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// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.

// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity.  If not, see <>.

use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap};
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::mem;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::sync::*;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, AtomicBool, Ordering as AtomicOrdering};
use std::time::Instant;

// util
use util::numbers::*;
use util::io::*;
use util::rlp;
use util::sha3::*;
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use util::{Bytes, Lockable, RwLockable};
use util::rlp::{RlpStream, Rlp, UntrustedRlp};
use util::journaldb;
use util::journaldb::JournalDB;
use util::kvdb::*;
use util::{Applyable, Stream, View, PerfTimer, Itertools, Colour};

// other
use views::BlockView;
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use error::{ImportError, ExecutionError, BlockError, ImportResult};
use header::BlockNumber;
use spec::Spec;
use engine::Engine;
use service::ClientIoMessage;
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use env_info::LastHashes;
use verification;
use verification::{PreverifiedBlock, Verifier};
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use block::*;
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use transaction::{LocalizedTransaction, SignedTransaction, Action};
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use blockchain::extras::TransactionAddress;
use types::filter::Filter;
use log_entry::LocalizedLogEntry;
use block_queue::{BlockQueue, BlockQueueInfo};
use blockchain::{BlockChain, BlockProvider, TreeRoute, ImportRoute};
use client::{BlockID, TransactionID, UncleID, TraceId, ClientConfig,
	DatabaseCompactionProfile, BlockChainClient, MiningBlockChainClient,
	TraceFilter, CallAnalytics, BlockImportError, Mode, ChainNotify};
use client::Error as ClientError;
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use env_info::EnvInfo;
use executive::{Executive, Executed, TransactOptions, contract_address};
use receipt::LocalizedReceipt;
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use trace::{TraceDB, ImportRequest as TraceImportRequest, LocalizedTrace, Database as TraceDatabase};
use trace;
use evm::Factory as EvmFactory;
use util::TrieFactory;
use ipc::IpcConfig;
use ipc::binary::{BinaryConvertError};

// re-export
pub use types::blockchain_info::BlockChainInfo;
pub use types::block_status::BlockStatus;
pub use blockchain::CacheSize as BlockChainCacheSize;
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const MAX_TX_QUEUE_SIZE: usize = 4096;
const MAX_QUEUE_SIZE_TO_SLEEP_ON: usize = 2;
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impl fmt::Display for BlockChainInfo {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
		write!(f, "#{}.{}", self.best_block_number, self.best_block_hash)

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/// Report on the status of a client.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
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pub struct ClientReport {
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	/// How many blocks have been imported so far.
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	pub blocks_imported: usize,
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	/// How many transactions have been applied so far.
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	pub transactions_applied: usize,
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	/// How much gas has been processed so far.
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	pub gas_processed: U256,
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	/// Memory used by state DB
	pub state_db_mem: usize,
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impl ClientReport {
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	/// Alter internal reporting to reflect the additional `block` has been processed.
	pub fn accrue_block(&mut self, block: &PreverifiedBlock) {
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		self.blocks_imported += 1;
		self.transactions_applied += block.transactions.len();
		self.gas_processed = self.gas_processed + block.header.gas_used;
struct SleepState {
	last_activity: Option<Instant>,
	last_autosleep: Option<Instant>,

impl SleepState {
	fn new(awake: bool) -> Self {
		SleepState {
			last_activity: match awake { false => None, true => Some(Instant::now()) },
			last_autosleep: match awake { false => Some(Instant::now()), true => None },

