// Copyright 2018-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of ink!. // // ink! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ink! is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with ink!. If not, see . use std::{ fs::metadata, io::{self, Write}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::Command, }; use crate::{ util, workspace::{ManifestPath, Workspace}, Verbosity, }; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use cargo_metadata::Package; use colored::Colorize; use parity_wasm::elements::{External, MemoryType, Module, Section}; /// This is the maximum number of pages available for a contract to allocate. const MAX_MEMORY_PAGES: u32 = 16; /// Relevant metadata obtained from Cargo.toml. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CrateMetadata { manifest_path: ManifestPath, cargo_meta: cargo_metadata::Metadata, package_name: String, root_package: Package, original_wasm: PathBuf, pub dest_wasm: PathBuf, } impl CrateMetadata { pub fn target_dir(&self) -> &Path { self.cargo_meta.target_directory.as_path() } } /// Parses the contract manifest and returns relevant metadata. pub fn collect_crate_metadata(manifest_path: &ManifestPath) -> Result { let (metadata, root_package_id) = crate::util::get_cargo_metadata(manifest_path)?; // Find the root package by id in the list of packages. It is logical error if the root // package is not found in the list. let root_package = metadata .packages .iter() .find(|package| package.id == root_package_id) .expect("The package is not found in the `cargo metadata` output") .clone(); // Normalize the package name. let package_name = root_package.name.replace("-", "_"); // {target_dir}/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/{package_name}.wasm let mut original_wasm = metadata.target_directory.clone(); original_wasm.push("wasm32-unknown-unknown"); original_wasm.push("release"); original_wasm.push(package_name.clone()); original_wasm.set_extension("wasm"); // {target_dir}/{package_name}.wasm let mut dest_wasm = metadata.target_directory.clone(); dest_wasm.push(package_name.clone()); dest_wasm.set_extension("wasm"); let crate_metadata = CrateMetadata { manifest_path: manifest_path.clone(), cargo_meta: metadata, root_package: root_package.clone(), package_name, original_wasm, dest_wasm, }; Ok(crate_metadata) } /// Builds the project in the specified directory, defaults to the current directory. /// /// Uses [`cargo-xbuild`](https://github.com/rust-osdev/cargo-xbuild) for maximum optimization of /// the resulting Wasm binary. fn build_cargo_project(crate_metadata: &CrateMetadata, verbosity: Option) -> Result<()> { util::assert_channel()?; // set RUSTFLAGS, read from environment var by cargo-xbuild std::env::set_var( "RUSTFLAGS", "-C link-arg=-z -C link-arg=stack-size=65536 -C link-arg=--import-memory", ); let verbosity = verbosity.map(|v| match v { Verbosity::Verbose => xargo_lib::Verbosity::Verbose, Verbosity::Quiet => xargo_lib::Verbosity::Quiet, }); let xbuild = |manifest_path: &ManifestPath| { let manifest_path = Some(manifest_path); let target = Some("wasm32-unknown-unknown"); let target_dir = crate_metadata.target_dir(); let other_args = [ "--no-default-features", "--release", &format!("--target-dir={}", target_dir.to_string_lossy()), ]; let args = xargo_lib::Args::new(target, manifest_path, verbosity, &other_args) .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("{}", e)) .context("Creating xargo args")?; let config = xargo_lib::Config { sysroot_path: target_dir.join("sysroot"), memcpy: false, panic_immediate_abort: true, }; let exit_status = xargo_lib::build(args, "build", Some(config)) .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("{}", e)) .context("Building with xbuild")?; if !exit_status.success() { anyhow::bail!("xbuild failed with status {}", exit_status) } Ok(()) }; Workspace::new(&crate_metadata.cargo_meta, &crate_metadata.root_package.id)? .with_root_package_manifest(|manifest| { manifest .with_removed_crate_type("rlib")? .with_profile_release_lto(true)?; Ok(()) })? .using_temp(xbuild)?; Ok(()) } /// Ensures the wasm memory import of a given module has the maximum number of pages. /// /// Iterates over the import section, finds the memory import entry if any and adjusts the maximum /// limit. fn ensure_maximum_memory_pages(module: &mut Module, maximum_allowed_pages: u32) -> Result<()> { let mem_ty = module .import_section_mut() .and_then(|section| { section .entries_mut() .iter_mut() .find_map(|entry| match entry.external_mut() { External::Memory(ref mut mem_ty) => Some(mem_ty), _ => None, }) }) .context("Memory import is not found. Is --import-memory specified in the linker args")?; if let Some(requested_maximum) = mem_ty.limits().maximum() { // The module already has maximum, check if it is within the limit bail out. if requested_maximum > maximum_allowed_pages { anyhow::bail!