// Copyright 2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . //! Validator-side view of collation. //! //! This module contains type definitions, a trait for a batch of collators, and a trait for //! attempting to fetch a collation repeatedly until a valid one is obtained. use std::sync::Arc; use polkadot_primitives::{Block, Hash, BlockId, parachain::CollatorId}; use polkadot_primitives::parachain::{Id as ParaId, Collation, Extrinsic, OutgoingMessage}; use polkadot_primitives::parachain::{CandidateReceipt, ParachainHost}; use runtime_primitives::traits::ProvideRuntimeApi; use parachain::{wasm_executor::{self, ExternalitiesError}, MessageRef}; use super::Incoming; use futures::prelude::*; /// Encapsulates connections to collators and allows collation on any parachain. /// /// This is expected to be a lightweight, shared type like an `Arc`. pub trait Collators: Clone { /// Errors when producing collations. type Error: std::fmt::Debug; /// A full collation. type Collation: IntoFuture; /// Collate on a specific parachain, building on a given relay chain parent hash. /// /// The returned collation should be checked for basic validity in the signature /// and will be checked for state-transition validity by the consumer of this trait. /// /// This does not have to guarantee local availability, as a valid collation /// will be passed to the `TableRouter` instance. fn collate(&self, parachain: ParaId, relay_parent: Hash) -> Self::Collation; /// Note a bad collator. TODO: take proof fn note_bad_collator(&self, collator: CollatorId); } /// A future which resolves when a collation is available. /// /// This future is fused. pub struct CollationFetch { parachain: ParaId, relay_parent_hash: Hash, relay_parent: BlockId, collators: C, incoming: Incoming, live_fetch: Option<::Future>, client: Arc

, } impl CollationFetch { /// Create a new collation fetcher for the given chain. pub fn new( parachain: ParaId, relay_parent_hash: Hash, collators: C, client: Arc

, incoming: Incoming, ) -> Self { CollationFetch { relay_parent: BlockId::hash(relay_parent_hash), relay_parent_hash, collators, client, parachain, live_fetch: None, incoming, } } /// Access the underlying relay parent hash. pub fn relay_parent(&self) -> Hash { self.relay_parent_hash } /// Access the local parachain ID. pub fn parachain(&self) -> ParaId { self.parachain } } impl Future for CollationFetch where P::Api: ParachainHost, { type Item = (Collation, Extrinsic); type Error = C::Error; fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<(Collation, Extrinsic), C::Error> { loop { let x = { let parachain = self.parachain.clone(); let (r, c) = (self.relay_parent_hash, &self.collators); let poll = self.live_fetch .get_or_insert_with(move || c.collate(parachain, r).into_future()) .poll(); try_ready!(poll) }; match validate_collation(&*self.client, &self.relay_parent, &x, &self.incoming) { Ok(e) => { return Ok(Async::Ready((x, e))) } Err(e) => { debug!("Failed to validate parachain due to API error: {}", e); // just continue if we got a bad collation or failed to validate self.live_fetch = None; self.collators.note_bad_collator(x.receipt.collator) } } } } } // Errors that can occur when validating a parachain. error_chain! { types { Error, ErrorKind, ResultExt; } links { Client(::client::error::Error, ::client::error::ErrorKind); WasmValidation(wasm_executor::Error, wasm_executor::ErrorKind); } errors { InactiveParachain(id: ParaId) { description("Collated for inactive parachain"), display("Collated for inactive parachain: {:?}", id), } EgressRootMismatch(id: ParaId, expected: Hash, got: Hash) { description("Got unexpected egress route."), display( "Got unexpected egress route to {:?}. (expected: {:?}, got {:?})", id, expected, got ), } MissingEgressRoute(expected: Option, got: Option) { description("Missing or extra egress route."), display("Missing or extra egress route. (expected: {:?}, got {:?})", expected, got), } WrongHeadData(expected: Vec, got: Vec) { description("Parachain validation produced wrong head data."), display("Parachain validation produced wrong head data (expected: {:?}, got {:?}", expected, got), } } } /// Compute a trie root for a set of messages. pub fn message_queue_root>(messages: I) -> Hash where A: AsRef<[u8]> { ::trie::ordered_trie_root::(messages) } /// Compute the set of egress roots for all given outgoing messages. pub fn egress_roots(mut outgoing: Vec) -> Vec<(ParaId, Hash)> { // stable sort messages by parachain ID. outgoing.sort_by_key(|msg| ParaId::from(msg.target)); let mut egress_roots = Vec::new(); { let mut messages_iter = outgoing.iter().peekable(); while let Some(batch_target) = messages_iter.peek().map(|o| o.target) { // we borrow the iterator mutably to ensure it advances so the // next iteration of the loop starts with `messages_iter` pointing to // the next batch. let messages_to = messages_iter .clone() .take_while(|o| o.target == batch_target) .map(|o| { let _ = messages_iter.next(); &o.data[..] }); let computed_root = message_queue_root(messages_to); egress_roots.push((batch_target, computed_root)); } } egress_roots } fn check_extrinsic( mut outgoing: Vec, expected_egress_roots: &[(ParaId, Hash)], ) -> Result { // stable sort messages by parachain ID. outgoing.sort_by_key(|msg| ParaId::from(msg.target)); { let mut messages_iter = outgoing.iter().peekable(); let mut expected_egress_roots = expected_egress_roots.iter(); while let Some(batch_target) = messages_iter.peek().map(|o| o.target) { let expected_root = match expected_egress_roots.next() { None => return Err(ErrorKind::MissingEgressRoute(Some(batch_target), None).into()), Some(&(id, ref root)) => if id == batch_target { root } else { return Err(ErrorKind::MissingEgressRoute(Some(batch_target), Some(id)).into()); } }; // we borrow the iterator mutably to ensure it advances so the // next iteration of the loop starts with `messages_iter` pointing to // the next batch. let messages_to = messages_iter .clone() .take_while(|o| o.target == batch_target) .map(|o| { let _ = messages_iter.next(); &o.data[..] }); let computed_root = message_queue_root(messages_to); if &computed_root != expected_root { return Err(ErrorKind::EgressRootMismatch( batch_target, expected_root.clone(), computed_root, ).into()); } } // also check that there are no more additional expected roots. if let Some((next_target, _)) = expected_egress_roots.next() { return Err(ErrorKind::MissingEgressRoute(None, Some(*next_target)).into()); } } Ok(Extrinsic { outgoing_messages: outgoing }) } struct Externalities { parachain_index: ParaId, outgoing: Vec, } impl wasm_executor::Externalities for Externalities { fn post_message(&mut self, message: MessageRef) -> Result<(), ExternalitiesError> { // TODO: https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/issues/92 // check per-message and per-byte fees for the parachain. let target: ParaId = message.target.into(); if target == self.parachain_index { return Err(ExternalitiesError::CannotPostMessage("posted message to self")); } self.outgoing.push(OutgoingMessage { target, data: message.data.to_vec(), }); Ok(()) } } impl Externalities { // Performs final checks of validity, producing the extrinsic data. fn final_checks( self, candidate: &CandidateReceipt, ) -> Result { check_extrinsic( self.outgoing, &candidate.egress_queue_roots[..], ) } } /// Check whether a given collation is valid. Returns `Ok` on success, error otherwise. /// /// This assumes that basic validity checks have been done: /// - Block data hash is the same as linked in candidate receipt. /// - incoming messages have been validated against canonical ingress roots pub fn validate_collation

