// Copyright 2018-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of cargo-contract. // // cargo-contract is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // cargo-contract is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with cargo-contract. If not, see . mod call; mod events; mod instantiate; mod runtime_api; mod transcode; mod upload; #[cfg(test)] #[cfg(feature = "integration-tests")] mod integration_tests; use anyhow::{ anyhow, Context, Result, }; use std::{ fs::File, path::PathBuf, }; use self::events::display_events; use crate::{ crate_metadata::CrateMetadata, name_value_println, workspace::ManifestPath, Verbosity, VerbosityFlags, }; use pallet_contracts_primitives::ContractResult; use sp_core::{ crypto::Pair, sr25519, }; use subxt::{ Config, DefaultConfig, HasModuleError as _, }; pub use self::transcode::ContractMessageTranscoder; pub use call::CallCommand; pub use instantiate::InstantiateCommand; pub use runtime_api::api::{ DispatchError as RuntimeDispatchError, Event as RuntimeEvent, }; pub use upload::UploadCommand; type Balance = u128; type CodeHash = ::Hash; type ContractAccount = ::AccountId; type PairSigner = subxt::PairSigner; type SignedExtra = subxt::PolkadotExtrinsicParams; type RuntimeApi = runtime_api::api::RuntimeApi; /// Arguments required for creating and sending an extrinsic to a substrate node. #[derive(Clone, Debug, clap::Args)] pub struct ExtrinsicOpts { /// Path to the `Cargo.toml` of the contract. #[clap(long, parse(from_os_str))] manifest_path: Option, /// Websockets url of a substrate node. #[clap( name = "url", long, parse(try_from_str), default_value = "ws://localhost:9944" )] url: url::Url, /// Secret key URI for the account deploying the contract. #[clap(name = "suri", long, short)] suri: String, /// Password for the secret key. #[clap(name = "password", long, short)] password: Option, #[clap(flatten)] verbosity: VerbosityFlags, /// Dry-run the extrinsic via rpc, instead of as an extrinsic. Chain state will not be mutated. #[clap(long)] dry_run: bool, /// The maximum amount of balance that can be charged from the caller to pay for the storage /// consumed. #[clap(long, parse(try_from_str = parse_balance))] storage_deposit_limit: Option, } impl ExtrinsicOpts { pub fn signer(&self) -> Result { sr25519::Pair::from_string(&self.suri, self.password.as_ref().map(String::as_ref)) .map_err(|_| anyhow::anyhow!("Secret string error")) } /// Returns the verbosity pub fn verbosity(&self) -> Result { TryFrom::try_from(&self.verbosity) } } /// For a contract project with its `Cargo.toml` at the specified `manifest_path`, load the cargo /// [`CrateMetadata`] along with the contract metadata [`ink_metadata::InkProject`]. pub fn load_metadata( manifest_path: Option<&PathBuf>, ) -> Result<(CrateMetadata, ink_metadata::InkProject)> { let manifest_path = ManifestPath::try_from(manifest_path)?; let crate_metadata = CrateMetadata::collect(&manifest_path)?; let path = crate_metadata.metadata_path(); if !path.exists() { return Err(anyhow!( "Metadata file not found. Try building with `cargo contract build`." )) } let file = File::open(&path) .context(format!("Failed to open metadata file {}", path.display()))?; let metadata: contract_metadata::ContractMetadata = serde_json::from_reader(file) .context(format!( "Failed to deserialize metadata file {}", path.display() ))?; let ink_metadata = serde_json::from_value(serde_json::Value::Object(metadata.abi)) .context(format!( "Failed to deserialize ink project metadata from file {}", path.display() ))?; if let ink_metadata::MetadataVersioned::V3(ink_project) = ink_metadata { Ok((crate_metadata, ink_project)) } else { Err(anyhow!("Unsupported ink metadata version. Expected V1")) } } /// Parse Rust style integer balance literals which can contain underscores. fn parse_balance(input: &str) -> Result { input .replace('_', "") .parse::() .map_err(Into::into) } /// Create a new [`PairSigner`] from the given [`sr25519::Pair`]. pub fn pair_signer(pair: sr25519::Pair) -> PairSigner { PairSigner::new(pair) } const STORAGE_DEPOSIT_KEY: &str = "Storage Deposit"; pub const EXEC_RESULT_MAX_KEY_COL_WIDTH: usize = STORAGE_DEPOSIT_KEY.len() + 1; /// Print to stdout the fields of the result of a `instantiate` or `call` dry-run via RPC. pub fn display_contract_exec_result( result: &ContractResult, ) -> Result<()> { let mut debug_message_lines = std::str::from_utf8(&result.debug_message) .context("Error decoding UTF8 debug message bytes")? .lines(); name_value_println!( "Gas Consumed", format!("{:?}", result.gas_consumed), EXEC_RESULT_MAX_KEY_COL_WIDTH ); name_value_println!( "Gas Required", format!("{:?}", result.gas_required), EXEC_RESULT_MAX_KEY_COL_WIDTH ); name_value_println!( STORAGE_DEPOSIT_KEY, format!("{:?}", result.storage_deposit), EXEC_RESULT_MAX_KEY_COL_WIDTH ); // print debug messages aligned, only first line has key if let Some(debug_message) = debug_message_lines.next() { name_value_println!( "Debug Message", format!("{}", debug_message), EXEC_RESULT_MAX_KEY_COL_WIDTH ); } for debug_message in debug_message_lines { name_value_println!( "", format!("{}", debug_message), EXEC_RESULT_MAX_KEY_COL_WIDTH ); } Ok(()) } /// Wait for the transaction to be included successfully into a block. /// /// # Errors /// /// If a runtime Module error occurs, this will only display the pallet and error indices. Dynamic /// lookups of the actual error will be available once the following issue is resolved: /// . /// /// # Finality /// /// Currently this will report success once the transaction is included in a block. In the future /// there could be a flag to wait for finality before reporting success. async fn wait_for_success_and_handle_error( tx_progress: subxt::TransactionProgress<'_, T, RuntimeDispatchError, RuntimeEvent>, ) -> Result> where T: Config, { tx_progress .wait_for_in_block() .await? .wait_for_success() .await .map_err(Into::into) } /// Extract and display error details for an RPC `--dry-run` result. async fn dry_run_error_details( api: &RuntimeApi, error: &RuntimeDispatchError, ) -> Result { let error = if let Some(error_data) = error.module_error_data() { let details = api .client .metadata() .error(error_data.pallet_index, error_data.error_index())?; format!( "ModuleError: {}::{}: {:?}", details.pallet(), details.error(), details.description() ) } else { format!("{:?}", error) }; Ok(error) }