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// This file is part of Substrate.

// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! # FRAME Staking Rewards Pallet
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//! Allows rewarding fungible token holders.
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//! ## Overview
//! Governance can create a new incentive program for a fungible asset by creating a new pool.
//! When creating the pool, governance specifies a 'staking asset', 'reward asset', and 'reward rate
//! per block'.
//! Once the pool is created, holders of the 'staking asset' can stake them in this pallet (creating
//! a new Freeze). Once staked, the staker begins accumulating the right to claim the 'reward asset'
//! each block, proportional to their share of the total staked tokens in the pool.
//! Reward assets pending distribution are held in an account derived from the pallet ID and a
//! unique pool ID.
//! Care should be taken to keep pool accounts adequately funded with the reward asset.
//! ## Permissioning
//! Currently, pool creation and management is permissioned and restricted to a configured Origin.
//! Future iterations of this pallet may allow permissionless creation and management of pools.
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//! ## Implementation Notes
//! The implementation is based on the [AccumulatedRewardsPerShare]( algorithm.
//! Rewards are calculated JIT (just-in-time), when a staker claims their rewards.
//! All operations are O(1), allowing the approach to scale to an arbitrary amount of pools and
//! stakers.
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#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

use codec::{Decode, Encode, MaxEncodedLen};
use frame_system::pallet_prelude::BlockNumberFor;
pub use pallet::*;

use frame_support::{
		fungibles::{Balanced, Inspect, Mutate},
use scale_info::TypeInfo;
use sp_core::Get;
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use sp_runtime::DispatchError;
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use sp_std::boxed::Box;

mod mock;
mod tests;

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/// The type of the unique id for each pool.
pub type PoolId = u32;

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/// Multiplier to maintain precision when calculating rewards.
pub(crate) const PRECISION_SCALING_FACTOR: u32 = u32::MAX;

/// A pool staker.
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#[derive(Debug, Default, Decode, Encode, MaxEncodedLen, TypeInfo)]
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pub struct PoolStakerInfo<Balance> {
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	/// Amount of tokens staked.
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	amount: Balance,
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	/// Accumulated, unpaid rewards.
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	rewards: Balance,
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	/// Reward per token value at the time of the staker's last interaction with the contract.
	reward_per_token_paid: Balance,
/// A staking pool.
#[derive(Debug, Decode, Encode, Default, PartialEq, Eq, MaxEncodedLen, TypeInfo)]
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pub struct PoolInfo<AccountId, AssetId, Balance, BlockNumber> {
	/// The asset that is staked in this pool.
	staking_asset_id: AssetId,
	/// The asset that is distributed as rewards in this pool.
	reward_asset_id: AssetId,
	/// The amount of tokens distributed per block.
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	reward_rate_per_block: Balance,
	/// The total amount of tokens staked in this pool.
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	total_tokens_staked: Balance,
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	/// Total rewards accumulated per token, up to the last time the rewards were updated.
	reward_per_token_stored: Balance,
	/// Last block number the pool was updated. Used when calculating payouts.
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	last_update_block: BlockNumber,
	/// The block the pool will cease distributing rewards.
	expiry_block: BlockNumber,
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	/// Permissioned account that can manage this pool.
	admin: AccountId,
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pub mod pallet {
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	use super::*;
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	use frame_support::{
		traits::tokens::{AssetId, Preservation},
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	use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
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	use sp_runtime::traits::{AccountIdConversion, BadOrigin, EnsureDiv, Saturating};
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	pub struct Pallet<T>(_);

	pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
		/// Overarching event type.
		type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>;

		/// The pallet's id, used for deriving its sovereign account ID.
		type PalletId: Get<PalletId>;

		/// Identifier for each type of asset.
		type AssetId: AssetId + Member + Parameter;
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		/// The type in which the assets are measured.
		type Balance: Balance + TypeInfo;

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		/// The origin with permission to create pools. This will be removed in a later release of
		/// this pallet, which will allow permissionless pool creation.
		type PermissionedPoolCreator: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin>;
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		/// Registry of assets that can be configured to either stake for rewards, or be offered as
		/// rewards for staking.
		type Assets: Inspect<Self::AccountId, AssetId = Self::AssetId, Balance = Self::Balance>
			+ Mutate<Self::AccountId>
			+ Balanced<Self::AccountId>;