( client: &P, relay_parent: &BlockId, collation: &Collation, incoming: &Incoming, ) -> Result where P: ProvideRuntimeApi, P::Api: ParachainHost, { use parachain::{IncomingMessage, ValidationParams}; let api = client.runtime_api(); let para_id = collation.receipt.parachain_index; let validation_code = api.parachain_code(relay_parent, para_id)? .ok_or_else(|| ErrorKind::InactiveParachain(para_id))?; let chain_head = api.parachain_head(relay_parent, para_id)? .ok_or_else(|| ErrorKind::InactiveParachain(para_id))?; let params = ValidationParams { parent_head: chain_head, block_data: collation.block_data.0.clone(), ingress: incoming.iter() .flat_map(|&(source, ref messages)| { messages.iter().map(move |msg| IncomingMessage { source, data: msg.0.clone(), }) }) .collect() }; let mut ext = Externalities { parachain_index: collation.receipt.parachain_index.clone(), outgoing: Vec::new(), }; match wasm_executor::validate_candidate(&validation_code, params, &mut ext) { Ok(result) => { if result.head_data == collation.receipt.head_data.0 { ext.final_checks(&collation.receipt) } else { Err(ErrorKind::WrongHeadData( collation.receipt.head_data.0.clone(), result.head_data ).into()) } } Err(e) => Err(e.into()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use parachain::wasm_executor::Externalities as ExternalitiesTrait; #[test] fn compute_and_check_egress() { let messages = vec![ OutgoingMessage { target: 3.into(), data: vec![1, 1, 1] }, OutgoingMessage { target: 1.into(), data: vec![1, 2, 3] }, OutgoingMessage { target: 2.into(), data: vec![4, 5, 6] }, OutgoingMessage { target: 1.into(), data: vec![7, 8, 9] }, ]; let root_1 = message_queue_root(&[vec![1, 2, 3], vec![7, 8, 9]]); let root_2 = message_queue_root(&[vec![4, 5, 6]]); let root_3 = message_queue_root(&[vec![1, 1, 1]]); assert!(check_extrinsic( messages.clone(), &[(1.into(), root_1), (2.into(), root_2), (3.into(), root_3)], ).is_ok()); let egress_roots = egress_roots(messages.clone()); assert!(check_extrinsic( messages.clone(), &egress_roots[..], ).is_ok()); // missing root. assert!(check_extrinsic( messages.clone(), &[(1.into(), root_1), (3.into(), root_3)], ).is_err()); // extra root. assert!(check_extrinsic( messages.clone(), &[(1.into(), root_1), (2.into(), root_2), (3.into(), root_3), (4.into(), Default::default())], ).is_err()); // root mismatch. assert!(check_extrinsic( messages.clone(), &[(1.into(), root_2), (2.into(), root_1), (3.into(), root_3)], ).is_err()); } #[test] fn ext_rejects_local_message() { let mut ext = Externalities { parachain_index: 5.into(), outgoing: Vec::new(), }; assert!(ext.post_message(MessageRef { target: 1.into(), data: &[] }).is_ok()); assert!(ext.post_message(MessageRef { target: 5.into(), data: &[] }).is_err()); } }