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/// Blockchain database client backed by a persistent database. Owns and manages a blockchain and a block queue.
/// Call `import_block()` to import a block asynchronously; `flush_queue()` flushes the queue.
	mode: Mode,
	chain: Arc<BlockChain>,
	tracedb: Arc<TraceDB<BlockChain>>,
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	engine: Arc<Box<Engine>>,
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	state_db: Mutex<Box<JournalDB>>,
	block_queue: BlockQueue,
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	report: RwLock<ClientReport>,
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	panic_handler: Arc<PanicHandler>,
	verifier: Box<Verifier>,
	vm_factory: Arc<EvmFactory>,
	trie_factory: TrieFactory,
	miner: Arc<Miner>,
	sleep_state: Mutex<SleepState>,
	liveness: AtomicBool,
	io_channel: IoChannel<ClientIoMessage>,
	notify: RwLock<Option<Weak<ChainNotify>>>,
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	queue_transactions: AtomicUsize,
	previous_enode: Mutex<Option<String>>,
const HISTORY: u64 = 1200;
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// Altering it will force a blanket DB update for *all* JournalDB-derived
//   databases.
// Instead, add/upgrade the version string of the individual JournalDB-derived database
// of which you actually want force an upgrade.
const CLIENT_DB_VER_STR: &'static str = "5.3";
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/// Get the path for the databases given the root path and information on the databases.
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pub fn get_db_path(path: &Path, pruning: journaldb::Algorithm, genesis_hash: H256) -> PathBuf {
	let mut dir = path.to_path_buf();
	//TODO: sec/fat: pruned/full versioning
	// version here is a bit useless now, since it's controlled only be the pruning algo.
	dir.push(format!("v{}-sec-{}", CLIENT_DB_VER_STR, pruning));

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/// Append a path element to the given path and return the string.
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pub fn append_path(path: &Path, item: &str) -> String {
	let mut p = path.to_path_buf();

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	///  Create a new client with given spec and DB path and custom verifier.
		config: ClientConfig,
		spec: Spec,
		path: &Path,
		miner: Arc<Miner>,
		message_channel: IoChannel<ClientIoMessage>,
	) -> Result<Arc<Client>, ClientError> {
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		let path = get_db_path(path, config.pruning, spec.genesis_header().hash());
		let gb = spec.genesis_block();
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		let chain = Arc::new(BlockChain::new(config.blockchain, &gb, &path));
		let tracedb = Arc::new(try!(TraceDB::new(config.tracing, &path, chain.clone())));
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		let mut state_db_config = match config.db_cache_size {
			None => DatabaseConfig::default(),
			Some(cache_size) => DatabaseConfig::with_cache(cache_size),

		if config.db_compaction == DatabaseCompactionProfile::HDD {
			state_db_config = state_db_config.compaction(CompactionProfile::hdd());

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		let mut state_db = journaldb::new(
			&append_path(&path, "state"),
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		if state_db.is_empty() && spec.ensure_db_good(state_db.as_hashdb_mut()) {
			state_db.commit(0, &spec.genesis_header().hash(), None).expect("Error commiting genesis state to state DB");
		let engine = Arc::new(spec.engine);

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		let block_queue = BlockQueue::new(config.queue, engine.clone(), message_channel.clone());
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		let panic_handler = PanicHandler::new_in_arc();
		let awake = match config.mode { Mode::Dark(..) => false, _ => true };
		let client = Client {
			sleep_state: Mutex::new(SleepState::new(awake)),
			liveness: AtomicBool::new(awake),
			mode: config.mode,
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			chain: chain,
			tracedb: tracedb,
			state_db: Mutex::new(state_db),
			block_queue: block_queue,
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			report: RwLock::new(Default::default()),
			import_lock: Mutex::new(()),
			panic_handler: panic_handler,
			verifier: verification::new(config.verifier_type),
			vm_factory: Arc::new(EvmFactory::new(config.vm_type)),
			trie_factory: TrieFactory::new(config.trie_spec),
			miner: miner,
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			io_channel: message_channel,
			notify: RwLock::new(None),
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			queue_transactions: AtomicUsize::new(0),
			previous_enode: Mutex::new(None),
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	/// Sets the actor to be notified on certain events
	pub fn set_notify(&self, target: &Arc<ChainNotify>) {
		let mut write_lock = self.notify.unwrapped_write();
		*write_lock = Some(Arc::downgrade(target));

	fn notify(&self) -> Option<Arc<ChainNotify>> {
		let read_lock = self.notify.unwrapped_read();
		read_lock.as_ref().and_then(|weak| weak.upgrade())

