Commit e4f0c0b2 authored by Tomasz Drwięga's avatar Tomasz Drwięga Committed by Gav Wood
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Single DB (#1741)

* Consolidation migration

* Started db amalgamation

* Using client constants for columns

* Adding with_columns constructor

* Migrating to single db

* Fixing tests.

* without verbose

* Fixing warnings

* add migration tests that catch the bug

* make multiple migrations more robust

* add moved v9

* Merge branch 'noop-migrations' into single-db

* spurious line

* clean up migrations ordering

* update comment [ci skip]

* Bumping default number of max_open_files & re-ordering columns.

* fix merge

* fix ignored analysis tests

* Caching best block content

* Faster best_block_header

* Adding progress to v8 migration

* clean up warnings

* Separate hashes and bodies in the DB

* Separate hashes and bodies in the DB

* Fixed tests
parent 0934a283
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