// Copyright 2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Substrate. // Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Substrate. If not, see . //! A `CodeExecutor` specialisation which uses natively compiled runtime when the wasm to be //! executed is equivalent to the natively compiled code. extern crate polkadot_runtime; extern crate substrate_executor; extern crate substrate_codec as codec; extern crate substrate_state_machine as state_machine; extern crate substrate_runtime_io as runtime_io; extern crate substrate_primitives as primitives; extern crate polkadot_primitives as polkadot_primitives; extern crate ed25519; extern crate triehash; #[cfg(test)] extern crate substrate_runtime_support as runtime_support; #[cfg(test)] #[macro_use] extern crate hex_literal; use polkadot_runtime as runtime; use substrate_executor::error::{Error, ErrorKind}; use substrate_executor::{NativeExecutionDispatch, NativeExecutor}; use state_machine::Externalities; /// A null struct which implements `NativeExecutionDispatch` feeding in the hard-coded runtime. pub struct LocalNativeExecutionDispatch; impl NativeExecutionDispatch for LocalNativeExecutionDispatch { fn native_equivalent() -> &'static [u8] { // WARNING!!! This assumes that the runtime was built *before* the main project. Until we // get a proper build script, this must be strictly adhered to or things will go wrong. include_bytes!("../../runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/polkadot_runtime.compact.wasm") } fn dispatch(ext: &mut Externalities, method: &str, data: &[u8]) -> Result, Error> { ::substrate_executor::with_native_environment(ext, move || runtime::api::dispatch(method, data))? .ok_or_else(|| ErrorKind::MethodNotFound(method.to_owned()).into()) } } /// Creates new RustExecutor for contracts. pub fn executor() -> NativeExecutor { NativeExecutor { _dummy: ::std::marker::PhantomData } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use runtime_io; use super::*; use substrate_executor::WasmExecutor; use codec::{KeyedVec, Slicable, Joiner}; use runtime_support::{one, two, Hashable}; use polkadot_runtime::runtime::staking::balance; use state_machine::{CodeExecutor, TestExternalities}; use primitives::twox_128; use polkadot_primitives::{Hash, Header, BlockNumber, Block, Digest, Transaction, UncheckedTransaction, Function, AccountId}; use ed25519::Pair; const BLOATY_CODE: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/polkadot_runtime.wasm"); const COMPACT_CODE: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/polkadot_runtime.compact.wasm"); // TODO: move into own crate. macro_rules! map { ($( $name:expr => $value:expr ),*) => ( vec![ $( ( $name, $value ) ),* ].into_iter().collect() ) } fn tx() -> UncheckedTransaction { let transaction = Transaction { signed: one(), nonce: 0, function: Function::StakingTransfer(two(), 69), }; let signature = secret_for(&transaction.signed).unwrap() .sign(&transaction.encode()); UncheckedTransaction { transaction, signature } } #[test] fn panic_execution_with_foreign_code_gives_error() { let one = one(); let mut t = TestExternalities { storage: map![ twox_128(&one.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![68u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ], }; let r = executor().call(&mut t, BLOATY_CODE, "execute_transaction", &vec![].and(&Header::from_block_number(1u64)).and(&tx())); assert!(r.is_err()); } #[test] fn panic_execution_with_native_equivalent_code_gives_error() { let one = one(); let mut t = TestExternalities { storage: map![ twox_128(&one.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![68u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ], }; let r = executor().call(&mut t, COMPACT_CODE, "execute_transaction", &vec![].and(&Header::from_block_number(1u64)).and(&tx())); assert!(r.is_err()); } #[test] fn successful_execution_with_native_equivalent_code_gives_ok() { let one = one(); let two = two(); let mut t = TestExternalities { storage: map![ twox_128(&one.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![111u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ], }; let r = executor().call(&mut t, COMPACT_CODE, "execute_transaction", &vec![].and(&Header::from_block_number(1u64)).and(&tx())); assert!(r.is_ok()); runtime_io::with_externalities(&mut t, || { assert_eq!(balance(&one), 42); assert_eq!(balance(&two), 69); }); } #[test] fn successful_execution_with_foreign_code_gives_ok() { let one = one(); let two = two(); let mut t = TestExternalities { storage: map![ twox_128(&one.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![111u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ], }; let r = executor().call(&mut t, BLOATY_CODE, "execute_transaction", &vec![].and(&Header::from_block_number(1u64)).and(&tx())); assert!(r.is_ok()); runtime_io::with_externalities(&mut t, || { assert_eq!(balance(&one), 42); assert_eq!