	/// State of pool stakers.
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	pub type PoolStakers<T: Config> = StorageDoubleMap<
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	/// State and configuraiton of each staking pool.
	pub type Pools<T: Config> = StorageMap<
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		PoolInfo<T::AccountId, T::AssetId, T::Balance, BlockNumberFor<T>>,
	/// Stores the [`PoolId`] to use for the next pool.
	/// Incremented when a new pool is created.
	pub type NextPoolId<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, PoolId, ValueQuery>;
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	#[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)]
	pub enum Event<T: Config> {
		/// An account staked some tokens in a pool.
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		Staked {
			/// The account that staked assets.
			who: T::AccountId,
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			/// The pool.
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			pool_id: PoolId,
			/// The staked asset amount.
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			amount: T::Balance,
		/// An account unstaked some tokens from a pool.
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		Unstaked {
			/// The account that unstaked assets.
			who: T::AccountId,
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			/// The pool.
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			pool_id: PoolId,
			/// The unstaked asset amount.
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			amount: T::Balance,
		/// An account harvested some rewards.
		RewardsHarvested {
			/// The extrinsic caller.
			who: T::AccountId,
			/// The staker whos rewards were harvested.
			staker: T::AccountId,
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			/// The pool.
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			pool_id: PoolId,
			/// The amount of harvested tokens.
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			amount: T::Balance,
		/// A new reward pool was created.
		PoolCreated {
			/// The account that created the pool.
			creator: T::AccountId,
			/// Unique ID for the new pool.
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			pool_id: PoolId,
			/// The staking asset.
			staking_asset_id: T::AssetId,
			/// The reward asset.
			reward_asset_id: T::AssetId,
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			/// The initial reward rate per block.
			reward_rate_per_block: T::Balance,
			/// The block the pool will cease to accumulate rewards.
			expiry_block: BlockNumberFor<T>,
			/// The account allowed to modify the pool.
			admin: T::AccountId,
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		/// A reward pool was deleted by the admin.
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		PoolDeleted {
			/// The deleted pool id.
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			pool_id: PoolId,
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		/// A pool reward rate was modified by the admin.
		PoolRewardRateModified {
			/// The modified pool.
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			pool_id: PoolId,
			/// The new reward rate per block.
			new_reward_rate_per_block: T::Balance,
		/// A pool admin modified by the admin.
		PoolAdminModified {
			/// The modified pool.
			pool_id: PoolId,
			/// The new admin.
			new_admin: T::AccountId,
		/// A pool expiry block was modified by the admin.
		PoolExpiryBlockModified {
			/// The modified pool.
			pool_id: PoolId,
			/// The new expiry block.
			new_expiry_block: BlockNumberFor<T>,
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	pub enum Error<T> {
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		/// The staker does not have enough tokens to perform the operation.
		/// An operation was attempted on a non-existent pool.
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		/// An operation was attempted using a non-existent asset.
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		/// There was an error converting a block number.
		/// Expiry block must be in the future.
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	impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
		fn integrity_test() {
			// TODO: Proper implementation
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	/// Pallet's callable functions.
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	/// Allows optionally specifying an admin account for the pool. By default, the origin is made
	/// admin.
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	impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
		/// Create a new reward pool.
		pub fn create_pool(
			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			staked_asset_id: Box<T::AssetId>,
			reward_asset_id: Box<T::AssetId>,
			reward_rate_per_block: T::Balance,
			expiry_block: BlockNumberFor<T>,
			admin: Option<T::AccountId>,
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		) -> DispatchResult {
			// Ensure Origin is allowed to create pools.

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			// Ensure the assets exist.

