Unverified Commit f704a741 authored by Svyatoslav Nikolsky's avatar Svyatoslav Nikolsky Committed by GitHub
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Polkadot staging update (#1270)

* Add `AtLeast32BitUnsigned` for MessageLance::SourceChainBalance (#1207)

* Fix UI deployment. (#1211)

* Remove unused PoA<>Substrate bridge (#1210)

* Decouple the PoA bridge code from Rialto
* Remove Rialto PoA bridge code
* Remove relays/bin-ethereum code
* Remove relays/client-ethereum code
* Remove modules/ethereum code
* Remove modules/ethereum-contract-builtin code
* Remove PoA bridge documentation
* Remove primitives/ethereum-poa code
* Decouple Rialto from currency-exchange
* Fix building with runtime-benchmarks
* Fix should_encode_bridge_send_message_call test
    Because we removed some runtime modules/pallets, the
    substrate2substrate bridge pallet has a different index within
    the runtime so its calls have a different encoding.
    Update the test to use the new encoding.
* Update readme - no more PoA bridge
* Remove deployments/bridges/poa-rialto
    Also removes:
    - deployments/networks/eth-poa.yml
    - deployments/networks/OpenEthereum.Dockerfile
* Remove deployments/dev/poa-config
* Update deployments readme - no more PoA bridge
* Remove eth-related scripts
    - deployments/networks/eth-poa.yml
    - scripts/run-openethereum-node.sh
* Remove poa-relay from gitlab-ci
* Dockerfiles to use substrate-relay as default
* Remove modules/currency-exchange code
* Remove primitives/currency-exchange code

Signed-off-by: default avataracatangiu <[email protected]>

* Remove unused `relays/headers` (#1216)

* Decouple `relays/client-substrate` from `headers_relay`
* Remove `blocks_in_state` from `SyncLoopMetrics`
    This metric was only relevant for PoA <> Substrate bridge.
* Move `sync_loop_metrics.rs` to `relays/finality`
* Remove unused `SyncLoopMetrics::update()`
* Hook up SyncLoopMetrics to finality_loop
* Delete now unused `relays/headers`

Signed-off-by: default avataracatangiu <[email protected]>

* remove abandoned exchange relay (#1217)

* Unify metric names (#1209)

* unify metric names

* refactor standalone metrics

* headers sync metrics

* post-merge fix

* fix compilation

* fmt

* fix dashboards

* fix local dashboards

* update Rococo/Wococo runtime version

* remove commented code

* fixed grumbles

* fmt

* fixed widget names

* Add CODEOWNERS file (#1219)

* fixed set_operational in GRANDPA pallet (#1226)

* Add mut support (#1232)

* update dependencies (#1229)

* Integrate BEEFY with Rialto & Millau runtimes (#1227)

* Add Beefy pallet to Rialto runtime

* Add Beefy gadget to Rialto node

* Add MMR pallet to Rialto runtime

* Add Beefy pallet to Millau runtime

* Add Beefy gadget to Millau node

* Add MMR pallet to Millau runtime

* Add pallet_beefy_mmr to Millau runtime

* Add pallet_beefy_mmr to Rialto runtime

* Implement MMR and BEEFY APIs in Rialto

* fix unit tests

- should_encode_bridge_send_message_call() tests for new
  runtime encoding resulted from newly added pallets.
- runtime size_of::<Call>() slightly increased from newly
  added pallets.

* fix grumbles

* tighten clippy allowances

* fix more grumbles

* Add MMR RPC to Rialto and Millau nodes

Also implement MmrApi in Millau runtime.

* rialto: use upstream polkadot_client::RuntimeApiCollection

* Fix storage parameter name computation (#1238)

* fixed storage_parameter_key

* added test for storage_parameter_key

* Enable Beefy debug logs in test deployment (#1237)

Signed-off-by: default avatarAdrian Catangiu <[email protected]>

* Enable offchain indexing for Rialto/Millau nodes (#1239)

* Enable off-chain indexing for Rialto & Millau nodes

* cargo fmt --all

* cargo +nightly fmt --all

* fmt is weird.

* Update Rococo/Wococo version + prepare relay for Rococo<>Wococo bridge (#1241)

* update Rococo version + create relayers fund account

* start finality relay guards when complex relay is started

* Refactor finality relay helpers (#1220)

* refactor finality relay helper definitions

* add missing doc

* removed commented code

* fmt

* disable rustfmt for macro

* move best_finalized method const to relay chain def

* Expose prometheus BEEFY metrics and add them to grafana dashboard (#1242)

* deployments: expose node metrics

Signed-off-by: default avataracatangiu <[email protected]>

* deployments: add beefy grafana dashboard

Signed-off-by: default avataracatangiu <[email protected]>

* deployments: add beefy alarms

Signed-off-by: default avataracatangiu <[email protected]>

* Fix transactions mortality (#1196)

* added lost stall timeout fix

* use best_block.parent() to start mortal tx era

* fmt

* Revert "revert messages transactions mortality"

This reverts commit 77776357


* post-merge build fix (#1243)

* Refactor message relay helpers (#1234)

* refactor message relay helpers

* single standalone_metrics function

* fixed tests

* clippy + fmt

* removed commented code

* add calls tracing

* fix spelling

* cargo fmt

* -commented code

* fix build again

* post-merge build fix

* clippy + fmt

* Use same endowed accounts set on dev/local chains (#1244)

* use same accounts set on dev/local chains

* run altruistic relayers in local demo scripts

* runtimes: fix call_size() test (#1245)

Signed-off-by: default avataracatangiu <[email protected]>

* Bump relay version to 1.0.0 (#1249)

* Add missing RPC APIs to rialto parachain node (#1250)

* add missing RPC APIs to rialto parachain node

* spellcheck

* decrease startup sleep to 5s for relays and to 120s for generators + remove curl (#1251)

* pin bridges-ci image (#1256)

* Change submit transaction spec_version and transaction_version query from chain (#1248)

* The `spec_version` and `transaction_version` query from chain

* fix compile

* Lint

* Custom spec_version and transaction_version

* runtime version params struct opt

* runtime version cli

* cli params

* Add missing types defined

* fix compile

* debug cli

* clippy

* clippy

* Query spec_version and transaction_version same times

* Fix vars

* Wrap option

* Wrap option

* Try fix ci

* Change follow suggestions

* remporary use pinned bridges-ci image in Dockerfile (#1258)

* move storage keys computation to primitivs (#1254)

* override conversion rate in estimate-message-fee RPC (#1189)

* read latest_generated_nonce directly from storage (#1260)

* bump rococo version (#1263)

Co-authored-by: default avatarfewensa <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: default avatarTomasz Drwięga <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: default avatarAdrian Catangiu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: default avatarSergejs Kostjucenko <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: default avatarAntonio Dropulic <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: default avatarAdrian Catangiu <[email protected]>
parent 1602249f
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