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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit f243406f authored by marcio-diaz's avatar marcio-diaz
Browse files

Simplify bench case.

parent 4f95dc00
No related merge requests found
0 1 Staking bond 1 0
1 2 Staking validate 1 0
2 3 Staking nominate 1 0
3 4 Staking bond_extra 1 0
4 4 Staking unbond 2 1
4 5 Staking unbond 1 0
5 6 Staking rebond 1 0
6 7 staking withdraw_unbonded 1 0
7 4 Staking bond_extra 1 0
\ No newline at end of file
0 1 Staking bond
1 2 Staking validate
2 3 Staking nominate
3 4 Staking bond_extra
4 4 Staking unbond 2
4 5 Staking unbond
5 6 Staking rebond
6 7 staking withdraw_unbonded
7 4 Staking bond_extra
\ No newline at end of file
0% or .
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