#!/bin/bash set -u # if there is no directory for this $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME/$CI_JOB_NAME # create such directory and # copy recursively all the files from the newest dir which has $CI_JOB_NAME, if it exists # caches are in /ci-cache/${CI_PROJECT_NAME}/${2}/${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}/${CI_JOB_NAME} function prepopulate { if [[ ! -d $1 ]]; then mkdir -p "$1"; FRESH_CACHE=$(find "/ci-cache/$CI_PROJECT_NAME/$2" -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 \ -type d -name "$CI_JOB_NAME" -not -path "$1" -exec stat --printf="%Y\t%n\n" {} \; |sort -n -r |head -1 |cut -f2); if [[ -d "$FRESH_CACHE" ]]; then echo "____Using" "$FRESH_CACHE" "to prepopulate the cache____"; time cp -r "$FRESH_CACHE" "$1"; else echo "_____No such $2 dir, proceeding from scratch_____"; fi else echo "____No need to prepopulate $2 cache____"; fi } # CARGO_HOME cache was moved to the same "project/cache_type/branch_name/job_name" level as # CARGO_TARGET_DIR because of frequent weird data-race issues. This just means that the same cache that # would have been used for the entire pipeline will be duplicated for the each job. prepopulate "$CARGO_HOME" cargo prepopulate "$CARGO_TARGET_DIR" targets