Unverified Commit 98675a06 authored by Niklas Adolfsson's avatar Niklas Adolfsson Committed by GitHub
Browse files

refactor: RpcServiceT make it possible !BoxFuture (#1242)

* refactor: RpcServiceT make it possible !BoxFuture

* cleanup and no boxing in the EitherLayer

* add missing files

* remove more BoxFuture

* fix clippy

* cleanup

* grumbles: add Clone bound

* grumbles: remove needless bounds RpcLogger

* grumbles: simplify response futures

* grumbles: fix faulty comment

* fix more grumbles: simplify trait bounds

* Revert "fix more grumbles: simplify trait bounds"

This reverts commit 2e7c94f3.
parent f4e2a74e
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