and timed out.
	/// This includes the core index the candidate was occupying.
	#[codec(index = 2)]
	CandidateTimedOut(CandidateReceipt<H>, HeadData, CoreIndex),

/// Scraped runtime backing votes and resolved disputes.
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(PartialEq))]
pub struct ScrapedOnChainVotes<H: Encode + Decode = Hash> {
	/// The session in which the block was included.
	pub session: SessionIndex,
	/// Set of backing validators for each candidate, represented by its candidate
	/// receipt.
	pub backing_validators_per_candidate:
		Vec<(CandidateReceipt<H>, Vec<(ValidatorIndex, ValidityAttestation)>)>,
	/// On-chain-recorded set of disputes.
	/// Note that the above `backing_validators` are
	/// unrelated to the backers of the disputes candidates.
	pub disputes: MultiDisputeStatementSet,

/// A vote of approval on a candidate.
#[derive(Clone, RuntimeDebug)]
pub struct ApprovalVote(pub CandidateHash);

impl ApprovalVote {
	/// Yields the signing payload for this approval vote.
	pub fn signing_payload(&self, session_index: SessionIndex) -> Vec<u8> {
		const MAGIC: [u8; 4] = *b"APPR";

		(MAGIC, &self.0, session_index).encode()

/// Custom validity errors used in Polkadot while validating transactions.
pub enum ValidityError {
	/// The Ethereum signature is invalid.
	InvalidEthereumSignature = 0,
	/// The signer has no claim.
	SignerHasNoClaim = 1,
	/// No permission to execute the call.
	NoPermission = 2,
	/// An invalid statement was made for a claim.
	InvalidStatement = 3,

impl From<ValidityError> for u8 {
	fn from(err: ValidityError) -> Self {
		err as u8

/// Abridged version of `HostConfiguration` (from the `Configuration` parachains host runtime module)
/// meant to be used by a parachain or PDK such as cumulus.
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(PartialEq))]
pub struct AbridgedHostConfiguration {
	/// The maximum validation code size, in bytes.
	pub max_code_size: u32,
	/// The maximum head-data size, in bytes.
	pub max_head_data_size: u32,
	/// Total number of individual messages allowed in the parachain -> relay-chain message queue.
	pub max_upward_queue_count: u32,
	/// Total size of messages allowed in the parachain -> relay-chain message queue before which
	/// no further messages may be added to it. If it exceeds this then the queue may contain only
	/// a single message.
	pub max_upward_queue_size: u32,
	/// The maximum size of an upward message that can be sent by a candidate.
	/// This parameter affects the size upper bound of the `CandidateCommitments`.
	pub max_upward_message_size: u32,
	/// The maximum number of messages that a candidate can contain.
	/// This parameter affects the size upper bound of the `CandidateCommitments`.
	pub max_upward_message_num_per_candidate: u32,
	/// The maximum number of outbound HRMP messages can be sent by a candidate.
	/// This parameter affects the upper bound of size of `CandidateCommitments`.
	pub hrmp_max_message_num_per_candidate: u32,
	/// The minimum period, in blocks, between which parachains can update their validation code.
	pub validation_upgrade_cooldown: BlockNumber,
	/// The delay, in blocks, before a validation upgrade is applied.
	pub validation_upgrade_delay: BlockNumber,

/// Abridged version of `HrmpChannel` (from the `Hrmp` parachains host runtime module) meant to be
/// used by a parachain or PDK such as cumulus.
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(PartialEq))]
pub struct AbridgedHrmpChannel {
	/// The maximum number of messages that can be pending in the channel at once.
	pub max_capacity: u32,
	/// The maximum total size of the messages that can be pending in the channel at once.
	pub max_total_size: u32,
	/// The maximum message size that could be put into the channel.
	pub max_message_size: u32,
	/// The current number of messages pending in the channel.
	/// Invariant: should be less or equal to `max_capacity`.s`.
	pub msg_count: u32,
	/// The total size in bytes of all message payloads in the channel.
	/// Invariant: should be less or equal to `max_total_size`.
	pub total_size: u32,
	/// A head of the Message Queue Chain for this channel. Each link in this chain has a form:
	/// `(prev_head, B, H(M))`, where
	/// - `prev_head`: is the previous value of `mqc_head` or zero if none.
	/// - `B`: is the [relay-chain] block number in which a message was appended
	/// - `H(M)`: is the hash of the message being appended.
	/// This value is initialized to a special value that consists of all zeroes which indicates
	/// that no messages were previously added.
	pub mqc_head: Option<Hash>,

