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// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.

// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity.  If not, see <>.

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use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap};
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::mem;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::sync::*;
use std::path::Path;
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, AtomicBool, Ordering as AtomicOrdering};
use std::time::Instant;
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// util
use util::numbers::*;
use util::panics::*;
use util::network::*;
use util::io::*;
use util::rlp;
use util::sha3::*;
use util::{Bytes};
use util::rlp::{RlpStream, Rlp, UntrustedRlp};
use util::journaldb;
use util::journaldb::JournalDB;
use util::kvdb::*;
use util::{Applyable, Stream, View, PerfTimer, Itertools, Colour};
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// other
use views::BlockView;
use error::{ImportError, ExecutionError, BlockError, ImportResult};
use header::BlockNumber;
use state::State;
use spec::Spec;
use engine::Engine;
use views::HeaderView;
use service::{NetSyncMessage, SyncMessage};
use env_info::LastHashes;
use verification;
use verification::{PreverifiedBlock, Verifier};
use block::*;
use transaction::{LocalizedTransaction, SignedTransaction, Action};
use blockchain::extras::TransactionAddress;
use types::filter::Filter;
use log_entry::LocalizedLogEntry;
use block_queue::{BlockQueue, BlockQueueInfo};
use blockchain::{BlockChain, BlockProvider, TreeRoute, ImportRoute};
use client::{BlockID, TransactionID, UncleID, TraceId, ClientConfig,
	DatabaseCompactionProfile, BlockChainClient, MiningBlockChainClient,
	TraceFilter, CallAnalytics, BlockImportError, Mode};
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use client::Error as ClientError;
use env_info::EnvInfo;
use executive::{Executive, Executed, TransactOptions, contract_address};
use receipt::LocalizedReceipt;
use trace::{TraceDB, ImportRequest as TraceImportRequest, LocalizedTrace, Database as TraceDatabase};
use trace;
use evm::Factory as EvmFactory;
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use util::TrieFactory;
use ipc::IpcConfig;
use ipc::binary::{BinaryConvertError};

// re-export
pub use types::blockchain_info::BlockChainInfo;
pub use types::block_status::BlockStatus;
pub use blockchain::CacheSize as BlockChainCacheSize;

const MAX_TX_QUEUE_SIZE: usize = 4096;
const MAX_QUEUE_SIZE_TO_SLEEP_ON: usize = 2;

impl fmt::Display for BlockChainInfo {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
		write!(f, "#{}.{}", self.best_block_number, self.best_block_hash)

/// Report on the status of a client.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ClientReport {
	/// How many blocks have been imported so far.
	pub blocks_imported: usize,
	/// How many transactions have been applied so far.
	pub transactions_applied: usize,
	/// How much gas has been processed so far.
	pub gas_processed: U256,
	/// Memory used by state DB
	pub state_db_mem: usize,

impl ClientReport {
	/// Alter internal reporting to reflect the additional `block` has been processed.
	pub fn accrue_block(&mut self, block: &PreverifiedBlock) {
		self.blocks_imported += 1;
		self.transactions_applied += block.transactions.len();
		self.gas_processed = self.gas_processed + block.header.gas_used;

struct SleepState {
	last_activity: Option<Instant>,
	last_autosleep: Option<Instant>,

impl SleepState {
	fn new(awake: bool) -> Self {
		SleepState {
			last_activity: match awake { false => None, true => Some(Instant::now()) },
			last_autosleep: match awake { false => Some(Instant::now()), true => None },

