# check for any changes in the node/src/runtime, frame/ and primitives/sr_* trees. if
# there are any changes found, it should mark the PR breaksconsensus and
# "auto-fail" the PR if there isn't a change in the runtime/src/ file
# that alters the version.
set -e # fail on any error
# give some context
git log --graph --oneline --decorate=short -n 10
echo "# run github-api job for labeling it ${1}"
curl -sS -X POST \
-F "token=${CI_JOB_TOKEN}" \
-F "ref=master" \
-F "variables[LABEL]=${1}" \
-F "variables[PRNO]=${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" \
git fetch --depth=${GIT_DEPTH:-100} origin master
# check if master is part of this checkout
if ! git log -n 1 origin/master
echo "unable to check for runtime changes: checkout does not contain origin/master branch"
exit 3
# check if the wasm sources changed
if ! git diff --name-only origin/master...${CI_COMMIT_SHA} \
| grep -q -e '^bin/node/src/runtime' -e '^frame/' -e '^primitives/sr-' | grep -v -e '^primitives/sr-arithmetic/fuzzer'
cat <<-EOT
no changes to the runtime source code detected
gabriel klawitter
# check for spec_version updates: if the spec versions changed, then there is
# consensus-critical logic that has changed. the runtime wasm blobs must be
# rebuilt.
add_spec_version="$(git diff origin/master...${CI_COMMIT_SHA} ${VERSIONS_FILE} \
| sed -n -r "s/^\+[[:space:]]+spec_version: +([0-9]+),$/\1/p")"
sub_spec_version="$(git diff origin/master...${CI_COMMIT_SHA} ${VERSIONS_FILE} \
| sed -n -r "s/^\-[[:space:]]+spec_version: +([0-9]+),$/\1/p")"
# see if the version and the binary blob changed
if [ "${add_spec_version}" != "${sub_spec_version}" ]
changes to the runtime sources and changes in the spec version.
spec_version: ${sub_spec_version} -> ${add_spec_version}
# check for impl_version updates: if only the impl versions changed, we assume
# there is no consensus-critical logic that has changed.
add_impl_version="$(git diff origin/master...${CI_COMMIT_SHA} ${VERSIONS_FILE} \
| sed -n -r 's/^\+[[:space:]]+impl_version: +([0-9]+),$/\1/p')"
sub_impl_version="$(git diff origin/master...${CI_COMMIT_SHA} ${VERSIONS_FILE} \
| sed -n -r 's/^\-[[:space:]]+impl_version: +([0-9]+),$/\1/p')"
# see if the impl version changed
if [ "${add_impl_version}" != "${sub_impl_version}" ]
cat <<-EOT
changes to the runtime sources and changes in the impl version.
impl_version: ${sub_impl_version} -> ${add_impl_version}
exit 0
wasm source files changed but not the spec/impl version and the runtime
binary blob. If changes made do not alter logic, just bump 'impl_version'.
If they do change logic, bump 'spec_version' and rebuild wasm.
versions file: ${VERSIONS_FILE}
# drop through into pushing `gotissues` and exit 1...
# dropped through. there's something wrong; exit 1.
exit 1
# vim: noexpandtab