Unverified Commit 38666462 authored by Hernando Castano's avatar Hernando Castano Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Rename Finality Verifier and Call Dispatch Pallets (#838)

* Rename `pallet-finality-verifier` to `pallet-bridge-grandpa`

* Missed some CamelCase ones

* Update logging target in GRANDPA pallet

* Rename `pallet-bridge-call-dispatch` to `pallet-bridge-dispatch`

* Rename the dispatch pallet folder

* Update logging target in Dispatch pallet

* Missed a couple

* Format the repo

* Stop listing individual pallets in Compose logs

* Use correct pallet name in module doc comments

* Add `pallet-bridge-dispatch` to README project layout

* Sort crate names in TOML files

* Rename `pallet-bridge-grandpa` runtime Call alias
parent 7ed84892
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