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// Copyright 2019-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.

// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate.  If not, see <>.

//! A slashing implementation for NPoS systems.
//! For the purposes of the economic model, it is easiest to think of each validator
//! of a nominator which nominates only its own identity.
//! The act of nomination signals intent to unify economic identity with the validator - to take part in the
//! rewards of a job well done, and to take part in the punishment of a job done badly.
//! There are 3 main difficulties to account for with slashing in NPoS:
//!   - A nominator can nominate multiple validators and be slashed via any of them.
//!   - Until slashed, stake is reused from era to era. Nominating with N coins for E eras in a row
//!     does not mean you have N*E coins to be slashed - you've only ever had N.
//!   - Slashable offences can be found after the fact and out of order.
//! The algorithm implemented in this module tries to balance these 3 difficulties.
//! First, we only slash participants for the _maximum_ slash they receive in some time period,
//! rather than the sum. This ensures a protection from overslashing.
//! Second, we do not want the time period (or "span") that the maximum is computed
//! over to last indefinitely. That would allow participants to begin acting with
//! impunity after some point, fearing no further repercussions. For that reason, we
//! automatically "chill" validators and withdraw a nominator's nomination after a slashing event,
//! requiring them to re-enlist voluntarily (acknowledging the slash) and begin a new
//! slashing span.
//! Typically, you will have a single slashing event per slashing span. Only in the case
//! where a validator releases many misbehaviors at once, or goes "back in time" to misbehave in
//! eras that have already passed, would you encounter situations where a slashing span
//! has multiple misbehaviors. However, accounting for such cases is necessary
//! to deter a class of "rage-quit" attacks.
//! Based on research at

use super::{
	EraIndex, Trait, Module, Store, BalanceOf, Exposure, Perbill, SessionInterface,
	NegativeImbalanceOf, UnappliedSlash,
use sp_runtime::traits::{Zero, Saturating};
use frame_support::{
	StorageMap, StorageDoubleMap,
	traits::{Currency, OnUnbalanced, Imbalance},
use sp_std::vec::Vec;
use codec::{Encode, Decode};

/// The proportion of the slashing reward to be paid out on the first slashing detection.
/// This is f_1 in the paper.
const REWARD_F1: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(50);

/// The index of a slashing span - unique to each stash.
pub(crate) type SpanIndex = u32;

// A range of start..end eras for a slashing span.
#[derive(Encode, Decode)]
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(Debug, PartialEq))]
pub(crate) struct SlashingSpan {
	pub(crate) index: SpanIndex,
	pub(crate) start: EraIndex,
	pub(crate) length: Option<EraIndex>, // the ongoing slashing span has indeterminate length.

impl SlashingSpan {
	fn contains_era(&self, era: EraIndex) -> bool {
		self.start <= era && self.length.map_or(true, |l| self.start + l > era)

/// An encoding of all of a nominator's slashing spans.
#[derive(Encode, Decode)]
pub struct SlashingSpans {
	// the index of the current slashing span of the nominator. different for
	// every stash, resets when the account hits free balance 0.
	span_index: SpanIndex,
	// the start era of the most recent (ongoing) slashing span.
	last_start: EraIndex,
	// all prior slashing spans start indices, in reverse order (most recent first)
	// encoded as offsets relative to the slashing span after it.
	prior: Vec<EraIndex>,

impl SlashingSpans {
	// creates a new record of slashing spans for a stash, starting at the beginning
	// of the bonding period, relative to now.
	fn new(window_start: EraIndex) -> Self {
		SlashingSpans {
			span_index: 0,
			last_start: window_start,
			prior: Vec::new(),

	// update the slashing spans to reflect the start of a new span at the era after `now`
	// returns `true` if a new span was started, `false` otherwise. `false` indicates
	// that internal state is unchanged.
	fn end_span(&mut self, now: EraIndex) -> bool {
		let next_start = now + 1;
		if next_start <= self.last_start { return false }

		let last_length = next_start - self.last_start;
		self.prior.insert(0, last_length);
		self.last_start = next_start;
		self.span_index += 1;

	// an iterator over all slashing spans in _reverse_ order - most recent first.
	pub(crate) fn iter(&'_ self) -> impl Iterator<Item = SlashingSpan> + '_ {
		let mut last_start = self.last_start;
		let mut index = self.span_index;
		let last = SlashingSpan { index, start: last_start, length: None };
		let prior = self.prior.iter().cloned().map(move |length| {
			let start = last_start - length;
			last_start = start;
			index -= 1;

