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			// when account 11 re-validates
			assert_ok!(Staking::validate(Origin::signed(10), Default::default()));

			// then counts don't change
			assert_eq!(<Test as Config>::VoterList::count(), pre_insert_voter_count);
			assert_eq!(<Test as Config>::VoterList::iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![11, 21, 31]);

fn force_apply_min_commission_works() {
	let prefs = |c| ValidatorPrefs { commission: Perbill::from_percent(c), blocked: false };
	let validators = || Validators::<Test>::iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
	ExtBuilder::default().build_and_execute(|| {
		assert_ok!(Staking::validate(Origin::signed(30), prefs(10)));
		assert_ok!(Staking::validate(Origin::signed(20), prefs(5)));

		// Given
		assert_eq!(validators(), vec![(31, prefs(10)), (21, prefs(5)), (11, prefs(0))]);

		// When applying to a commission greater than min
		assert_ok!(Staking::force_apply_min_commission(Origin::signed(1), 31));
		// Then the commission is not changed
		assert_eq!(validators(), vec![(31, prefs(10)), (21, prefs(5)), (11, prefs(0))]);

		// When applying to a commission that is equal to min
		assert_ok!(Staking::force_apply_min_commission(Origin::signed(1), 21));
		// Then the commission is not changed
		assert_eq!(validators(), vec![(31, prefs(10)), (21, prefs(5)), (11, prefs(0))]);

		// When applying to a commission that is less than the min
		assert_ok!(Staking::force_apply_min_commission(Origin::signed(1), 11));
		// Then the commission is bumped to the min
		assert_eq!(validators(), vec![(31, prefs(10)), (21, prefs(5)), (11, prefs(5))]);

		// When applying commission to a validator that doesn't exist then storage is not altered
			Staking::force_apply_min_commission(Origin::signed(1), 420),
fn proportional_slash_stop_slashing_if_remaining_zero() {
	let c = |era, value| UnlockChunk::<Balance> { era, value };
	// Given
	let mut ledger = StakingLedger::<Test> {
		stash: 123,
		total: 40,
		active: 20,
		// we have some chunks, but they are not affected.
		unlocking: bounded_vec![c(1, 10), c(2, 10)],
		claimed_rewards: vec![],

	assert_eq!(BondingDuration::get(), 3);

	// should not slash more than the amount requested, by accidentally slashing the first chunk.
	assert_eq!(ledger.slash(18, 1, 0), 18);

fn proportional_ledger_slash_works() {
	let c = |era, value| UnlockChunk::<Balance> { era, value };
	// Given
	let mut ledger = StakingLedger::<Test> {
		stash: 123,
		total: 10,
		active: 10,
		unlocking: bounded_vec![],
		claimed_rewards: vec![],
	assert_eq!(BondingDuration::get(), 3);

	// When we slash a ledger with no unlocking chunks
	assert_eq!(ledger.slash(5, 1, 0), 5);
	// Then
	assert_eq!(, 5);
	assert_eq!(, 5);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().0, 5);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().1, Default::default());

	// When we slash a ledger with no unlocking chunks and the slash amount is greater then the
	// total
	assert_eq!(ledger.slash(11, 1, 0), 5);
	// Then
	assert_eq!(, 0);
	assert_eq!(, 0);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().0, 0);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().1, Default::default());

	// Given
	ledger.unlocking = bounded_vec![c(4, 10), c(5, 10)]; = 2 * 10; = 0;
	// When all the chunks overlap with the slash eras
	assert_eq!(ledger.slash(20, 0, 0), 20);
	// Then
	assert_eq!(ledger.unlocking, vec![]);
	assert_eq!(, 0);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().0, 0);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().1, BTreeMap::from([(4, 0), (5, 0)]));

	// Given
	ledger.unlocking = bounded_vec![c(4, 100), c(5, 100), c(6, 100), c(7, 100)]; = 4 * 100; = 0;
	// When the first 2 chunks don't overlap with the affected range of unlock eras.
	assert_eq!(ledger.slash(140, 0, 3), 140);
	// Then
	assert_eq!(ledger.unlocking, vec![c(4, 100), c(5, 100), c(6, 30), c(7, 30)]);
	assert_eq!(, 4 * 100 - 140);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().0, 0);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().1, BTreeMap::from([(6, 30), (7, 30)]));

	// Given
	ledger.unlocking = bounded_vec![c(4, 100), c(5, 100), c(6, 100), c(7, 100)]; = 4 * 100; = 0;
	// When the first 2 chunks don't overlap with the affected range of unlock eras.
	assert_eq!(ledger.slash(15, 0, 3), 15);
	// Then
	assert_eq!(ledger.unlocking, vec![c(4, 100), c(5, 100), c(6, 100 - 8), c(7, 100 - 7)]);
	assert_eq!(, 4 * 100 - 15);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().0, 0);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().1, BTreeMap::from([(6, 92), (7, 93)]));