/// Blockchain database client backed by a persistent database. Owns and manages a blockchain and a block queue.
/// Call `import_block()` to import a block asynchronously; `flush_queue()` flushes the queue.
pub struct Client {
	mode: Mode,
	chain: Arc<BlockChain>,
	tracedb: Arc<TraceDB<BlockChain>>,
	engine: Arc<Box<Engine>>,
	state_db: Mutex<Box<JournalDB>>,
	block_queue: BlockQueue,
	report: RwLock<ClientReport>,
	import_lock: Mutex<()>,
	panic_handler: Arc<PanicHandler>,
	verifier: Box<Verifier>,
	vm_factory: Arc<EvmFactory>,
	trie_factory: TrieFactory,
	miner: Arc<Miner>,
	sleep_state: Mutex<SleepState>,
	liveness: AtomicBool,
	io_channel: IoChannel<NetSyncMessage>,
	queue_transactions: AtomicUsize,
	previous_enode: Mutex<Option<String>>,
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const HISTORY: u64 = 1200;
// Altering it will force a blanket DB update for *all* JournalDB-derived
//   databases.
// Instead, add/upgrade the version string of the individual JournalDB-derived database
// of which you actually want force an upgrade.
const CLIENT_DB_VER_STR: &'static str = "5.3";

/// Get the path for the databases given the root path and information on the databases.
pub fn get_db_path(path: &Path, pruning: journaldb::Algorithm, genesis_hash: H256) -> PathBuf {
	let mut dir = path.to_path_buf();
	//TODO: sec/fat: pruned/full versioning
	// version here is a bit useless now, since it's controlled only be the pruning algo.
	dir.push(format!("v{}-sec-{}", CLIENT_DB_VER_STR, pruning));

/// Append a path element to the given path and return the string.
pub fn append_path(path: &Path, item: &str) -> String {
	let mut p = path.to_path_buf();

impl Client {
	///  Create a new client with given spec and DB path and custom verifier.
	pub fn new(
		config: ClientConfig,
		spec: Spec,
		path: &Path,
		miner: Arc<Miner>,
		message_channel: IoChannel<NetSyncMessage>
	) -> Result<Arc<Client>, ClientError> {
		let path = get_db_path(path, config.pruning, spec.genesis_header().hash());
		let gb = spec.genesis_block();
		let chain = Arc::new(BlockChain::new(config.blockchain, &gb, &path));
		let tracedb = Arc::new(try!(TraceDB::new(config.tracing, &path, chain.clone())));

		let mut state_db_config = match config.db_cache_size {
			None => DatabaseConfig::default(),
			Some(cache_size) => DatabaseConfig::with_cache(cache_size),

		if config.db_compaction == DatabaseCompactionProfile::HDD {
			state_db_config = state_db_config.compaction(CompactionProfile::hdd());

		let mut state_db = journaldb::new(
			&append_path(&path, "state"),

		if state_db.is_empty() && spec.ensure_db_good(state_db.as_hashdb_mut()) {
			state_db.commit(0, &spec.genesis_header().hash(), None).expect("Error commiting genesis state to state DB");

		let engine = Arc::new(spec.engine);

		let block_queue = BlockQueue::new(config.queue, engine.clone(), message_channel.clone());
		let panic_handler = PanicHandler::new_in_arc();

		let awake = match config.mode { Mode::Dark(..) => false, _ => true };
		let client = Client {
			sleep_state: Mutex::new(SleepState::new(awake)),
			liveness: AtomicBool::new(awake),
			mode: config.mode,
			chain: chain,
			tracedb: tracedb,
			engine: engine,
			state_db: Mutex::new(state_db),
			block_queue: block_queue,
			report: RwLock::new(Default::default()),
			import_lock: Mutex::new(()),
			panic_handler: panic_handler,
			verifier: verification::new(config.verifier_type),
			vm_factory: Arc::new(EvmFactory::new(config.vm_type)),
			trie_factory: TrieFactory::new(config.trie_spec),
			miner: miner,
			io_channel: message_channel,
			queue_transactions: AtomicUsize::new(0),
			previous_enode: Mutex::new(None),
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	/// Flush the block import queue.
	pub fn flush_queue(&self) {

	fn build_last_hashes(&self, parent_hash: H256) -> LastHashes {
		let mut last_hashes = LastHashes::new();
		last_hashes.resize(256, H256::new());
		last_hashes[0] = parent_hash;
		for i in 0..255 {
			match self.chain.block_details(&last_hashes[i]) {
				Some(details) => {
					last_hashes[i + 1] = details.parent.clone();
				None => break,

	fn check_and_close_block(&self, block: &PreverifiedBlock) -> Result<LockedBlock, ()> {
		let engine = self.engine.deref().deref();
		let header = &block.header;