			SlashingSpan { index, start, length: Some(length) }


	/// Yields the era index where the last (current) slashing span started.
	pub(crate) fn last_start(&self) -> EraIndex {

	// prune the slashing spans against a window, whose start era index is given.
	// If this returns `Some`, then it includes a range start..end of all the span
	// indices which were pruned.
	fn prune(&mut self, window_start: EraIndex) -> Option<(SpanIndex, SpanIndex)> {
		let old_idx = self.iter()
			.skip(1) // skip ongoing span.
			.position(|span| span.length.map_or(false, |len| span.start + len <= window_start));

		let earliest_span_index = self.span_index - self.prior.len() as SpanIndex;
		let pruned = match old_idx {
			Some(o) => {
				let new_earliest = self.span_index - self.prior.len() as SpanIndex;
				Some((earliest_span_index, new_earliest))
			None => None,

		// readjust the ongoing span, if it started before the beginning of the window.
		self.last_start = sp_std::cmp::max(self.last_start, window_start);

/// A slashing-span record for a particular stash.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default)]
pub(crate) struct SpanRecord<Balance> {
	slashed: Balance,
	paid_out: Balance,

impl<Balance> SpanRecord<Balance> {
	/// The value of stash balance slashed in this span.
	pub(crate) fn amount_slashed(&self) -> &Balance {

/// Parameters for performing a slash.
pub(crate) struct SlashParams<'a, T: 'a + Trait> {
	/// The stash account being slashed.
	pub(crate) stash: &'a T::AccountId,
	/// The proportion of the slash.
	pub(crate) slash: Perbill,
	/// The exposure of the stash and all nominators.
	pub(crate) exposure: &'a Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>,
	/// The era where the offence occurred.
	pub(crate) slash_era: EraIndex,
	/// The first era in the current bonding period.
	pub(crate) window_start: EraIndex,
	/// The current era.
	pub(crate) now: EraIndex,
	/// The maximum percentage of a slash that ever gets paid out.
	/// This is f_inf in the paper.
	pub(crate) reward_proportion: Perbill,

/// Computes a slash of a validator and nominators. It returns an unapplied
/// record to be applied at some later point. Slashing metadata is updated in storage,
/// since unapplied records are only rarely intended to be dropped.
/// The pending slash record returned does not have initialized reporters. Those have
/// to be set at a higher level, if any.
pub(crate) fn compute_slash<T: Trait>(params: SlashParams<T>)
	-> Option<UnappliedSlash<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>>
	let SlashParams {
	} = params.clone();

	let mut reward_payout = Zero::zero();
	let mut val_slashed = Zero::zero();

	// is the slash amount here a maximum for the era?
	let own_slash = slash * exposure.own;
	if slash * == Zero::zero() {
		// kick out the validator even if they won't be slashed,
		// as long as the misbehavior is from their most recent slashing span.
		return None;

	let (prior_slash_p, _era_slash) = <Module<T> as Store>::ValidatorSlashInEra::get(
	).unwrap_or((Perbill::zero(), Zero::zero()));

	// compare slash proportions rather than slash values to avoid issues due to rounding
	// error.
	if slash.deconstruct() > prior_slash_p.deconstruct() {
		<Module<T> as Store>::ValidatorSlashInEra::insert(
			&(slash, own_slash),
	} else {
		// we slash based on the max in era - this new event is not the max,
		// so neither the validator or any nominators will need an update.
		// this does lead to a divergence of our system from the paper, which
		// pays out some reward even if the latest report is not max-in-era.
		// we opt to avoid the nominator lookups and edits and leave more rewards
		// for more drastic misbehavior.
		return None;

	// apply slash to validator.
		let mut spans = fetch_spans::<T>(
			&mut reward_payout,
			&mut val_slashed,

		let target_span = spans.compare_and_update_span_slash(

		if target_span == Some(spans.span_index()) {
			// misbehavior occurred within the current slashing span - take appropriate
			// actions.

			// chill the validator - it misbehaved in the current span and should
			// not continue in the next election. also end the slashing span.

