// Copyright 2018-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of cargo-contract. // // cargo-contract is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // cargo-contract is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with cargo-contract. If not, see . use super::{ display_events, dry_run_error_details, runtime_api::api, wait_for_success_and_handle_error, Balance, CodeHash, ContractMessageTranscoder, ExtrinsicOpts, PairSigner, RuntimeApi, RuntimeDispatchError, }; use crate::name_value_println; use anyhow::{ Context, Result, }; use jsonrpsee::{ core::client::ClientT, rpc_params, ws_client::WsClientBuilder, }; use serde::Serialize; use sp_core::Bytes; use std::{ fmt::Debug, path::PathBuf, result, }; use subxt::{ rpc::NumberOrHex, ClientBuilder, Config, DefaultConfig, }; type CodeUploadResult = result::Result; type CodeUploadReturnValue = pallet_contracts_primitives::CodeUploadReturnValue; #[derive(Debug, clap::Args)] #[clap(name = "upload", about = "Upload a contract's code")] pub struct UploadCommand { /// Path to Wasm contract code, defaults to `./target/ink/.wasm`. #[clap(parse(from_os_str))] wasm_path: Option, #[clap(flatten)] extrinsic_opts: ExtrinsicOpts, } impl UploadCommand { pub fn run(&self) -> Result<()> { let (crate_metadata, contract_metadata) = super::load_metadata(self.extrinsic_opts.manifest_path.as_ref())?; let transcoder = ContractMessageTranscoder::new(&contract_metadata); let signer = super::pair_signer(self.extrinsic_opts.signer()?); let wasm_path = match &self.wasm_path { Some(wasm_path) => wasm_path.clone(), None => crate_metadata.dest_wasm, }; log::info!("Contract code path: {}", wasm_path.display()); let code = std::fs::read(&wasm_path) .context(format!("Failed to read from {}", wasm_path.display()))?; async_std::task::block_on(async { let url = self.extrinsic_opts.url.to_string(); let api = ClientBuilder::new() .set_url(&url) .build() .await? .to_runtime_api::(); if self.extrinsic_opts.dry_run { match self.upload_code_rpc(code, &signer).await? { Ok(result) => { name_value_println!("Result", String::from("Success!")); name_value_println!( "Code hash", format!("{:?}", result.code_hash) ); name_value_println!("Deposit", format!("{:?}", result.deposit)); } Err(err) => { let err = dry_run_error_details(&api, &err).await?; name_value_println!("Result", err); } } Ok(()) } else { let code_stored = self.upload_code(&api, code, &signer, &transcoder).await?; name_value_println!("Code hash", format!("{:?}", code_stored.code_hash)); Ok(()) } }) } async fn upload_code_rpc( &self, code: Vec, signer: &PairSigner, ) -> Result { let url = self.extrinsic_opts.url.to_string(); let cli = WsClientBuilder::default().build(&url).await?; let storage_deposit_limit = self .extrinsic_opts .storage_deposit_limit .as_ref() .map(|limit| NumberOrHex::Hex((*limit).into())); let call_request = CodeUploadRequest { origin: signer.account_id().clone(), code: Bytes(code), storage_deposit_limit, }; let params = rpc_params!(call_request); let result: CodeUploadResult = cli .request("contracts_upload_code", params) .await .context("contracts_upload_code RPC error")?; Ok(result) } async fn upload_code( &self, api: &RuntimeApi, code: Vec, signer: &PairSigner, transcoder: &ContractMessageTranscoder<'_>, ) -> Result { let tx_progress = api .tx() .contracts() .upload_code(code, self.extrinsic_opts.storage_deposit_limit)? .sign_and_submit_then_watch_default(signer) .await?; let result = wait_for_success_and_handle_error(tx_progress).await?; display_events( &result, transcoder, api.client.metadata(), &self.extrinsic_opts.verbosity()?, )?; let code_stored = result .find_first::()? .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to find CodeStored event"))?; Ok(code_stored) } } /// A struct that encodes RPC parameters required for a call to upload a new code. #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct CodeUploadRequest { origin: ::AccountId, code: Bytes, storage_deposit_limit: Option, }