	/// Flush the block import queue.
	pub fn flush_queue(&self) {
	fn build_last_hashes(&self, parent_hash: H256) -> LastHashes {
		let mut last_hashes = LastHashes::new();
		last_hashes.resize(256, H256::new());
		last_hashes[0] = parent_hash;
			match self.chain.block_details(&last_hashes[i]) {
				Some(details) => {
					last_hashes[i + 1] = details.parent.clone();
				None => break,

	fn check_and_close_block(&self, block: &PreverifiedBlock) -> Result<LockedBlock, ()> {
		let engine = self.engine.deref().deref();
		let header = &block.header;

		// Check the block isn't so old we won't be able to enact it.
		let best_block_number = self.chain.best_block_number();
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		if best_block_number >= HISTORY && header.number() <= best_block_number - HISTORY {
			warn!(target: "client", "Block import failed for #{} ({})\nBlock is ancient (current best block: #{}).", header.number(), header.hash(), best_block_number);
			return Err(());

		// Verify Block Family
		let verify_family_result = self.verifier.verify_block_family(&header, &block.bytes, engine, self.chain.deref());
		if let Err(e) = verify_family_result {
			warn!(target: "client", "Stage 3 block verification failed for #{} ({})\nError: {:?}", header.number(), header.hash(), e);
			return Err(());

		// Check if Parent is in chain
		let chain_has_parent = self.chain.block_header(&header.parent_hash);
		if let None = chain_has_parent {
			warn!(target: "client", "Block import failed for #{} ({}): Parent not found ({}) ", header.number(), header.hash(), header.parent_hash);
			return Err(());

		// Enact Verified Block
		let parent = chain_has_parent.unwrap();
		let last_hashes = self.build_last_hashes(header.parent_hash.clone());
		let db = self.state_db.locked().boxed_clone();
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		let enact_result = enact_verified(&block, engine, self.tracedb.tracing_enabled(), db, &parent, last_hashes, &self.vm_factory, self.trie_factory.clone());
		if let Err(e) = enact_result {
			warn!(target: "client", "Block import failed for #{} ({})\nError: {:?}", header.number(), header.hash(), e);
			return Err(());

		// Final Verification
		let locked_block = enact_result.unwrap();
		if let Err(e) = self.verifier.verify_block_final(&header, locked_block.block().header()) {
			warn!(target: "client", "Stage 4 block verification failed for #{} ({})\nError: {:?}", header.number(), header.hash(), e);
			return Err(());

	fn calculate_enacted_retracted(&self, import_results: &[ImportRoute]) -> (Vec<H256>, Vec<H256>) {
		fn map_to_vec(map: Vec<(H256, bool)>) -> Vec<H256> {
			map.into_iter().map(|(k, _v)| k).collect()

		// In ImportRoute we get all the blocks that have been enacted and retracted by single insert.
		// Because we are doing multiple inserts some of the blocks that were enacted in import `k`
		// could be retracted in import `k+1`. This is why to understand if after all inserts
		// the block is enacted or retracted we iterate over all routes and at the end final state
		// will be in the hashmap
		let map = import_results.iter().fold(HashMap::new(), |mut map, route| {
			for hash in &route.enacted {
				map.insert(hash.clone(), true);
			for hash in &route.retracted {
				map.insert(hash.clone(), false);