			// make sure to disable validator till the end of this session
			if T::SessionInterface::disable_validator(stash).unwrap_or(false) {
				// force a new era, to select a new validator set

	let mut nominators_slashed = Vec::new();
	reward_payout += slash_nominators::<T>(params, prior_slash_p, &mut nominators_slashed);

	Some(UnappliedSlash {
		validator: stash.clone(),
		own: val_slashed,
		others: nominators_slashed,
		reporters: Vec::new(),
		payout: reward_payout,

// doesn't apply any slash, but kicks out the validator if the misbehavior is from
// the most recent slashing span.
fn kick_out_if_recent<T: Trait>(
	params: SlashParams<T>,
) {
	// these are not updated by era-span or end-span.
	let mut reward_payout = Zero::zero();
	let mut val_slashed = Zero::zero();
	let mut spans = fetch_spans::<T>(
		&mut reward_payout,
		&mut val_slashed,

	if spans.era_span(params.slash_era).map(|s| s.index) == Some(spans.span_index()) {

		// make sure to disable validator till the end of this session
		if T::SessionInterface::disable_validator(params.stash).unwrap_or(false) {
			// force a new era, to select a new validator set

/// Slash nominators. Accepts general parameters and the prior slash percentage of the validator.
/// Returns the amount of reward to pay out.
fn slash_nominators<T: Trait>(
	params: SlashParams<T>,
	prior_slash_p: Perbill,
	nominators_slashed: &mut Vec<(T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>)>,
) -> BalanceOf<T> {
	let SlashParams {
		stash: _,
	} = params;

	let mut reward_payout = Zero::zero();

	for nominator in &exposure.others {
		let stash = &nominator.who;
		let mut nom_slashed = Zero::zero();

		// the era slash of a nominator always grows, if the validator
		// had a new max slash for the era.
		let era_slash = {
			let own_slash_prior = prior_slash_p * nominator.value;
			let own_slash_by_validator = slash * nominator.value;
			let own_slash_difference = own_slash_by_validator.saturating_sub(own_slash_prior);

			let mut era_slash = <Module<T> as Store>::NominatorSlashInEra::get(

			era_slash += own_slash_difference;

			<Module<T> as Store>::NominatorSlashInEra::insert(


		// compare the era slash against other eras in the same span.
			let mut spans = fetch_spans::<T>(
				&mut reward_payout,
				&mut nom_slashed,

			let target_span = spans.compare_and_update_span_slash(

			if target_span == Some(spans.span_index()) {
				// Chill the nominator outright, ending the slashing span.

		nominators_slashed.push((stash.clone(), nom_slashed));


// helper struct for managing a set of spans we are currently inspecting.
// writes alterations to disk on drop, but only if a slash has been carried out.
// NOTE: alterations to slashing metadata should not be done after this is dropped.
// dropping this struct applies any necessary slashes, which can lead to free balance
// being 0, and the account being garbage-collected -- a dead account should get no new
// metadata.
struct InspectingSpans<'a, T: Trait + 'a> {
	dirty: bool,
	window_start: EraIndex,
	stash: &'a T::AccountId,
	spans: SlashingSpans,
	paid_out: &'a mut BalanceOf<T>,
	slash_of: &'a mut BalanceOf<T>,
	reward_proportion: Perbill,
	_marker: sp_std::marker::PhantomData<T>,

// fetches the slashing spans record for a stash account, initializing it if necessary.
fn fetch_spans<'a, T: Trait + 'a>(
	stash: &'a T::AccountId,
	window_start: EraIndex,
	paid_out: &'a mut BalanceOf<T>,
	slash_of: &'a mut BalanceOf<T>,
	reward_proportion: Perbill,
) -> InspectingSpans<'a, T> {
	let spans = <Module<T> as Store>::SlashingSpans::get(stash).unwrap_or_else(|| {
		let spans = SlashingSpans::new(window_start);
		<Module<T> as Store>::SlashingSpans::insert(stash, &spans);

	InspectingSpans {
		dirty: false,
		_marker: sp_std::marker::PhantomData,
448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824

impl<'a, T: 'a + Trait> InspectingSpans<'a, T> {
	fn span_index(&self) -> SpanIndex {

	fn end_span(&mut self, now: EraIndex) {
		self.dirty = self.spans.end_span(now) || self.dirty;

	fn add_slash(&mut self, amount: BalanceOf<T>) {
		*self.slash_of += amount;

	// find the span index of the given era, if covered.
	fn era_span(&self, era: EraIndex) -> Option<SlashingSpan> {
		self.spans.iter().find(|span| span.contains_era(era))