(balance(&two), 69); }); } fn new_test_ext() -> TestExternalities { let one = one(); let two = two(); let three = [3u8; 32]; TestExternalities { storage: map![ twox_128(&0u64.to_keyed_vec(b"sys:old:")).to_vec() => [69u8; 32].encode(), twox_128(b"gov:apr").to_vec() => vec![].and(&667u32), twox_128(b"ses:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&2u64), twox_128(b"ses:val:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u32), twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => one.to_vec(), twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => two.to_vec(), twox_128(&2u32.to_keyed_vec(b"ses:val:")).to_vec() => three.to_vec(), twox_128(b"sta:wil:len").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u32), twox_128(&0u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => one.to_vec(), twox_128(&1u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => two.to_vec(), twox_128(&2u32.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:wil:")).to_vec() => three.to_vec(), twox_128(b"sta:spe").to_vec() => vec![].and(&2u64), twox_128(b"sta:vac").to_vec() => vec![].and(&3u64), twox_128(b"sta:era").to_vec() => vec![].and(&0u64), twox_128(&one.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![111u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ], } } fn secret_for(who: &AccountId) -> Option { match who { x if *x == one() => Some(Pair::from_seed(b"12345678901234567890123456789012")), x if *x == two() => Some("9d61b19deffd5a60ba844af492ec2cc44449c5697b326919703bac031cae7f60".into()), _ => None, } } fn construct_block(number: BlockNumber, parent_hash: Hash, state_root: Hash, txs: Vec) -> (Vec, Hash) { use triehash::ordered_trie_root; let transactions = txs.into_iter().map(|transaction| { let signature = secret_for(&transaction.signed).unwrap() .sign(&transaction.encode()); UncheckedTransaction { transaction, signature } }).collect::>(); let transaction_root = ordered_trie_root(transactions.iter().map(Slicable::encode)).0.into(); let header = Header { parent_hash, number, state_root, transaction_root, digest: Digest { logs: vec![], }, }; let hash = header.blake2_256(); (Block { header, transactions }.encode(), hash.into()) } fn block1() -> (Vec, Hash) { construct_block( 1, [69u8; 32].into(), hex!("2481853da20b9f4322f34650fea5f240dcbfb266d02db94bfa0153c31f4a29db").into(), vec![Transaction { signed: one(), nonce: 0, function: Function::StakingTransfer(two(), 69), }] ) } fn block2() -> (Vec, Hash) { construct_block( 2, block1().1, hex!("1feb4d3a2e587079e6ce1685fa79994efd995e33cb289d39cded67aac1bb46a9").into(), vec![ Transaction { signed: two(), nonce: 0, function: Function::StakingTransfer(one(), 5), }, Transaction { signed: one(), nonce: 1, function: Function::StakingTransfer(two(), 15), } ] ) } #[test] fn full_native_block_import_works() { let mut t = new_test_ext(); executor().call(&mut t, COMPACT_CODE, "execute_block", &block1().0).unwrap(); runtime_io::with_externalities(&mut t, || { assert_eq!(balance(&one()), 42); assert_eq!(balance(&two()), 69); }); executor().call(&mut t, COMPACT_CODE, "execute_block", &block2().0).unwrap(); runtime_io::with_externalities(&mut t, || { assert_eq!(balance(&one()), 32); assert_eq!(balance(&two()), 79); }); } #[test] fn full_wasm_block_import_works() { let mut t = new_test_ext(); WasmExecutor.call(&mut t, COMPACT_CODE, "execute_block", &block1().0).unwrap(); runtime_io::with_externalities(&mut t, || { assert_eq!(balance(&one()), 42); assert_eq!(balance(&two()), 69); }); WasmExecutor.call(&mut t, COMPACT_CODE, "execute_block", &block2().0).unwrap(); runtime_io::with_externalities(&mut t, || { assert_eq!(balance(&one()), 32); assert_eq!(balance(&two()), 79); }); } #[test] fn panic_execution_gives_error() { let one = one(); let mut t = TestExternalities { storage: map![ twox_128(&one.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![68u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ], }; let foreign_code = include_bytes!("../../runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/polkadot_runtime.wasm"); let r = WasmExecutor.call(&mut t, &foreign_code[..], "execute_transaction", &vec![].and(&Header::from_block_number(1u64)).and(&tx())); assert!(r.is_err()); } #[test] fn successful_execution_gives_ok() { let one = one(); let two = two(); let mut t = TestExternalities { storage: map![ twox_128(&one.to_keyed_vec(b"sta:bal:")).to_vec() => vec![111u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ], }; let foreign_code = include_bytes!("../../runtime/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/polkadot_runtime.compact.wasm"); let r = WasmExecutor.call(&mut t, &foreign_code[..], "execute_transaction", &vec![].and(&Header::from_block_number(1u64)).and(&tx())); assert!(r.is_ok()); runtime_io::with_externalities(&mut t, || { assert_eq!(balance(&one), 42); assert_eq!(balance(&two), 69); }); } }