		// Split to enacted retracted (using hashmap value)
		let (enacted, retracted) = map.into_iter().partition(|&(_k, v)| v);
		// And convert tuples to keys
		(map_to_vec(enacted), map_to_vec(retracted))
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	/// This is triggered by a message coming from a block queue when the block is ready for insertion
	pub fn import_verified_blocks(&self, io: &IoChannel<ClientIoMessage>) -> usize {
		let max_blocks_to_import = 64;
		let (imported_blocks, import_results, invalid_blocks, original_best, imported) = {
			let mut imported_blocks = Vec::with_capacity(max_blocks_to_import);
			let mut invalid_blocks = HashSet::new();
			let mut import_results = Vec::with_capacity(max_blocks_to_import);
			let _import_lock = self.import_lock.lock();
			let _timer = PerfTimer::new("import_verified_blocks");
			let blocks = self.block_queue.drain(max_blocks_to_import);
			let original_best = self.chain_info().best_block_hash;
			for block in blocks {
				let header = &block.header;
				if invalid_blocks.contains(&header.parent_hash) {
				let closed_block = self.check_and_close_block(&block);
				if let Err(_) = closed_block {
				let closed_block = closed_block.unwrap();
				let route = self.commit_block(closed_block, &header.hash(), &block.bytes);
				trace!(target: "client", "Imported #{} ({})", header.number(), header.hash());
			let imported = imported_blocks.len();
			let invalid_blocks = invalid_blocks.into_iter().collect::<Vec<H256>>();
				if !invalid_blocks.is_empty() {
				if !imported_blocks.is_empty() {
			(imported_blocks, import_results, invalid_blocks, original_best, imported)
			if !imported_blocks.is_empty() && self.block_queue.queue_info().is_empty() {
				let (enacted, retracted) = self.calculate_enacted_retracted(&import_results);
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				if self.queue_info().is_empty() {
					self.miner.chain_new_blocks(self, &imported_blocks, &invalid_blocks, &enacted, &retracted);

				if let Some(notify) = self.notify() {
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		if self.chain_info().best_block_hash != original_best {
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	fn commit_block<B>(&self, block: B, hash: &H256, block_data: &[u8]) -> ImportRoute where B: IsBlock + Drain {
		let number = block.header().number();
		// Are we committing an era?
		let ancient = if number >= HISTORY {
			let n = number - HISTORY;
			Some((n, self.chain.block_hash(n).unwrap()))
		} else {

		// Commit results
		let receipts = block.receipts().to_owned();
		let traces = From::from(block.traces().clone().unwrap_or_else(Vec::new));

		// CHECK! I *think* this is fine, even if the state_root is equal to another
		// already-imported block of the same number.
		// TODO: Prove it with a test.
		block.drain().commit(number, hash, ancient).expect("State DB commit failed.");

		// And update the chain after commit to prevent race conditions
		// (when something is in chain but you are not able to fetch details)
		let route = self.chain.insert_block(block_data, receipts);
		self.tracedb.import(TraceImportRequest {
			traces: traces,
			block_hash: hash.clone(),
			block_number: number,
			enacted: route.enacted.clone(),
			retracted: route.retracted.len()

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	/// Import transactions from the IO queue
	pub fn import_queued_transactions(&self, transactions: &[Bytes]) -> usize {
		let _timer = PerfTimer::new("import_queued_transactions");
		self.queue_transactions.fetch_sub(transactions.len(), AtomicOrdering::SeqCst);
		let txs = transactions.iter().filter_map(|bytes| UntrustedRlp::new(&bytes).as_val().ok()).collect();
		let results = self.miner.import_external_transactions(self, txs);
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	/// Attempt to get a copy of a specific block's state.
	/// This will not fail if given BlockID::Latest.
	/// Otherwise, this can fail (but may not) if the DB prunes state.
	pub fn state_at(&self, id: BlockID) -> Option<State> {
		// fast path for latest state.
		if let BlockID::Latest = id.clone() {
			return Some(self.state())

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		let block_number = match self.block_number(id.clone()) {
			Some(num) => num,
			None => return None,
		self.block_header(id).and_then(|header| {
			let db = self.state_db.locked().boxed_clone();
			// early exit for pruned blocks
			if db.is_pruned() && self.chain.best_block_number() >= block_number + HISTORY {
				return None;