	// compares the slash in an era to the overall current span slash.
	// if it's higher, applies the difference of the slashes and then updates the span on disk.
	// returns the span index of the era where the slash occurred, if any.
	fn compare_and_update_span_slash(
		&mut self,
		slash_era: EraIndex,
		slash: BalanceOf<T>,
	) -> Option<SpanIndex> {
		let target_span = self.era_span(slash_era)?;
		let span_slash_key = (self.stash.clone(), target_span.index);
		let mut span_record = <Module<T> as Store>::SpanSlash::get(&span_slash_key);
		let mut changed = false;

		let reward = if span_record.slashed < slash {
			// new maximum span slash. apply the difference.
			let difference = slash - span_record.slashed;
			span_record.slashed = slash;

			// compute reward.
			let reward = REWARD_F1
				* (self.reward_proportion * slash).saturating_sub(span_record.paid_out);

			changed = true;

		} else if span_record.slashed == slash {
			// compute reward. no slash difference to apply.
			REWARD_F1 * (self.reward_proportion * slash).saturating_sub(span_record.paid_out)
		} else {

		if !reward.is_zero() {
			changed = true;
			span_record.paid_out += reward;
			*self.paid_out += reward;

		if changed {
			self.dirty = true;
			<Module<T> as Store>::SpanSlash::insert(&span_slash_key, &span_record);


impl<'a, T: 'a + Trait> Drop for InspectingSpans<'a, T> {
	fn drop(&mut self) {
		// only update on disk if we slashed this account.
		if !self.dirty { return }

		if let Some((start, end)) = self.spans.prune(self.window_start) {
			for span_index in start..end {
				<Module<T> as Store>::SpanSlash::remove(&(self.stash.clone(), span_index));

		<Module<T> as Store>::SlashingSpans::insert(self.stash, &self.spans);

/// Clear slashing metadata for an obsolete era.
pub(crate) fn clear_era_metadata<T: Trait>(obsolete_era: EraIndex) {
	<Module<T> as Store>::ValidatorSlashInEra::remove_prefix(&obsolete_era);
	<Module<T> as Store>::NominatorSlashInEra::remove_prefix(&obsolete_era);

/// Clear slashing metadata for a dead account.
pub(crate) fn clear_stash_metadata<T: Trait>(stash: &T::AccountId) {
	let spans = match <Module<T> as Store>::SlashingSpans::take(stash) {
		None => return,
		Some(s) => s,

	// kill slashing-span metadata for account.
	// this can only happen while the account is staked _if_ they are completely slashed.
	// in that case, they may re-bond, but it would count again as span 0. Further ancient
	// slashes would slash into this new bond, since metadata has now been cleared.
	for span in spans.iter() {
		<Module<T> as Store>::SpanSlash::remove(&(stash.clone(), span.index));

// apply the slash to a stash account, deducting any missing funds from the reward
// payout, saturating at 0. this is mildly unfair but also an edge-case that
// can only occur when overlapping locked funds have been slashed.
fn do_slash<T: Trait>(
	stash: &T::AccountId,
	value: BalanceOf<T>,
	reward_payout: &mut BalanceOf<T>,
	slashed_imbalance: &mut NegativeImbalanceOf<T>,
) {
	let controller = match <Module<T>>::bonded(stash) {
		None => return, // defensive: should always exist.
		Some(c) => c,

	let mut ledger = match <Module<T>>::ledger(&controller) {
		Some(ledger) => ledger,
		None => return, // nothing to do.

	let value = ledger.slash(value, T::Currency::minimum_balance());

	if !value.is_zero() {
		let (imbalance, missing) = T::Currency::slash(stash, value);

		if !missing.is_zero() {
			// deduct overslash from the reward payout
			*reward_payout = reward_payout.saturating_sub(missing);

		<Module<T>>::update_ledger(&controller, &ledger);

		// trigger the event
			super::RawEvent::Slash(stash.clone(), value)

/// Apply a previously-unapplied slash.
pub(crate) fn apply_slash<T: Trait>(unapplied_slash: UnappliedSlash<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>) {
	let mut slashed_imbalance = NegativeImbalanceOf::<T>::zero();
	let mut reward_payout = unapplied_slash.payout;

		&mut reward_payout,
		&mut slashed_imbalance,

	for &(ref nominator, nominator_slash) in &unapplied_slash.others {
			&mut reward_payout,
			&mut slashed_imbalance,

	pay_reporters::<T>(reward_payout, slashed_imbalance, &unapplied_slash.reporters);

/// Apply a reward payout to some reporters, paying the rewards out of the slashed imbalance.
fn pay_reporters<T: Trait>(
	reward_payout: BalanceOf<T>,
	slashed_imbalance: NegativeImbalanceOf<T>,
	reporters: &[T::AccountId],
) {
	if reward_payout.is_zero() || reporters.is_empty() {
		// nobody to pay out to or nothing to pay;
		// just treat the whole value as slashed.

