Commit 90d7823a authored by Tomasz Drwięga's avatar Tomasz Drwięga Committed by André Silva
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Propagate transactions for next 4 blocks. (#9265)

Closes #9255 

This PR also removes the limit of max 64 transactions per packet, currently we only attempt to prevent the packet size to go over 8MB. This will only be the case for super-large transactions or high-block-gas-limit chains.

Patching this is important only for chains that have blocks that can fit more than 4k transactions (over 86M block gas limit)

For mainnet, we should actually see a tiny bit faster propagation since instead of computing 4k pending set, we only need `4 * 8M / 21k = 1523` transactions.

Running some tests on `dekompile` node right now, to check how it performs in the wild.
parent b4ae1b65
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