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// Copyright 2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.

// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate. If not, see <>.

//! Environment definition of the wasm smart-contract runtime.

use super::{BalanceOf, Config, CreateReceipt, Error, Ext};
use rstd::prelude::*;
use codec::{Decode, Encode};
use gas::{GasMeter, GasMeterResult};
use runtime_primitives::traits::{As, CheckedMul};
use sandbox;
use system;
use Trait;

/// Enumerates all possible *special* trap conditions.
/// In this runtime traps used not only for signaling about errors but also
/// to just terminate quickly in some cases.
enum SpecialTrap {
	/// Signals that trap was generated in response to call `ext_return` host function.

pub(crate) struct Runtime<'a, 'data, E: Ext + 'a> {
	ext: &'a mut E,
	input_data: &'data [u8],
	output_data: &'data mut Vec<u8>,
	scratch_buf: Vec<u8>,
	config: &'a Config<E::T>,
	memory: sandbox::Memory,
	gas_meter: &'a mut GasMeter<E::T>,
	special_trap: Option<SpecialTrap>,
impl<'a, 'data, E: Ext + 'a> Runtime<'a, 'data, E> {
	pub(crate) fn new(
		ext: &'a mut E,
		input_data: &'data [u8],
		output_data: &'data mut Vec<u8>,
		config: &'a Config<E::T>,
		memory: sandbox::Memory,
		gas_meter: &'a mut GasMeter<E::T>,
	) -> Self {
		Runtime {
			scratch_buf: Vec::new(),
			special_trap: None,

	fn memory(&self) -> &sandbox::Memory {

pub(crate) fn to_execution_result<E: Ext>(
	runtime: Runtime<E>,
	sandbox_err: Option<sandbox::Error>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
	// Check the exact type of the error. It could be plain trap or
	// special runtime trap the we must recognize.
	match (sandbox_err, runtime.special_trap) {
		// No traps were generated. Proceed normally.
		(None, None) => Ok(()),
		// Special case. The trap was the result of the execution `return` host function.
		(Some(sandbox::Error::Execution), Some(SpecialTrap::Return)) => Ok(()),
		// Any other kind of a trap should result in a failure.
		(Some(_), _) => Err(Error::Invoke),
		// Any other case (such as special trap flag without actual trap) signifies
		// a logic error.
		_ => unreachable!(),

// TODO: ext_balance, ext_address, ext_callvalue, etc.

// Define a function `fn init_env<E: Ext>() -> HostFunctionSet<E>` that returns
// a function set which can be imported by an executed contract.
define_env!(init_env, <E: Ext>,

	// Account for used gas. Traps if gas used is greater than gas limit.
	// - amount: How much gas is used.
	gas(ctx, amount: u32) => {
		let amount = <<<E as Ext>::T as Trait>::Gas as As<u32>>::sa(amount);

		match ctx.gas_meter.charge(amount) {
			GasMeterResult::Proceed => Ok(()),
			GasMeterResult::OutOfGas => Err(sandbox::HostError),

	// Change the value at the given location in storage or remove it.
	// - location_ptr: pointer into the linear
	//   memory where the location of the requested value is placed.
	// - value_non_null: if set to 0, then the entry
	//   at the given location will be removed.
	// - value_ptr: pointer into the linear memory
	//   where the value to set is placed. If `value_non_null` is set to 0, then this parameter is ignored.
	// - value_len: the length of the value. If `value_non_null` is set to 0, then this parameter is ignored.
	ext_set_storage(ctx, key_ptr: u32, value_non_null: u32, value_ptr: u32, value_len: u32) => {
		let mut key = [0; 32];
		ctx.memory().get(key_ptr, &mut key)?;

		let value = if value_non_null != 0 {
			let mut value_buf = Vec::new();
			value_buf.resize(value_len as usize, 0);
			ctx.memory().get(value_ptr, &mut value_buf)?;
		} else {
		ctx.ext.set_storage(&key, value);


