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// This file is part of Substrate.

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// Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! # Contract Module
//! The Contract module provides functionality for the runtime to deploy and execute WebAssembly smart-contracts.
//! - [`contract::Config`](./trait.Config.html)
//! - [`Call`](./enum.Call.html)
//! ## Overview
//! This module extends accounts based on the `Currency` trait to have smart-contract functionality. It can
//! be used with other modules that implement accounts based on `Currency`. These "smart-contract accounts"
//! have the ability to instantiate smart-contracts and make calls to other contract and non-contract accounts.
//! The smart-contract code is stored once in a `code_cache`, and later retrievable via its `code_hash`.
//! This means that multiple smart-contracts can be instantiated from the same `code_cache`, without replicating
//! the code each time.
//! When a smart-contract is called, its associated code is retrieved via the code hash and gets executed.
//! This call can alter the storage entries of the smart-contract account, instantiate new smart-contracts,
//! or call other smart-contracts.
//! Finally, when an account is reaped, its associated code and storage of the smart-contract account
//! will also be deleted.
//! ### Gas
//! Senders must specify a gas limit with every call, as all instructions invoked by the smart-contract require gas.
//! Unused gas is refunded after the call, regardless of the execution outcome.
//! If the gas limit is reached, then all calls and state changes (including balance transfers) are only
//! reverted at the current call's contract level. For example, if contract A calls B and B runs out of gas mid-call,
//! then all of B's calls are reverted. Assuming correct error handling by contract A, A's other calls and state
//! changes still persist.
//! ### Notable Scenarios
//! Contract call failures are not always cascading. When failures occur in a sub-call, they do not "bubble up",
//! and the call will only revert at the specific contract level. For example, if contract A calls contract B, and B
//! fails, A can decide how to handle that failure, either proceeding or reverting A's changes.
//! ## Interface
//! ### Dispatchable functions
//! * `put_code` - Stores the given binary Wasm code into the chain's storage and returns its `code_hash`.
//! * `instantiate` - Deploys a new contract from the given `code_hash`, optionally transferring some balance.
//! This instantiates a new smart contract account and calls its contract deploy handler to
//! initialize the contract.
//! * `call` - Makes a call to an account, optionally transferring some balance.
//! ## Usage
//! The Contract module is a work in progress. The following examples show how this Contract module
//! can be used to instantiate and call contracts.
//! * [`ink`]( is
//! an [`eDSL`]( that enables writing
//! WebAssembly based smart contracts in the Rust programming language. This is a work in progress.
//! ## Related Modules
//! * [Balances](../pallet_balances/index.html)
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-benchmarks", recursion_limit="256")]
mod gas;
mod wasm;
mod rent;
mod tests;
pub use crate::{
	gas::{Gas, GasMeter},
	wasm::ReturnCode as RuntimeReturnCode,
	schedule::{Schedule, HostFnWeights, InstructionWeights, Limits},
use crate::{
	wasm::{WasmLoader, WasmVm},
use sp_core::crypto::UncheckedFrom;
use sp_std::{prelude::*, marker::PhantomData, fmt::Debug};
use codec::{Codec, Encode, Decode};
use sp_runtime::{
		Hash, StaticLookup, Zero, MaybeSerializeDeserialize, Member, Convert, Saturating,
use frame_support::{
	decl_module, decl_event, decl_storage, decl_error, ensure,
	dispatch::{DispatchResult, DispatchResultWithPostInfo},
	traits::{OnUnbalanced, Currency, Get, Time, Randomness},
use frame_system::{ensure_signed, ensure_root, Module as System};
use pallet_contracts_primitives::{
	RentProjectionResult, GetStorageResult, ContractAccessError, ContractExecResult, ExecResult,
use frame_support::weights::Weight;
pub type CodeHash<T> = <T as frame_system::Config>::Hash;
pub type TrieId = Vec<u8>;
/// Information for managing an account and its sub trie abstraction.
/// This is the required info to cache for an account
#[derive(Encode, Decode, RuntimeDebug)]
pub enum ContractInfo<T: Config> {

impl<T: Config> ContractInfo<T> {
	/// If contract is alive then return some alive info
	pub fn get_alive(self) -> Option<AliveContractInfo<T>> {
		if let ContractInfo::Alive(alive) = self {
		} else {
	/// If contract is alive then return some reference to alive info
	pub fn as_alive(&self) -> Option<&AliveContractInfo<T>> {
		if let ContractInfo::Alive(ref alive) = self {
		} else {
	/// If contract is alive then return some mutable reference to alive info
	pub fn as_alive_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut AliveContractInfo<T>> {
		if let ContractInfo::Alive(ref mut alive) = self {
		} else {

