Unverified Commit 951eaa55 authored by Svyatoslav Nikolsky's avatar Svyatoslav Nikolsky Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Add rialto-parachain runtime and node (#1142)

* Substrate: 63b32fbaa2764c0a8ee76b70cdfa0fcb59b7181f
Polkadot:  7229ab87acf5bc5d4d10655ad1a9819a1e317442
Cumulus:   d5284b0e78be3a18a3371103dd00449aceb082df

* rialto parachain runtime

* fixed tests

* add node + bump refs (not compiling yet):
Substrate:           630422d6108cbaaca893ab213dde69f3bdaa1f6b
Polkadot:            7229ab87acf5bc5d4d10655ad1a9819a1e317442
Cumulus:             5af2990cfd3711f86c7cb8606b22364208a5c32d
GrandpaBridgeGadget: c152c45ac331eb8ab40d956ab1d008d181810ef4

* fix compilation (collator is not working)

* more fixes

* fmt

* spellcheck

* fix warnings

* fix compilation

* fmt

* trigger CI

* trigger CI

* Revert "trigger CI"

This reverts commit a31f53ce.

* benchmarks

* fix benchmarks

* fix again

* Revert "Revert "trigger CI""

This reverts commit 1dea8b42.

* Revert "Revert "Revert "trigger CI"""

This reverts commit 8fb74fa5.

* try fix

* lost lock file

* spellcheck

* try to disable sccache for cargo check

* Revert "Revert "Revert "Revert "trigger CI""""

This reverts commit f1574614.

* try to disable again

* disable sccache for test
parent 803d266d
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