85.5 KiB
Newer Older
/// to pallet information given by [`frame_support::traits::PalletInfo`]. (The implementation
/// uses the associated type `frame_system::Config::PalletInfo`).
/// It implements [`StorageInfoTrait`](`traits::StorageInfoTrait`) on `Pallet` which give
/// information about all storages.
/// If the attribute `generate_store` is set then the macro creates the trait `Store` and
/// implements it on `Pallet`.
/// If the attribute `set_storage_max_encoded_len` is set then the macro calls
/// [`StorageInfoTrait`](`traits::StorageInfoTrait`) for each storage in the implementation of
/// [`StorageInfoTrait`](`traits::StorageInfoTrait`) for the pallet. Otherwise it implements
/// [`StorageInfoTrait`](`traits::StorageInfoTrait`) for the pallet using the
/// [`PartialStorageInfoTrait`](`traits::PartialStorageInfoTrait`) implementation of storages.
/// # Config trait: `#[pallet::config]` (mandatory)
/// The mandatory attribute `#[pallet::config]` defines the configurable options for the
/// pallet.
/// Item must be defined as:
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::config]
/// pub trait Config: frame_system::Config + $optionally_some_other_supertraits
/// $optional_where_clause
/// {
/// ...
/// }
/// ```
/// I.e. a regular trait definition named `Config`, with the supertrait
/// `frame_system::pallet::Config`, and optionally other supertraits and a where clause.
/// (Specifying other supertraits here is known as [tight
/// coupling](
/// The associated type `RuntimeEvent` is reserved. If defined, it must have the bounds
/// `From<Event>` and `IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>`.
/// [`pallet::event`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::event`) must be present if `RuntimeEvent`
/// exists as a config item in your `#[pallet::config]`.
/// Also see [`pallet::config`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::config`)
/// ## `pallet::constant`
/// The `#[pallet::constant]` attribute can be used to add an associated type trait bounded by
/// [`Get`](crate::traits::Get) from [`pallet::config`](#palletconfig) into metadata, e.g.:
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::config]
/// pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
/// 	#[pallet::constant]
/// 	type Foo: Get<u32>;
/// Also see [`pallet::constant`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::constant`)
/// ## `pallet::disable_frame_system_supertrait_check`
/// <a name="disable_supertrait_check"></a>
/// To bypass the `frame_system::Config` supertrait check, use the attribute
/// `pallet::disable_frame_system_supertrait_check`, e.g.:
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::config]
/// #[pallet::disable_frame_system_supertrait_check]
/// pub trait Config: pallet_timestamp::Config {}
/// ```
/// NOTE: Bypassing the `frame_system::Config` supertrait check is typically desirable when you
/// want to write an alternative to the `frame_system` pallet.
/// Also see
/// [`pallet::disable_frame_system_supertrait_check`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::disable_frame_system_supertrait_check`)
/// The macro expands pallet constant metadata with the information given by
/// `#[pallet::constant]`.
/// # `pallet::generate_store($vis trait Store)`
/// To generate a `Store` trait associating all storages, annotate your `Pallet` struct with
/// the attribute `#[pallet::generate_store($vis trait Store)]`, e.g.:
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::pallet]
/// #[pallet::generate_store(pub(super) trait Store)]
/// More precisely, the `Store` trait contains an associated type for each storage. It is
/// implemented for `Pallet` allowing access to the storage from pallet struct.
/// Thus when defining a storage named `Foo`, it can later be accessed from `Pallet` using
/// `<Pallet as Store>::Foo`.
/// NOTE: this attribute is only valid when applied _directly_ to your `Pallet` struct
/// definition.
/// Also see [`pallet::generate_store`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::generate_store`).
/// # `pallet::storage_version`
/// Because the [`pallet::pallet`](#pallet-struct-placeholder-palletpallet-mandatory) macro
/// implements [`traits::GetStorageVersion`], the current storage version needs to be
/// communicated to the macro. This can be done by using the `pallet::storage_version`
/// attribute:
/// ```ignore
/// const STORAGE_VERSION: StorageVersion = StorageVersion::new(5);
/// #[pallet::pallet]
/// #[pallet::storage_version(STORAGE_VERSION)]
/// pub struct Pallet<T>(_);
/// ```
/// If not present, the current storage version is set to the default value.
/// Also see [`pallet::storage_version`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::storage_version`)
/// # Hooks: `#[pallet::hooks]` (optional)
/// The `pallet::hooks` attribute allows you to specify a `Hooks` implementation for `Pallet`
/// that specifies pallet-specific logic.
/// The item the attribute attaches to must be defined as follows:
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::hooks]
/// impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> $optional_where_clause {
/// }
/// ```
/// I.e. a regular trait implementation with generic bound: `T: Config`, for the trait
/// `Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>>` (they are defined in preludes), for the type `Pallet<T>` and
/// with an optional where clause.