		// Check the block isn't so old we won't be able to enact it.
		let best_block_number = self.chain.best_block_number();
		if best_block_number >= HISTORY && header.number() <= best_block_number - HISTORY {
			warn!(target: "client", "Block import failed for #{} ({})\nBlock is ancient (current best block: #{}).", header.number(), header.hash(), best_block_number);
			return Err(());

		// Verify Block Family
		let verify_family_result = self.verifier.verify_block_family(&header, &block.bytes, engine, self.chain.deref());
		if let Err(e) = verify_family_result {
			warn!(target: "client", "Stage 3 block verification failed for #{} ({})\nError: {:?}", header.number(), header.hash(), e);
			return Err(());

		// Check if Parent is in chain
		let chain_has_parent = self.chain.block_header(&header.parent_hash);
		if let None = chain_has_parent {
			warn!(target: "client", "Block import failed for #{} ({}): Parent not found ({}) ", header.number(), header.hash(), header.parent_hash);
			return Err(());

		// Enact Verified Block
		let parent = chain_has_parent.unwrap();
		let last_hashes = self.build_last_hashes(header.parent_hash.clone());
		let db = self.state_db.lock().unwrap().boxed_clone();

		let enact_result = enact_verified(&block, engine, self.tracedb.tracing_enabled(), db, &parent, last_hashes, &self.vm_factory, self.trie_factory.clone());
		if let Err(e) = enact_result {
			warn!(target: "client", "Block import failed for #{} ({})\nError: {:?}", header.number(), header.hash(), e);
			return Err(());

		// Final Verification
		let locked_block = enact_result.unwrap();
		if let Err(e) = self.verifier.verify_block_final(&header, locked_block.block().header()) {
			warn!(target: "client", "Stage 4 block verification failed for #{} ({})\nError: {:?}", header.number(), header.hash(), e);
			return Err(());


	fn calculate_enacted_retracted(&self, import_results: &[ImportRoute]) -> (Vec<H256>, Vec<H256>) {
		fn map_to_vec(map: Vec<(H256, bool)>) -> Vec<H256> {
			map.into_iter().map(|(k, _v)| k).collect()

		// In ImportRoute we get all the blocks that have been enacted and retracted by single insert.
		// Because we are doing multiple inserts some of the blocks that were enacted in import `k`
		// could be retracted in import `k+1`. This is why to understand if after all inserts
		// the block is enacted or retracted we iterate over all routes and at the end final state
		// will be in the hashmap
		let map = import_results.iter().fold(HashMap::new(), |mut map, route| {
			for hash in &route.enacted {
				map.insert(hash.clone(), true);
			for hash in &route.retracted {
				map.insert(hash.clone(), false);

		// Split to enacted retracted (using hashmap value)
		let (enacted, retracted) = map.into_iter().partition(|&(_k, v)| v);
		// And convert tuples to keys
		(map_to_vec(enacted), map_to_vec(retracted))

	/// This is triggered by a message coming from a block queue when the block is ready for insertion
	pub fn import_verified_blocks(&self, io: &IoChannel<NetSyncMessage>) -> usize {
		let max_blocks_to_import = 64;

		let mut imported_blocks = Vec::with_capacity(max_blocks_to_import);
		let mut invalid_blocks = HashSet::new();
		let mut import_results = Vec::with_capacity(max_blocks_to_import);

		let _import_lock = self.import_lock.lock();
		let _timer = PerfTimer::new("import_verified_blocks");
		let blocks = self.block_queue.drain(max_blocks_to_import);