			// Check the expiry block.
				expiry_block > frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number(),

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			// Get the admin, defaulting to the origin.
			let origin_acc_id = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let admin = match admin {
				Some(admin) => admin,
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				None => origin_acc_id.clone(),

			// Create the pool.
			let pool = PoolInfo::<T::AccountId, T::AssetId, T::Balance, BlockNumberFor<T>> {
				staking_asset_id: *staked_asset_id.clone(),
				reward_asset_id: *reward_asset_id.clone(),
				total_tokens_staked: 0u32.into(),
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				reward_per_token_stored: 0u32.into(),
				last_update_block: 0u32.into(),
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			// Insert it into storage.
			let pool_id = NextPoolId::<T>::get();
			Pools::<T>::insert(pool_id, pool);

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			// Emit created event.
			Self::deposit_event(Event::PoolCreated {
				creator: origin_acc_id,
				staking_asset_id: *staked_asset_id,
				reward_asset_id: *reward_asset_id,
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		/// Removes an existing reward pool.
		/// TODO decide how to manage clean up of stakers from a removed pool.
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		pub fn remove_pool(_origin: OriginFor<T>, _pool_id: PoolId) -> DispatchResult {
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		/// Stake tokens in a pool.
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		pub fn stake(origin: OriginFor<T>, pool_id: PoolId, amount: T::Balance) -> DispatchResult {
			let caller = ensure_signed(origin)?;

			// Always start by updating the pool rewards.
			Self::update_pool_rewards(&pool_id, Some(&caller))?;
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			// Try to freeze the staker assets.
			// TODO: (blocked

			// Update Pools.
			let mut pool = Pools::<T>::get(pool_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::NonExistentPool)?;
			Pools::<T>::insert(pool_id, pool);

			// Update PoolStakers.
			let mut staker = PoolStakers::<T>::get(pool_id, &caller).unwrap_or_default();
			PoolStakers::<T>::insert(pool_id, &caller, staker);

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			// Emit event.
			Self::deposit_event(Event::Staked { who: caller, pool_id, amount });

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		/// Unstake tokens from a pool.
		pub fn unstake(
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			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			pool_id: PoolId,
			amount: T::Balance,
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		) -> DispatchResult {
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			let caller = ensure_signed(origin)?;

			// Always start by updating the pool rewards.
			Self::update_pool_rewards(&pool_id, Some(&caller))?;
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			// Check the staker has enough staked tokens.
			let mut staker = PoolStakers::<T>::get(pool_id, &caller).unwrap_or_default();
			ensure!(staker.amount >= amount, Error::<T>::NotEnoughTokens);

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			// Unfreeze staker assets.
			// TODO: (blocked

			// Update Pools.
			let mut pool = Pools::<T>::get(pool_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::NonExistentPool)?;
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			Pools::<T>::insert(pool_id, pool);
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			// Update PoolStakers.
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			PoolStakers::<T>::insert(pool_id, &caller, staker);
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			// Emit event.
			Self::deposit_event(Event::Unstaked { who: caller, pool_id, amount });

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		/// Harvest unclaimed pool rewards for a staker.
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		pub fn harvest_rewards(
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			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			pool_id: PoolId,
			staker: Option<T::AccountId>,
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		) -> DispatchResult {
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			let caller = ensure_signed(origin)?;

			let staker = match staker {
				Some(staker) => staker,
				None => caller.clone(),

			// Always start by updating the pool rewards.
			Self::update_pool_rewards(&pool_id, Some(&staker))?;
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			// Transfer unclaimed rewards from the pool to the staker.
			let mut staker_info = PoolStakers::<T>::get(pool_id, &caller).unwrap_or_default();
			let pool_info = Pools::<T>::get(pool_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::NonExistentPool)?;
			let pool_account_id = Self::pool_account_id(&pool_id)?;

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			// Emit event.
			Self::deposit_event(Event::RewardsHarvested {
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				who: caller.clone(),
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				amount: staker_info.rewards,

			// Reset staker rewards.
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			staker_info.rewards = 0u32.into();
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			PoolStakers::<T>::insert(pool_id, &caller, staker_info);
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		/// Modify a pool reward rate.
		pub fn set_pool_reward_rate_per_block(
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			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			pool_id: PoolId,
			new_reward_rate_per_block: T::Balance,
		) -> DispatchResult {
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			let caller = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let mut pool_info = Pools::<T>::get(pool_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::NonExistentPool)?;
			ensure!(pool_info.admin == caller, BadOrigin);

