Unverified Commit 9f90ff2e authored by Afri Schoedon's avatar Afri Schoedon Committed by GitHub
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Changelogs for 1.11.7-stable and 2.0.0-beta (#9105)

* docs: mark 1.10 as end-of-life

* docs: move changelog for 1.11

* docs: Add changelog for 1.11.7-stable

* docs: add changelog for 2.0.0-beta

* docs: add release notes for 2.0.0 beta

* docs: fix links in changelog

* docs: Update changelog for 1.11.7-stable

* docs: Update changelog for 2.0.0-beta

* docs: address @Tbaut's comments for the 2.0.0-beta changelog

* docs: add note regarding txqueue changes as recommended by @tomusdrw
parent 4d9c8926
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