// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// limitations under the License.
//! # Contract Pallet
//! The Contract module provides functionality for the runtime to deploy and execute WebAssembly
//! smart-contracts.
//! This module extends accounts based on the [`Currency`] trait to have smart-contract
//! functionality. It can be used with other modules that implement accounts based on [`Currency`].
//! These "smart-contract accounts" have the ability to instantiate smart-contracts and make calls
//! to other contract and non-contract accounts.
//! The smart-contract code is stored once in a code cache, and later retrievable via its hash.
//! This means that multiple smart-contracts can be instantiated from the same hash, without
//! replicating the code each time.
//! When a smart-contract is called, its associated code is retrieved via the code hash and gets
//! executed. This call can alter the storage entries of the smart-contract account, instantiate new
//! smart-contracts, or call other smart-contracts.
//! Finally, when an account is reaped, its associated code and storage of the smart-contract
//! account will also be deleted.
//! Senders must specify a gas limit with every call, as all instructions invoked by the
//! smart-contract require gas. Unused gas is refunded after the call, regardless of the execution
//! outcome.
//! If the gas limit is reached, then all calls and state changes (including balance transfers) are
//! only reverted at the current call's contract level. For example, if contract A calls B and B
//! runs out of gas mid-call, then all of B's calls are reverted. Assuming correct error handling by
//! contract A, A's other calls and state changes still persist.
//! Contract call failures are not always cascading. When failures occur in a sub-call, they do not
//! "bubble up", and the call will only revert at the specific contract level. For example, if
//! contract A calls contract B, and B fails, A can decide how to handle that failure, either
//! proceeding or reverting A's changes.
//! * [`Pallet::instantiate_with_code`] - Deploys a new contract from the supplied wasm binary,
//! optionally transferring
//! some balance. This instantiates a new smart contract account with the supplied code and
//! calls its constructor to initialize the contract.
//! * [`Pallet::instantiate`] - The same as `instantiate_with_code` but instead of uploading new
//! code an existing `code_hash` is supplied.
//! * [`Pallet::call`] - Makes a call to an account, optionally transferring some balance.
//! The Contract module is a work in progress. The following examples show how this Contract module
//! can be used to instantiate and call contracts.
//! * [`ink`]( is
//! an [`eDSL`]( that enables writing
//! WebAssembly based smart contracts in the Rust programming language. This is a work in progress.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-benchmarks", recursion_limit = "512")]
Alexander Theißen
mod migration;
mod schedule;
pub mod chain_extension;
pub mod weights;
mod tests;
use crate::{
exec::{AccountIdOf, ExecError, Executable, Stack as ExecStack},
storage::{meter::Meter as StorageMeter, ContractInfo, DeletedContract, Storage},
wasm::{OwnerInfo, PrefabWasmModule},
use codec::{Encode, HasCompact};
dispatch::{DispatchClass, Dispatchable, GetDispatchInfo, Pays, PostDispatchInfo},
Alexander Theißen
tokens::fungible::Inspect, ConstU32, Contains, Currency, Get, Randomness,
ReservableCurrency, Time,
weights::{OldWeight, Weight},
BoundedVec, WeakBoundedVec,
Alexander Theißen
use frame_system::{limits::BlockWeights, Pallet as System};
Alexander Theißen
use pallet_contracts_primitives::{
Code, CodeUploadResult, CodeUploadReturnValue, ContractAccessError, ContractExecResult,
ContractInstantiateResult, ExecReturnValue, GetStorageResult, InstantiateReturnValue,
use sp_core::{crypto::UncheckedFrom, Bytes};
use sp_runtime::traits::{Convert, Hash, Saturating, StaticLookup};
Alexander Theißen
use sp_std::{fmt::Debug, marker::PhantomData, prelude::*};
pub use crate::{
exec::{Frame, VarSizedKey as StorageKey},
Alexander Theißen
schedule::{HostFnWeights, InstructionWeights, Limits, Schedule},
type CodeHash<T> = <T as frame_system::Config>::Hash;
type TrieId = BoundedVec<u8, ConstU32<128>>;
<<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>>::Balance;
type CodeVec<T> = BoundedVec<u8, <T as Config>::MaxCodeLen>;
type RelaxedCodeVec<T> = WeakBoundedVec<u8, <T as Config>::MaxCodeLen>;
type AccountIdLookupOf<T> = <<T as frame_system::Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source;
/// Used as a sentinel value when reading and writing contract memory.
/// It is usually used to signal `None` to a contract when only a primitive is allowed
/// and we don't want to go through encoding a full Rust type. Using `u32::Max` is a safe
/// sentinel because contracts are never allowed to use such a large amount of resources
/// that this value makes sense for a memory location or length.
const SENTINEL: u32 = u32::MAX;
/// Provides the contract address generation method.
/// See [`DefaultAddressGenerator`] for the default implementation.
pub trait AddressGenerator<T: frame_system::Config> {
/// Generate the address of a contract based on the given instantiate parameters.
/// # Note for implementors
/// 1. Make sure that there are no collisions, different inputs never lead to the same output.
/// 2. Make sure that the same inputs lead to the same output.
/// 3. Changing the implementation through a runtime upgrade without a proper storage migration
/// would lead to catastrophic misbehavior.
fn generate_address(
deploying_address: &T::AccountId,
code_hash: &CodeHash<T>,
salt: &[u8],
) -> T::AccountId;
/// Default address generator.
/// This is the default address generator used by contract instantiation. Its result
/// is only dependant on its inputs. It can therefore be used to reliably predict the
/// address of a contract. This is akin to the formula of eth's CREATE2 opcode. There
/// is no CREATE equivalent because CREATE2 is strictly more powerful.
/// Formula: `hash(deploying_address ++ code_hash ++ salt)`
pub struct DefaultAddressGenerator;
impl<T> AddressGenerator<T> for DefaultAddressGenerator
T: frame_system::Config,
T::AccountId: UncheckedFrom<T::Hash> + AsRef<[u8]>,
fn generate_address(
deploying_address: &T::AccountId,
code_hash: &CodeHash<T>,
salt: &[u8],
) -> T::AccountId {
let buf: Vec<_> = deploying_address
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