	/// If contract is tombstone then return some tombstone info
	pub fn get_tombstone(self) -> Option<TombstoneContractInfo<T>> {
		if let ContractInfo::Tombstone(tombstone) = self {
		} else {
	/// If contract is tombstone then return some reference to tombstone info
	pub fn as_tombstone(&self) -> Option<&TombstoneContractInfo<T>> {
		if let ContractInfo::Tombstone(ref tombstone) = self {
		} else {
	/// If contract is tombstone then return some mutable reference to tombstone info
	pub fn as_tombstone_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut TombstoneContractInfo<T>> {
		if let ContractInfo::Tombstone(ref mut tombstone) = self {
		} else {

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pub type AliveContractInfo<T> =
	RawAliveContractInfo<CodeHash<T>, BalanceOf<T>, <T as frame_system::Config>::BlockNumber>;
/// Information for managing an account and its sub trie abstraction.
/// This is the required info to cache for an account.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RuntimeDebug)]
pub struct RawAliveContractInfo<CodeHash, Balance, BlockNumber> {
	/// Unique ID for the subtree encoded as a bytes vector.
	pub trie_id: TrieId,
	/// The total number of bytes used by this contract.
	/// It is a sum of each key-value pair stored by this contract.
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	pub storage_size: u32,
	/// The total number of key-value pairs in storage of this contract.
	/// The code associated with a given account.
	pub code_hash: CodeHash,
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	/// Pay rent at most up to this value.
	pub rent_allowance: Balance,
	/// The amount of rent that was payed by the contract over its whole lifetime.
	/// A restored contract starts with a value of zero just like a new contract.
	pub rent_payed: Balance,
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	/// Last block rent has been payed.
	pub deduct_block: BlockNumber,
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	/// Last block child storage has been written.
	pub last_write: Option<BlockNumber>,
impl<CodeHash, Balance, BlockNumber> RawAliveContractInfo<CodeHash, Balance, BlockNumber> {
	/// Associated child trie unique id is built from the hash part of the trie id.
	pub fn child_trie_info(&self) -> ChildInfo {

/// Associated child trie unique id is built from the hash part of the trie id.
pub(crate) fn child_trie_info(trie_id: &[u8]) -> ChildInfo {
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pub type TombstoneContractInfo<T> =
	RawTombstoneContractInfo<<T as frame_system::Config>::Hash, <T as frame_system::Config>::Hashing>;
#[derive(Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Eq, RuntimeDebug)]
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pub struct RawTombstoneContractInfo<H, Hasher>(H, PhantomData<Hasher>);
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impl<H, Hasher> RawTombstoneContractInfo<H, Hasher>
	H: Member + MaybeSerializeDeserialize+ Debug
		+ AsRef<[u8]> + AsMut<[u8]> + Copy + Default
		+ sp_std::hash::Hash + Codec,
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	Hasher: Hash<Output=H>,
	fn new(storage_root: &[u8], code_hash: H) -> Self {
		let mut buf = Vec::new();
		storage_root.using_encoded(|encoded| buf.extend_from_slice(encoded));
		RawTombstoneContractInfo(<Hasher as Hash>::hash(&buf[..]), PhantomData)
impl<T: Config> From<AliveContractInfo<T>> for ContractInfo<T> {
	fn from(alive_info: AliveContractInfo<T>) -> Self {

pub type BalanceOf<T> =
	<<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>>::Balance;
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pub type NegativeImbalanceOf<T> =
	<<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>>::NegativeImbalance;
pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
	type Time: Time;
	type Randomness: Randomness<Self::Hash>;
	/// The currency in which fees are paid and contract balances are held.
	type Currency: Currency<Self::AccountId>;

