Unverified Commit 92ddc3ea authored by Svyatoslav Nikolsky's avatar Svyatoslav Nikolsky Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Polkadot-staging update (#1305)

* Bump Substrate/Polkadot/Cumulus refs (#1295)

Substrate: 31d90c202d6df9ce3837ee55587b604619a912ba
Polkadot: 60df3c55c711c2872872d6220f98b2611340e051
Cumulus: a9630551c2cd877952ab769c862af4c81b0ccd3c

* bump chain spec versions (#1297)

* Fix ss58 prefixes of Polkadot, Kusama and Westend used by relay (#1298)

* fix ss58 prefixes of Polkadot, Kusama and Westend

* fmt

* Use raw balance value if tokenDecimals property is missing (#1299)

* use raw balance value if tokenDecimals property is missing

* fmt

* Revert nightly docker pin (#1301)

* Revert "pin bridges-ci image (#1256)"

This reverts commit 4009d970.

* Revert "remporary use pinned bridges-ci image in Dockerfile (#1258)"

This reverts commit 4f988406.

* fix session length of Rococo and Wococo (#1304)
parents 29eecdf1 3787193a
Pipeline #177279 passed with stages
in 38 minutes and 53 seconds