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// Copyright 2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.

// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate. If not, see <>.
//! Smart-contract module for runtime; Allows deployment and execution of smart-contracts
//! expressed in WebAssembly.
//! This module provides an ability to create smart-contract accounts and send them messages.
//! A smart-contract is an account with associated code and storage. When such an account receives a message,
//! the code associated with that account gets executed.
//! The code is allowed to alter the storage entries of the associated account,
//! create smart-contracts or send messages to existing smart-contracts.
//! For any actions invoked by the smart-contracts fee must be paid. The fee is paid in gas.
//! Gas is bought upfront up to the, specified in transaction, limit. Any unused gas is refunded
//! after the transaction (regardless of the execution outcome). If all gas is used,
//! then changes made for the specific call or create are reverted (including balance transfers).
//! Failures are typically not cascading. That, for example, means that if contract A calls B and B errors
//! somehow, then A can decide if it should proceed or error.
//! # Interaction with the system
//! ## Finalization
//! This module requires performing some finalization steps at the end of the block. If not performed
//! the module will have incorrect behavior.
//! Thus [`Module::on_finalise`] must be called at the end of the block. The order in relation to
//! the other module doesn't matter.
//! ## Account killing
//! When `staking` module determines that account is dead (e.g. account's balance fell below
//! exsistential deposit) then it reaps the account. That will lead to deletion of the associated
//! code and storage of the account.
//! [`Module::on_finalise`]: struct.Module.html#impl-OnFinalise
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
// We need these `extern crate` to be placed here otherwise there will be errors.
// TODO:
extern crate parity_codec_derive;
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extern crate parity_codec as codec;
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extern crate srml_support as runtime_support;
mod gas;

mod account_db;
mod exec;
mod wasm;
mod tests;
use crate::exec::ExecutionContext;
use crate::account_db::AccountDb;
use rstd::marker::PhantomData;
use codec::Codec;
use runtime_primitives::traits::{Hash, As, SimpleArithmetic,Bounded, StaticLookup};
use runtime_support::dispatch::{Result, Dispatchable};
use runtime_support::{Parameter, StorageMap, StorageValue, StorageDoubleMap};
use system::{ensure_signed, RawOrigin};
use runtime_io::{blake2_256, twox_128};
pub type CodeHash<T> = <T as system::Trait>::Hash;

/// A function that generates an `AccountId` for a contract upon instantiation.
pub trait ContractAddressFor<CodeHash, AccountId: Sized> {
	fn contract_address_for(code_hash: &CodeHash, data: &[u8], origin: &AccountId) -> AccountId;

/// A function that returns the fee for dispatching a `Call`.
pub trait ComputeDispatchFee<Call, Balance> {
	fn compute_dispatch_fee(call: &Call) -> Balance;

pub trait Trait: balances::Trait {
	/// The outer call dispatch type.
	type Call: Parameter + Dispatchable<Origin=<Self as system::Trait>::Origin>;

	/// The overarching event type.
	type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as system::Trait>::Event>;
	// As<u32> is needed for wasm-utils
	type Gas: Parameter + Default + Codec + SimpleArithmetic + Bounded + Copy + As<Self::Balance> + As<u64> + As<u32>;
	/// A function type to get the contract address given the creator.
	type DetermineContractAddress: ContractAddressFor<CodeHash<Self>, Self::AccountId>;
	/// A function type that computes the fee for dispatching the given `Call`.
	/// It is recommended (though not required) for this function to return a fee that would be taken
	/// by executive module for regular dispatch.
	type ComputeDispatchFee: ComputeDispatchFee<Self::Call, <Self as balances::Trait>::Balance>;
/// Simple contract address determintator.
/// Address calculated from the code (of the constructor), input data to the constructor
/// and account id which requested the account creation.
/// Formula: `blake2_256(blake2_256(code) + blake2_256(data) + origin)`
pub struct SimpleAddressDeterminator<T: Trait>(PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Trait> ContractAddressFor<CodeHash<T>, T::AccountId> for SimpleAddressDeterminator<T>
	T::AccountId: From<T::Hash> + AsRef<[u8]>
	fn contract_address_for(code_hash: &CodeHash<T>, data: &[u8], origin: &T::AccountId) -> T::AccountId {
		let data_hash = T::Hashing::hash(data);

		let mut buf = Vec::new();


/// The default dispatch fee computor computes the fee in the same way that
/// implementation of `MakePayment` for balances module does.
pub struct DefaultDispatchFeeComputor<T: Trait>(PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Trait> ComputeDispatchFee<T::Call, T::Balance> for DefaultDispatchFeeComputor<T> {
	fn compute_dispatch_fee(call: &T::Call) -> T::Balance {
		let encoded_len = codec::Encode::encode(&call).len();
		let base_fee = <balances::Module<T>>::transaction_base_fee();
		let byte_fee = <balances::Module<T>>::transaction_byte_fee();
		base_fee + byte_fee * <T::Balance as As<u64>>::sa(encoded_len as u64)

decl_module! {
	/// Contracts module.
	pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: <T as system::Trait>::Origin {
		fn deposit_event<T>() = default;