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			let root = HeaderView::new(&header).state_root();

			State::from_existing(db, root, self.engine.account_start_nonce(), self.trie_factory.clone()).ok()
	/// Get a copy of the best block's state.
	pub fn state(&self) -> State {
		.expect("State root of best block header always valid.")
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	/// Get info on the cache.
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	pub fn blockchain_cache_info(&self) -> BlockChainCacheSize {
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	/// Get the report.
	pub fn report(&self) -> ClientReport {
		let mut report =;
		report.state_db_mem = self.state_db.locked().mem_used();
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	/// Tick the client.
	// TODO: manage by real events.
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	pub fn tick(&self) {
		match self.mode {
			Mode::Dark(timeout) => {
				let mut ss = self.sleep_state.locked();
				if let Some(t) = ss.last_activity {
					if Instant::now() > t + timeout {
						ss.last_activity = None;
			Mode::Passive(timeout, wakeup_after) => {
				let mut ss = self.sleep_state.locked();
				let now = Instant::now();
				if let Some(t) = ss.last_activity {
					if now > t + timeout {
						ss.last_activity = None;
						ss.last_autosleep = Some(now);
				if let Some(t) = ss.last_autosleep {
					if now > t + wakeup_after {
						ss.last_activity = Some(now);
						ss.last_autosleep = None;
			_ => {}
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	/// Set up the cache behaviour.
	pub fn configure_cache(&self, pref_cache_size: usize, max_cache_size: usize) {
		self.chain.configure_cache(pref_cache_size, max_cache_size);
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	/// Look up the block number for the given block ID.
	pub fn block_number(&self, id: BlockID) -> Option<BlockNumber> {
		match id {
			BlockID::Number(number) => Some(number),
			BlockID::Hash(ref hash) => self.chain.block_number(hash),
			BlockID::Earliest => Some(0),
			BlockID::Latest => Some(self.chain.best_block_number())

	fn block_hash(chain: &BlockChain, id: BlockID) -> Option<H256> {
			BlockID::Hash(hash) => Some(hash),
			BlockID::Number(number) => chain.block_hash(number),
			BlockID::Earliest => chain.block_hash(0),
			BlockID::Latest => Some(chain.best_block_hash())
	fn transaction_address(&self, id: TransactionID) -> Option<TransactionAddress> {
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		match id {
			TransactionID::Hash(ref hash) => self.chain.transaction_address(hash),
			TransactionID::Location(id, index) => Self::block_hash(&self.chain, id).map(|hash| TransactionAddress {
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				block_hash: hash,
				index: index,

	fn wake_up(&self) {
		if !self.liveness.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) {, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
			if let Some(notify) = self.notify() {
			trace!(target: "mode", "wake_up: Waking.");

	fn sleep(&self) {
		if self.liveness.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) {
			// only sleep if the import queue is mostly empty.
			if self.queue_info().total_queue_size() <= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE_TO_SLEEP_ON {, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
				if let Some(notify) = self.notify() {
				trace!(target: "mode", "sleep: Sleeping.");
			} else {
				trace!(target: "mode", "sleep: Cannot sleep - syncing ongoing.");
				// TODO: Consider uncommenting.
				//*self.last_activity.locked() = Some(Instant::now());

