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//! Compatibility layer for supporting both tokio v0.2 and v1.

// Check that either v1 or v0.2 feature is enabled.
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "tokio1", feature = "tokio02")))]
compile_error!("Either `tokio1` or `tokio02` feature must be enabled");

// Also check that only *one* of them is enabled.
#[cfg(all(feature = "tokio1", feature = "tokio02"))]
compile_error!("feature `tokio1` and `tokio02` are mutually exclusive");

pub(crate) use tokio_impl::*;

#[cfg(feature = "tokio1")]
mod tokio_impl {
	// Required for `tokio::test` to work correctly.
	pub(crate) use tokioV1::{runtime, test};

	pub(crate) use tokioV1::{net::TcpStream, spawn, sync::Mutex};
	pub(crate) use tokioV1_rustls::{
		webpki::{DNSNameRef, InvalidDNSNameError},
	pub(crate) use tokioV1_util::compat::{TokioAsyncReadCompatExt, TokioAsyncWriteCompatExt};

	pub(crate) use tokioV1::time::sleep;
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David committed

	pub(crate) use tokioV1::select;

// Note that we check for `not(feature = "tokio1")` here, but not above.
// This is required so that in case of both features enabled, `tokio_impl`
// will only be defined once. This way, the only error user will get is
// the compile error about features being mutually exclusive, which will
// provide better DevEx.
#[cfg(all(feature = "tokio02", not(feature = "tokio1")))]
mod tokio_impl {
	// Required for `tokio::test` to work correctly.
	pub(crate) use tokioV02::{runtime, test};

	pub(crate) use tokioV02::{net::TcpStream, spawn, sync::Mutex};
	pub(crate) use tokioV02_rustls::{
		webpki::{DNSNameRef, InvalidDNSNameError},
	pub(crate) use tokioV02_util::compat::{
		Tokio02AsyncReadCompatExt as TokioAsyncReadCompatExt, Tokio02AsyncWriteCompatExt as TokioAsyncWriteCompatExt,

	// In 0.2 `tokio::time::sleep` had different name.
	pub(crate) use tokioV02::time::delay_for as sleep;
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David committed

	pub(crate) use tokioV02::select;