/// A possible upgrade restriction that prevents a parachain from performing an upgrade.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
pub enum UpgradeRestriction {
	/// There is an upgrade restriction and there are no details about its specifics nor how long
	/// it could last.
	#[codec(index = 0)]

/// A struct that the relay-chain communicates to a parachain indicating what course of action the
/// parachain should take in the coordinated parachain validation code upgrade process.
/// This data type appears in the last step of the upgrade process. After the parachain observes it
/// and reacts to it the upgrade process concludes.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
pub enum UpgradeGoAhead {
	/// Abort the upgrade process. There is something wrong with the validation code previously
	/// submitted by the parachain. This variant can also be used to prevent upgrades by the governance
	/// should an emergency emerge.
	/// The expected reaction on this variant is that the parachain will admit this message and
	/// remove all the data about the pending upgrade. Depending on the nature of the problem (to
	/// be examined offchain for now), it can try to send another validation code or just retry later.
	#[codec(index = 0)]
	/// Apply the pending code change. The parablock that is built on a relay-parent that is descendant
	/// of the relay-parent where the parachain observed this signal must use the upgraded validation
	/// code.
	#[codec(index = 1)]

/// Consensus engine id for polkadot v1 consensus engine.
pub const POLKADOT_ENGINE_ID: runtime_primitives::ConsensusEngineId = *b"POL1";

/// A consensus log item for polkadot validation. To be used with [`POLKADOT_ENGINE_ID`].
#[derive(Decode, Encode, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ConsensusLog {
	/// A parachain or parathread upgraded its code.
	#[codec(index = 1)]
	ParaUpgradeCode(Id, ValidationCodeHash),
	/// A parachain or parathread scheduled a code upgrade.
	#[codec(index = 2)]
	ParaScheduleUpgradeCode(Id, ValidationCodeHash, BlockNumber),
	/// Governance requests to auto-approve every candidate included up to the given block
	/// number in the current chain, inclusive.
	#[codec(index = 3)]
	/// A signal to revert the block number in the same chain as the
	/// header this digest is part of and all of its descendants.
	/// It is a no-op for a block to contain a revert digest targeting
	/// its own number or a higher number.
	/// In practice, these are issued when on-chain logic has detected an
	/// invalid parachain block within its own chain, due to a dispute.
	#[codec(index = 4)]

impl ConsensusLog {
	/// Attempt to convert a reference to a generic digest item into a consensus log.
	pub fn from_digest_item(
		digest_item: &runtime_primitives::DigestItem,
	) -> Result<Option<Self>, parity_scale_codec::Error> {
		match digest_item {
			runtime_primitives::DigestItem::Consensus(id, encoded) if id == &POLKADOT_ENGINE_ID =>
				Ok(Some(Self::decode(&mut &encoded[..])?)),
			_ => Ok(None),

impl From<ConsensusLog> for runtime_primitives::DigestItem {
	fn from(c: ConsensusLog) -> runtime_primitives::DigestItem {
		Self::Consensus(POLKADOT_ENGINE_ID, c.encode())

