Self::mutate_account(who, |account| {
let free_slash = cmp::min(, value); -= free_slash;
let remaining_slash = value - free_slash;
if !remaining_slash.is_zero() {
let reserved_slash = cmp::min(account.reserved, remaining_slash);
account.reserved -= reserved_slash;
(NegativeImbalance::new(free_slash + reserved_slash), remaining_slash - reserved_slash)
} else {
(NegativeImbalance::new(value), Zero::zero())
/// Deposit some `value` into the free balance of an existing target account `who`.
/// Is a no-op if the `value` to be deposited is zero.
fn deposit_into_existing(
who: &T::AccountId,
value: Self::Balance
) -> Result<Self::PositiveImbalance, DispatchError> {
if value.is_zero() { return Ok(PositiveImbalance::zero()) }
Self::try_mutate_account(who, |account| -> Result<Self::PositiveImbalance, DispatchError> {
ensure!(!, Error::<T, I>::DeadAccount); =<T, I>::Overflow)?;
/// Deposit some `value` into the free balance of `who`, possibly creating a new account.
/// This function is a no-op if:
/// - the `value` to be deposited is zero; or
/// - if the `value` to be deposited is less than the ED and the account does not yet exist; or
/// - `value` is so large it would cause the balance of `who` to overflow.
fn deposit_creating(
who: &T::AccountId,
value: Self::Balance,
) -> Self::PositiveImbalance {
if value.is_zero() { return Self::PositiveImbalance::zero() }
Self::try_mutate_account(who, |account| -> Result<Self::PositiveImbalance, Self::PositiveImbalance> {
// bail if not yet created and this operation wouldn't be enough to create it.
let ed = T::ExistentialDeposit::get();
ensure!(value >= ed || !, Self::PositiveImbalance::zero());
// defensive only: overflow should never happen, however in case it does, then this
// operation is a no-op. =;
}).unwrap_or_else(|x| x)
/// Withdraw some free balance from an account, respecting existence requirements.
/// Is a no-op if value to be withdrawn is zero.
fn withdraw(
who: &T::AccountId,
value: Self::Balance,
reasons: WithdrawReasons,
liveness: ExistenceRequirement,
) -> result::Result<Self::NegativeImbalance, DispatchError> {
if value.is_zero() { return Ok(NegativeImbalance::zero()); }
Self::try_mutate_account(who, |account|
-> Result<Self::NegativeImbalance, DispatchError>
let new_free_account =
.ok_or(Error::<T, I>::InsufficientBalance)?;
// bail if we need to keep the account alive and this would kill it.
let ed = T::ExistentialDeposit::get();
let would_be_dead = new_free_account + account.reserved < ed;
let would_kill = would_be_dead && + account.reserved >= ed;
ensure!(liveness == AllowDeath || !would_kill, Error::<T, I>::KeepAlive);
Self::ensure_can_withdraw(who, value, reasons, new_free_account)?; = new_free_account;
/// Force the new free balance of a target account `who` to some new value `balance`.
fn make_free_balance_be(who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance)
-> SignedImbalance<Self::Balance, Self::PositiveImbalance>
Self::try_mutate_account(who, |account|
-> Result<SignedImbalance<Self::Balance, Self::PositiveImbalance>, ()>
let ed = T::ExistentialDeposit::get();
// If we're attempting to set an existing account to less than ED, then
// bypass the entire operation. It's a no-op if you follow it through, but
// since this is an instance where we might account for a negative imbalance
// (in the dust cleaner of set_account) before we account for its actual
// equal and opposite cause (returned as an Imbalance), then in the
// instance that there's no other accounts on the system at all, we might
// underflow the issuance and our arithmetic will be off.
ensure!(value.saturating_add(account.reserved) >= ed || !, ());
let imbalance = if <= value {
SignedImbalance::Positive(PositiveImbalance::new(value -
} else {
SignedImbalance::Negative(NegativeImbalance::new( - value))
}; = value;
impl<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> ReservableCurrency<T::AccountId> for Module<T, I> where
T::Balance: MaybeSerializeDeserialize + Debug
/// Check if `who` can reserve `value` from their free balance.
/// Always `true` if value to be reserved is zero.
fn can_reserve(who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> bool {
if value.is_zero() { return true }
.map_or(false, |new_balance|
Self::ensure_can_withdraw(who, value, WithdrawReason::Reserve.into(), new_balance).is_ok()
fn reserved_balance(who: &T::AccountId) -> Self::Balance {
/// Move `value` from the free balance from `who` to their reserved balance.
