1. Aug 19, 2020
  2. Aug 18, 2020
  3. Aug 17, 2020
  4. Aug 10, 2020
  5. Aug 07, 2020
  6. Aug 06, 2020
  7. Aug 05, 2020
    • Svyatoslav Nikolsky's avatar
      Prepare for sub to eth relay - part2 (#253) · 065339cf
      Svyatoslav Nikolsky authored
      * fixed PoA contract deploy (granda_authorities call)
      * pause if all submitted headers were rejected
      * give funds to Bertha and Carlos
      * max 1 active PoA transaction in headers sync :(
      * display initial header id when deploying PoA contract
      * cargo fmt + clipy
      * update PoA contract to accept <= 4 Substrate headers at once
      * pause submitting headers when contract rejects all new headers + we have active transactions
      * fix compilation
      * cargo fmt --all
      * does_not_select_new_headers_to_submit_when_submit_is_paused
      * updated bridge contract
      * Update relays/ethereum/src/sync.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarHernando Castano <[email protected]>
      * WiP.
      * Submit first incomplete header.
      * Finish up test.
      * cargo fmt --all
      * Remove redundant clone.
      * Address review comments.
      * cargo fmt --all
      * Fix clippy.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarHernando Castano <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      Fix vars substitution on update. (#264) · 6e380b59
      Tomasz Drwięga authored
      * Fix vars substition on update.
      * Update comment.
  8. Aug 04, 2020
    • Hernando Castano's avatar
      Support Pallet Instances in Relay (#238) · 429f1f4f
      Hernando Castano authored
      * Sketch out how to support different bridge pallet instances
      * Create a common interface for using pallet instances
      * Start introducing generic instance parameter
      Attemps to make the compiler happy, but I'm having second thoughts about
      this approach. Commiting now as a way to have a checkpoint, but I think
      I'm going to need to re-consider my approach here.
      Ideally I want a change which introduces minimal changes, but this seems
      to be propagating around the codebase in ways I don't want.
      * Use trait objects instead of generics
      * Implement traits for Boxed trait objects
      This is done in order to statisfy trait bounds by types
      which use these new trait objects
      * Remove Clone usage for sync parameters
      * Remove implementation of Default for sync params
      * Require that BridgeInstance implements Debug
      * Ensure that BridgeInstance trait implements Send/Sync
      * Add documentation related to instances
      * Rust Fmt
      * Remove needless format
      * Make instance CLI option case insensitive
      * Replace `with_*` constructors with `new`
      * Clean up usage of instance structs
      * Enforce a default instance in the CLI params
      * Build sync params as we process input from CLI
      * Remove case insensitivity from sub-tx-mode
      I think this should happen, but maybe as part of a different PR
      * Process default Eth contract deployment config in CLI
      * Build EthereumExchangeParams in CLI
      * Process EthereumExchangeSubmitParams params in CLI
  9. Aug 03, 2020
    • Hernando Castano's avatar
      Bump Substrate to RC5 (#243) · 8c9110dd
      Hernando Castano authored
      * Bump Substrate to rc5
      * Bump async-std to v1.6.2
      There was a bug in v.1.6.0 which kept us locked to v1.5 releases.
      I think that's fixed now so I'm bumping this.
      * Update bridge node runtime
      * Update node service
      * Update CLI
      * Add SystemWeightInfo type to test runtimes
      * Add RPC extension builder to service
      * Directly return rpc_extensions_builder
      * Allow complex types in service
      This comes from Substrate, so I'd rather just keep the code as is
      * Update benchmarking code for new CLI
    • dependabot-preview[bot]'s avatar
  10. Jul 31, 2020
  11. Jul 30, 2020
  12. Jul 29, 2020
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      Don't start proxy by default. (#249) · a3670106
      Tomasz Drwięga authored
    • Svyatoslav Nikolsky's avatar
      Submit exchange transactions to PoA node (#229) · 14342dc4
      Svyatoslav Nikolsky authored
      * submit Eth exchange transactions
      * submit ethereum in docker-compose
      * submit Eth exchange transactions
      * fix duplicate message
      * fix relay script
      * lost file
      * cargo fmt --all
      * cargo +nightly clippy
      * Show sccache
      * remove test-helpers remains
      * what's going on with jsonrpsee + Cargo.lock?
      * relay-eth-submit-exchange-tx -> poa-exchange-tx-generator
      * Update relays/ethereum/src/main.rs
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
      * configuring exchange-gen loop using env variables
      * fixed signer account from dev chain to Arthur
      * improve debug prints
      * parse nonce from relay output
      * --eth-nonce=
      * fix compilation
      * cargo fmt --all
      * fix typo
      * duplicate relay output to tty
      * allow using from bash scripts tests
      * fix: U256::parse() expects hex string :/
      * cargo fmt --all
      * BRIDGE_HASH: ${BRIDGE_HASH:-master}
      * script comment
      * generate exchange PoA transactions by Bertha
      * Bertha address
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDenis S. Soldatov aka General-Beck <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>