/// A statement about a candidate, to be used within the dispute resolution process.
/// Statements are either in favor of the candidate's validity or against it.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
pub enum DisputeStatement {
	/// A valid statement, of the given kind.
	#[codec(index = 0)]
	/// An invalid statement, of the given kind.
	#[codec(index = 1)]

impl DisputeStatement {
	/// Get the payload data for this type of dispute statement.
	pub fn payload_data(&self, candidate_hash: CandidateHash, session: SessionIndex) -> Vec<u8> {
		match *self {
			DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::Explicit) =>
				ExplicitDisputeStatement { valid: true, candidate_hash, session }.signing_payload(),
			)) => CompactStatement::Seconded(candidate_hash).signing_payload(&SigningContext {
				session_index: session,
				parent_hash: inclusion_parent,
			DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::BackingValid(inclusion_parent)) =>
				CompactStatement::Valid(candidate_hash).signing_payload(&SigningContext {
					session_index: session,
					parent_hash: inclusion_parent,
			DisputeStatement::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalChecking) =>
			DisputeStatement::Invalid(InvalidDisputeStatementKind::Explicit) =>
				ExplicitDisputeStatement { valid: false, candidate_hash, session }.signing_payload(),

	/// Check the signature on a dispute statement.
	pub fn check_signature(
		validator_public: &ValidatorId,
		candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
		session: SessionIndex,
		validator_signature: &ValidatorSignature,
	) -> Result<(), ()> {
		let payload = self.payload_data(candidate_hash, session);

		if validator_signature.verify(&payload[..], &validator_public) {
		} else {

	/// Whether the statement indicates validity.
	pub fn indicates_validity(&self) -> bool {
		match *self {
			DisputeStatement::Valid(_) => true,
			DisputeStatement::Invalid(_) => false,

	/// Whether the statement indicates invalidity.
	pub fn indicates_invalidity(&self) -> bool {
		match *self {
			DisputeStatement::Valid(_) => false,
			DisputeStatement::Invalid(_) => true,

	/// Statement is backing statement.
	pub fn is_backing(&self) -> bool {
		match *self {
			Self::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::BackingSeconded(_)) |
			Self::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::BackingValid(_)) => true,
			Self::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::Explicit) |
			Self::Valid(ValidDisputeStatementKind::ApprovalChecking) |
			Self::Invalid(_) => false,

/// Different kinds of statements of validity on  a candidate.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
pub enum ValidDisputeStatementKind {
	/// An explicit statement issued as part of a dispute.
	#[codec(index = 0)]
	/// A seconded statement on a candidate from the backing phase.
	#[codec(index = 1)]
	/// A valid statement on a candidate from the backing phase.
	#[codec(index = 2)]
	/// An approval vote from the approval checking phase.
	#[codec(index = 3)]

/// Different kinds of statements of invalidity on a candidate.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
pub enum InvalidDisputeStatementKind {
	/// An explicit statement issued as part of a dispute.
	#[codec(index = 0)]

/// An explicit statement on a candidate issued as part of a dispute.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug)]
pub struct ExplicitDisputeStatement {
	/// Whether the candidate is valid
	pub valid: bool,
	/// The candidate hash.
	pub candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
	/// The session index of the candidate.
	pub session: SessionIndex,

impl ExplicitDisputeStatement {
	/// Produce the payload used for signing this type of statement.
	pub fn signing_payload(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
		const MAGIC: [u8; 4] = *b"DISP";

		(MAGIC, self.valid, self.candidate_hash, self.session).encode()

/// A set of statements about a specific candidate.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
pub struct DisputeStatementSet {
	/// The candidate referenced by this set.
	pub candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
	/// The session index of the candidate.
	pub session: SessionIndex,
	/// Statements about the candidate.
	pub statements: Vec<(DisputeStatement, ValidatorIndex, ValidatorSignature)>,

impl From<CheckedDisputeStatementSet> for DisputeStatementSet {
	fn from(other: CheckedDisputeStatementSet) -> Self {

impl AsRef<DisputeStatementSet> for DisputeStatementSet {
	fn as_ref(&self) -> &DisputeStatementSet {