	/// The overarching event type.
	type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as frame_system::Config>::Event>;
	/// Handler for rent payments.
	type RentPayment: OnUnbalanced<NegativeImbalanceOf<Self>>;

	/// Number of block delay an extrinsic claim surcharge has.
	/// When claim surcharge is called by an extrinsic the rent is checked
	/// for current_block - delay
	type SignedClaimHandicap: Get<Self::BlockNumber>;

	/// The minimum amount required to generate a tombstone.
	type TombstoneDeposit: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;

	/// The balance every contract needs to deposit to stay alive indefinitely.
	/// This is different from the [`Self::TombstoneDeposit`] because this only needs to be
	/// deposited while the contract is alive. Costs for additional storage are added to
	/// this base cost.
	/// This is a simple way to ensure that contracts with empty storage eventually get deleted by
	/// making them pay rent. This creates an incentive to remove them early in order to save rent.
	type DepositPerContract: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;
	/// The balance a contract needs to deposit per storage byte to stay alive indefinitely.
	/// Let's suppose the deposit is 1,000 BU (balance units)/byte and the rent is 1 BU/byte/day,
	/// then a contract with 1,000,000 BU that uses 1,000 bytes of storage would pay no rent.
	/// But if the balance reduced to 500,000 BU and the storage stayed the same at 1,000,
	/// then it would pay 500 BU/day.
	type DepositPerStorageByte: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;

	/// The balance a contract needs to deposit per storage item to stay alive indefinitely.
	/// It works the same as [`Self::DepositPerStorageByte`] but for storage items.
	type DepositPerStorageItem: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;

	/// The fraction of the deposit that should be used as rent per block.
	/// When a contract hasn't enough balance deposited to stay alive indefinitely it needs
	/// to pay per block for the storage it consumes that is not covered by the deposit.
	/// This determines how high this rent payment is per block as a fraction of the deposit.
	type RentFraction: Get<Perbill>;

	/// Reward that is received by the party whose touch has led
	/// to removal of a contract.
	type SurchargeReward: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;

	/// The maximum nesting level of a call/instantiate stack.
	type MaxDepth: Get<u32>;

	/// The maximum size of a storage value and event payload in bytes.
	type MaxValueSize: Get<u32>;

	/// Used to answer contracts's queries regarding the current weight price. This is **not**
	/// used to calculate the actual fee and is only for informational purposes.
	type WeightPrice: Convert<Weight, BalanceOf<Self>>;

	/// Describes the weights of the dispatchables of this module and is also used to
	/// construct a default cost schedule.
	type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;

	/// Type that allows the runtime authors to add new host functions for a contract to call.
	type ChainExtension: chain_extension::ChainExtension;

	/// The maximum number of tries that can be queued for deletion.
	type DeletionQueueDepth: Get<u32>;