		let original_best = self.chain_info().best_block_hash;

		for block in blocks {
			let header = &block.header;

			if invalid_blocks.contains(&header.parent_hash) {
			let closed_block = self.check_and_close_block(&block);
			if let Err(_) = closed_block {
			let closed_block = closed_block.unwrap();

			let route = self.commit_block(closed_block, &header.hash(), &block.bytes);
			trace!(target: "client", "Imported #{} ({})", header.number(), header.hash());

		let imported = imported_blocks.len();
		let invalid_blocks = invalid_blocks.into_iter().collect::<Vec<H256>>();

			if !invalid_blocks.is_empty() {
			if !imported_blocks.is_empty() {

			if !imported_blocks.is_empty() && self.block_queue.queue_info().is_empty() {
				let (enacted, retracted) = self.calculate_enacted_retracted(&import_results);

				if self.queue_info().is_empty() {
					self.miner.chain_new_blocks(self, &imported_blocks, &invalid_blocks, &enacted, &retracted);

				io.send(NetworkIoMessage::User(SyncMessage::NewChainBlocks {
					imported: imported_blocks,
					invalid: invalid_blocks,
					enacted: enacted,
					retracted: retracted,
					sealed: Vec::new(),
				})).unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!("Error sending IO notification: {:?}", e));

		if self.chain_info().best_block_hash != original_best {


	fn commit_block<B>(&self, block: B, hash: &H256, block_data: &[u8]) -> ImportRoute where B: IsBlock + Drain {
		let number = block.header().number();
		// Are we committing an era?
		let ancient = if number >= HISTORY {
			let n = number - HISTORY;
			Some((n, self.chain.block_hash(n).unwrap()))
		} else {

		// Commit results
		let receipts = block.receipts().clone();
		let traces = From::from(block.traces().clone().unwrap_or_else(Vec::new));

		// CHECK! I *think* this is fine, even if the state_root is equal to another
		// already-imported block of the same number.
		// TODO: Prove it with a test.
		block.drain().commit(number, hash, ancient).expect("State DB commit failed.");

		// And update the chain after commit to prevent race conditions
		// (when something is in chain but you are not able to fetch details)
		let route = self.chain.insert_block(block_data, receipts);
		self.tracedb.import(TraceImportRequest {
			traces: traces,
			block_hash: hash.clone(),
			block_number: number,
			enacted: route.enacted.clone(),
			retracted: route.retracted.len()

	/// Import transactions from the IO queue
	pub fn import_queued_transactions(&self, transactions: &[Bytes]) -> usize {
		let _timer = PerfTimer::new("import_queued_transactions");
		self.queue_transactions.fetch_sub(transactions.len(), AtomicOrdering::SeqCst);
		let txs = transactions.iter().filter_map(|bytes| UntrustedRlp::new(&bytes).as_val().ok()).collect();
		let results = self.miner.import_external_transactions(self, txs);
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	/// Attempt to get a copy of a specific block's state.
	/// This will not fail if given BlockID::Latest.
	/// Otherwise, this can fail (but may not) if the DB prunes state.
	pub fn state_at(&self, id: BlockID) -> Option<State> {
		// fast path for latest state.
		if let BlockID::Latest = id.clone() {
			return Some(self.state())

		let block_number = match self.block_number(id.clone()) {
			Some(num) => num,
			None => return None,

		self.block_header(id).and_then(|header| {
			let db = self.state_db.lock().unwrap().boxed_clone();

			// early exit for pruned blocks
			if db.is_pruned() && self.chain.best_block_number() >= block_number + HISTORY {
				return None;

			let root = HeaderView::new(&header).state_root();

			State::from_existing(db, root, self.engine.account_start_nonce(), self.trie_factory.clone()).ok()

	/// Get a copy of the best block's state.
	pub fn state(&self) -> State {
		.expect("State root of best block header always valid.")