	/// Notify us that the network has been started.
	pub fn network_started(&self, url: &str) {
		let mut previous_enode = self.previous_enode.locked();
		if let Some(ref u) = *previous_enode {
			if u == url {
		*previous_enode = Some(url.into());
		info!(target: "mode", "Public node URL: {}", url.apply(Colour::White.bold()));
impl BlockChainClient for Client {
	fn call(&self, t: &SignedTransaction, analytics: CallAnalytics) -> Result<Executed, ExecutionError> {
		let header = self.block_header(BlockID::Latest).unwrap();
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		let view = HeaderView::new(&header);
		let last_hashes = self.build_last_hashes(view.hash());
		let env_info = EnvInfo {
			number: view.number(),
			timestamp: view.timestamp(),
			difficulty: view.difficulty(),
			last_hashes: last_hashes,
			gas_used: U256::zero(),
			gas_limit: U256::max_value(),
		// that's just a copy of the state.
		let mut state = self.state();
		let sender = try!(t.sender().map_err(|e| {
			let message = format!("Transaction malformed: {:?}", e);
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		let balance = state.balance(&sender);
		let needed_balance = t.value + t.gas * t.gas_price;
		if balance < needed_balance {
			// give the sender a sufficient balance
			state.add_balance(&sender, &(needed_balance - balance));
		let options = TransactOptions { tracing: analytics.transaction_tracing, vm_tracing: analytics.vm_tracing, check_nonce: false };
		let mut ret = Executive::new(&mut state, &env_info, self.engine.deref().deref(), &self.vm_factory).transact(t, options);
		// TODO gav move this into Executive.
		if analytics.state_diffing {
			if let Ok(ref mut x) = ret {
				x.state_diff = Some(state.diff_from(self.state()));
	fn keep_alive(&self) {
		if self.mode != Mode::Active {
			(*self.sleep_state.locked()).last_activity = Some(Instant::now());
	fn block_header(&self, id: BlockID) -> Option<Bytes> {
		Self::block_hash(&self.chain, id).and_then(|hash| self.chain.block(&hash).map(|bytes| BlockView::new(&bytes).rlp().at(0).as_raw().to_vec()))
	fn block_body(&self, id: BlockID) -> Option<Bytes> {
		Self::block_hash(&self.chain, id).and_then(|hash| {
			self.chain.block(&hash).map(|bytes| {
				let mut body = RlpStream::new_list(2);
				body.append_raw(, 1);
				body.append_raw(, 1);
	fn block(&self, id: BlockID) -> Option<Bytes> {
		Self::block_hash(&self.chain, id).and_then(|hash| {
	fn block_status(&self, id: BlockID) -> BlockStatus {
		match Self::block_hash(&self.chain, id) {
			Some(ref hash) if self.chain.is_known(hash) => BlockStatus::InChain,
			Some(hash) => self.block_queue.block_status(&hash),
	fn block_total_difficulty(&self, id: BlockID) -> Option<U256> {
		Self::block_hash(&self.chain, id).and_then(|hash| self.chain.block_details(&hash)).map(|d| d.total_difficulty)
	fn nonce(&self, address: &Address, id: BlockID) -> Option<U256> {
		self.state_at(id).map(|s| s.nonce(address))
	fn block_hash(&self, id: BlockID) -> Option<H256> {
		Self::block_hash(&self.chain, id)
	fn code(&self, address: &Address) -> Option<Bytes> {

	fn balance(&self, address: &Address, id: BlockID) -> Option<U256> {
		self.state_at(id).map(|s| s.balance(address))
	fn storage_at(&self, address: &Address, position: &H256, id: BlockID) -> Option<H256> {
		self.state_at(id).map(|s| s.storage_at(address, position))
	fn transaction(&self, id: TransactionID) -> Option<LocalizedTransaction> {
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		self.transaction_address(id).and_then(|address| self.chain.transaction(&address))