	/// The maximum amount of weight that can be consumed per block for lazy trie removal.
	type DeletionWeightLimit: Get<Weight>;
decl_error! {
	/// Error for the contracts module.
	pub enum Error for Module<T: Config>
		T::AccountId: UncheckedFrom<T::Hash>,
		T::AccountId: AsRef<[u8]>,
		/// A new schedule must have a greater version than the current one.
		/// An origin must be signed or inherent and auxiliary sender only provided on inherent.
		/// Cannot restore from nonexisting or tombstone contract.
		/// Cannot restore to nonexisting or alive contract.
		/// Tombstones don't match.
		/// An origin TrieId written in the current block.
		/// The executed contract exhausted its gas limit.
		/// The output buffer supplied to a contract API call was too small.
		/// Performing the requested transfer would have brought the contract below
		/// the subsistence threshold. No transfer is allowed to do this in order to allow
		/// for a tombstone to be created. Use `seal_terminate` to remove a contract without
		/// leaving a tombstone behind.
		/// The newly created contract is below the subsistence threshold after executing
		/// its contructor. No contracts are allowed to exist below that threshold.
		/// Performing the requested transfer failed for a reason originating in the
		/// chosen currency implementation of the runtime. Most probably the balance is
		/// too low or locks are placed on it.
		/// Performing a call was denied because the calling depth reached the limit
		/// of what is specified in the schedule.
		/// The contract that was called is either no contract at all (a plain account)
		/// or is a tombstone.
		/// The code supplied to `put_code` exceeds the limit specified in the current schedule.
		/// No code could be found at the supplied code hash.
		/// A buffer outside of sandbox memory was passed to a contract API function.
		/// Input passed to a contract API function failed to decode as expected type.
		/// Contract trapped during execution.
		/// The size defined in `T::MaxValueSize` was exceeded.
		/// The action performed is not allowed while the contract performing it is already
		/// on the call stack. Those actions are contract self destruction and restoration
		/// of a tombstone.
		/// `seal_input` was called twice from the same contract execution context.
		/// The subject passed to `seal_random` exceeds the limit.
		/// The amount of topics passed to `seal_deposit_events` exceeds the limit.
		/// The topics passed to `seal_deposit_events` contains at least one duplicate.
		/// The chain does not provide a chain extension. Calling the chain extension results
		/// in this error. Note that this usually  shouldn't happen as deploying such contracts
		/// is rejected.
		/// Removal of a contract failed because the deletion queue is full.
		/// This can happen when either calling [`Module::claim_surcharge`] or `seal_terminate`.
		/// The queue is filled by deleting contracts and emptied by a fixed amount each block.
		/// Trying again during another block is the only way to resolve this issue.
		/// A contract could not be evicted because it has enough balance to pay rent.
		/// This can be returned from [`Module::claim_surcharge`] because the target
		/// contract has enough balance to pay for its rent.
		/// A storage modification exhausted the 32bit type that holds the storage size.
		/// This can either happen when the accumulated storage in bytes is too large or
		/// when number of storage items is too large.
decl_module! {
	/// Contracts module.
	pub struct Module<T: Config> for enum Call
		origin: T::Origin,
		T::AccountId: UncheckedFrom<T::Hash>,
		T::AccountId: AsRef<[u8]>,
		/// Number of block delay an extrinsic claim surcharge has.
		/// When claim surcharge is called by an extrinsic the rent is checked
		/// for current_block - delay
		const SignedClaimHandicap: T::BlockNumber = T::SignedClaimHandicap::get();

		/// The minimum amount required to generate a tombstone.
		const TombstoneDeposit: BalanceOf<T> = T::TombstoneDeposit::get();

		/// The balance every contract needs to deposit to stay alive indefinitely.
		/// This is different from the [`Self::TombstoneDeposit`] because this only needs to be
		/// deposited while the contract is alive. Costs for additional storage are added to
		/// this base cost.
		/// This is a simple way to ensure that contracts with empty storage eventually get deleted by
		/// making them pay rent. This creates an incentive to remove them early in order to save rent.
		const DepositPerContract: BalanceOf<T> = T::DepositPerContract::get();
		/// The balance a contract needs to deposit per storage byte to stay alive indefinitely.
		/// Let's suppose the deposit is 1,000 BU (balance units)/byte and the rent is 1 BU/byte/day,
		/// then a contract with 1,000,000 BU that uses 1,000 bytes of storage would pay no rent.
		/// But if the balance reduced to 500,000 BU and the storage stayed the same at 1,000,
		/// then it would pay 500 BU/day.
		const DepositPerStorageByte: BalanceOf<T> = T::DepositPerStorageByte::get();

		/// The balance a contract needs to deposit per storage item to stay alive indefinitely.
		/// It works the same as [`Self::DepositPerStorageByte`] but for storage items.
		const DepositPerStorageItem: BalanceOf<T> = T::DepositPerStorageItem::get();

		/// The fraction of the deposit that should be used as rent per block.
		/// When a contract hasn't enough balance deposited to stay alive indefinitely it needs
		/// to pay per block for the storage it consumes that is not covered by the deposit.
		/// This determines how high this rent payment is per block as a fraction of the deposit.
		const RentFraction: Perbill = T::RentFraction::get();

