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  1. Jun 15, 2020
  2. Jun 12, 2020
  3. Jun 08, 2020
  4. Jun 02, 2020
  5. May 26, 2020
  6. May 25, 2020
  7. May 20, 2020
  8. May 18, 2020
  9. May 16, 2020
  10. May 15, 2020
  11. May 05, 2020
  12. Apr 25, 2020
    • Shawn Tabrizi's avatar
      Introduce `BlockExecutionWeight` and `ExtrinsicBaseWeight` (#5722) · 32ae0fd2
      Shawn Tabrizi authored
      * Introduce `BlockExectionWeight` and `ExtrinsicBaseWeight`
      * Add new traits everywhere
      * Missed one update
      * fix tests
      * Update `check_weight` logic
      * introduce `max_extrinsic_weight` function
      * fix + add tests
      * format nits
      * remove println
      * make test a bit more clear
      * Remove minimum weight
      * newlines left over from find/replace
      * Fix test, improve clarity
      * Fix executor tests
      * Extrinsic base weight same as old `MINIMUM_WEIGHT`
      * fix example test
      * Expose constants
      * Add test for full block with operational and normal
      * Initiate test environment with `BlockExecutionWeight` weight
      * format nit
      * Update frame/system/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarKian Paimani <[email protected]>
      * Replace `TransactionBaseFee` with `ExtrinsicBaseWeight` (#5761)
      * Replace `TransactionBaseFee` with `ExtrinsicBaseFee`
      * Fix stuff
      * Fix and make tests better
      * Forgot to update this test
      * Fix priority number in test
      * Remove minimum weight from merge
      * Fix weight in contracts
      * remove `TransactionBaseFee` from contract tests
      * Let `register_extra_weight_unchecked` go past `MaximumBlockWeight`
      * address feedback
      Co-authored-by: default avatarKian Paimani <[email protected]>
  13. Apr 24, 2020
  14. Apr 22, 2020
  15. Apr 16, 2020
  16. Apr 15, 2020
  17. Apr 14, 2020
  18. Mar 31, 2020
  19. Mar 30, 2020
  20. Mar 28, 2020
  21. Mar 24, 2020
  22. Mar 23, 2020
  23. Mar 19, 2020
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Update dependencies (#5316) · c50faf23
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * switching to released wasmtime
      * update depdencies in general
      * Update fdlimit
      * Update parity common deps
      * Also update schnorrkel
      * update kvdb-rocksdb
      * update further dependents
      * also update primitive types
      * update cargo.lock
      * update merlin
      * Bumping evm version
  24. Mar 18, 2020
  25. Mar 16, 2020
    • Gavin Wood's avatar
      Refactor away from opaque hashes (#5226) · dd97b147
      Gavin Wood authored
      * System.BlockHash
      * Fix hash
      * Introduce K/V iteration in all _concat maps
      Also move across:
      - System.Account (blake2_128_concat)
      - Balances.Locks (twox_64_concat)
      - ElectionsPhragmen.VotesOf (twox_64_concat)
      - ElectionsPhragmen.StakeOf (twox_64_concat)
      - Identity.IdentityOf (twox_64_concat)
      - Identity.SubsOf (twox_64_concat)
      - Society.Payouts (twox_64_concat)
      - Session.NextKeys (twox_64_concat)
      - Identity.SuperOf (blake2_128_concat)
      - Session.KeyOwner (blake2_128_concat)
      - Society.SuspendedCandidates (twox_64_concat)
      - Society.SuspendedMembers (twox_64_concat)
      - Society.Vouching (twox_64_concat)
      - Society.Strikes (twox_64_concat)
      - System.EventTopics
      - Balances.Account
      * Build fixes
      * Ensure migration happens in correct order
      * Staking.*
      * Vesting.* Offences.*
      * Democracy.*
      * Babe.* Collective.*
      * Grandpa.*
      * Assets.* Benchmark.* Contracts.* Elections.* Asset.* Nicks.*
      Also introduce real account list
      * ImOnline.*
      * Treasury.*
      * Recovery.*
      * Final bits.
      * Docs
      * Fix one test
      * Fix test
      * All passing except the UI tests
      * Remove linked_map part 1
      * Remove linked_map
      * Some iterator utils for double maps.