/// If no `#[pallet::hooks]` exists, then the following default implementation is
/// automatically generated:
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::hooks]
/// impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {}
/// ```
/// Also see [`pallet::hooks`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::hooks`)
/// # Call: `#[pallet::call]` (optional)
/// Implementation of pallet dispatchables.
/// Item must be defined as:
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::call]
/// impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
/// 	/// $some_doc
/// 	#[pallet::weight($ExpressionResultingInWeight)]
/// 	pub fn $fn_name(
/// 		origin: OriginFor<T>,
/// 		$some_arg: $some_type,
/// 		// or with compact attribute: #[pallet::compact] $some_arg: $some_type,
/// 		...
/// 	) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo { // or `-> DispatchResult`
/// 		...
/// 	}
/// 	...
/// }
/// ```
/// I.e. a regular type implementation, with generic `T: Config`, on type `Pallet<T>`, with
/// an optional where clause.
/// ## `#[pallet::weight($expr)]`
/// Each dispatchable needs to define a weight with `#[pallet::weight($expr)]` attribute, the
/// first argument must be `origin: OriginFor<T>`.
/// Also see [`pallet::weight`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::weight`)
/// ### `#[pallet::compact] $some_arg: $some_type`
/// Compact encoding for arguments can be achieved via `#[pallet::compact]`. The function must
/// return a `DispatchResultWithPostInfo` or `DispatchResult`.
/// Also see [`pallet::compact`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::compact`)
/// ## `#[pallet::call_index($idx)]`
/// Each dispatchable may also be annotated with the `#[pallet::call_index($idx)]` attribute,
/// which explicitly defines the codec index for the dispatchable function in the `Call` enum.
/// All call indexes start from 0, until it encounters a dispatchable function with a defined
/// call index. The dispatchable function that lexically follows the function with a defined
/// call index will have that call index, but incremented by 1, e.g. if there are 3
/// dispatchable functions `fn foo`, `fn bar` and `fn qux` in that order, and only `fn bar`
/// has a call index of 10, then `fn qux` will have an index of 11, instead of 1.
/// **WARNING**: modifying dispatchables, changing their order, removing some, etc., must be
/// done with care. Indeed this will change the outer runtime call type (which is an enum with
/// one variant per pallet), this outer runtime call can be stored on-chain (e.g. in
/// `pallet-scheduler`). Thus migration might be needed. To mitigate against some of this, the
/// `#[pallet::call_index($idx)]` attribute can be used to fix the order of the dispatchable so
/// that the `Call` enum encoding does not change after modification. As a general rule of
/// thumb, it is therefore adventageous to always add new calls to the end so you can maintain
/// the existing order of calls.
/// Also see [`pallet::call_index`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::call_index`)
/// # Extra constants: `#[pallet::extra_constants]` (optional)
/// Allows you to define some extra constants to be added into constant metadata.
/// Item must be defined as:
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::extra_constants]
/// impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> where $optional_where_clause {
/// 	/// $some_doc
/// 	$vis fn $fn_name() -> $some_return_type {
/// 		...
/// 	}
/// 	...
/// }
/// ```
/// I.e. a regular rust `impl` block with some optional where clause and functions with 0 args,
/// 0 generics, and some return type.
/// The macro add some extra constants to pallet constant metadata.
/// Also see: [`pallet::extra_constants`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::extra_constants`)
/// # Error: `#[pallet::error]` (optional)
/// The `#[pallet::error]` attribute allows you to define an error enum that will be returned
/// from the dispatchable when an error occurs. The information for this error type is then
/// stored in metadata.
/// Item must be defined as:
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::error]
/// pub enum Error<T> {
/// 	/// $some_optional_doc
/// 	$SomeFieldLessVariant,
/// 	/// $some_more_optional_doc
/// 	$SomeVariantWithOneField(FieldType),
/// I.e. a regular enum named `Error`, with generic `T` and fieldless or multiple-field
/// variants.
/// Any field type in the enum variants must implement [`scale_info::TypeInfo`] in order to be
/// properly used in the metadata, and its encoded size should be as small as possible,
/// preferably 1 byte in size in order to reduce storage size. The error enum itself has an
/// absolute maximum encoded size specified by [`MAX_MODULE_ERROR_ENCODED_SIZE`].
/// (1 byte can still be 256 different errors. The more specific the error, the easier it is to
/// diagnose problems and give a better experience to the user. Don't skimp on having lots of
/// individual error conditions.)
/// Field types in enum variants must also implement [`PalletError`](traits::PalletError),
/// otherwise the pallet will fail to compile. Rust primitive types have already implemented
/// the [`PalletError`](traits::PalletError) trait along with some commonly used stdlib types
/// such as [`Option`] and
/// [`PhantomData`](`frame_support::__private::sp_std::marker::PhantomData`), and hence in most
/// use cases, a manual implementation is not necessary and is discouraged.