( "The wasm module requires {} pages. The maximum allowed number of pages is {}", requested_maximum, maximum_allowed_pages, ); } } else { let initial = mem_ty.limits().initial(); *mem_ty = MemoryType::new(initial, Some(MAX_MEMORY_PAGES)); } Ok(()) } /// Strips all custom sections. /// /// Presently all custom sections are not required so they can be stripped safely. fn strip_custom_sections(module: &mut Module) { module.sections_mut().retain(|section| match section { Section::Custom(_) => false, Section::Name(_) => false, Section::Reloc(_) => false, _ => true, }); } /// Performs required post-processing steps on the wasm artifact. fn post_process_wasm(crate_metadata: &CrateMetadata) -> Result<()> { // Deserialize wasm module from a file. let mut module = parity_wasm::deserialize_file(&crate_metadata.original_wasm).context(format!( "Loading original wasm file '{}'", crate_metadata.original_wasm.display() ))?; // Perform optimization. // // In practice only tree-shaking is performed, i.e transitively removing all symbols that are // NOT used by the specified entrypoints. if pwasm_utils::optimize(&mut module, ["call", "deploy"].to_vec()).is_err() { anyhow::bail!("Optimizer failed"); } ensure_maximum_memory_pages(&mut module, MAX_MEMORY_PAGES)?; strip_custom_sections(&mut module); parity_wasm::serialize_to_file(&crate_metadata.dest_wasm, module)?; Ok(()) } /// Attempts to perform optional wasm optimization using `wasm-opt`. /// /// The intention is to reduce the size of bloated wasm binaries as a result of missing /// optimizations (or bugs?) between Rust and Wasm. /// /// This step depends on the `wasm-opt` tool being installed. If it is not the build will still /// succeed, and the user will be encouraged to install it for further optimizations. fn optimize_wasm(crate_metadata: &CrateMetadata) -> Result<()> { // check `wasm-opt` installed if which::which("wasm-opt").is_err() { println!( "{}", "wasm-opt is not installed. Install this tool on your system in order to \n\ reduce the size of your contract's Wasm binary. \n\ See https://github.com/WebAssembly/binaryen#tools" .bright_yellow() ); return Ok(()); } let mut optimized = crate_metadata.dest_wasm.clone(); optimized.set_file_name(format!("{}-opt.wasm", crate_metadata.package_name)); let output = Command::new("wasm-opt") .arg(crate_metadata.dest_wasm.as_os_str()) .arg("-O3") // execute -O3 optimization passes (spends potentially a lot of time optimizing) .arg("-o") .arg(optimized.as_os_str()) .output()?; if !output.status.success() { // Dump the output streams produced by wasm-opt into the stdout/stderr. io::stdout().write_all(&output.stdout)?; io::stderr().write_all(&output.stderr)?; anyhow::bail!("wasm-opt optimization failed"); } let original_size = metadata(&crate_metadata.dest_wasm)?.len() as f64 / 1000.0; let optimized_size = metadata(&optimized)?.len() as f64 / 1000.0; println!( " Original wasm size: {:.1}K, Optimized: {:.1}K", original_size, optimized_size ); // overwrite existing destination wasm file with the optimised version std::fs::rename(&optimized, &crate_metadata.dest_wasm)?; Ok(()) } /// Executes build of the smart-contract which produces a wasm binary that is ready for deploying. /// /// It does so by invoking build by cargo and then post processing the final binary. pub(crate) fn execute_build( manifest_path: ManifestPath, verbosity: Option, ) -> Result { println!( " {} {}", "[1/4]".bold(), "Collecting crate metadata".bright_green().bold() ); let crate_metadata = collect_crate_metadata(&manifest_path)?; println!( " {} {}", "[2/4]".bold(), "Building cargo project".bright_green().bold() ); build_cargo_project(&crate_metadata, verbosity)?; println!( " {} {}", "[3/4]".bold(), "Post processing wasm file".bright_green().bold() ); post_process_wasm(&crate_metadata)?; println!( " {} {}", "[4/4]".bold(), "Optimizing wasm file".bright_green().bold() ); optimize_wasm(&crate_metadata)?; Ok(format!( "\nYour contract is ready. You can find it here:\n{}", crate_metadata.dest_wasm.display().to_string().bold() )) } #[cfg(feature = "test-ci-only")] #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::{cmd::execute_new, util::tests::with_tmp_dir, workspace::ManifestPath}; #[test] fn build_template() { with_tmp_dir(|path| { execute_new("new_project", Some(path)).expect("new project creation failed"); let manifest_path = ManifestPath::new(&path.join("new_project").join("Cargo.toml")).unwrap(); super::execute_build(manifest_path, None).expect("build failed"); }); } }