Commit b60511e3 authored by Tomasz Drwięga's avatar Tomasz Drwięga Committed by Afri Schoedon
Browse files

Backport Core PRs to beta (#7891)

* update back-references more aggressively after answering from cache (#7578)

* Add new EF ropstens nodes. (#7824)

* Add new EF ropstens nodes.

* Fix tests

* Add a timeout for light client sync requests (#7848)

* Add a timeout for light client sync requests

* Adjusting timeout to number of headers

* Flush keyfiles. Resolves #7632 (#7868)

* Fix wallet import (#7873)

* rpc: generate new account id for imported wallets

* ethstore: handle duplicate wallet filenames

* ethstore: simplify deduplication of wallet file names

* ethstore: do not dedup wallet filenames on update

* ethstore: fix minor grumbles

* [WASM] mem_cmp added to the Wasm runtime (#7539)

* mem_cmp added to the Wasm runtime

* schedule.wasm.mem_copy to schedule.wasm.mem_cmp for mem_cmp

* [Wasm] memcmp fix and test added (#7590)

* [Wasm] memcmp fix and test added

* [Wasm] use reqrep_test! macro for memcmp test

* wasmi interpreter (#7796)

* adjust storage update evm-style (#7812)

* disable internal memory (#7842)
parent af70a681
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