/// The generic `T` must not bound anything and a `where` clause is not allowed. That said,
/// bounds and/or a where clause should not needed for any use-case.
/// Also see: [`pallet::error`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::error`)
/// # Event: `#[pallet::event]` (optional)
/// Allows you to define pallet events. Pallet events are stored under the `system` / `events`
/// key when the block is applied (and then replaced when the next block writes it's events).
/// The Event enum must be defined as follows:
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::event]
/// #[pallet::generate_deposit($visibility fn deposit_event)] // Optional
/// pub enum Event<$some_generic> $optional_where_clause {
/// 	/// Some doc
/// 	$SomeName($SomeType, $YetanotherType, ...),
/// 	...
/// }
/// ```
/// I.e. an enum (with named or unnamed fields variant), named `Event`, with generic: none or
/// `T` or `T: Config`, and optional w here clause.
/// Each field must implement [`Clone`], [`Eq`], [`PartialEq`], [`Encode`], [`Decode`], and
/// [`Debug`] (on std only). For ease of use, bound by the trait
/// [`Member`](`frame_support::pallet_prelude::Member`), available in
/// frame_support::pallet_prelude.
/// Also see [`pallet::event`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::event`)
/// ## `#[pallet::generate_deposit($visibility fn deposit_event)]`
/// The attribute `#[pallet::generate_deposit($visibility fn deposit_event)]` generates a
/// helper function on `Pallet` that handles deposit events.
/// NOTE: For instantiable pallets, the event must be generic over `T` and `I`.
/// Also see [`pallet::generate_deposit`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::generate_deposit`)
/// # Storage: `#[pallet::storage]` (optional)
/// The `#[pallet::storage]` attribute lets you define some abstract storage inside of runtime
/// storage and also set its metadata. This attribute can be used multiple times.
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::storage]
/// #[pallet::getter(fn $getter_name)] // optional
/// $vis type $StorageName<$some_generic> $optional_where_clause
/// 	= $StorageType<$generic_name = $some_generics, $other_name = $some_other, ...>;
/// ```
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::storage]
/// #[pallet::getter(fn $getter_name)] // optional
/// $vis type $StorageName<$some_generic> $optional_where_clause
/// 	= $StorageType<_, $some_generics, ...>;
/// ```
/// I.e. it must be a type alias, with generics: `T` or `T: Config`. The aliased type must be
/// one of [`StorageValue`](`pallet_prelude::StorageValue`),
/// [`StorageMap`](`pallet_prelude::StorageMap`) or
/// [`StorageDoubleMap`](`pallet_prelude::StorageDoubleMap`). The generic arguments of the
/// storage type can be given in two manners: named and unnamed. For named generic arguments,
/// the name for each argument should match the name defined for it on the storage struct:
/// * [`StorageValue`](`pallet_prelude::StorageValue`) expects `Value` and optionally
///   `QueryKind` and `OnEmpty`,
/// * [`StorageMap`](`pallet_prelude::StorageMap`) expects `Hasher`, `Key`, `Value` and
///   optionally `QueryKind` and `OnEmpty`,
/// * [`CountedStorageMap`](`pallet_prelude::CountedStorageMap`) expects `Hasher`, `Key`,
///   `Value` and optionally `QueryKind` and `OnEmpty`,
/// * [`StorageDoubleMap`](`pallet_prelude::StorageDoubleMap`) expects `Hasher1`, `Key1`,
///   `Hasher2`, `Key2`, `Value` and optionally `QueryKind` and `OnEmpty`.
/// For unnamed generic arguments: Their first generic must be `_` as it is replaced by the
/// macro and other generic must declared as a normal generic type declaration.
/// The `Prefix` generic written by the macro is generated using
/// `PalletInfo::name::<Pallet<..>>()` and the name of the storage type. E.g. if runtime names
/// the pallet "MyExample" then the storage `type Foo<T> = ...` should use the prefix:
/// `Twox128(b"MyExample") ++ Twox128(b"Foo")`.
/// For the [`CountedStorageMap`](`pallet_prelude::CountedStorageMap`) variant, the `Prefix`
/// also implements
/// [`CountedStorageMapInstance`](`frame_support::storage::types::CountedStorageMapInstance`).
/// It also associates a [`CounterPrefix`](`pallet_prelude::CounterPrefix'), which is
/// implemented the same as above, but the storage prefix is prepend with `"CounterFor"`. E.g.
/// if runtime names the pallet "MyExample" then the storage `type Foo<T> =
/// CountedStorageaMap<...>` will store its counter at the prefix: `Twox128(b"MyExample") ++
/// Twox128(b"CounterForFoo")`.
