1. Jul 10, 2017
    • Nikolay Volf's avatar
      WASM contracts MVP (#5679) · 62210fb9
      Nikolay Volf authored
      * lifetime issues
      * refactor to new 'native env'
      * descriptors and such
      * wasm mvp continued
      * finalized env/ext bindings
      * descriptor -> call_args
      * inject gas counter
      * result processing and engine activation
      * tabify some source files
      * needs return new
      * wasm tests initial
      * erradicate warnings
      * origin in the descriptor
      * update test repo
      * payload verification tests
      * identity return payload test
      * some test description
      * dispersion test
      * check length here
      * suicidal contract
      * engine params
      * fix typo
      * review fixes
      * submodule update
      * update - purge reserved space
      * doc effort
      * more review fixes
      * fix error message
      * fix dependency url
      * reorg error handling
      * update submodule
      * update utils
      * update to latest parity-wasm
      * tabify
      * fix wasm magic header
      * update dependencies
      * external create and tests
      * update to latest tests
      * extra trace info
      * Update parity-wasm
      * update wasm-utils also
      * few traces and result handle change
      * alter trace content
      * fix issues with optimizer, update to latest parity with validator, etc
      * static initialization
      * license preamble
      * update wasm crates and gas costs
      * fix grumbles
      * bring back lifetime
      * fix compilation
  2. Oct 22, 2016
  3. Oct 17, 2016
    • Tomasz Drwięga's avatar
      Initial import of new UI (compiled JS code) (#2220) · 6c7af575
      Tomasz Drwięga authored
      * Normalizing dapps format for signer.
      * Adding new ui
      * Adding New UI to dapps
      * Adding parity styles for signer errors
      * Adding pre-compiled JS as submodule
      * Fixing struct declaration [ci:skip]
      * Bumping js
      * Adding styles
      * build dest
      * Correct whitespace
      @tomusdrw please note the alterations - no mixing tabs and spaces in the indentation portion and always just one tab per indent.
  4. Feb 07, 2016
  5. Jan 31, 2016
  6. Jan 28, 2016
  7. Jan 12, 2016
  8. Dec 02, 2015