		/// Reward that is received by the party whose touch has led
		/// to removal of a contract.
		const SurchargeReward: BalanceOf<T> = T::SurchargeReward::get();

		/// The maximum nesting level of a call/instantiate stack. A reasonable default
		/// value is 100.
		const MaxDepth: u32 = T::MaxDepth::get();

		/// The maximum size of a storage value in bytes. A reasonable default is 16 KiB.
		const MaxValueSize: u32 = T::MaxValueSize::get();

		/// The maximum number of tries that can be queued for deletion.
		const DeletionQueueDepth: u32 = T::DeletionQueueDepth::get();

		/// The maximum amount of weight that can be consumed per block for lazy trie removal.
		const DeletionWeightLimit: Weight = T::DeletionWeightLimit::get();

		fn deposit_event() = default;
		fn on_initialize() -> Weight {
			// We do not want to go above the block limit and rather avoid lazy deletion
			// in that case. This should only happen on runtime upgrades.
			let weight_limit = T::BlockWeights::get().max_block

		/// Updates the schedule for metering contracts.
		/// The schedule must have a greater version than the stored schedule.
		#[weight = T::WeightInfo::update_schedule()]
		pub fn update_schedule(origin, schedule: Schedule<T>) -> DispatchResult {
			if <Module<T>>::current_schedule().version >= schedule.version {

		/// Stores the given binary Wasm code into the chain's storage and returns its `codehash`.
		/// You can instantiate contracts only with stored code.
		#[weight = T::WeightInfo::put_code(code.len() as u32 / 1024)]
			code: Vec<u8>
		) -> DispatchResult {
			let schedule = <Module<T>>::current_schedule();
			ensure!(code.len() as u32 <= schedule.limits.code_size, Error::<T>::CodeTooLarge);
			let result = wasm::save_code::<T>(code, &schedule);
			if let Ok(code_hash) = result {
			}|_| ()).map_err(Into::into)
		/// Makes a call to an account, optionally transferring some balance.
		/// * If the account is a smart-contract account, the associated code will be
		/// executed and any value will be transferred.
		/// * If the account is a regular account, any value will be transferred.
		/// * If no account exists and the call value is not less than `existential_deposit`,
		/// a regular account will be created and any value will be transferred.
		#[weight = T::WeightInfo::call().saturating_add(*gas_limit)]
			dest: <T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source,
			#[compact] value: BalanceOf<T>,
			#[compact] gas_limit: Gas,
		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
			let origin = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let dest = T::Lookup::lookup(dest)?;
			let mut gas_meter = GasMeter::new(gas_limit);
			let result = Self::execute_wasm(origin, &mut gas_meter, |ctx, gas_meter| {, value, gas_meter, data)
		/// Instantiates a new contract from the `code_hash` generated by `put_code`,
		/// optionally transferring some balance.
		/// The supplied `salt` is used for contract address deriviation. See `fn contract_address`.
		/// Instantiation is executed as follows:
		/// - The destination address is computed based on the sender, code_hash and the salt.
		/// - The smart-contract account is created at the computed address.
		/// - The `ctor_code` is executed in the context of the newly-created account. Buffer returned
		///   after the execution is saved as the `code` of the account. That code will be invoked
		///   upon any call received by this account.
		/// - The contract is initialized.
		#[weight =
				data.len() as u32 / 1024,
				salt.len() as u32 / 1024,
			#[compact] endowment: BalanceOf<T>,
			#[compact] gas_limit: Gas,
			code_hash: CodeHash<T>,
		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
			let origin = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let mut gas_meter = GasMeter::new(gas_limit);
			let result = Self::execute_wasm(origin, &mut gas_meter, |ctx, gas_meter| {
				ctx.instantiate(endowment, gas_meter, &code_hash, data, &salt)
		/// Allows block producers to claim a small reward for evicting a contract. If a block
		/// producer fails to do so, a regular users will be allowed to claim the reward.
		/// In case of a successful eviction no fees are charged from the sender. However, the
		/// reward is capped by the total amount of rent that was payed by the contract while
		/// it was alive.
		/// If contract is not evicted as a result of this call, [`Error::ContractNotEvictable`]
		/// is returned and the sender is not eligible for the reward.
		#[weight = T::WeightInfo::claim_surcharge()]
		pub fn claim_surcharge(
			dest: T::AccountId,
			aux_sender: Option<T::AccountId>
			let origin = origin.into();
			let (signed, rewarded) = match (origin, aux_sender) {
				(Ok(frame_system::RawOrigin::Signed(account)), None) => {
					(true, account)
				(Ok(frame_system::RawOrigin::None), Some(aux_sender)) => {
					(false, aux_sender)
				_ => Err(Error::<T>::InvalidSurchargeClaim)?,