	/// Get info on the cache.
	pub fn blockchain_cache_info(&self) -> BlockChainCacheSize {

	/// Get the report.
	pub fn report(&self) -> ClientReport {
		let mut report =;
		report.state_db_mem = self.state_db.lock().unwrap().mem_used();

	/// Tick the client.
	// TODO: manage by real events.
	pub fn tick(&self) {

		match self.mode {
			Mode::Dark(timeout) => {
				let mut ss = self.sleep_state.lock().unwrap();
				if let Some(t) = ss.last_activity {
					if Instant::now() > t + timeout {
						ss.last_activity = None;
			Mode::Passive(timeout, wakeup_after) => {
				let mut ss = self.sleep_state.lock().unwrap();
				let now = Instant::now();
				if let Some(t) = ss.last_activity {
					if now > t + timeout {
						ss.last_activity = None;
						ss.last_autosleep = Some(now);
				if let Some(t) = ss.last_autosleep {
					if now > t + wakeup_after {
						ss.last_activity = Some(now);
						ss.last_autosleep = None;
			_ => {}

	/// Set up the cache behaviour.
	pub fn configure_cache(&self, pref_cache_size: usize, max_cache_size: usize) {
		self.chain.configure_cache(pref_cache_size, max_cache_size);

	/// Look up the block number for the given block ID.
	pub fn block_number(&self, id: BlockID) -> Option<BlockNumber> {
		match id {
			BlockID::Number(number) => Some(number),
			BlockID::Hash(ref hash) => self.chain.block_number(hash),
			BlockID::Earliest => Some(0),
			BlockID::Latest => Some(self.chain.best_block_number())

	fn block_hash(chain: &BlockChain, id: BlockID) -> Option<H256> {
		match id {
			BlockID::Hash(hash) => Some(hash),
			BlockID::Number(number) => chain.block_hash(number),
			BlockID::Earliest => chain.block_hash(0),
			BlockID::Latest => Some(chain.best_block_hash())

	fn transaction_address(&self, id: TransactionID) -> Option<TransactionAddress> {
		match id {
			TransactionID::Hash(ref hash) => self.chain.transaction_address(hash),
			TransactionID::Location(id, index) => Self::block_hash(&self.chain, id).map(|hash| TransactionAddress {
				block_hash: hash,
				index: index,

	fn wake_up(&self) {
		if !self.liveness.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) {, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
			trace!(target: "mode", "wake_up: Waking.");

	fn sleep(&self) {
		if self.liveness.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) {
			// only sleep if the import queue is mostly empty.
			if self.queue_info().total_queue_size() <= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE_TO_SLEEP_ON {, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed);
				trace!(target: "mode", "sleep: Sleeping.");
			} else {
				trace!(target: "mode", "sleep: Cannot sleep - syncing ongoing.");
				// TODO: Consider uncommenting.
				//*self.last_activity.lock().unwrap() = Some(Instant::now());

	/// Notify us that the network has been started.
	pub fn network_started(&self, url: &String) {
		let mut previous_enode = self.previous_enode.lock().unwrap();
		if let Some(ref u) = *previous_enode {
			if u == url {
		*previous_enode = Some(url.clone());
		info!(target: "mode", "Public node URL: {}", url.apply(Colour::White.bold()));
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600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996

impl BlockChainClient for Client {
	fn call(&self, t: &SignedTransaction, analytics: CallAnalytics) -> Result<Executed, ExecutionError> {
		let header = self.block_header(BlockID::Latest).unwrap();
		let view = HeaderView::new(&header);
		let last_hashes = self.build_last_hashes(view.hash());
		let env_info = EnvInfo {
			number: view.number(),
			timestamp: view.timestamp(),
			difficulty: view.difficulty(),
			last_hashes: last_hashes,
			gas_used: U256::zero(),
			gas_limit: U256::max_value(),
		// that's just a copy of the state.
		let mut state = self.state();
		let sender = try!(t.sender().map_err(|e| {
			let message = format!("Transaction malformed: {:?}", e);
		let balance = state.balance(&sender);
		let needed_balance = t.value + t.gas * t.gas_price;
		if balance < needed_balance {
			// give the sender a sufficient balance
			state.add_balance(&sender, &(needed_balance - balance));
		let options = TransactOptions { tracing: analytics.transaction_tracing, vm_tracing: analytics.vm_tracing, check_nonce: false };
		let mut ret = Executive::new(&mut state, &env_info, self.engine.deref().deref(), &self.vm_factory).transact(t, options);