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::storage]
/// pub(super) type MyStorage<T> = StorageMap<Hasher = Blake2_128Concat, Key = u32, Value = u32>;
/// ```
/// In this case the final prefix used by the map is `Twox128(b"MyExample") ++
/// Twox128(b"OtherName")`.
/// Also see [`pallet::storage`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::storage`)
/// ## `#[pallet::getter(fn $my_getter_fn_name)]` (optional)
/// The optional attribute `#[pallet::getter(fn $my_getter_fn_name)]` allows you to define a
/// getter function on `Pallet`.
/// Also see [`pallet::getter`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::getter`)
/// ## `#[pallet::storage_prefix = "SomeName"]` (optional)
/// The optional attribute `#[pallet::storage_prefix = "SomeName"]` allows you to define the
/// storage prefix to use, see how `Prefix` generic is implemented above. This is helpful if
/// you wish to rename the storage field but don't want to perform a migration.
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::storage]
/// #[pallet::storage_prefix = "foo"]
/// #[pallet::getter(fn my_storage)]
/// pub(super) type MyStorage<T> = StorageMap<Hasher = Blake2_128Concat, Key = u32, Value = u32>;
/// ```
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::storage]
/// #[pallet::getter(fn my_storage)]
/// pub(super) type MyStorage<T> = StorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, u32, u32>;
/// ```
/// Also see [`pallet::storage_prefix`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::storage_prefix`)
/// ## `#[pallet::unbounded]` (optional)
/// The optional attribute `#[pallet::unbounded]` declares the storage as unbounded. When
/// implementating the storage info (when `#[pallet::generate_storage_info]` is specified on
/// the pallet struct placeholder), the size of the storage will be declared as unbounded. This
/// can be useful for storage which can never go into PoV (Proof of Validity).
/// Also see [`pallet::unbounded`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::unbounded`)
/// ## `#[pallet::whitelist_storage]` (optional)
/// The optional attribute `#[pallet::whitelist_storage]` will declare the storage as
/// whitelisted from benchmarking.
/// See
/// [`pallet::whitelist_storage`](frame_support::pallet_macros::whitelist_storage)
/// for more info.
///	## `#[cfg(..)]` (for storage)
/// The optional attributes `#[cfg(..)]` allow conditional compilation for the storage.
/// E.g:
/// ```ignore
/// #[cfg(feature = "my-feature")]
/// #[pallet::storage]
/// pub(super) type MyStorage<T> = StorageValue<Value = u32>;
/// All the `cfg` attributes are automatically copied to the items generated for the storage,
/// i.e. the getter, storage prefix, and the metadata element etc.
/// Any type placed as the `QueryKind` parameter must implement
/// [`frame_support::storage::types::QueryKindTrait`]. There are 3 implementations of this
/// trait by default:
/// 1. [`OptionQuery`](`frame_support::storage::types::OptionQuery`), the default `QueryKind`
///    used when this type parameter is omitted. Specifying this as the `QueryKind` would cause
///    storage map APIs that return a `QueryKind` to instead return an [`Option`], returning
///    `Some` when a value does exist under a specified storage key, and `None` otherwise.
/// 2. [`ValueQuery`](`frame_support::storage::types::ValueQuery`) causes storage map APIs that
///    return a `QueryKind` to instead return the value type. In cases where a value does not
///    exist under a specified storage key, the `OnEmpty` type parameter on `QueryKindTrait` is
///    used to return an appropriate value.
/// 3. [`ResultQuery`](`frame_support::storage::types::ResultQuery`) causes storage map APIs
///    that return a `QueryKind` to instead return a `Result<T, E>`, with `T` being the value
///    type and `E` being the pallet error type specified by the `#[pallet::error]` attribute.
///    In cases where a value does not exist under a specified storage key, an `Err` with the
///    specified pallet error variant is returned.
/// NOTE: If the `QueryKind` generic parameter is still generic at this stage or is using some
/// type alias then the generation of the getter might fail. In this case the getter can be
/// implemented manually.
/// NOTE: The generic `Hasher` must implement the [`StorageHasher`] trait (or the type is not
/// usable at all). We use [`StorageHasher::METADATA`] for the metadata of the hasher of the
/// storage item. Thus generic hasher is supported.
/// For each storage item the macro generates a struct named
/// `_GeneratedPrefixForStorage$NameOfStorage`, and implements
/// [`StorageInstance`](traits::StorageInstance) on it using the pallet and storage name. It
/// then uses it as the first generic of the aliased type. For
/// [`CountedStorageMap`](`pallet_prelude::CountedStorageMap`),
/// [`CountedStorageMapInstance`](`frame_support::storage::types::CountedStorageMapInstance`)
/// is implemented, and another similar struct is generated.
/// For a named generic, the macro will reorder the generics, and remove the names.