			// Add some advantage for block producers (who send unsigned extrinsics) by
			// adding a handicap: for signed extrinsics we use a slightly older block number
			// for the eviction check. This can be viewed as if we pushed regular users back in past.
			let handicap = if signed {
			} else {

			// If poking the contract has lead to eviction of the contract, give out the rewards.
			if let Some(rent_payed) = Rent::<T>::try_eviction(&dest, handicap)? {
				.map(|_| Pays::No.into())
			} else {
/// Public APIs provided by the contracts module.
impl<T: Config> Module<T>
	T::AccountId: UncheckedFrom<T::Hash> + AsRef<[u8]>,
	/// Perform a call to a specified contract.
	/// This function is similar to `Self::call`, but doesn't perform any address lookups and better
	/// suitable for calling directly from Rust.
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	/// It returns the execution result and the amount of used weight.
	pub fn bare_call(
		origin: T::AccountId,
		dest: T::AccountId,
		value: BalanceOf<T>,
		gas_limit: Gas,
		input_data: Vec<u8>,
		let mut gas_meter = GasMeter::new(gas_limit);
		let exec_result = Self::execute_wasm(origin, &mut gas_meter, |ctx, gas_meter| {, value, gas_meter, input_data)
		let gas_consumed = gas_meter.gas_spent();
		ContractExecResult {
	/// Query storage of a specified contract under a specified key.
	pub fn get_storage(address: T::AccountId, key: [u8; 32]) -> GetStorageResult {
		let contract_info = ContractInfoOf::<T>::get(&address)
		let maybe_value = Storage::<T>::read(&contract_info.trie_id, &key);
	pub fn rent_projection(address: T::AccountId) -> RentProjectionResult<T::BlockNumber> {
	/// Put code for benchmarks which does not check or instrument the code.
	#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
	pub fn put_code_raw(code: Vec<u8>) -> DispatchResult {
		let schedule = <Module<T>>::current_schedule();
		let result = wasm::save_code_raw::<T>(code, &schedule);|_| ()).map_err(Into::into)

	/// Determine the address of a contract,
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	/// This is the address generation function used by contract instantiation. Its result
	/// is only dependend on its inputs. It can therefore be used to reliably predict the
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	/// address of a contract. This is akin to the formular of eth's CREATE2 opcode. There
	/// is no CREATE equivalent because CREATE2 is strictly more powerful.
	/// Formula: `hash(deploying_address ++ code_hash ++ salt)`
	pub fn contract_address(
		deploying_address: &T::AccountId,
		code_hash: &CodeHash<T>,
		salt: &[u8],
	) -> T::AccountId
		let buf: Vec<_> = deploying_address.as_ref().iter()
impl<T: Config> Module<T>
	T::AccountId: UncheckedFrom<T::Hash> + AsRef<[u8]>,
		func: impl FnOnce(&mut ExecutionContext<T, WasmVm<T>, WasmLoader<T>>, &mut GasMeter<T>) -> ExecResult,
		let cfg = ConfigCache::preload();
		let vm = WasmVm::new(&cfg.schedule);
		let loader = WasmLoader::new(&cfg.schedule);
		let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::top_level(origin, &cfg, &vm, &loader);
decl_event! {
	pub enum Event<T>
		Balance = BalanceOf<T>,
		<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId,
		<T as frame_system::Config>::Hash
		/// Contract deployed by address at the specified address. \[deployer, contract\]
		Instantiated(AccountId, AccountId),

