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					T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(&controller, amount).ok()
			RewardDestination::Stash =>
				T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(stash, amount).ok(),
			RewardDestination::Staked => Self::bonded(stash)
				.and_then(|c| Self::ledger(&c).map(|l| (c, l)))
				.and_then(|(controller, mut l)| { += amount; += amount;
					let r = T::Currency::deposit_into_existing(stash, amount).ok();
					Self::update_ledger(&controller, &l);
	/// Reward a given validator by a specific amount. Add the reward to the validator's, and its
	/// nominators' balance, pro-rata based on their exposure, after having removed the validator's
	/// pre-payout cut.
	fn reward_validator(stash: &T::AccountId, reward: BalanceOf<T>) {
		let off_the_table = reward.min(Self::validators(stash).validator_payment);
		let reward = reward - off_the_table;
		let mut imbalance = <PositiveImbalanceOf<T>>::zero();
		let validator_cut = if reward.is_zero() {
		} else {
			let exposure = Self::stakers(stash);
			let total =;
			for i in &exposure.others {
				let per_u64 = Perbill::from_rational_approximation(i.value, total);
				imbalance.maybe_subsume(Self::make_payout(&i.who, per_u64 * reward));
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			let per_u64 = Perbill::from_rational_approximation(exposure.own, total);
			per_u64 * reward
		imbalance.maybe_subsume(Self::make_payout(stash, validator_cut + off_the_table));
	/// Session has just ended. Provide the validator set for the next session if it's an era-end, along
	/// with the exposure of the prior validator set.
	fn new_session(session_index: SessionIndex)
		-> Option<(Vec<T::AccountId>, Vec<(T::AccountId, Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>)>)>
		// accumulate good session reward
		let reward = Self::current_session_reward();
		<CurrentEraReward<T>>::mutate(|r| *r += reward);
		if ForceNewEra::take() || session_index % T::SessionsPerEra::get() == 0 {
			let validators = T::SessionInterface::validators();
			let prior = validators.into_iter()
				.map(|v| { let e = Self::stakers(&v); (v, e) })

			Self::new_era(session_index).map(move |new| (new, prior))
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	/// The era has changed - enact new staking set.
	/// NOTE: This always happens immediately before a session change to ensure that new validators
	/// get a chance to set their session keys.
	fn new_era(start_session_index: SessionIndex) -> Option<Vec<T::AccountId>> {
		// Payout
		let reward = <CurrentEraReward<T>>::take();
		if !reward.is_zero() {
			let validators = Self::current_elected();
			for v in validators.iter() {
				Self::reward_validator(v, reward);
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			let len = validators.len() as u32; // validators length can never overflow u64
			let len: BalanceOf<T> = len.into();
			let total_minted = reward * len;
			let total_rewarded_stake = Self::slot_stake() * len;
			T::OnRewardMinted::on_dilution(total_minted, total_rewarded_stake);

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		// Increment current era.
		let current_era = CurrentEra::mutate(|s| { *s += 1; *s });
		let bonding_duration = T::BondingDuration::get();

		if current_era > bonding_duration {
			let first_kept = current_era - bonding_duration;
			BondedEras::mutate(|bonded| {
				bonded.push((current_era, start_session_index));

				// prune out everything that's from before the first-kept index.
				let n_to_prune = bonded.iter()
					.take_while(|&&(era_idx, _)| era_idx < first_kept)


				if let Some(&(_, first_session)) = bonded.first() {
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		// Reassign all Stakers.
		let (slot_stake, maybe_new_validators) = Self::select_validators();
		// Update the balances for rewarding according to the stakes.
		<CurrentSessionReward<T>>::put(Self::session_reward() * slot_stake);

	fn slashable_balance_of(stash: &T::AccountId) -> BalanceOf<T> {

	/// Select a new validator set from the assembled stakers and their role preferences.
	/// Returns the new `SlotStake` value and a set of newly selected _stash_ IDs.
	fn select_validators() -> (BalanceOf<T>, Option<Vec<T::AccountId>>) {
		let maybe_elected_set = elect::<T, _, _, _>(
			Self::validator_count() as usize,
			Self::minimum_validator_count().max(1) as usize,
		if let Some(elected_set) = maybe_elected_set {
			let elected_stashes = elected_set.0;
			let assignments = elected_set.1;

			// helper closure.
			let to_balance = |b: ExtendedBalance|
				<T::CurrencyToVote as Convert<ExtendedBalance, BalanceOf<T>>>::convert(b);
			let to_votes = |b: BalanceOf<T>|
				<T::CurrencyToVote as Convert<BalanceOf<T>, u64>>::convert(b) as ExtendedBalance;

			// The return value of this is safe to be converted to u64.
			// The original balance, `b` is within the scope of u64. It is just extended to u128
			// to be properly multiplied by a ratio, which will lead to another value
			// less than u64 for sure. The result can then be safely passed to `to_balance`.
			// For now the backward convert is used. A simple `TryFrom<u64>` is also safe.
			let ratio_of = |b, p| (p as ExtendedBalance).saturating_mul(to_votes(b)) / ACCURACY;

			// Compute the actual stake from nominator's ratio.
			let assignments_with_stakes = assignments.iter().map(|(n, a)|(
				a.iter().map(|(acc, r)| (
					to_balance(ratio_of(Self::slashable_balance_of(n), *r)),
			)).collect::<Vec<(T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>, Vec<Assignment<T>>)>>();