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	fn uncle(&self, id: UncleID) -> Option<Bytes> {
		let index = id.position;
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		self.block(id.block).and_then(|block| BlockView::new(&block).uncle_rlp_at(index))
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	fn transaction_receipt(&self, id: TransactionID) -> Option<LocalizedReceipt> {
		self.transaction_address(id).and_then(|address| {
			let t = self.chain.block(&address.block_hash)
				.and_then(|block| BlockView::new(&block).localized_transaction_at(address.index));

			match (t, self.chain.transaction_receipt(&address)) {
				(Some(tx), Some(receipt)) => {
					let block_hash = tx.block_hash.clone();
					let block_number = tx.block_number.clone();
					let transaction_hash = tx.hash();
					let transaction_index = tx.transaction_index;
					let prior_gas_used = match tx.transaction_index {
						0 => U256::zero(),
						i => {
							let prior_address = TransactionAddress { block_hash: address.block_hash, index: i - 1 };
							let prior_receipt = self.chain.transaction_receipt(&prior_address).expect("Transaction receipt at `address` exists; `prior_address` has lower index in same block; qed");
					Some(LocalizedReceipt {
						transaction_hash: tx.hash(),
						transaction_index: tx.transaction_index,
						block_hash: tx.block_hash,
						block_number: tx.block_number,
						cumulative_gas_used: receipt.gas_used,
						gas_used: receipt.gas_used - prior_gas_used,
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						contract_address: match tx.action {
							Action::Call(_) => None,
							Action::Create => Some(contract_address(&tx.sender().unwrap(), &tx.nonce))
						logs: receipt.logs.into_iter().enumerate().map(|(i, log)| LocalizedLogEntry {
							entry: log,
							block_hash: block_hash.clone(),
							block_number: block_number,
							transaction_hash: transaction_hash.clone(),
							transaction_index: transaction_index,
							log_index: i
				_ => None
	fn tree_route(&self, from: &H256, to: &H256) -> Option<TreeRoute> {
		match self.chain.is_known(from) && self.chain.is_known(to) {
			true => Some(self.chain.tree_route(from.clone(), to.clone())),
	fn find_uncles(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option<Vec<H256>> {
		self.chain.find_uncle_hashes(hash, self.engine.maximum_uncle_age())

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	fn state_data(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option<Bytes> {
	fn block_receipts(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option<Bytes> {
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		self.chain.block_receipts(hash).map(|receipts| rlp::encode(&receipts).to_vec())
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	fn import_block(&self, bytes: Bytes) -> Result<H256, BlockImportError> {
			let header = BlockView::new(&bytes).header_view();
			if self.chain.is_known(&header.sha3()) {
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				return Err(BlockImportError::Import(ImportError::AlreadyInChain));
			if self.block_status(BlockID::Hash(header.parent_hash())) == BlockStatus::Unknown {
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				return Err(BlockImportError::Block(BlockError::UnknownParent(header.parent_hash())));
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	fn queue_info(&self) -> BlockQueueInfo {
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	fn clear_queue(&self) {
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	fn chain_info(&self) -> BlockChainInfo {
		BlockChainInfo {
			total_difficulty: self.chain.best_block_total_difficulty(),
			pending_total_difficulty: self.chain.best_block_total_difficulty(),
			genesis_hash: self.chain.genesis_hash(),
			best_block_hash: self.chain.best_block_hash(),
			best_block_number: From::from(self.chain.best_block_number())
	fn blocks_with_bloom(&self, bloom: &H2048, from_block: BlockID, to_block: BlockID) -> Option<Vec<BlockNumber>> {
		match (self.block_number(from_block), self.block_number(to_block)) {
			(Some(from), Some(to)) => Some(self.chain.blocks_with_bloom(bloom, from, to)),

	fn logs(&self, filter: Filter) -> Vec<LocalizedLogEntry> {
		// TODO: lock blockchain only once

		let mut blocks = filter.bloom_possibilities().iter()
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			.filter_map(|bloom| self.blocks_with_bloom(bloom, filter.from_block.clone(), filter.to_block.clone()))
			.flat_map(|m| m)
			// remove duplicate elements