		/// Updates the schedule for metering contracts.
		/// The schedule must have a greater version than the stored schedule.
		fn update_schedule(schedule: Schedule<T::Gas>) -> Result {
			if <Module<T>>::current_schedule().version >= schedule.version {
				return Err("new schedule must have a greater version than current");



		/// Stores code in the storage. You can instantiate contracts only with stored code.
		fn put_code(
			#[compact] gas_limit: T::Gas,
			code: Vec<u8>
		) -> Result {
			let origin = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let schedule = <Module<T>>::current_schedule();

			let mut gas_meter = gas::buy_gas::<T>(&origin, gas_limit)?;

			let result = wasm::save_code::<T>(code, &mut gas_meter, &schedule);
			if let Ok(code_hash) = result {

			gas::refund_unused_gas::<T>(&origin, gas_meter);|_| ())

		/// Make a call to a specified account, optionally transferring some balance.
			dest: <T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source,
			#[compact] value: T::Balance,
			#[compact] gas_limit: T::Gas,
		) -> Result {
			let origin = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let dest = T::Lookup::lookup(dest)?;

			// Pay for the gas upfront.
			// NOTE: it is very important to avoid any state changes before
			// paying for the gas.
			let mut gas_meter = gas::buy_gas::<T>(&origin, gas_limit)?;

			let cfg = Config::preload();
			let vm = crate::wasm::WasmVm::new(&cfg.schedule);
			let loader = crate::wasm::WasmLoader::new(&cfg.schedule);
			let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::top_level(origin.clone(), &cfg, &vm, &loader);
			let result =, value, &mut gas_meter, &data, exec::EmptyOutputBuf::new());

			if let Ok(_) = result {
				// Commit all changes that made it thus far into the persistant storage.

				// Then deposit all events produced.;

			// Refund cost of the unused gas.
			// NOTE: this should go after the commit to the storage, since the storage changes
			// can alter the balance of the caller.
			gas::refund_unused_gas::<T>(&origin, gas_meter);

			// Dispatch every recorded call with an appropriate origin.
			ctx.calls.into_iter().for_each(|(who, call)| {
				let result = call.dispatch(RawOrigin::Signed(who.clone()).into());
				Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Dispatched(who, result.is_ok()));

		/// Create a new contract, optionally transfering some balance to the created account.
		/// Creation is executed as follows:
		/// - the destination address is computed based on the sender and hash of the code.
		/// - account is created at the computed address.
		/// - the `ctor_code` is executed in the context of the newly created account. Buffer returned
		///   after the execution is saved as the `code` of the account. That code will be invoked
		///   upon any message received by this account.
			#[compact] endowment: T::Balance,
			#[compact] gas_limit: T::Gas,
			code_hash: CodeHash<T>,
		) -> Result {
			let origin = ensure_signed(origin)?;

			// Pay for the gas upfront.
			// NOTE: it is very important to avoid any state changes before
			// paying for the gas.
			let mut gas_meter = gas::buy_gas::<T>(&origin, gas_limit)?;

			let cfg = Config::preload();
			let vm = crate::wasm::WasmVm::new(&cfg.schedule);
			let loader = crate::wasm::WasmLoader::new(&cfg.schedule);
			let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::top_level(origin.clone(), &cfg, &vm, &loader);
			let result = ctx.instantiate(endowment, &mut gas_meter, &code_hash, &data);

			if let Ok(_) = result {
				// Commit all changes that made it thus far into the persistant storage.

				// Then deposit all events produced.;

			// Refund cost of the unused gas.
			// NOTE: this should go after the commit to the storage, since the storage changes
			// can alter the balance of the caller.
			gas::refund_unused_gas::<T>(&origin, gas_meter);

			// Dispatch every recorded call with an appropriate origin.
			ctx.calls.into_iter().for_each(|(who, call)| {
				let result = call.dispatch(RawOrigin::Signed(who.clone()).into());
				Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Dispatched(who, result.is_ok()));

		fn on_finalise() {
decl_event! {
	pub enum Event<T>
		<T as balances::Trait>::Balance,
		<T as system::Trait>::AccountId,
		<T as system::Trait>::Hash
		/// Transfer happened `from` -> `to` with given `value` as part of a `message-call` or `create`.
		Transfer(AccountId, AccountId, Balance),

		/// Contract deployed by address at the specified address.
		Instantiated(AccountId, AccountId),

		/// Code with the specified hash has been stored.

		/// Triggered when the current schedule is updated.