      * Remove old migrations
      * Introduce tombstone for LinkedMap type
      * Migration for genesis hash
      * Fix build
      * Fix hash
      * Rename Map is_linked -> unused, keeping backwards compat (#5256)
      * Update frame/balances/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarShawn Tabrizi <[email protected]>
      * Update frame/elections/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarShawn Tabrizi <[email protected]>
      * Remove old migration code.
      * Update frame/system/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarShawn Tabrizi <[email protected]>
      * Update bin/node/runtime/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarShawn Tabrizi <[email protected]>
      * Fix hash
      * fix session migration
      * Fix watning
      Co-authored-by: default avatarJaco Greeff <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarShawn Tabrizi <[email protected]>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarRobert Habermeier <[email protected]>
  26. Mar 14, 2020
    • Shawn Tabrizi's avatar
      Assign unique storage names to pallets. (#5010) · 7e2db298
      Shawn Tabrizi authored
      * Assign unique storage names to pallets.
      * Bump spec
      * Upgrade logic for finality tracker (untested)
      * Logic for migrating Identity (untested)
      * Logic for migrating transaction-payment
      * Fix tests
      * Fix `decl_storage` build
      * Contract -> Contracts
      * Update Cargo.lock
      * bump spec
      * update migration
      * Fix merge error
      * Migration for contracts
      * Remove serde
      * Remove some illegal spaces and Options
      * Fix types in identity.
      * Minor variable rename
      Co-authored-by: default avatarGavin Wood <[email protected]>
  27. Mar 03, 2020
    • Bastian Köcher's avatar
      Update to SCALE 1.2.0 (#5113) · 870540b7
      Bastian Köcher authored
      This updates `parity-scale-codec` to `1.2.0`, which includes multiple
      performance improvements and a fix that bounds the capacity of a vector
      at decoding.
  28. Feb 27, 2020
  29. Feb 26, 2020
  30. Feb 25, 2020
  31. Feb 21, 2020
    • Benjamin Kampmann's avatar
      Cargo.toml fixups for the release (#4975) · 2406f796
      Benjamin Kampmann authored
      * setting versions to development pre-release
      fixing version in dependencies
      * unset already released wasm-builder
      * do not publish test crates
      * adding licenses
      * setting homepage metadata
      * set repository url
  32. Feb 17, 2020
    • Shawn Tabrizi's avatar
      Fix various spelling errors (#4940) · db1ab7d1
      Shawn Tabrizi authored
      * meaningfull -> meaningful
      * initialise -> initialize
      * tokans -> tokens
      * incentivise -> incentivize
      * lenght -> length
      * incentivisation -> incentivization
      * doesnt't -> doesn't
      * overwriten -> overwritten
      * lifecycle -> life cycle
      * lifecycle -> life cycle
      * usefull -> useful
      * noone -> no one
      * spaming -> spamming
      * defered -> deferred
      * hieght -> height
      * sumation -> summation
      * ingore -> ignore
      * registed -> registered
      * Auxialary -> Auxiliary
      * loggin -> logging
      * independance -> independence
      * trailling -> trailing
      * responsability -> responsibility
      * trunkated -> truncated
      * Weither -> Whether
      * informations -> information
      * Runtume -> Runtime
      * choosen -> chosen
      * delcataion -> declaration
      * Unchekced -> Unchecked
      * defintion -> definition
      * scrach -> scratch
      * imput -> input
      * transfered -> transferred
      * endownment -> endowment
      * Determinator -> Determiner
      * relevent -> relevant
      * emited -> emitted
      * acocunt -> account
      * proprotional -> proportional
      * instantiaion -> instantiation
      * commited -> committed
      * tombstonedead -> tombstone
      * uwnrap -> unwrap
      * acount -> account
      * specialised -> specialized
      * existant -> existent
      * requried -> required
      * Anull -> Annul
      * underyling -> underlying
      * recognisable -> recognizable
      * Capitalise -> Capitalize
      * reportfor -> report for
      * hearbeat -> heartbeat
      * onlineness -> being online
      * creater -> creator
      * Bytearray -> Byte array
      * Despoit -> Deposit
      * substratced -> subtracted
      * Curent -> Current
      * imbalanes -> imbalances
      * countfown -> countdown
      * inexisting -> inexistent
      * additionaly -> additionally
      * substracted -> subtracted
      * auxilary -> auxiliary
      * parital -> partial
      * in't -> isn't