/// The macro implements the function `storage_metadata` on the `Pallet` implementing the
/// metadata for all storage items based on their kind:
/// * for a storage value, the type of the value is copied into the metadata
/// * for a storage map, the type of the values and the key's type is copied into the metadata
/// * for a storage double map, the type of the values, and the types of `key1` and `key2` are
///   copied into the metadata.
/// # Type value: `#[pallet::type_value]` (optional)
/// The `#[pallet::type_value]` attribute lets you define a struct implementing the
/// [`Get`](crate::traits::Get) trait to ease use of storage types. This attribute is meant to
/// be used alongside [`#[pallet::storage]`](#storage-palletstorage-optional) to define a
/// storage's default value. This attribute can be used multiple times.
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::type_value]
/// fn $MyDefaultName<$some_generic>() -> $default_type $optional_where_clause { $expr }
/// ```
/// I.e.: a function definition with generics none or `T: Config` and a returned type.
/// E.g.:
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::type_value]
/// fn MyDefault<T: Config>() -> T::Balance { 3.into() }
/// ```
/// Also see [`pallet::type_value`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::type_value`)
/// # Genesis config: `#[pallet::genesis_config]` (optional)
/// The `#[pallet::genesis_config]` attribute allows you to define the genesis configuration
/// for the pallet.
/// Item is defined as either an enum or a struct. It needs to be public and implement the
/// trait [`BuildGenesisConfig`](`traits::BuildGenesisConfig`) with
/// [`#[pallet::genesis_build]`](#genesis-build-palletgenesis_build-optional). The type
/// generics are constrained to be either none, or `T` or `T: Config`.
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::genesis_config]
/// pub struct GenesisConfig<T: Config> {
/// 	_myfield: BalanceOf<T>,
/// }
/// ```
/// Also see [`pallet::genesis_config`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::genesis_config`)
/// # Genesis build: `#[pallet::genesis_build]` (optional)
/// The `#[pallet::genesis_build]` attribute allows you to define how `genesis_configuration`
/// is built. This takes as input the `GenesisConfig` type (as `self`) and constructs the
/// pallet's initial state.
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::genesis_build]
/// impl<T: Config> GenesisBuild<T> for GenesisConfig<$maybe_generics> {
/// 	fn build(&self) { $expr }
/// }
/// ```
/// I.e. a trait implementation with generic `T: Config`, of trait `GenesisBuild<T>` on
/// type `GenesisConfig` with generics none or `T`.
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::genesis_build]
/// impl<T: Config> GenesisBuild<T> for GenesisConfig {
/// 	fn build(&self) {}
/// }
/// ```
/// Also see [`pallet::genesis_build`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::genesis_build`)
/// # Inherent: `#[pallet::inherent]` (optional)
/// The `#[pallet::inherent]` attribute allows the pallet to provide some
/// [inherent](
/// An inherent is some piece of data that is inserted by a block authoring node at block
/// creation time and can either be accepted or rejected by validators based on whether the
/// data falls within an acceptable range.
/// The most common inherent is the `timestamp` that is inserted into every block. Since there
/// is no way to validate timestamps, validators simply check that the timestamp reported by
/// the block authoring node falls within an acceptable range.
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::inherent]
/// impl<T: Config> ProvideInherent for Pallet<T> {
/// 	// ... regular trait implementation
/// }
/// ```
/// I.e. a trait implementation with bound `T: Config`, of trait
/// [`ProvideInherent`](`pallet_prelude::ProvideInherent`) for type `Pallet<T>`, and some
/// optional where clause.
/// Also see [`pallet::inherent`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::inherent`)
/// # Validate unsigned: `#[pallet::validate_unsigned]` (optional)
/// The `#[pallet::validate_unsigned]` attribute allows the pallet to validate some unsigned
/// transaction:
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::validate_unsigned]
/// impl<T: Config> ValidateUnsigned for Pallet<T> {
/// 	// ... regular trait implementation
/// }
/// ```
/// I.e. a trait implementation with bound `T: Config`, of trait
/// [`ValidateUnsigned`](`pallet_prelude::ValidateUnsigned`) for type `Pallet<T>`, and some
/// optional where clause.
/// NOTE: There is also the [`sp_runtime::traits::SignedExtension`] trait that can be used to
/// add some specific logic for transaction validation.
/// Also see [`pallet::validate_unsigned`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::validate_unsigned`)
/// # Origin: `#[pallet::origin]` (optional)
/// The `#[pallet::origin]` attribute allows you to define some origin for the pallet.
/// Item must be either a type alias, an enum, or a struct. It needs to be public.
/// ```ignore
/// #[pallet::origin]
/// pub struct Origin<T>(PhantomData<(T)>);
/// ```
/// **WARNING**: modifying origin changes the outer runtime origin. This outer runtime origin
/// can be stored on-chain (e.g. in `pallet-scheduler`), thus any change must be done with care
/// as it might require some migration.
/// NOTE: for instantiable pallets, the origin must be generic over `T` and `I`.