	// Retrieve the value at the given location from the strorage and return 0.
	// If there is no entry at the given location then this function will return 1 and
	// clear the scratch buffer.
	// - key_ptr: pointer into the linear memory where the key
	//   of the requested value is placed.
	ext_get_storage(ctx, key_ptr: u32) -> u32 => {
		let mut key = [0; 32];
		ctx.memory().get(key_ptr, &mut key)?;

		if let Some(value) = ctx.ext.get_storage(&key) {
			ctx.scratch_buf = value;
		} else {

	// Make a call to another contract.
	// Returns 0 on the successful execution and puts the result data returned
	// by the callee into the scratch buffer. Otherwise, returns 1 and clears the scratch
	// buffer.
	// - callee_ptr: a pointer to the address of the callee contract.
	//   Should be decodable as an `T::AccountId`. Traps otherwise.
	// - callee_len: length of the address buffer.
	// - gas: how much gas to devote to the execution.
	// - value_ptr: a pointer to the buffer with value, how much value to send.
	//   Should be decodable as a `T::Balance`. Traps otherwise.
	// - value_len: length of the value buffer.
	// - input_data_ptr: a pointer to a buffer to be used as input data to the callee.
	// - input_data_len: length of the input data buffer.
		callee_ptr: u32,
		callee_len: u32,
		gas: u64,
		value_ptr: u32,
		value_len: u32,
		input_data_ptr: u32,
		input_data_len: u32
	) -> u32 => {
		let mut callee = Vec::new();
		callee.resize(callee_len as usize, 0);
		ctx.memory().get(callee_ptr, &mut callee)?;
		let callee =
			<<E as Ext>::T as system::Trait>::AccountId::decode(&mut &callee[..])
				.ok_or_else(|| sandbox::HostError)?;

		let mut value_buf = Vec::new();
		value_buf.resize(value_len as usize, 0);
		ctx.memory().get(value_ptr, &mut value_buf)?;
		let value = BalanceOf::<<E as Ext>::T>::decode(&mut &value_buf[..])
			.ok_or_else(|| sandbox::HostError)?;

		let mut input_data = Vec::new();
		input_data.resize(input_data_len as usize, 0u8);
		ctx.memory().get(input_data_ptr, &mut input_data)?;

		// Clear the scratch buffer in any case.

		let nested_gas_limit = if gas == 0 {
		} else {
			<<<E as Ext>::T as Trait>::Gas as As<u64>>::sa(gas)
		let ext = &mut ctx.ext;
		let scratch_buf = &mut ctx.scratch_buf;
		let call_outcome = ctx.gas_meter.with_nested(nested_gas_limit, |nested_meter| {
			match nested_meter {
				Some(nested_meter) =>, value, nested_meter, &input_data, scratch_buf),
				// there is not enough gas to allocate for the nested call.
				None => Err(()),

		match call_outcome {
			Ok(()) => Ok(0),
			Err(_) => Ok(1),

	// Create a contract with code returned by the specified initializer code.
	// This function creates an account and executes initializer code. After the execution,
	// the returned buffer is saved as the code of the created account.
	// Returns 0 on the successful contract creation and puts the address
	// of the created contract into the scratch buffer.
	// Otherwise, returns 1 and clears the scratch buffer.
	// - init_code_ptr: a pointer to the buffer that contains the initializer code.
	// - init_code_len: length of the initializer code buffer.
	// - gas: how much gas to devote to the execution of the initializer code.
	// - value_ptr: a pointer to the buffer with value, how much value to send.
	//   Should be decodable as a `T::Balance`. Traps otherwise.
	// - value_len: length of the value buffer.
	// - input_data_ptr: a pointer to a buffer to be used as input data to the initializer code.
	// - input_data_len: length of the input data buffer.
		init_code_ptr: u32,
		init_code_len: u32,
		gas: u64,
		value_ptr: u32,
		value_len: u32,
		input_data_ptr: u32,
		input_data_len: u32
	) -> u32 => {
		let mut value_buf = Vec::new();
		value_buf.resize(value_len as usize, 0);
		ctx.memory().get(value_ptr, &mut value_buf)?;
		let value = BalanceOf::<<E as Ext>::T>::decode(&mut &value_buf[..])
			.ok_or_else(|| sandbox::HostError)?;

