1. Jun 04, 2018
    • Niklas Adolfsson's avatar
      Update `license header` and `scripts` (#8666) · 98b7c071
      Niklas Adolfsson authored and Marek Kotewicz's avatar Marek Kotewicz committed
      * Update `add_license` script
      * run script
      * add `remove duplicate lines script` and run it
      * Revert changes `English spaces`
      * strip whitespaces
      * Revert `GPL` in files with `apache/mit license`
      * don't append `gpl license` in files with other lic
      * Don't append `gpl header` in files with other lic.
      * re-ran script
      * include c and cpp files too
      * remove duplicate header
      * rebase nit
  2. Aug 02, 2017
    • Marek Kotewicz's avatar
      Chainspec validation (#6197) · 0c7c34e6
      Marek Kotewicz authored and Arkadiy Paronyan's avatar Arkadiy Paronyan committed
      * chainspec validation
      * better error formatting for chainspec
      * lint validate_chainspecs.sh
      * quit takes &str instead of S: AsRef<str>
      * push CI
      * don't double check spec validity