	// take rewards out of the slashed imbalance.
	let reward_payout = reward_payout.min(slashed_imbalance.peek());
	let (mut reward_payout, mut value_slashed) = slashed_imbalance.split(reward_payout);

	let per_reporter = reward_payout.peek() / (reporters.len() as u32).into();
	for reporter in reporters {
		let (reporter_reward, rest) = reward_payout.split(per_reporter);
		reward_payout = rest;

		// this cancels out the reporter reward imbalance internally, leading
		// to no change in total issuance.
		T::Currency::resolve_creating(reporter, reporter_reward);

	// the rest goes to the on-slash imbalance handler (e.g. treasury)
	value_slashed.subsume(reward_payout); // remainder of reward division remains.

// TODO: function for undoing a slash.

mod tests {
	use super::*;

	fn span_contains_era() {
		// unbounded end
		let span = SlashingSpan { index: 0, start: 1000, length: None };


		// bounded end - non-inclusive range.
		let span = SlashingSpan { index: 0, start: 1000, length: Some(10) };


	fn single_slashing_span() {
		let spans = SlashingSpans {
			span_index: 0,
			last_start: 1000,
			prior: Vec::new(),

			vec![SlashingSpan { index: 0, start: 1000, length: None }],

	fn many_prior_spans() {
		let spans = SlashingSpans {
			span_index: 10,
			last_start: 1000,
			prior: vec![10, 9, 8, 10],

				SlashingSpan { index: 10, start: 1000, length: None },
				SlashingSpan { index: 9, start: 990, length: Some(10) },
				SlashingSpan { index: 8, start: 981, length: Some(9) },
				SlashingSpan { index: 7, start: 973, length: Some(8) },
				SlashingSpan { index: 6, start: 963, length: Some(10) },

	fn pruning_spans() {
		let mut spans = SlashingSpans {
			span_index: 10,
			last_start: 1000,
			prior: vec![10, 9, 8, 10],

		assert_eq!(spans.prune(981), Some((6, 8)));
				SlashingSpan { index: 10, start: 1000, length: None },
				SlashingSpan { index: 9, start: 990, length: Some(10) },
				SlashingSpan { index: 8, start: 981, length: Some(9) },

		assert_eq!(spans.prune(982), None);
				SlashingSpan { index: 10, start: 1000, length: None },
				SlashingSpan { index: 9, start: 990, length: Some(10) },
				SlashingSpan { index: 8, start: 981, length: Some(9) },

		assert_eq!(spans.prune(989), None);
				SlashingSpan { index: 10, start: 1000, length: None },
				SlashingSpan { index: 9, start: 990, length: Some(10) },
				SlashingSpan { index: 8, start: 981, length: Some(9) },

		assert_eq!(spans.prune(1000), Some((8, 10)));
				SlashingSpan { index: 10, start: 1000, length: None },

		assert_eq!(spans.prune(2000), None);
				SlashingSpan { index: 10, start: 2000, length: None },

		// now all in one shot.
		let mut spans = SlashingSpans {
			span_index: 10,
			last_start: 1000,
			prior: vec![10, 9, 8, 10],
		assert_eq!(spans.prune(2000), Some((6, 10)));
				SlashingSpan { index: 10, start: 2000, length: None },

	fn ending_span() {
		let mut spans = SlashingSpans {
			span_index: 1,
			last_start: 10,
			prior: Vec::new(),


				SlashingSpan { index: 2, start: 11, length: None },
				SlashingSpan { index: 1, start: 10, length: Some(1) },

				SlashingSpan { index: 3, start: 16, length: None },
				SlashingSpan { index: 2, start: 11, length: Some(5) },
				SlashingSpan { index: 1, start: 10, length: Some(1) },

		// does nothing if not a valid end.
				SlashingSpan { index: 3, start: 16, length: None },
				SlashingSpan { index: 2, start: 11, length: Some(5) },
				SlashingSpan { index: 1, start: 10, length: Some(1) },