/// A set of dispute statements.
pub type MultiDisputeStatementSet = Vec<DisputeStatementSet>;

/// A _checked_ set of dispute statements.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug)]
pub struct CheckedDisputeStatementSet(DisputeStatementSet);

impl AsRef<DisputeStatementSet> for CheckedDisputeStatementSet {
	fn as_ref(&self) -> &DisputeStatementSet {

impl core::cmp::PartialEq<DisputeStatementSet> for CheckedDisputeStatementSet {
	fn eq(&self, other: &DisputeStatementSet) -> bool {

impl CheckedDisputeStatementSet {
	/// Convert from an unchecked, the verification of correctness of the `unchecked` statement set
	/// _must_ be done before calling this function!
	pub fn unchecked_from_unchecked(unchecked: DisputeStatementSet) -> Self {

/// A set of _checked_ dispute statements.
pub type CheckedMultiDisputeStatementSet = Vec<CheckedDisputeStatementSet>;

/// The entire state of a dispute.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, RuntimeDebug, PartialEq, TypeInfo)]
pub struct DisputeState<N = BlockNumber> {
	/// A bitfield indicating all validators for the candidate.
	pub validators_for: BitVec<u8, bitvec::order::Lsb0>, // one bit per validator.
	/// A bitfield indicating all validators against the candidate.
	pub validators_against: BitVec<u8, bitvec::order::Lsb0>, // one bit per validator.
	/// The block number at which the dispute started on-chain.
	pub start: N,
	/// The block number at which the dispute concluded on-chain.
	pub concluded_at: Option<N>,

/// Parachains inherent-data passed into the runtime by a block author
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
pub struct InherentData<HDR: HeaderT = Header> {
	/// Signed bitfields by validators about availability.
	pub bitfields: UncheckedSignedAvailabilityBitfields,
	/// Backed candidates for inclusion in the block.
	pub backed_candidates: Vec<BackedCandidate<HDR::Hash>>,
	/// Sets of dispute votes for inclusion,
	pub disputes: MultiDisputeStatementSet,
	/// The parent block header. Used for checking state proofs.
	pub parent_header: HDR,

/// An either implicit or explicit attestation to the validity of a parachain
/// candidate.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Decode, Encode, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
pub enum ValidityAttestation {
	/// Implicit validity attestation by issuing.
	/// This corresponds to issuance of a `Candidate` statement.
	#[codec(index = 1)]
	/// An explicit attestation. This corresponds to issuance of a
	/// `Valid` statement.
	#[codec(index = 2)]

impl ValidityAttestation {
	/// Produce the underlying signed payload of the attestation, given the hash of the candidate,
	/// which should be known in context.
	pub fn to_compact_statement(&self, candidate_hash: CandidateHash) -> CompactStatement {
		// Explicit and implicit map directly from
		// `ValidityVote::Valid` and `ValidityVote::Issued`, and hence there is a
		// `1:1` relationshow which enables the conversion.
		match *self {
			ValidityAttestation::Implicit(_) => CompactStatement::Seconded(candidate_hash),
			ValidityAttestation::Explicit(_) => CompactStatement::Valid(candidate_hash),

	/// Get a reference to the signature.
	pub fn signature(&self) -> &ValidatorSignature {
		match *self {
			ValidityAttestation::Implicit(ref sig) => sig,
			ValidityAttestation::Explicit(ref sig) => sig,

	/// Produce the underlying signed payload of the attestation, given the hash of the candidate,
	/// which should be known in context.
	pub fn signed_payload<H: Encode>(
		candidate_hash: CandidateHash,
		signing_context: &SigningContext<H>,
	) -> Vec<u8> {
		match *self {
			ValidityAttestation::Implicit(_) =>
				(CompactStatement::Seconded(candidate_hash), signing_context).encode(),
			ValidityAttestation::Explicit(_) =>
				(CompactStatement::Valid(candidate_hash), signing_context).encode(),

