queue.rs 9.07 KiB
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// Copyright 2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.

// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Polkadot.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

//! A queue that handles requests for PVF execution.

use super::worker::Outcome;
use crate::{
	artifacts::{ArtifactId, ArtifactPathId},
	worker_common::{IdleWorker, WorkerHandle},
	InvalidCandidate, ValidationError, LOG_TARGET,
use async_std::path::PathBuf;
use futures::{
	stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt as _},
	Future, FutureExt,
use slotmap::HopSlotMap;
use std::{collections::VecDeque, fmt, time::Duration};

slotmap::new_key_type! { struct Worker; }

pub enum ToQueue {
	Enqueue { artifact: ArtifactPathId, params: Vec<u8>, result_tx: ResultSender },

struct ExecuteJob {
	artifact: ArtifactPathId,
	params: Vec<u8>,
	result_tx: ResultSender,

struct WorkerData {
	idle: Option<IdleWorker>,
	handle: WorkerHandle,

impl fmt::Debug for WorkerData {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
		write!(f, "WorkerData(pid={})", self.handle.id())

struct Workers {
	/// The registry of running workers.
	running: HopSlotMap<Worker, WorkerData>,

	/// The number of spawning but not yet spawned workers.
	spawn_inflight: usize,

	/// The maximum number of workers queue can have at once.
	capacity: usize,

impl Workers {
	fn can_afford_one_more(&self) -> bool {
		self.spawn_inflight + self.running.len() < self.capacity

	fn find_available(&self) -> Option<Worker> {
			.find_map(|d| if d.1.idle.is_some() { Some(d.0) } else { None })

	/// Find the associated data by the worker token and extract it's [`IdleWorker`] token.
	/// Returns `None` if either worker is not recognized or idle token is absent.
	fn claim_idle(&mut self, worker: Worker) -> Option<IdleWorker> {

enum QueueEvent {
	Spawn(IdleWorker, WorkerHandle),
	StartWork(Worker, Outcome, ArtifactId, ResultSender),

type Mux = FuturesUnordered<BoxFuture<'static, QueueEvent>>;

struct Queue {
	/// The receiver that receives messages to the pool.
	to_queue_rx: mpsc::Receiver<ToQueue>,

	program_path: PathBuf,
	spawn_timeout: Duration,

	/// The queue of jobs that are waiting for a worker to pick up.
	queue: VecDeque<ExecuteJob>,
	workers: Workers,
	mux: Mux,

impl Queue {
	fn new(
		program_path: PathBuf,
		worker_capacity: usize,
		spawn_timeout: Duration,
		to_queue_rx: mpsc::Receiver<ToQueue>,
	) -> Self {
		Self {
			queue: VecDeque::new(),
			mux: Mux::new(),
			workers: Workers {
				running: HopSlotMap::with_capacity_and_key(10),
				spawn_inflight: 0,
				capacity: worker_capacity,

	async fn run(mut self) {
		loop {
			futures::select! {
				to_queue = self.to_queue_rx.next() => {
					if let Some(to_queue) = to_queue {
						handle_to_queue(&mut self, to_queue);
					} else {
				ev = self.mux.select_next_some() => handle_mux(&mut self, ev).await,

			purge_dead(&mut self.workers).await;

async fn purge_dead(workers: &mut Workers) {
	let mut to_remove = vec![];
	for (worker, data) in workers.running.iter_mut() {
		if futures::poll!(&mut data.handle).is_ready() {
			// a resolved future means that the worker has terminated. Weed it out.
	for w in to_remove {
		let _ = workers.running.remove(w);

fn handle_to_queue(queue: &mut Queue, to_queue: ToQueue) {
	let ToQueue::Enqueue { artifact, params, result_tx } = to_queue;
		target: LOG_TARGET,
		validation_code_hash = ?artifact.id.code_hash,
		"enqueueing an artifact for execution",
	let job = ExecuteJob { artifact, params, result_tx };

	if let Some(available) = queue.workers.find_available() {
		assign(queue, available, job);
	} else {
		if queue.workers.can_afford_one_more() {

async fn handle_mux(queue: &mut Queue, event: QueueEvent) {
	match event {
		QueueEvent::Spawn(idle, handle) => {
			handle_worker_spawned(queue, idle, handle);
		QueueEvent::StartWork(worker, outcome, artifact_id, result_tx) => {
			handle_job_finish(queue, worker, outcome, artifact_id, result_tx);
fn handle_worker_spawned(queue: &mut Queue, idle: IdleWorker, handle: WorkerHandle) {
	queue.workers.spawn_inflight -= 1;
	let worker = queue.workers.running.insert(WorkerData { idle: Some(idle), handle });

	tracing::debug!(target: LOG_TARGET, ?worker, "execute worker spawned");

	if let Some(job) = queue.queue.pop_front() {
		assign(queue, worker, job);