		// TODO gav move this into Executive.
		if analytics.state_diffing {
			if let Ok(ref mut x) = ret {
				x.state_diff = Some(state.diff_from(self.state()));

	fn keep_alive(&self) {
		if self.mode != Mode::Active {
			(*self.sleep_state.lock().unwrap()).last_activity = Some(Instant::now());

	fn block_header(&self, id: BlockID) -> Option<Bytes> {
		Self::block_hash(&self.chain, id).and_then(|hash| self.chain.block(&hash).map(|bytes| BlockView::new(&bytes).rlp().at(0).as_raw().to_vec()))

	fn block_body(&self, id: BlockID) -> Option<Bytes> {
		Self::block_hash(&self.chain, id).and_then(|hash| {
			self.chain.block(&hash).map(|bytes| {
				let rlp = Rlp::new(&bytes);
				let mut body = RlpStream::new_list(2);
				body.append_raw(, 1);
				body.append_raw(, 1);

	fn block(&self, id: BlockID) -> Option<Bytes> {
		Self::block_hash(&self.chain, id).and_then(|hash| {

	fn block_status(&self, id: BlockID) -> BlockStatus {
		match Self::block_hash(&self.chain, id) {
			Some(ref hash) if self.chain.is_known(hash) => BlockStatus::InChain,
			Some(hash) => self.block_queue.block_status(&hash),
			None => BlockStatus::Unknown

	fn block_total_difficulty(&self, id: BlockID) -> Option<U256> {
		Self::block_hash(&self.chain, id).and_then(|hash| self.chain.block_details(&hash)).map(|d| d.total_difficulty)

	fn nonce(&self, address: &Address, id: BlockID) -> Option<U256> {
		self.state_at(id).map(|s| s.nonce(address))

	fn block_hash(&self, id: BlockID) -> Option<H256> {
		Self::block_hash(&self.chain, id)

	fn code(&self, address: &Address) -> Option<Bytes> {

	fn balance(&self, address: &Address, id: BlockID) -> Option<U256> {
		self.state_at(id).map(|s| s.balance(address))

	fn storage_at(&self, address: &Address, position: &H256, id: BlockID) -> Option<H256> {
		self.state_at(id).map(|s| s.storage_at(address, position))

	fn transaction(&self, id: TransactionID) -> Option<LocalizedTransaction> {
		self.transaction_address(id).and_then(|address| self.chain.transaction(&address))

	fn uncle(&self, id: UncleID) -> Option<Bytes> {
		let index = id.position;
		self.block(id.block).and_then(|block| BlockView::new(&block).uncle_rlp_at(index))

	fn transaction_receipt(&self, id: TransactionID) -> Option<LocalizedReceipt> {
		self.transaction_address(id).and_then(|address| {
			let t = self.chain.block(&address.block_hash)
			.and_then(|block| BlockView::new(&block).localized_transaction_at(address.index));