		/// Contract has been evicted and is now in tombstone state. \[contract\]

		/// Contract has been terminated without leaving a tombstone.
		/// \[contract, beneficiary\]
		/// - `contract`: The contract that was terminated.
		/// - `beneficiary`: The account that received the contracts remaining balance.
		/// # Note
		/// The only way for a contract to be removed without a tombstone and emitting
		/// this event is by calling `seal_terminate`.
		Terminated(AccountId, AccountId),
		/// Restoration of a contract has been successful.
		/// \[restorer, dest, code_hash, rent_allowance\]
		/// - `restorer`: Account ID of the restoring contract.
		/// - `dest`: Account ID of the restored contract.
		/// - `code_hash`: Code hash of the restored contract.
		/// - `rent_allowance`: Rent allowance of the restored contract.
		Restored(AccountId, AccountId, Hash, Balance),
		/// Code with the specified hash has been stored. \[code_hash\]

		/// Triggered when the current schedule is updated.
		/// \[version\]
		/// # Params
		/// - `version`: The version of the newly set schedule.
		/// A custom event emitted by the contract.
		/// \[contract, data\]
		/// # Params
		/// - `contract`: The contract that emitted the event.
		/// - `data`: Data supplied by the contract. Metadata generated during contract
		///           compilation is needed to decode it.
		ContractEmitted(AccountId, Vec<u8>),
	trait Store for Module<T: Config> as Contracts
		T::AccountId: UncheckedFrom<T::Hash> + AsRef<[u8]>
		/// Current cost schedule for contracts.
		CurrentSchedule get(fn current_schedule) config(): Schedule<T> = Default::default();
		/// A mapping from an original code hash to the original code, untouched by instrumentation.
		pub PristineCode: map hasher(identity) CodeHash<T> => Option<Vec<u8>>;
		/// A mapping between an original code hash and instrumented wasm code, ready for execution.
		pub CodeStorage: map hasher(identity) CodeHash<T> => Option<wasm::PrefabWasmModule>;
		/// The subtrie counter.
		pub AccountCounter: u64 = 0;
		/// The code associated with a given account.
		/// TWOX-NOTE: SAFE since `AccountId` is a secure hash.
		pub ContractInfoOf: map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::AccountId => Option<ContractInfo<T>>;
		/// Evicted contracts that await child trie deletion.
		/// Child trie deletion is a heavy operation depending on the amount of storage items
		/// stored in said trie. Therefore this operation is performed lazily in `on_initialize`.
		pub DeletionQueue: Vec<storage::DeletedContract>;
/// In-memory cache of configuration values.
/// We assume that these values can't be changed in the
/// course of transaction execution.
pub struct ConfigCache<T: Config> {
	pub existential_deposit: BalanceOf<T>,
	pub tombstone_deposit: BalanceOf<T>,
	pub max_depth: u32,
	pub max_value_size: u32,
impl<T: Config> ConfigCache<T>
	T::AccountId: UncheckedFrom<T::Hash> + AsRef<[u8]>
	fn preload() -> ConfigCache<T> {
		ConfigCache {
			schedule: <Module<T>>::current_schedule(),
			existential_deposit: T::Currency::minimum_balance(),
			tombstone_deposit: T::TombstoneDeposit::get(),
			max_depth: T::MaxDepth::get(),
			max_value_size: T::MaxValueSize::get(),

	/// Subsistence threshold is the extension of the minimum balance (aka existential deposit) by the
	/// tombstone deposit, required for leaving a tombstone.
	/// Rent or any contract initiated balance transfer mechanism cannot make the balance lower
	/// than the subsistence threshold in order to guarantee that a tombstone is created.
	/// The only way to completely kill a contract without a tombstone is calling `seal_terminate`.
	pub fn subsistence_threshold(&self) -> BalanceOf<T> {

	/// The same as `subsistence_threshold` but without the need for a preloaded instance.
	/// This is for cases where this value is needed in rent calculation rather than
	/// during contract execution.
	pub fn subsistence_threshold_uncached() -> BalanceOf<T> {