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				let item = (stash.clone(), <system::Module<T>>::block_number(), count as u32);
				<RecentlyOffline<T>>::mutate(|v| if v.len() >= RECENT_OFFLINE_COUNT {
					let index = v.iter()
						.min_by_key(|(_, (_, block, _))| block)
						.expect("v is non-empty; qed")
					v[index] = item;
				} else {
			let prefs = Self::validators(&stash);
			let unstake_threshold = prefs.unstake_threshold.min(MAX_UNSTAKE_THRESHOLD);
			let max_slashes = grace + unstake_threshold;

			let event = if new_slash_count > max_slashes {
				let slash_exposure = Self::stakers(&stash).total;
				let offline_slash_base = Self::offline_slash() * slash_exposure;
				// They're bailing.
				let slash = offline_slash_base
					// Multiply slash_mantissa by 2^(unstake_threshold with upper bound)
					.map(|x| x.min(slash_exposure))
				let _ = Self::slash_validator(&stash, slash);
				let _ = Self::apply_force_new_era(false);

				RawEvent::OfflineSlash(stash.clone(), slash)
			} else {
				RawEvent::OfflineWarning(stash.clone(), slash_count)

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impl<T: Trait> OnSessionChange<T::Moment> for Module<T> {
	fn on_session_change(elapsed: T::Moment, should_reward: bool) {
		Self::new_session(elapsed, should_reward);
impl<T: Trait> OnFreeBalanceZero<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
	fn on_free_balance_zero(stash: &T::AccountId) {
		if let Some(controller) = <Bonded<T>>::take(stash) {
impl<T: Trait> consensus::OnOfflineReport<Vec<u32>> for Module<T> {
	fn handle_report(reported_indices: Vec<u32>) {
		for validator_index in reported_indices {
			let v = <session::Module<T>>::validators()[validator_index as usize].clone();
			Self::on_offline_validator(v, 1);