			// update elected candidate exposures.
			let mut exposures = <ExpoMap<T>>::new();
				.map(|e| (e, Self::slashable_balance_of(e)))
				.for_each(|(e, s)| {
					let item = Exposure { own: s, total: s, ..Default::default() };
					exposures.insert(e.clone(), item);

			for (n, _, assignment) in &assignments_with_stakes {
				for (c, _, s) in assignment {
					if let Some(expo) = exposures.get_mut(c) {
						// NOTE: simple example where this saturates:
						// candidate with max_value stake. 1 nominator with max_value stake.
						// Nuked. Sadly there is not much that we can do about this.
						// See this test: phragmen_should_not_overflow_xxx() =*s);
						expo.others.push( IndividualExposure { who: n.clone(), value: *s } );

			if cfg!(feature = "equalize") {
				let tolerance = 0_u128;
				let iterations = 2_usize;
				let mut assignments_with_votes = assignments_with_stakes.iter()
					.map(|a| (
						a.0.clone(), a.1,
							.map(|e| (e.0.clone(), e.1, to_votes(e.2)))
							.collect::<Vec<(T::AccountId, ExtendedBalance, ExtendedBalance)>>()
						Vec<(T::AccountId, ExtendedBalance, ExtendedBalance)>
				equalize::<T>(&mut assignments_with_votes, &mut exposures, tolerance, iterations);
			// Clear Stakers and reduce their slash_count.
			for v in Self::current_elected().iter() {
				let slash_count = <SlashCount<T>>::take(v);
				if slash_count > 1 {
					<SlashCount<T>>::insert(v, slash_count - 1);
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			// Populate Stakers and figure out the minimum stake behind a slot.
			let mut slot_stake = BalanceOf::<T>::max_value();
			for (c, e) in exposures.iter() {
				if < slot_stake {
					slot_stake =;
				<Stakers<T>>::insert(c.clone(), e.clone());

			// Update slot stake.
			// Set the new validator set in sessions.

			(slot_stake, Some(elected_stashes))
		} else {
			// There were not enough candidates for even our minimal level of functionality.
			// This is bad.
			// We should probably disable all functionality except for block production
			// and let the chain keep producing blocks until we can decide on a sufficiently
			// substantial set.
			// TODO: #2494
			(Self::slot_stake(), None)
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	fn apply_force_new_era() {
	/// Call when a validator is determined to be offline. `count` is the
	/// number of offenses the validator has committed.
	/// NOTE: This is called with the controller (not the stash) account id.
	pub fn on_offline_validator(controller: T::AccountId, count: usize) {
		if let Some(l) = Self::ledger(&controller) {
			let stash = l.stash;
			// Early exit if validator is invulnerable.
			if Self::invulnerables().contains(&stash) {
			let slash_count = Self::slash_count(&stash);
			let new_slash_count = slash_count + count as u32;
			<SlashCount<T>>::insert(&stash, new_slash_count);
			let grace = Self::offline_slash_grace();

				let item = (stash.clone(), <system::Module<T>>::block_number(), count as u32);
				<RecentlyOffline<T>>::mutate(|v| if v.len() >= RECENT_OFFLINE_COUNT {
					let index = v.iter()
						.min_by_key(|(_, (_, block, _))| block)
						.expect("v is non-empty; qed")
					v[index] = item;
				} else {
			let prefs = Self::validators(&stash);
			let unstake_threshold = prefs.unstake_threshold.min(MAX_UNSTAKE_THRESHOLD);
			let max_slashes = grace + unstake_threshold;

			let event = if new_slash_count > max_slashes {
				let slash_exposure = Self::stakers(&stash).total;
				let offline_slash_base = Self::offline_slash() * slash_exposure;
				// They're bailing.
				let slash = offline_slash_base
					// Multiply slash_mantissa by 2^(unstake_threshold with upper bound)
					.map(|x| x.min(slash_exposure))
				let _ = Self::slash_validator(&stash, slash);
				let _ = T::SessionInterface::disable_validator(&stash);

				RawEvent::OfflineSlash(stash.clone(), slash)
			} else {
				RawEvent::OfflineWarning(stash.clone(), slash_count)

impl<T: Trait> session::OnSessionEnding<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
	fn on_session_ending(_ending: SessionIndex, start_session: SessionIndex) -> Option<Vec<T::AccountId>> {
		Self::new_session(start_session - 1).map(|(new, _old)| new)

impl<T: Trait> OnSessionEnding<T::AccountId, Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>> for Module<T> {
	fn on_session_ending(_ending: SessionIndex, start_session: SessionIndex)
		-> Option<(Vec<T::AccountId>, Vec<(T::AccountId, Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>)>)>
		Self::new_session(start_session - 1)
impl<T: Trait> OnFreeBalanceZero<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
	fn on_free_balance_zero(stash: &T::AccountId) {
		if let Some(controller) = <Bonded<T>>::take(stash) {
/// A `Convert` implementation that finds the stash of the given controller account,
/// if any.
pub struct StashOf<T>(rstd::marker::PhantomData<T>);

impl<T: Trait> Convert<T::AccountId, Option<T::AccountId>> for StashOf<T> {
	fn convert(controller: T::AccountId) -> Option<T::AccountId> {
		<Module<T>>::ledger(&controller).map(|l| l.stash)

/// A typed conversion from stash account ID to the current exposure of nominators
/// on that account.
pub struct ExposureOf<T>(rstd::marker::PhantomData<T>);

impl<T: Trait> Convert<T::AccountId, Option<Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>>>
	for ExposureOf<T>
	fn convert(validator: T::AccountId) -> Option<Exposure<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>>> {

impl<T: Trait> SelectInitialValidators<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
	fn select_initial_validators() -> Option<Vec<T::AccountId>> {