Unverified Commit 43fc3877 authored by Svyatoslav Nikolsky's avatar Svyatoslav Nikolsky Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Add Rococo<>Westend bridge support/relay (#2647) -> to master (#2697)

* Add Rococo<>Westend bridge support/relay (#2647)

* Added Rococo<>Westend primitives

* Latest fashion


* Temporary hack for AssetHubWestend to Millau

* typo

* tool/runtime-codegen tweaks

* Rococo<>Westend relay part

* zepter

* Unify `Parachain` vs `Parachains`

* removed accidental change

* removed unused SS58 prefix

* - unused import


Co-authored-by: default avatarBranislav Kontur <[email protected]>
parent 6ccd8ea4
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