Commit 4c5e4ac8 authored by asynchronous rob's avatar asynchronous rob Committed by keorn
Browse files

PoA warp implementation (#5488)

* separate modules for consensus snapshot chunks

* bulk of authority warp logic

* finish authority warp implementation

* squash warnings and enable authority snapshot mode

* test harness for PoA

* fiddle with harness

* epoch generation proof fixes

* update constructor code

* store epoch transition proof after block commit

* basic snap and restore test

* use keyvaluedb in state restoration

* decompress chunks

* fix encoding issues

* fixed-to-contract-to-contract test

* implement ancient block import

* restore genesis transition in PoW snapshot

* add format version method to snapshot components

* supported version numbers in snapshot_components

* allow returning of ancient epoch transitions

* genesis hash mismatch check

* remove commented code
parent 5d973f8e
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