			match (t, self.chain.transaction_receipt(&address)) {
				(Some(tx), Some(receipt)) => {
					let block_hash = tx.block_hash.clone();
					let block_number = tx.block_number.clone();
					let transaction_hash = tx.hash();
					let transaction_index = tx.transaction_index;
					let prior_gas_used = match tx.transaction_index {
						0 => U256::zero(),
						i => {
							let prior_address = TransactionAddress { block_hash: address.block_hash, index: i - 1 };
							let prior_receipt = self.chain.transaction_receipt(&prior_address).expect("Transaction receipt at `address` exists; `prior_address` has lower index in same block; qed");
					Some(LocalizedReceipt {
						transaction_hash: tx.hash(),
						transaction_index: tx.transaction_index,
						block_hash: tx.block_hash,
						block_number: tx.block_number,
						cumulative_gas_used: receipt.gas_used,
						gas_used: receipt.gas_used - prior_gas_used,
						contract_address: match tx.action {
							Action::Call(_) => None,
							Action::Create => Some(contract_address(&tx.sender().unwrap(), &tx.nonce))
						logs: receipt.logs.into_iter().enumerate().map(|(i, log)| LocalizedLogEntry {
							entry: log,
							block_hash: block_hash.clone(),
							block_number: block_number,
							transaction_hash: transaction_hash.clone(),
							transaction_index: transaction_index,
							log_index: i
				_ => None

	fn tree_route(&self, from: &H256, to: &H256) -> Option<TreeRoute> {
		match self.chain.is_known(from) && self.chain.is_known(to) {
			true => Some(self.chain.tree_route(from.clone(), to.clone())),
			false => None

	fn find_uncles(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option<Vec<H256>> {
		self.chain.find_uncle_hashes(hash, self.engine.maximum_uncle_age())

	fn state_data(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option<Bytes> {

	fn block_receipts(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option<Bytes> {
		self.chain.block_receipts(hash).map(|receipts| rlp::encode(&receipts).to_vec())

	fn import_block(&self, bytes: Bytes) -> Result<H256, BlockImportError> {
			let header = BlockView::new(&bytes).header_view();
			if self.chain.is_known(&header.sha3()) {
				return Err(BlockImportError::Import(ImportError::AlreadyInChain));
			if self.block_status(BlockID::Hash(header.parent_hash())) == BlockStatus::Unknown {
				return Err(BlockImportError::Block(BlockError::UnknownParent(header.parent_hash())));

	fn queue_info(&self) -> BlockQueueInfo {

	fn clear_queue(&self) {

	fn chain_info(&self) -> BlockChainInfo {
		BlockChainInfo {
			total_difficulty: self.chain.best_block_total_difficulty(),
			pending_total_difficulty: self.chain.best_block_total_difficulty(),
			genesis_hash: self.chain.genesis_hash(),
			best_block_hash: self.chain.best_block_hash(),
			best_block_number: From::from(self.chain.best_block_number())

	fn blocks_with_bloom(&self, bloom: &H2048, from_block: BlockID, to_block: BlockID) -> Option<Vec<BlockNumber>> {
		match (self.block_number(from_block), self.block_number(to_block)) {
			(Some(from), Some(to)) => Some(self.chain.blocks_with_bloom(bloom, from, to)),
			_ => None

	fn logs(&self, filter: Filter) -> Vec<LocalizedLogEntry> {
		// TODO: lock blockchain only once

		let mut blocks = filter.bloom_possibilities().iter()
		.filter_map(|bloom| self.blocks_with_bloom(bloom, filter.from_block.clone(), filter.to_block.clone()))
		.flat_map(|m| m)
		// remove duplicate elements


		.filter_map(|number| self.chain.block_hash(number).map(|hash| (number, hash)))
		.filter_map(|(number, hash)| self.chain.block_receipts(&hash).map(|r| (number, hash, r.receipts)))
		.filter_map(|(number, hash, receipts)| self.chain.block(&hash).map(|ref b| (number, hash, receipts, BlockView::new(b).transaction_hashes())))
		.flat_map(|(number, hash, receipts, hashes)| {
			let mut log_index = 0;
			.flat_map(|(index, receipt)| {
				log_index += receipt.logs.len();
				.filter(|tuple| filter.matches(&tuple.1))
				.map(|(i, log)| LocalizedLogEntry {
					entry: log,
					block_hash: hash.clone(),
					block_number: number,
					transaction_hash: hashes.get(index).cloned().unwrap_or_else(H256::new),
					transaction_index: index,
					log_index: log_index + i