/// If there are pending jobs in the queue, schedules the next of them onto the just freed up
/// worker. Otherwise, puts back into the available workers list.
fn handle_job_finish(
	queue: &mut Queue,
	worker: Worker,
	outcome: Outcome,
	artifact_id: ArtifactId,
	result_tx: ResultSender,
) {
	let (idle_worker, result) = match outcome {
		Outcome::Ok { result_descriptor, duration_ms, idle_worker } => {
			// TODO: propagate the soft timeout

			(Some(idle_worker), Ok(result_descriptor))
		Outcome::InvalidCandidate { err, idle_worker } => (
		Outcome::InternalError { err, idle_worker } =>
			(Some(idle_worker), Err(ValidationError::InternalError(err))),
		Outcome::HardTimeout =>
			(None, Err(ValidationError::InvalidCandidate(InvalidCandidate::HardTimeout))),
		Outcome::IoErr =>
			(None, Err(ValidationError::InvalidCandidate(InvalidCandidate::AmbigiousWorkerDeath))),
		target: LOG_TARGET,
		validation_code_hash = ?artifact_id.code_hash,
		worker_rip = idle_worker.is_none(),
		"job finished.",

	// First we send the result. It may fail due the other end of the channel being dropped, that's
	// legitimate and we don't treat that as an error.
	let _ = result_tx.send(result);

	// Then, we should deal with the worker:
	// - if the `idle_worker` token was returned we should either schedule the next task or just put
	//   it back so that the next incoming job will be able to claim it
	// - if the `idle_worker` token was consumed, all the metadata pertaining to that worker should
	//   be removed.
	if let Some(idle_worker) = idle_worker {
		if let Some(data) = queue.workers.running.get_mut(worker) {
			data.idle = Some(idle_worker);

			if let Some(job) = queue.queue.pop_front() {
				assign(queue, worker, job);
	} else {
		// Note it's possible that the worker was purged already by `purge_dead`

		if !queue.queue.is_empty() {
			// The worker has died and we still have work we have to do. Request an extra worker.
			// That can potentially overshoot, but that should be OK.

fn spawn_extra_worker(queue: &mut Queue) {
	tracing::debug!(target: LOG_TARGET, "spawning an extra worker");

		.push(spawn_worker_task(queue.program_path.clone(), queue.spawn_timeout).boxed());
	queue.workers.spawn_inflight += 1;

async fn spawn_worker_task(program_path: PathBuf, spawn_timeout: Duration) -> QueueEvent {
	use futures_timer::Delay;

	loop {
		match super::worker::spawn(&program_path, spawn_timeout).await {
			Ok((idle, handle)) => break QueueEvent::Spawn(idle, handle),
			Err(err) => {
				tracing::warn!(target: LOG_TARGET, "failed to spawn an execute worker: {:?}", err);

				// Assume that the failure intermittent and retry after a delay.

/// Ask the given worker to perform the given job.
/// The worker must be running and idle.
fn assign(queue: &mut Queue, worker: Worker, job: ExecuteJob) {
		target: LOG_TARGET,
		validation_code_hash = ?job.artifact.id,
		"assigning the execute worker",

	let idle = queue.workers.claim_idle(worker).expect(
		"this caller must supply a worker which is idle and running;
			thus claim_idle cannot return None;
		async move {
			let outcome = super::worker::start_work(idle, job.artifact.clone(), job.params).await;
			QueueEvent::StartWork(worker, outcome, job.artifact.id, job.result_tx)

pub fn start(
	program_path: PathBuf,
	worker_capacity: usize,
	spawn_timeout: Duration,
) -> (mpsc::Sender<ToQueue>, impl Future<Output = ()>) {
	let (to_queue_tx, to_queue_rx) = mpsc::channel(20);
	let run = Queue::new(program_path, worker_capacity, spawn_timeout, to_queue_rx).run();
	(to_queue_tx, run)