		let mut init_code = Vec::new();
		init_code.resize(init_code_len as usize, 0u8);
		ctx.memory().get(init_code_ptr, &mut init_code)?;

		let mut input_data = Vec::new();
		input_data.resize(input_data_len as usize, 0u8);
		ctx.memory().get(input_data_ptr, &mut input_data)?;

		// Clear the scratch buffer in any case.

		let nested_gas_limit = if gas == 0 {
		} else {
			<<<E as Ext>::T as Trait>::Gas as As<u64>>::sa(gas)
		let ext = &mut ctx.ext;
		let create_outcome = ctx.gas_meter.with_nested(nested_gas_limit, |nested_meter| {
			match nested_meter {
				Some(nested_meter) => ext.create(&init_code, value, nested_meter, &input_data),
				// there is not enough gas to allocate for the nested call.
				None => Err(()),
		match create_outcome {
			Ok(CreateReceipt { address }) => {
				// Write the address to the scratch buffer.
				address.encode_to(&mut ctx.scratch_buf);
			Err(_) => Ok(1),

	// Save a data buffer as a result of the execution.
	ext_return(ctx, data_ptr: u32, data_len: u32) => {
		let data_len_in_gas = <<<E as Ext>::T as Trait>::Gas as As<u64>>::sa(data_len as u64);
		let price = (ctx.config.return_data_per_byte_cost)
			.ok_or_else(|| sandbox::HostError)?;

		match ctx.gas_meter.charge(price) {
			GasMeterResult::Proceed => (),
			GasMeterResult::OutOfGas => return Err(sandbox::HostError),

		ctx.output_data.resize(data_len as usize, 0);
		ctx.memory.get(data_ptr, &mut ctx.output_data)?;

		ctx.special_trap = Some(SpecialTrap::Return);

		// The trap mechanism is used to immediately terminate the execution.
		// This trap should be handled appropriately before returning the result
		// to the user of this crate.

	// Returns the size of the input buffer.
	ext_input_size(ctx) -> u32 => {
		Ok(ctx.input_data.len() as u32)

	// Copy data from the input buffer starting from `offset` with length `len` into the contract memory.
	// The region at which the data should be put is specified by `dest_ptr`.
	ext_input_copy(ctx, dest_ptr: u32, offset: u32, len: u32) => {
		let offset = offset as usize;
		if offset > ctx.input_data.len() {
			// Offset can't be larger than input buffer length.
			return Err(sandbox::HostError);

		// This can't panic since `offset <= ctx.input_data.len()`.
		let src = &ctx.input_data[offset..];
		if src.len() != len as usize {
			return Err(sandbox::HostError);

		ctx.memory().set(dest_ptr, src)?;


	// Returns the size of the scratch buffer.
	ext_scratch_size(ctx) -> u32 => {
		Ok(ctx.scratch_buf.len() as u32)

	// Copy data from the scratch buffer starting from `offset` with length `len` into the contract memory.
	// The region at which the data should be put is specified by `dest_ptr`.
	ext_scratch_copy(ctx, dest_ptr: u32, offset: u32, len: u32) => {
		let offset = offset as usize;
		if offset > ctx.scratch_buf.len() {
			// Offset can't be larger than scratch buffer length.
			return Err(sandbox::HostError);

		// This can't panic since `offset <= ctx.scratch_buf.len()`.
		let src = &ctx.scratch_buf[offset..];
		if src.len() != len as usize {
			return Err(sandbox::HostError);

		ctx.memory().set(dest_ptr, src)?;