/// A type returned by runtime with current session index and a parent hash.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Default, Decode, Encode, RuntimeDebug)]
pub struct SigningContext<H = Hash> {
	/// Current session index.
	pub session_index: sp_staking::SessionIndex,
	/// Hash of the parent.
	pub parent_hash: H,

const BACKING_STATEMENT_MAGIC: [u8; 4] = *b"BKNG";

/// Statements that can be made about parachain candidates. These are the
/// actual values that are signed.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RuntimeDebug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Hash))]
pub enum CompactStatement {
	/// Proposal of a parachain candidate.
	/// State that a parachain candidate is valid.

impl CompactStatement {
	/// Yields the payload used for validator signatures on this kind
	/// of statement.
	pub fn signing_payload(&self, context: &SigningContext) -> Vec<u8> {
		(self, context).encode()

// Inner helper for codec on `CompactStatement`.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, TypeInfo)]
enum CompactStatementInner {
	#[codec(index = 1)]
	#[codec(index = 2)]

impl From<CompactStatement> for CompactStatementInner {
	fn from(s: CompactStatement) -> Self {
		match s {
			CompactStatement::Seconded(h) => CompactStatementInner::Seconded(h),
			CompactStatement::Valid(h) => CompactStatementInner::Valid(h),

impl parity_scale_codec::Encode for CompactStatement {
	fn size_hint(&self) -> usize {
		// magic + discriminant + payload
		4 + 1 + 32

	fn encode_to<T: parity_scale_codec::Output + ?Sized>(&self, dest: &mut T) {

impl parity_scale_codec::Decode for CompactStatement {
	fn decode<I: parity_scale_codec::Input>(
		input: &mut I,
	) -> Result<Self, parity_scale_codec::Error> {
		let maybe_magic = <[u8; 4]>::decode(input)?;
		if maybe_magic != BACKING_STATEMENT_MAGIC {
			return Err(parity_scale_codec::Error::from("invalid magic string"))

		Ok(match CompactStatementInner::decode(input)? {
			CompactStatementInner::Seconded(h) => CompactStatement::Seconded(h),
			CompactStatementInner::Valid(h) => CompactStatement::Valid(h),

impl CompactStatement {
	/// Get the underlying candidate hash this references.
	pub fn candidate_hash(&self) -> &CandidateHash {
		match *self {
			CompactStatement::Seconded(ref h) | CompactStatement::Valid(ref h) => h,

/// `IndexedVec` struct indexed by type specific indices.
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(PartialEq))]
pub struct IndexedVec<K, V>(Vec<V>, PhantomData<fn(K) -> K>);

impl<K, V> Default for IndexedVec<K, V> {
	fn default() -> Self {
		Self(vec![], PhantomData)

impl<K, V> From<Vec<V>> for IndexedVec<K, V> {
	fn from(validators: Vec<V>) -> Self {
		Self(validators, PhantomData)

impl<K, V> FromIterator<V> for IndexedVec<K, V> {
	fn from_iter<T: IntoIterator<Item = V>>(iter: T) -> Self {
		Self(Vec::from_iter(iter), PhantomData)

impl<K, V> IndexedVec<K, V>
	V: Clone,
	/// Returns a reference to an element indexed using `K`.
	pub fn get(&self, index: K) -> Option<&V>
		K: TypeIndex,

	/// Returns number of elements in vector.
	pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

	/// Returns contained vector.
	pub fn to_vec(&self) -> Vec<V> {

	/// Returns an iterator over the underlying vector.
	pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, V> {

	/// Returns a mutable iterator over the underlying vector.
	pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> IterMut<'_, V> {

	/// Creates a consuming iterator.
	pub fn into_iter(self) -> IntoIter<V> {

	/// Returns true if the underlying container is empty.
	pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

/// The maximum number of validators `f` which may safely be faulty.
/// The total number of validators is `n = 3f + e` where `e in { 1, 2, 3 }`.
pub const fn byzantine_threshold(n: usize) -> usize {
	n.saturating_sub(1) / 3

