• Marek Kotewicz's avatar
    rlp deserialization refactor, 30% faster (#4901) · 044d0706
    Marek Kotewicz authored
    * fixed naming of rlp modules
    * RlpStream cleanup
    * appending short rlp lists (0...55 bytes) is 25% faster
    * RlpStream does not use bytes module, nor trait Stream
    * removed unused code from rlp module
    * compiling ethcore-util with new rlp serialization
    * compiling parity with new rlp serialization
    * fixed compiling ethcore-light with new rlp serialization
    * fixed compiling ethsync with new rlp serialization
    * moved rlp benches and rlp tests
    * rlp deserialization refactor, 30% faster
    * removed redundant comment, print
    * fixed compiling parity with new rlp deserialization
    * removed redundant double-space
    * fixed failing test
    * updated rlp docs, removed unused traits
    * fixed rlp benchmarks
    * replace usage of WriteBytesExt with ByteOrder
    * removed unused, commented out code
    * fixed merge conflict