// Copyright 2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Polkadot. // Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Polkadot. If not, see . //! Polkadot CLI library. #![warn(missing_docs)] extern crate app_dirs; extern crate env_logger; extern crate atty; extern crate ansi_term; extern crate regex; extern crate time; extern crate fdlimit; extern crate futures; extern crate tokio; extern crate ed25519; extern crate triehash; extern crate parking_lot; extern crate serde; extern crate serde_json; extern crate substrate_client as client; extern crate substrate_network as network; extern crate substrate_codec as codec; extern crate substrate_primitives; extern crate substrate_rpc; extern crate substrate_rpc_servers as rpc; extern crate substrate_runtime_primitives as runtime_primitives; extern crate substrate_state_machine as state_machine; extern crate polkadot_primitives; extern crate polkadot_runtime; extern crate polkadot_service as service; #[macro_use] extern crate slog; // needed until we can reexport `slog_info` from `substrate_telemetry` #[macro_use] extern crate substrate_telemetry; extern crate polkadot_transaction_pool as txpool; extern crate exit_future; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; #[macro_use] extern crate clap; #[macro_use] extern crate error_chain; #[macro_use] extern crate log; pub mod error; mod informant; mod chain_spec; pub use chain_spec::ChainSpec; pub use client::error::Error as ClientError; pub use client::backend::Backend as ClientBackend; pub use state_machine::Backend as StateMachineBackend; pub use polkadot_primitives::Block as PolkadotBlock; pub use service::{Components as ServiceComponents, Service}; use std::io::{self, Write, Read, stdin, stdout}; use std::fs::File; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use substrate_telemetry::{init_telemetry, TelemetryConfig}; use polkadot_primitives::{Block, BlockId}; use codec::Slicable; use client::BlockOrigin; use runtime_primitives::generic::SignedBlock; use futures::Future; use tokio::runtime::Runtime; use service::PruningMode; const DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_URL: &str = "ws://telemetry.polkadot.io:1024"; #[derive(Clone)] struct SystemConfiguration { chain_name: String, } impl substrate_rpc::system::SystemApi for SystemConfiguration { fn system_name(&self) -> substrate_rpc::system::error::Result { Ok("parity-polkadot".into()) } fn system_version(&self) -> substrate_rpc::system::error::Result { Ok(crate_version!().into()) } fn system_chain(&self) -> substrate_rpc::system::error::Result { Ok(self.chain_name.clone()) } } fn load_spec(matches: &clap::ArgMatches) -> Result { let chain_spec = matches.value_of("chain") .map(ChainSpec::from) .unwrap_or_else(|| if matches.is_present("dev") { ChainSpec::Development } else { ChainSpec::PoC2Testnet }); let spec = chain_spec.load()?; info!("Chain specification: {}", spec.name()); Ok(spec) } fn base_path(matches: &clap::ArgMatches) -> PathBuf { matches.value_of("base-path") .map(|x| Path::new(x).to_owned()) .unwrap_or_else(default_base_path) } /// Additional worker making use of the node, to run asynchronously before shutdown. /// /// This will be invoked with the service and spawn a future that resolves /// when complete. pub trait Worker { /// A future that resolves when the work is done or the node should exit. /// This will be run on a tokio runtime. type Work: Future; /// An exit scheduled for the future. type Exit: Future + Send + 'static; /// Don't work, but schedule an exit. fn exit_only(self) -> Self::Exit; /// Do work and schedule exit. fn work(self, service: &Service) -> Self::Work where ClientError: From<<<::Backend as ClientBackend>::State as StateMachineBackend>::Error>; } /// Parse command line arguments and start the node. /// /// IANA unassigned port ranges that we could use: /// 6717-6766 Unassigned /// 8504-8553 Unassigned /// 9556-9591 Unassigned /// 9803-9874 Unassigned /// 9926-9949 Unassigned pub fn run(args: I, worker: W) -> error::Result<()> where I: IntoIterator, T: Into + Clone, W: Worker, { let yaml = load_yaml!("./cli.yml"); let matches = match clap::App::from_yaml(yaml).version(&(crate_version!().to_owned() + "\n")[..]).get_matches_from_safe(args) { Ok(m) => m, Err(ref e) if e.kind == clap::ErrorKind::VersionDisplayed => return Ok(()), Err(ref e) if e.kind == clap::ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed => { print!