	fn filter_traces(&self, filter: TraceFilter) -> Option<Vec<LocalizedTrace>> {
		let start = self.block_number(filter.range.start);
		let end = self.block_number(filter.range.end);

		if start.is_some() && end.is_some() {
			let filter = trace::Filter {
				range: start.unwrap() as usize..end.unwrap() as usize,
				from_address: From::from(filter.from_address),
				to_address: From::from(filter.to_address),

			let traces = self.tracedb.filter(&filter);
		} else {

	fn trace(&self, trace: TraceId) -> Option<LocalizedTrace> {
		let trace_address = trace.address;
		.and_then(|tx_address| {
			.and_then(|number| self.tracedb.trace(number, tx_address.index, trace_address))

	fn transaction_traces(&self, transaction: TransactionID) -> Option<Vec<LocalizedTrace>> {
		.and_then(|tx_address| {
			.and_then(|number| self.tracedb.transaction_traces(number, tx_address.index))

	fn block_traces(&self, block: BlockID) -> Option<Vec<LocalizedTrace>> {
		.and_then(|number| self.tracedb.block_traces(number))

	fn last_hashes(&self) -> LastHashes {

	fn queue_transactions(&self, transactions: Vec<Bytes>) {
		if self.queue_transactions.load(AtomicOrdering::Relaxed) > MAX_TX_QUEUE_SIZE {
			debug!("Ignoring {} transactions: queue is full", transactions.len());
		} else {
			let len = transactions.len();
			match self.io_channel.send(NetworkIoMessage::User(SyncMessage::NewTransactions(transactions))) {
				Ok(_) => {
					self.queue_transactions.fetch_add(len, AtomicOrdering::SeqCst);
				Err(e) => {
					debug!("Ignoring {} transactions: error queueing: {}", len, e);

	fn pending_transactions(&self) -> Vec<SignedTransaction> {

impl MiningBlockChainClient for Client {
	fn prepare_open_block(&self, author: Address, gas_range_target: (U256, U256), extra_data: Bytes) -> OpenBlock {
		let engine = self.engine.deref().deref();
		let h = self.chain.best_block_hash();

		let mut open_block = OpenBlock::new(
			false,	// TODO: this will need to be parameterised once we want to do immediate mining insertion.
			&self.chain.block_header(&h).expect("h is best block hash: so it's header must exist: qed"),
		).expect("OpenBlock::new only fails if parent state root invalid; state root of best block's header is never invalid; qed");

		// Add uncles
		.find_uncle_headers(&h, engine.maximum_uncle_age())
		.foreach(|h| {


	fn vm_factory(&self) -> &EvmFactory {

	fn import_sealed_block(&self, block: SealedBlock) -> ImportResult {
		let _import_lock = self.import_lock.lock();
		let _timer = PerfTimer::new("import_sealed_block");

		let original_best = self.chain_info().best_block_hash;

		let h = block.header().hash();
		let number = block.header().number();

		let block_data = block.rlp_bytes();
		let route = self.commit_block(block, &h, &block_data);
		trace!(target: "client", "Imported sealed block #{} ({})", number, h);

			let (enacted, retracted) = self.calculate_enacted_retracted(&[route]);
			self.miner.chain_new_blocks(self, &[h.clone()], &[], &enacted, &retracted);

			self.io_channel.send(NetworkIoMessage::User(SyncMessage::NewChainBlocks {
				imported: vec![h.clone()],
				invalid: vec![],
				enacted: enacted,
				retracted: retracted,
				sealed: vec![h.clone()],
			})).unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!("Error sending IO notification: {:?}", e));

		if self.chain_info().best_block_hash != original_best {


impl MayPanic for Client {
	fn on_panic<F>(&self, closure: F) where F: OnPanicListener {

impl IpcConfig for Client { }