/// Also see [`pallet::origin`](`frame_support::pallet_macros::origin`)
/// # Composite enum `#[pallet::composite_enum]` (optional)
/// The `#[pallet::composite_enum]` attribute allows you to define an enum on the pallet which
/// will then instruct `construct_runtime` to amalgamate all similarly-named enums from other
/// pallets into an aggregate enum. This is similar in principle with how the aggregate enum is
/// generated for `#[pallet::event]` or `#[pallet::error]`.
/// The item tagged with `#[pallet::composite_enum]` MUST be an enum declaration, and can ONLY
/// be the following identifiers: `FreezeReason`, `HoldReason`, `LockId` or `SlashReason`.
/// Custom identifiers are not supported.
/// NOTE: For ease of usage, when no `#[derive]` attributes are detected, the
/// `#[pallet::composite_enum]` attribute will automatically derive the following traits for
/// the enum:
/// ```ignore
/// Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Encode, Decode, MaxEncodedLen, TypeInfo, RuntimeDebug
/// ```
/// The inverse is also true: if there are any #[derive] attributes present for the enum, then
/// the attribute will not automatically derive any of the traits described above.
/// # General notes on instantiable pallets
/// An instantiable pallet is one where Config is generic, i.e. `Config<I>`. This allows
/// runtime to implement multiple instances of the pallet, by using different types for the
/// generic. This is the sole purpose of the generic `I`, but because
/// [`PalletInfo`](`traits::PalletInfo`) requires the `Pallet` placeholder to be static, it is
/// important to bound by `'static` whenever [`PalletInfo`](`traits::PalletInfo`) can be used.
/// Additionally, in order to make an instantiable pallet usable as a regular pallet without an
/// instance, it is important to bound by `= ()` on every type.
/// Thus impl bound looks like `impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static>`, and types look like
/// `SomeType<T, I=()>` or `SomeType<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()>`.
/// # Example of a non-instantiable pallet
/// pub use pallet::*; // reexport in crate namespace for `construct_runtime!`
/// #[frame_support::pallet]
/// // NOTE: The name of the pallet is provided by `construct_runtime` and is used as
/// // the unique identifier for the pallet's storage. It is not defined in the pallet itself.
/// 	use frame_support::pallet_prelude::*; // Import various types used in the pallet definition
/// 	use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*; // Import some system helper types.
/// 	type BalanceOf<T> = <T as Config>::Balance;
/// 	// Define the generic parameter of the pallet
/// 	// The macro parses `#[pallet::constant]` attributes and uses them to generate metadata
/// 	// for the pallet's constants.
/// 	#[pallet::config]
/// 	pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
/// 		#[pallet::constant] // put the constant in metadata
/// 		type MyGetParam: Get<u32>;
/// 		type Balance: Parameter + MaxEncodedLen + From<u8>;
/// 		type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>;
/// 	}
/// 	// Define some additional constant to put into the constant metadata.
/// 	#[pallet::extra_constants]
/// 	impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
/// 		/// Some description
/// 		fn exra_constant_name() -> u128 { 4u128 }
/// 	}
/// 	// Define the pallet struct placeholder, various pallet function are implemented on it.
/// 	#[pallet::pallet]
/// 	#[pallet::generate_store(pub(super) trait Store)]
/// 	// Implement the pallet hooks.
/// 	#[pallet::hooks]
/// 	impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
/// 		fn on_initialize(_n: BlockNumberFor<T>) -> Weight {
/// 			unimplemented!();
/// 		}
/// 		// can implement also: on_finalize, on_runtime_upgrade, offchain_worker, ...
/// 		// see `Hooks` trait
/// 	}
/// 	// Declare Call struct and implement dispatchables.
/// 	//
/// 	// WARNING: Each parameter used in functions must implement: Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq,
/// 	// Codec.
/// 	//
/// 	// The macro parses `#[pallet::compact]` attributes on function arguments and implements
/// 	// the `Call` encoding/decoding accordingly.
/// 	#[pallet::call]
/// 	impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
/// 		/// Doc comment put in metadata
/// 		#[pallet::weight(0)] // Defines weight for call (function parameters are in scope)
/// 		pub fn toto(
/// 			origin: OriginFor<T>,
/// 			#[pallet::compact] _foo: u32,
/// 		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
/// 			let _ = origin;
/// 			unimplemented!();
/// 		}
/// 	}
/// 	// Declare the pallet `Error` enum (this is optional).
/// 	// The macro generates error metadata using the doc comment on each variant.
/// 	#[pallet::error]
/// 	pub enum Error<T> {
/// 		/// doc comment put into metadata
/// 		InsufficientProposersBalance,
/// 	}
/// 	// Declare pallet Event enum (this is optional).
/// 	//
/// 	// WARNING: Each type used in variants must implement: Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Codec.