	// Given
	ledger.unlocking = bounded_vec![c(4, 40), c(5, 100), c(6, 10), c(7, 250)]; = 500;
	// 900 = 40 + 10 + 100 + 250 + 500;
	// When we have a partial slash that touches all chunks
	assert_eq!(ledger.slash(900 / 2, 0, 0), 450);
	// Then
	assert_eq!(, 500 / 2);
	assert_eq!(ledger.unlocking, vec![c(4, 40 / 2), c(5, 100 / 2), c(6, 10 / 2), c(7, 250 / 2)]);
	assert_eq!(, 900 / 2);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().0, 500 / 2);
		BTreeMap::from([(4, 40 / 2), (5, 100 / 2), (6, 10 / 2), (7, 250 / 2)])

	// slash 1/4th with not chunk.
	ledger.unlocking = bounded_vec![]; = 500; = 500;
	// When we have a partial slash that touches all chunks
	assert_eq!(ledger.slash(500 / 4, 0, 0), 500 / 4);
	// Then
	assert_eq!(, 3 * 500 / 4);
	assert_eq!(ledger.unlocking, vec![]);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().0, 3 * 500 / 4);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().1, Default::default());

	// Given we have the same as above,
	ledger.unlocking = bounded_vec![c(4, 40), c(5, 100), c(6, 10), c(7, 250)]; = 500; = 40 + 10 + 100 + 250 + 500; // 900
	assert_eq!(, 900);
	// When we have a higher min balance
			900 / 2,
			25, /* min balance - chunks with era 0 & 2 will be slashed to <=25, causing it to
			     * get swept */
	assert_eq!(, 500 / 2);
	// the last chunk was not slashed 50% like all the rest, because some other earlier chunks got
	// dusted.
	assert_eq!(ledger.unlocking, vec![c(5, 100 / 2), c(7, 150)]);
	assert_eq!(, 900 / 2);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().0, 500 / 2);
		BTreeMap::from([(4, 0), (5, 100 / 2), (6, 0), (7, 150)])

	// Given
	// slash order --------------------NA--------2----------0----------1----
	ledger.unlocking = bounded_vec![c(4, 40), c(5, 100), c(6, 10), c(7, 250)]; = 500; = 40 + 10 + 100 + 250 + 500; // 900
			500 + 10 + 250 + 100 / 2, // active + era 6 + era 7 + era 5 / 2
			3 /* slash era 6 first, so the affected parts are era 6, era 7 and
			   * This will cause the affected to go to zero, and then we will
			   * start slashing older chunks */
		500 + 250 + 10 + 100 / 2
	// Then
	assert_eq!(, 0);
	assert_eq!(ledger.unlocking, vec![c(4, 40), c(5, 100 / 2)]);
	assert_eq!(, 90);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().0, 0);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().1, BTreeMap::from([(5, 100 / 2), (6, 0), (7, 0)]));

	// Given
	// iteration order------------------NA---------2----------0----------1----
	ledger.unlocking = bounded_vec![c(4, 100), c(5, 100), c(6, 100), c(7, 100)]; = 100; = 5 * 100;
	// When
			351, // active + era 6 + era 7 + era 5 / 2 + 1
			50,  // min balance - everything slashed below 50 will get dusted
			3    /* slash era 3+3 first, so the affected parts are era 6, era 7 and
			      * This will cause the affected to go to zero, and then we will
			      * start slashing older chunks */
	// Then
	assert_eq!(, 0);
	assert_eq!(ledger.unlocking, vec![c(4, 100)]);
	assert_eq!(, 100);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().0, 0);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().1, BTreeMap::from([(5, 0), (6, 0), (7, 0)]));

	// Tests for saturating arithmetic

	// Given
	let slash = u64::MAX as Balance * 2;
	// The value of the other parts of ledger that will get slashed
	let value = slash - (10 * 4); = 10;
	ledger.unlocking = bounded_vec![c(4, 10), c(5, 10), c(6, 10), c(7, value)]; = value + 40;
	// When
	let slash_amount = ledger.slash(slash, 0, 0);
	assert_eq_error_rate!(slash_amount, slash, 5);
	// Then
	assert_eq!(, 0); // slash of 9
	assert_eq!(ledger.unlocking, vec![]);
	assert_eq!(, 0);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().0, 0);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().1, BTreeMap::from([(4, 0), (5, 0), (6, 0), (7, 0)]));

	// Given
	let slash = u64::MAX as Balance * 2;
	let value = u64::MAX as Balance * 2;
	let unit = 100;
	// slash * value that will saturate
	// but slash * unit won't.
	ledger.unlocking = bounded_vec![c(4, unit), c(5, value), c(6, unit), c(7, unit)];
	//--------------------------------------note value^^^ = unit; = unit * 4 + value;
	// When
	assert_eq!(ledger.slash(slash, 0, 0), slash - 5);
	// Then
	// The amount slashed out of `unit`
	let affected_balance = value + unit * 4;
	let ratio =
		Perquintill::from_rational_with_rounding(slash, affected_balance, Rounding::Up).unwrap();
	// `unit` after the slash is applied
	let unit_slashed = {
		unit - unit_slash
	let value_slashed = {
		value - value_slash
	assert_eq!(, unit_slashed);
	assert_eq!(ledger.unlocking, vec![c(5, value_slashed)]);
	assert_eq!(, value_slashed);
	assert_eq!(LedgerSlashPerEra::get().0, 0);
		BTreeMap::from([(4, 0), (5, value_slashed), (6, 0), (7, 0)])