			.filter_map(|number| self.chain.block_hash(number).map(|hash| (number, hash)))
			.filter_map(|(number, hash)| self.chain.block_receipts(&hash).map(|r| (number, hash, r.receipts)))
			.filter_map(|(number, hash, receipts)| self.chain.block(&hash).map(|ref b| (number, hash, receipts, BlockView::new(b).transaction_hashes())))
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			.flat_map(|(number, hash, receipts, hashes)| {
				let mut log_index = 0;
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					.flat_map(|(index, receipt)| {
						log_index += receipt.logs.len();
							.filter(|tuple| filter.matches(&tuple.1))
							.map(|(i, log)| LocalizedLogEntry {
								entry: log,
								block_number: number,
								transaction_hash: hashes.get(index).cloned().unwrap_or_else(H256::new),
								log_index: log_index + i
	fn filter_traces(&self, filter: TraceFilter) -> Option<Vec<LocalizedTrace>> {
		let start = self.block_number(filter.range.start);
		let end = self.block_number(filter.range.end);

		if start.is_some() && end.is_some() {
			let filter = trace::Filter {
				range: start.unwrap() as usize..end.unwrap() as usize,
				from_address: From::from(filter.from_address),
				to_address: From::from(filter.to_address),

			let traces = self.tracedb.filter(&filter);
		} else {

	fn trace(&self, trace: TraceId) -> Option<LocalizedTrace> {
		let trace_address = trace.address;
			.and_then(|tx_address| {
					.and_then(|number| self.tracedb.trace(number, tx_address.index, trace_address))

	fn transaction_traces(&self, transaction: TransactionID) -> Option<Vec<LocalizedTrace>> {
			.and_then(|tx_address| {
					.and_then(|number| self.tracedb.transaction_traces(number, tx_address.index))

	fn block_traces(&self, block: BlockID) -> Option<Vec<LocalizedTrace>> {
			.and_then(|number| self.tracedb.block_traces(number))

	fn last_hashes(&self) -> LastHashes {
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	fn queue_transactions(&self, transactions: Vec<Bytes>) {
		if self.queue_transactions.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) > MAX_TX_QUEUE_SIZE {
			debug!("Ignoring {} transactions: queue is full", transactions.len());
		} else {
			let len = transactions.len();
			match self.io_channel.send(ClientIoMessage::NewTransactions(transactions)) {
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				Ok(_) => {
					self.queue_transactions.fetch_add(len, AtomicOrdering::SeqCst);
				Err(e) => {
					debug!("Ignoring {} transactions: error queueing: {}", len, e);

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	fn pending_transactions(&self) -> Vec<SignedTransaction> {
impl MiningBlockChainClient for Client {
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	fn prepare_open_block(&self, author: Address, gas_range_target: (U256, U256), extra_data: Bytes) -> OpenBlock {
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		let engine = self.engine.deref().deref();
		let h = self.chain.best_block_hash();

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		let mut open_block = OpenBlock::new(
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			false,	// TODO: this will need to be parameterised once we want to do immediate mining insertion.
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			&self.chain.block_header(&h).expect("h is best block hash: so it's header must exist: qed"),
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		).expect("OpenBlock::new only fails if parent state root invalid; state root of best block's header is never invalid; qed");
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		// Add uncles
			.find_uncle_headers(&h, engine.maximum_uncle_age())
			.foreach(|h| {
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	fn vm_factory(&self) -> &EvmFactory {

	fn import_sealed_block(&self, block: SealedBlock) -> ImportResult {
		let _import_lock = self.import_lock.lock();
		let _timer = PerfTimer::new("import_sealed_block");

		let original_best = self.chain_info().best_block_hash;

		let h = block.header().hash();
		let number = block.header().number();

		let block_data = block.rlp_bytes();
		let route = self.commit_block(block, &h, &block_data);
		trace!(target: "client", "Imported sealed block #{} ({})", number, h);

			let (enacted, retracted) = self.calculate_enacted_retracted(&[route]);
			self.miner.chain_new_blocks(self, &[h.clone()], &[], &enacted, &retracted);

			if let Some(notify) = self.notify() {