/// 	//
/// 	// The macro generates event metadata, and derive Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq and Codec
/// 	#[pallet::event]
/// 	// Generate a funciton on Pallet to deposit an event.
/// 	#[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)]
/// 	pub enum Event<T: Config> {
/// 		/// doc comment put in metadata
/// 		// `<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId` is not defined in metadata list, the last
/// 		// Thus the metadata is `<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId`.
/// 		Proposed(<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId),
/// 		/// doc
/// 		// here metadata will be `Balance` as define in metadata list
/// 		Spending(BalanceOf<T>),
/// 		// here metadata will be `Other` as define in metadata list
/// 		Something(u32),
/// 	}
/// 	// Define a struct which implements `frame_support::traits::Get<T::Balance>` (optional).
/// 	#[pallet::type_value]
/// 	pub(super) fn MyDefault<T: Config>() -> T::Balance { 3.into() }
/// 	// Declare a storage item. Any amount of storage items can be declared (optional).
/// 	//
/// 	// Is expected either `StorageValue`, `StorageMap` or `StorageDoubleMap`.
/// 	// The macro generates the prefix type and replaces the first generic `_`.
/// 	//
/// 	// The macro expands the metadata for the storage item with the type used:
/// 	// * for a storage value the type of the value is copied into the metadata
/// 	// * for a storage map the type of the values and the type of the key is copied into the metadata
/// 	// * for a storage double map the types of the values and keys are copied into the
/// 	// NOTE: The generic `Hasher` must implement the `StorageHasher` trait (or the type is not
/// 	// usable at all). We use [`StorageHasher::METADATA`] for the metadata of the hasher of the
/// 	// storage item. Thus generic hasher is supported.
/// 	#[pallet::storage]
/// 	pub(super) type MyStorageValue<T: Config> =
/// 		StorageValue<Value = T::Balance, QueryKind = ValueQuery, OnEmpty = MyDefault<T>>;
/// 	// Another storage declaration
/// 	#[pallet::storage]
/// 	#[pallet::getter(fn my_storage)]
/// 	#[pallet::storage_prefix = "SomeOtherName"]
/// 	pub(super) type MyStorage<T> =
/// 		StorageMap<Hasher = Blake2_128Concat, Key = u32, Value = u32>;
/// 	// Declare the genesis config (optional).
/// 	// The macro accepts either a struct or an enum; it checks that generics are consistent.
/// 	// Type must implement the `Default` trait.
/// 	#[pallet::genesis_config]
/// 	#[derive(frame_support::DefaultNoBound)]
/// 	pub struct GenesisConfig<T: Config> {
/// 	    _config: sp_std::marker::PhantomData<T>,
/// 		_myfield: u32,
/// 	}
/// 	// Declare genesis builder. (This is need only if GenesisConfig is declared)
/// 	#[pallet::genesis_build]
/// 	impl<T: Config> BuildGenesisConfig for GenesisConfig<T> {
/// 		fn build(&self) {}
/// 	}
/// 	// Declare a pallet origin (this is optional).
/// 	//
/// 	// The macro accept type alias or struct or enum, it checks generics are consistent.
/// 	#[pallet::origin]
/// 	pub struct Origin<T>(PhantomData<T>);
///     // Declare a hold reason (this is optional).
///     //
///     // Creates a hold reason for this pallet that is aggregated by `construct_runtime`.
///     // A similar enum can be defined for `FreezeReason`, `LockId` or `SlashReason`.
///     #[pallet::composite_enum]
/// 	pub enum HoldReason {
/// 		SomeHoldReason
/// 	}
/// 	// Declare validate_unsigned implementation (this is optional).
/// 	#[pallet::validate_unsigned]
/// 	impl<T: Config> ValidateUnsigned for Pallet<T> {
/// 		type Call = Call<T>;
/// 		fn validate_unsigned(
/// 			source: TransactionSource,
/// 			call: &Self::Call
/// 		) -> TransactionValidity {
/// 			Err(TransactionValidityError::Invalid(InvalidTransaction::Call))
/// 		}
/// 	}
/// 	// Declare inherent provider for pallet (this is optional).