		/// A call was dispatched from the given account. The bool signals whether it was
		/// successful execution or not.
		Dispatched(AccountId, bool),
	trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Contract {
		/// The fee required to create a contract. At least as big as staking's ReclaimRebate.
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		ContractFee get(contract_fee) config(): T::Balance = T::Balance::sa(21);
		/// The fee charged for a call into a contract.
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		CallBaseFee get(call_base_fee) config(): T::Gas = T::Gas::sa(135);
		/// The fee charged for a create of a contract.
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		CreateBaseFee get(create_base_fee) config(): T::Gas = T::Gas::sa(175);
		/// The price of one unit of gas.
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		GasPrice get(gas_price) config(): T::Balance = T::Balance::sa(1);
		/// The maximum nesting level of a call/create stack.
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		MaxDepth get(max_depth) config(): u32 = 100;
		/// The maximum amount of gas that could be expended per block.
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		BlockGasLimit get(block_gas_limit) config(): T::Gas = T::Gas::sa(1_000_000);
		/// Gas spent so far in this block.
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		GasSpent get(gas_spent): T::Gas;
		/// Current cost schedule for contracts.
		CurrentSchedule get(current_schedule) config(): Schedule<T::Gas> = Schedule::default();
		/// The code associated with a given account.
		pub CodeHashOf: map T::AccountId => Option<CodeHash<T>>;
		/// A mapping from an original code hash to the original code, untouched by instrumentation.
		pub PristineCode: map CodeHash<T> => Option<Vec<u8>>;
		/// A mapping between an original code hash and instrumented wasm code, ready for the execution.
		pub CodeStorage: map CodeHash<T> => Option<wasm::PrefabWasmModule>;
// TODO: consider storing upper-bound for contract's gas limit in fixed-length runtime
// code in contract itself and use that.
/// The storage items associated with an account/key.
/// TODO: keys should also be able to take AsRef<KeyType> to ensure Vec<u8>s can be passed as &[u8]
pub(crate) struct StorageOf<T>(rstd::marker::PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Trait> StorageDoubleMap for StorageOf<T> {
	const PREFIX: &'static [u8] = b"con:sto:";
	type Key1 = T::AccountId;
	type Key2 = Vec<u8>;
	type Value = Vec<u8>;

	/// Hashed by XX
	fn derive_key1(key1_data: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u8> {

	/// Blake2 is used for `Key2` is because it will be used as a key for contract's storage and
	/// thus will be susceptible for a untrusted input.
	fn derive_key2(key2_data: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u8> {
impl<T: Trait> balances::OnFreeBalanceZero<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
	fn on_free_balance_zero(who: &T::AccountId) {

/// In-memory cache of configuration values.
/// We assume that these values can't be changed in the
/// course of transaction execution.
pub struct Config<T: Trait> {
	pub schedule: Schedule<T::Gas>,
	pub existential_deposit: T::Balance,
	pub max_depth: u32,
	pub contract_account_instantiate_fee: T::Balance,
	pub account_create_fee: T::Balance,
	pub transfer_fee: T::Balance,
	pub call_base_fee: T::Gas,
	pub instantiate_base_fee: T::Gas,

impl<T: Trait> Config<T> {
	fn preload() -> Config<T> {
		Config {
			schedule: <Module<T>>::current_schedule(),
			existential_deposit: <balances::Module<T>>::existential_deposit(),
			max_depth: <Module<T>>::max_depth(),
			contract_account_instantiate_fee: <Module<T>>::contract_fee(),
			account_create_fee: <balances::Module<T>>::creation_fee(),
			transfer_fee: <balances::Module<T>>::transfer_fee(),
			call_base_fee: <Module<T>>::call_base_fee(),
			instantiate_base_fee: <Module<T>>::create_base_fee(),

/// Definition of the cost schedule and other parameterizations for wasm vm.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Schedule<Gas> {
	/// Version of the schedule.
	pub version: u32,

	/// Cost of putting a byte of code into the storage.
	pub put_code_per_byte_cost: Gas,

	/// Gas cost of a growing memory by single page.
	pub grow_mem_cost: Gas,

	/// Gas cost of a regular operation.
	pub regular_op_cost: Gas,

	/// Gas cost per one byte returned.
	pub return_data_per_byte_cost: Gas,

	/// Gas cost per one byte read from the sandbox memory.
	pub sandbox_data_read_cost: Gas,

	/// Gas cost per one byte written to the sandbox memory.
	pub sandbox_data_write_cost: Gas,

	/// How tall the stack is allowed to grow?
	/// See to find out
	/// how the stack frame cost is calculated.
	pub max_stack_height: u32,

	/// What is the maximal memory pages amount is allowed to have for
	/// a contract.
	pub max_memory_pages: u32,

impl<Gas: As<u64>> Default for Schedule<Gas> {
	fn default() -> Schedule<Gas> {
		Schedule {
			version: 0,
			put_code_per_byte_cost: Gas::sa(1),
			grow_mem_cost: Gas::sa(1),
			regular_op_cost: Gas::sa(1),
			return_data_per_byte_cost: Gas::sa(1),
			sandbox_data_read_cost: Gas::sa(1),
			sandbox_data_write_cost: Gas::sa(1),
			max_stack_height: 64 * 1024,
			max_memory_pages: 16,