      * compatability -> compatibility
      * infomation -> information
      * etected -> detected
      * extrinsiscs -> extrinsics
      * reprensentation -> representation
      * coonfiguration -> configuration
      * primtives -> primitives
      * miscelanious -> miscellaneous
      * endcoded -> encoded
      * Genrates -> Generates
      * miliseconds -> milliseconds
      * occured -> occurred
      * trully -> truely
      * truely -> truly
      * conjuction -> conjunction
      * encouters -> encounters
      * customised -> customized
      * deterministicly -> deterministically
      * finalisation -> finalization
      * pluggable -> plugable
      * wakeup -> wake-up
      * interemdiate -> intermediate
      * intepreting -> interpreting
      * finalzied -> finalized
      * throgh -> through
      * extinsic -> extrinsic
      * convient -> convenient
      * allocater -> allocator
      * propagateable -> propagatable
      * succesfuly -> successfully
      * finalising -> finalizing
      * publically -> publicly
      * phrasee -> phrase
      * substration -> substractions
      * substractions -> subtractions
      * neccessarily -> necessarily
      * Inlucde -> Include
      * unefficient -> inefficient
      * thay -> they
      * funtion -> function
      * datastructures -> data structures
      * infromation -> information
      * propagatable -> propagable
      * ecountered -> encountered
      * recognise -> recognize
      * intergration -> integration
      * lastet -> latest
      * datatypes -> data types
      * datatype -> data type
      * Strongarming -> Strong Arming
      * avaible -> available
      * Commiting -> Committing
      * Retreiving -> Retrieving
      * shoud -> should
      * canonicaliziation -> canonicalization
      * comitted -> committed
      * clonable -> cloneable
      * Uknown -> Unknown
      * reponse -> response
      * arbitary -> arbitrary
      * Capapbilities -> Capabilities
      * responsbile -> responsible
      * initialisation -> initialization
      * cames -> came
      * intemediate -> intermediate
      * reqeust -> request
      * intance -> instance
      * explcitly -> explicitly
      * neighor -> neighbor
      * reolving -> resolving
      * untill -> until
      * Validte -> Validate
      * deserailize -> deserialize
      * literaly -> literally
      * preceeding -> preceding
      * abpve -> above
      * chcecked -> checked
      * numbet -> number
      * Unknow -> Unknown
      * halfs -> halves
      * gossup -> gossip
      * givent -> given
      * immediatelly -> immediately
      * slicable -> sliceable
      * conensus -> consensus
      * Mimicks -> Mimics
      * acccept -> accept
      * serialise -> serialize
      * exstrinsics -> extrinsics
      * panicks -> panics
      * maintaince -> maintenance
      * repeatidely -> repeatedly
      * anecstor -> ancestor
      * becasue -> because
      * processer -> processor
      * Prunning -> Pruning
      * insterested -> interested
      * unuseful -> not useful
      * yeided -> yielded
      * descendfing -> descending
      * corresponts -> corresponds
      * survivew -> survive
      * keps -> keeps
      * ligh -> light
      * prerequisities -> prerequisites
      * positiion -> position
      * depedency -> dependency
      * extrinisic -> extrinsic
      * atomicaly -> atomically
      * staticly -> statically
      * resul -> result
      * timestamb -> timestamp
      * Utilites -> Utilities
      * ammount -> amount
      * pocess -> process
      * exteral -> external
      * Update client/finality-grandpa/src/
      * Update primitives/io/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update primitives/blockchain/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update frame/support/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update bin/node/cli/tests/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update client/api/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update client/cli/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update client/executor/common/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update client/api/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update client/finality-grandpa/src/communication/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update client/state-db/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update frame/contracts/src/
      Co-Authored-By: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
      * Update client/api/src/
      * bump impl
      * timestamb -> timestamp
      Co-authored-by: default avatarjoe petrowski <[email protected]>
  33. Feb 13, 2020
  34. Feb 11, 2020
  35. Feb 10, 2020
  36. Feb 04, 2020