/// 	#[pallet::inherent]
/// 	impl<T: Config> ProvideInherent for Pallet<T> {
/// 		type Call = Call<T>;
/// 		type Error = InherentError;
/// 		fn create_inherent(_data: &InherentData) -> Option<Self::Call> {
/// 			unimplemented!();
/// 		}
/// 		fn is_inherent(_call: &Self::Call) -> bool {
/// 			unimplemented!();
/// 		}
/// 	}
/// 	// Regular rust code needed for implementing ProvideInherent trait
/// 	#[derive(codec::Encode, sp_runtime::RuntimeDebug)]
/// 	#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(codec::Decode))]
/// 	pub enum InherentError {
/// 	}
/// 	impl sp_inherents::IsFatalError for InherentError {
/// 		fn is_fatal_error(&self) -> bool {
/// 			unimplemented!();
/// 		}
/// 	}
/// 	pub const INHERENT_IDENTIFIER: sp_inherents::InherentIdentifier = *b"testpall";
/// }
/// ```
/// # Example of an instantiable pallet
/// pub use pallet::*;
/// #[frame_support::pallet]
/// pub mod pallet {
/// 	use frame_support::pallet_prelude::*;
/// 	use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
/// 	type BalanceOf<T, I = ()> = <T as Config<I>>::Balance;
/// 	#[pallet::config]
/// 	pub trait Config<I: 'static = ()>: frame_system::Config {
/// 		#[pallet::constant]
/// 		type MyGetParam: Get<u32>;
/// 		type Balance: Parameter + MaxEncodedLen + From<u8>;
/// 		type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self, I>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>;
/// 	}
/// 	#[pallet::extra_constants]
/// 	impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Pallet<T, I> {
/// 		/// Some description
/// 		fn extra_constant_name() -> u128 { 4u128 }
/// 	}
/// 	#[pallet::pallet]
/// 	#[pallet::generate_store(pub(super) trait Store)]
/// 	pub struct Pallet<T, I = ()>(PhantomData<(T, I)>);
/// 	#[pallet::hooks]
/// 	impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T, I> {
/// 	}
/// 	#[pallet::call]
/// 	impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Pallet<T, I> {
/// 		/// Doc comment put in metadata
/// 		#[pallet::weight(0)]
/// 		pub fn toto(origin: OriginFor<T>, #[pallet::compact] _foo: u32) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
/// 			let _ = origin;
/// 			unimplemented!();
/// 		}
/// 	}
/// 	#[pallet::error]
/// 	pub enum Error<T, I = ()> {
/// 		/// doc comment put into metadata
/// 		InsufficientProposersBalance,
/// 	}
/// 	#[pallet::event]
/// 	#[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)]
/// 	pub enum Event<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> {
/// 		/// doc comment put in metadata
/// 		Proposed(<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId),
/// 		/// doc
/// 		Spending(BalanceOf<T, I>),
/// 		Something(u32),
/// 	}
/// 	#[pallet::type_value]
/// 	pub(super) fn MyDefault<T: Config<I>, I: 'static>() -> T::Balance { 3.into() }
/// 	#[pallet::storage]
/// 	pub(super) type MyStorageValue<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> =
/// 		StorageValue<Value = T::Balance, QueryKind = ValueQuery, OnEmpty = MyDefault<T, I>>;
/// 	#[pallet::storage]
/// 	#[pallet::getter(fn my_storage)]
/// 	#[pallet::storage_prefix = "SomeOtherName"]
/// 	pub(super) type MyStorage<T, I = ()> =
/// 		StorageMap<Hasher = Blake2_128Concat, Key = u32, Value = u32>;
/// 	#[pallet::genesis_config]
/// 	#[derive(frame_support::DefaultNoBound)]
/// 	pub struct GenesisConfig<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> {
/// 		 _config: sp_std::marker::PhantomData<(T,I)>,
/// 		_myfield: u32,
/// 	}
/// 	#[pallet::genesis_build]
/// 	impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> BuildGenesisConfig for GenesisConfig<T, I> {
/// 		fn build(&self) {}
/// 	}
/// 	#[pallet::origin]
/// 	pub struct Origin<T, I = ()>(PhantomData<(T, I)>);
///     #[pallet::composite_enum]
/// 	pub enum HoldReason<I: 'static = ()> {
/// 		SomeHoldReason
/// 	}
/// 	#[pallet::validate_unsigned]
/// 	impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> ValidateUnsigned for Pallet<T, I> {
/// 		type Call = Call<T, I>;
/// 		fn validate_unsigned(
/// 			source: TransactionSource,
/// 			call: &Self::Call
/// 		) -> TransactionValidity {
/// 			Err(TransactionValidityError::Invalid(InvalidTransaction::Call))
/// 		}
/// 	}
/// 	#[pallet::inherent]
/// 	impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> ProvideInherent for Pallet<T, I> {
/// 		type Call = Call<T, I>;
/// 		type Error = InherentError;
/// 		fn create_inherent(_data: &InherentData) -> Option<Self::Call> {
/// 			unimplemented!();
/// 		}
/// 		fn is_inherent(_call: &Self::Call) -> bool {
/// 			unimplemented!();
/// 		}
/// 	}
/// 	// Regular rust code needed for implementing ProvideInherent trait
/// 	#[derive(codec::Encode, sp_runtime::RuntimeDebug)]
/// 	#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(codec::Decode))]
/// 	pub enum InherentError {
/// 	}
/// 	impl sp_inherents::IsFatalError for InherentError {
/// 		fn is_fatal_error(&self) -> bool {