/// Is a no-op if value to be reserved is zero.
fn reserve(who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> DispatchResult {
if value.is_zero() { return Ok(()) }
Self::try_mutate_account(who, |account| -> DispatchResult { =<T, I>::InsufficientBalance)?;
account.reserved = account.reserved.checked_add(&value).ok_or(Error::<T, I>::Overflow)?;
Self::ensure_can_withdraw(who, value, WithdrawReason::Reserve.into(),
/// Unreserve some funds, returning any amount that was unable to be unreserved.
/// Is a no-op if the value to be unreserved is zero.
fn unreserve(who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> Self::Balance {
if value.is_zero() { return Zero::zero() }
Self::mutate_account(who, |account| {
let actual = cmp::min(account.reserved, value);
account.reserved -= actual;
// defensive only: this can never fail since total issuance which is at least free+reserved =;
value - actual
/// Slash from reserved balance, returning the negative imbalance created,
/// and any amount that was unable to be slashed.
/// Is a no-op if the value to be slashed is zero.
fn slash_reserved(
who: &T::AccountId,
value: Self::Balance
) -> (Self::NegativeImbalance, Self::Balance) {
if value.is_zero() { return (NegativeImbalance::zero(), Zero::zero()) }
Self::mutate_account(who, |account| {
// underflow should never happen, but it if does, there's nothing to be done here.
let actual = cmp::min(account.reserved, value);
account.reserved -= actual;
(NegativeImbalance::new(actual), value - actual)
/// Move the reserved balance of one account into the balance of another, according to `status`.
/// Is a no-op if:
/// - the value to be moved is zero; or
/// - the `slashed` id equal to `beneficiary` and the `status` is `Reserved`.
fn repatriate_reserved(
slashed: &T::AccountId,
beneficiary: &T::AccountId,
status: Status,
) -> Result<Self::Balance, DispatchError> {
if value.is_zero() { return Ok(Zero::zero()) }
return match status {
Status::Free => Ok(Self::unreserve(slashed, value)),
Status::Reserved => Ok(value.saturating_sub(Self::reserved_balance(slashed))),
Self::try_mutate_account(beneficiary, |to_account| -> Result<Self::Balance, DispatchError> {
ensure!(!, Error::<T, I>::DeadAccount);
Self::try_mutate_account(slashed, |from_account| -> Result<Self::Balance, DispatchError> {
let actual = cmp::min(from_account.reserved, value);
match status {
Status::Free => =<T, I>::Overflow)?,
Status::Reserved => to_account.reserved = to_account.reserved.checked_add(&actual).ok_or(Error::<T, I>::Overflow)?,
from_account.reserved -= actual;
Ok(value - actual)
/// Implement `OnKilledAccount` to remove the local account, if using local account storage.
/// NOTE: You probably won't need to use this! This only needs to be "wired in" to System module
/// if you're using the local balance storage. **If you're using the composite system account
/// storage (which is the default in most examples and tests) then there's no need.**
impl<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> OnKilledAccount<T::AccountId> for Module<T, I> {
fn on_killed_account(who: &T::AccountId) {
Account::<T, I>::remove(who);
impl<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> LockableCurrency<T::AccountId> for Module<T, I>
T::Balance: MaybeSerializeDeserialize + Debug
type Moment = T::BlockNumber;
// Set a lock on the balance of `who`.
// Is a no-op if lock amount is zero or `reasons` `is_none()`.
fn set_lock(
id: LockIdentifier,
who: &T::AccountId,
amount: T::Balance,
reasons: WithdrawReasons,
) {
if amount.is_zero() || reasons.is_none() { return }
let mut new_lock = Some(BalanceLock { id, amount, reasons: reasons.into() });
let mut locks = Self::locks(who).into_iter().filter_map(|l|
if == id {
} else {
if let Some(lock) = new_lock {
// Extend a lock on the balance of `who`.
// Is a no-op if lock amount is zero or `reasons` `is_none()`.
fn extend_lock(
id: LockIdentifier,
who: &T::AccountId,
amount: T::Balance,
reasons: WithdrawReasons,
) {
if amount.is_zero() || reasons.is_none() { return }
let mut new_lock = Some(BalanceLock { id, amount, reasons: reasons.into() });
let mut locks = Self::locks(who).into_iter().filter_map(|l|
if == id {
new_lock.take().map(|nl| {
BalanceLock {
amount: l.amount.max(nl.amount),
reasons: l.reasons | nl.reasons,
} else {
if let Some(lock) = new_lock {
fn remove_lock(
id: LockIdentifier,
who: &T::AccountId,
) {
let mut locks = Self::locks(who);
locks.retain(|l| != id);
Self::update_locks(who, &locks[..]);
impl<T: Trait<I>, I: Instance> IsDeadAccount<T::AccountId> for Module<T, I> where
T::Balance: MaybeSerializeDeserialize + Debug
fn is_dead_account(who: &T::AccountId) -> bool {
// this should always be exactly equivalent to `Self::account(who).total().is_zero()`