			Self::update_pool_rewards(&pool_id, None)?;

			pool_info.reward_rate_per_block = new_reward_rate_per_block;
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			Pools::<T>::insert(pool_id, pool_info);

			Self::deposit_event(Event::PoolRewardRateModified {
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		/// Modify a pool admin.
		pub fn set_pool_admin(
			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			pool_id: PoolId,
			new_admin: T::AccountId,
		) -> DispatchResult {
			let caller = ensure_signed(origin)?;

			let mut pool_info = Pools::<T>::get(pool_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::NonExistentPool)?;
			ensure!(pool_info.admin == caller, BadOrigin);
			pool_info.admin = new_admin.clone();
			Pools::<T>::insert(pool_id, pool_info);

			Self::deposit_event(Event::PoolAdminModified { pool_id, new_admin });


		/// Modify a pool admin.
		/// TODO: Actually handle this in code
		pub fn set_pool_expiry_block(
			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			pool_id: PoolId,
			new_expiry_block: BlockNumberFor<T>,
		) -> DispatchResult {
			let caller = ensure_signed(origin)?;

				new_expiry_block > frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number(),

			let mut pool_info = Pools::<T>::get(pool_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::NonExistentPool)?;
			ensure!(pool_info.admin == caller, BadOrigin);
			pool_info.expiry_block = new_expiry_block;
			Pools::<T>::insert(pool_id, pool_info);

			Self::deposit_event(Event::PoolExpiryBlockModified { pool_id, new_expiry_block });


		/// Convinience method to deposit reward tokens into a pool.
		/// This method is not strictly necessary (tokens could be transferred directly to the
		/// pool pot address), but is provided for convenience so manual derivation of the
		/// account id is not required.
		pub fn deposit_reward_tokens(
Liam Aharon's avatar
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			origin: OriginFor<T>,
			pool_id: PoolId,
			amount: T::Balance,
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		) -> DispatchResult {
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			let caller = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let pool_info = Pools::<T>::get(pool_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::NonExistentPool)?;
			let pool_account_id = Self::pool_account_id(&pool_id)?;
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	impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
		/// Derive a pool account ID from the pallet's ID.
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		pub fn pool_account_id(id: &PoolId) -> Result<T::AccountId, DispatchError> {
			if Pools::<T>::contains_key(id) {
			} else {
		/// Update pool reward state, and optionally also a staker's rewards.
		pub fn update_pool_rewards(
			pool_id: &PoolId,
			staker: Option<&T::AccountId>,
		) -> DispatchResult {
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			let reward_per_token = Self::reward_per_token(pool_id)?;

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			let mut pool_info = Pools::<T>::get(pool_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::NonExistentPool)?;
			pool_info.last_update_block = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number();
			pool_info.reward_per_token_stored = reward_per_token;
			Pools::<T>::insert(pool_id, pool_info);

			if let Some(staker) = staker {
				let mut staker_info = PoolStakers::<T>::get(pool_id, staker).unwrap_or_default();
				staker_info.rewards = Self::derive_rewards(pool_id, staker)?;
				staker_info.reward_per_token_paid = reward_per_token;
				PoolStakers::<T>::insert(pool_id, staker, staker_info);

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		/// Derives the current reward per token for this pool.
		/// Helper function for update_pool_rewards. Should not be called directly.
		fn reward_per_token(pool_id: &PoolId) -> Result<T::Balance, DispatchError> {
			let pool_info = Pools::<T>::get(pool_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::NonExistentPool)?;

			if pool_info.total_tokens_staked.eq(&0u32.into()) {
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				return Ok(pool_info.reward_per_token_stored)
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			let blocks_elapsed: u32 = match frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number()
				Ok(b) => b,
				Err(_) => return Err(Error::<T>::BlockNumberConversionError.into()),

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		/// Derives the amount of rewards earned by a staker.
		/// Helper function for update_pool_rewards. Should not be called directly.
		fn derive_rewards(
			pool_id: &PoolId,
			staker: &T::AccountId,
		) -> Result<T::Balance, DispatchError> {
			let reward_per_token = Self::reward_per_token(pool_id)?;
			let staker_info = PoolStakers::<T>::get(pool_id, staker).unwrap_or_default();