/// The supermajority threshold of validators which represents a subset
/// guaranteed to have at least f+1 honest validators.
pub const fn supermajority_threshold(n: usize) -> usize {
	n - byzantine_threshold(n)

/// Information about validator sets of a session.
/// NOTE: `SessionInfo` is frozen. Do not include new fields, consider creating a separate runtime
/// API. Reasoning and further outlook [here](
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(PartialEq))]
pub struct SessionInfo {
	/****** New in v2 *******/
	/// All the validators actively participating in parachain consensus.
	/// Indices are into the broader validator set.
	pub active_validator_indices: Vec<ValidatorIndex>,
	/// A secure random seed for the session, gathered from BABE.
	pub random_seed: [u8; 32],
	/// The amount of sessions to keep for disputes.
	pub dispute_period: SessionIndex,

	/****** Old fields ******/
	/// Validators in canonical ordering.
	/// NOTE: There might be more authorities in the current session, than `validators` participating
	/// in parachain consensus. See
	/// [`max_validators`](
	/// `SessionInfo::validators` will be limited to to `max_validators` when set.
	pub validators: IndexedVec<ValidatorIndex, ValidatorId>,
	/// Validators' authority discovery keys for the session in canonical ordering.
	/// NOTE: The first `validators.len()` entries will match the corresponding validators in
	/// `validators`, afterwards any remaining authorities can be found. This is any authorities not
	/// participating in parachain consensus - see
	/// [`max_validators`](
	pub discovery_keys: Vec<AuthorityDiscoveryId>,
	/// The assignment keys for validators.
	/// NOTE: There might be more authorities in the current session, than validators participating
	/// in parachain consensus. See
	/// [`max_validators`](
	/// Therefore:
	/// ```ignore
	///		assignment_keys.len() == validators.len() && validators.len() <= discovery_keys.len()
	///	```
	pub assignment_keys: Vec<AssignmentId>,
	/// Validators in shuffled ordering - these are the validator groups as produced
	/// by the `Scheduler` module for the session and are typically referred to by
	/// `GroupIndex`.
	pub validator_groups: IndexedVec<GroupIndex, Vec<ValidatorIndex>>,
	/// The number of availability cores used by the protocol during this session.
	pub n_cores: u32,
	/// The zeroth delay tranche width.
	pub zeroth_delay_tranche_width: u32,
	/// The number of samples we do of `relay_vrf_modulo`.
	pub relay_vrf_modulo_samples: u32,
	/// The number of delay tranches in total.
	pub n_delay_tranches: u32,
	/// How many slots (BABE / SASSAFRAS) must pass before an assignment is considered a
	/// no-show.
	pub no_show_slots: u32,
	/// The number of validators needed to approve a block.
	pub needed_approvals: u32,

/// A statement from the specified validator whether the given validation code passes PVF
/// pre-checking or not anchored to the given session index.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo)]
pub struct PvfCheckStatement {
	/// `true` if the subject passed pre-checking and `false` otherwise.
	pub accept: bool,
	/// The validation code hash that was checked.
	pub subject: ValidationCodeHash,
	/// The index of a session during which this statement is considered valid.
	pub session_index: SessionIndex,
	/// The index of the validator from which this statement originates.
	pub validator_index: ValidatorIndex,

impl PvfCheckStatement {
	/// Produce the payload used for signing this type of statement.
	/// It is expected that it will be signed by the validator at `validator_index` in the
	/// `session_index`.
	pub fn signing_payload(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
		const MAGIC: [u8; 4] = *b"VCPC"; // for "validation code pre-checking"
		(MAGIC, self.accept, self.subject, self.session_index, self.validator_index).encode()

/// A well-known and typed storage key.
/// Allows for type-safe access to raw well-known storage keys.
pub struct WellKnownKey<T> {
	/// The raw storage key.
	pub key: Vec<u8>,
	_p: sp_std::marker::PhantomData<T>,

impl<T> From<Vec<u8>> for WellKnownKey<T> {
	fn from(key: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
		Self { key, _p: Default::default() }

impl<T> AsRef<[u8]> for WellKnownKey<T> {
	fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {

impl<T: Decode> WellKnownKey<T> {
	/// Gets the value or `None` if it does not exist or decoding failed.
	pub fn get(&self) -> Option<T> {
			.and_then(|raw| parity_scale_codec::DecodeAll::decode_all(&mut raw.as_ref()).ok())

impl<T: Encode> WellKnownKey<T> {
	/// Sets the value.
	pub fn set(&self, value: T) {
		sp_io::storage::set(&self.key, &value.encode());

/// Type discriminator for PVF preparation timeouts
#[derive(Encode, Decode, TypeInfo, Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum PvfPrepTimeoutKind {
	/// For prechecking requests, the time period after which the preparation worker is considered
	/// unresponsive and will be killed.

	/// For execution and heads-up requests, the time period after which the preparation worker is
	/// considered unresponsive and will be killed. More lenient than the timeout for prechecking
	/// to prevent honest validators from timing out on valid PVFs.

/// Type discriminator for PVF execution timeouts
#[derive(Encode, Decode, TypeInfo, Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum PvfExecTimeoutKind {
	/// The amount of time to spend on execution during backing.

	/// The amount of time to spend on execution during approval or disputes.
	/// This should be much longer than the backing execution timeout to ensure that in the
	/// absence of extremely large disparities between hardware, blocks that pass backing are
	/// considered executable by approval checkers or dispute participants.

pub mod executor_params;
pub use executor_params::{ExecutorParam, ExecutorParams, ExecutorParamsHash};

mod tests {
	use super::*;

	fn group_rotation_info_calculations() {
		let info =
			GroupRotationInfo { session_start_block: 10u32, now: 15, group_rotation_frequency: 5 };

		assert_eq!(info.next_rotation_at(), 20);
		assert_eq!(info.last_rotation_at(), 15);

	fn group_for_core_is_core_for_group() {
		for cores in 1..=256 {
			for rotations in 0..(cores * 2) {
				let info = GroupRotationInfo {
					session_start_block: 0u32,
					now: rotations,
					group_rotation_frequency: 1,

				for core in 0..cores {
					let group = info.group_for_core(CoreIndex(core), cores as usize);
					assert_eq!(info.core_for_group(group, cores as usize).0, core);

	fn collator_signature_payload_is_valid() {
		// if this fails, collator signature verification code has to be updated.
		let h = Hash::default();
		assert_eq!(h.as_ref().len(), 32);

		let _payload = collator_signature_payload(

	fn test_byzantine_threshold() {
		assert_eq!(byzantine_threshold(0), 0);
		assert_eq!(byzantine_threshold(1), 0);
		assert_eq!(byzantine_threshold(2), 0);
		assert_eq!(byzantine_threshold(3), 0);
		assert_eq!(byzantine_threshold(4), 1);
		assert_eq!(byzantine_threshold(5), 1);
		assert_eq!(byzantine_threshold(6), 1);
		assert_eq!(byzantine_threshold(7), 2);

	fn test_supermajority_threshold() {
		assert_eq!(supermajority_threshold(0), 0);
		assert_eq!(supermajority_threshold(1), 1);
		assert_eq!(supermajority_threshold(2), 2);
		assert_eq!(supermajority_threshold(3), 3);
		assert_eq!(supermajority_threshold(4), 3);
		assert_eq!(supermajority_threshold(5), 4);
		assert_eq!(supermajority_threshold(6), 5);
		assert_eq!(supermajority_threshold(7), 5);

	fn balance_bigger_than_usize() {
		let zero_b: Balance = 0;
		let zero_u: usize = 0;

		assert!(zero_b.leading_zeros() >= zero_u.leading_zeros());