("{}", e); return Ok(()) } Err(e) => e.exit(), }; // TODO [ToDr] Split parameters parsing from actual execution. let log_pattern = matches.value_of("log").unwrap_or(""); init_logger(log_pattern); fdlimit::raise_fd_limit(); info!("Parity ·:· Polkadot"); info!(" version {}", crate_version!()); info!(" by Parity Technologies, 2017, 2018"); if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("build-spec") { return build_spec(matches); } if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("export-blocks") { return export_blocks(matches, worker.exit_only()); } if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("import-blocks") { return import_blocks(matches, worker.exit_only()); } let spec = load_spec(&matches)?; let mut config = service::Configuration::default_with_spec(spec); if let Some(name) = matches.value_of("name") { config.name = name.into(); info!("Node name: {}", config.name); } let base_path = base_path(&matches); config.keystore_path = matches.value_of("keystore") .map(|x| Path::new(x).to_owned()) .unwrap_or_else(|| keystore_path(&base_path)) .to_string_lossy() .into(); config.database_path = db_path(&base_path).to_string_lossy().into(); config.pruning = match matches.value_of("pruning") { Some("archive") => PruningMode::ArchiveAll, None => PruningMode::keep_blocks(256), Some(s) => PruningMode::keep_blocks(s.parse() .map_err(|_| error::ErrorKind::Input("Invalid pruning mode specified".to_owned()))?), }; let role = if matches.is_present("collator") { info!("Starting collator"); // TODO [rob]: collation node implementation service::Role::FULL } else if matches.is_present("light") { info!("Starting (light)"); service::Role::LIGHT } else if matches.is_present("validator") || matches.is_present("dev") { info!("Starting validator"); service::Role::AUTHORITY } else { info!("Starting (heavy)"); service::Role::FULL }; config.roles = role; { config.network.boot_nodes.extend(matches .values_of("bootnodes") .map_or(Default::default(), |v| v.map(|n| n.to_owned()).collect::>())); config.network.config_path = Some(network_path(&base_path).to_string_lossy().into()); config.network.net_config_path = config.network.config_path.clone(); let port = match matches.value_of("port") { Some(port) => port.parse().expect("Invalid p2p port value specified."), None => 30333, }; config.network.listen_address = Some(SocketAddr::new("".parse().unwrap(), port)); config.network.public_address = None; config.network.client_version = format!("parity-polkadot/{}", crate_version!()); config.network.use_secret = match matches.value_of("node-key").map(|s| s.parse()) { Some(Ok(secret)) => Some(secret), Some(Err(err)) => return Err(format!("Error parsing node key: {}", err).into()), None => None, }; } config.keys = matches.values_of("key").unwrap_or_default().map(str::to_owned).collect(); if matches.is_present("dev") { config.keys.push("Alice".into()); } let sys_conf = SystemConfiguration { chain_name: config.chain_spec.name().to_owned(), }; let mut runtime = Runtime::new()?; let executor = runtime.executor(); let _guard = if matches.is_present("telemetry") || matches.value_of("telemetry-url").is_some() { let name = config.name.clone(); let chain_name = config.chain_spec.name().to_owned(); Some(init_telemetry(TelemetryConfig { url: matches.value_of("telemetry-url").unwrap_or(DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_URL).into(), on_connect: Box::new(move || { telemetry!("system.connected"; "name" => name.clone(), "implementation" => "parity-polkadot", "version" => crate_version!(), "config" => "", "chain" => chain_name.clone(), ); }), })) } else { None }; match role == service::Role::LIGHT { true => run_until_exit(&mut runtime, service::new_light(config, executor)?, &matches, sys_conf, worker)?, false => run_until_exit(&mut runtime, service::new_full(config, executor)?, &matches, sys_conf, worker)?, } // TODO: hard exit if this stalls? runtime.shutdown_on_idle().wait().expect("failed to shut down event loop"); Ok(()) } fn build_spec(matches: &clap::ArgMatches) -> error::Result<()> { let spec = load_spec(&matches)?; info!("Building chain spec"); let json = spec.to_json(matches.is_present("raw"))?; print!("{}", json); Ok(()) } fn export_blocks(matches: &clap::ArgMatches, exit: E) -> error::Result<()> where E: Future + Send + 'static { let base_path = base_path(matches); let spec = load_spec(&matches)?; let mut config = service::Configuration::default_with_spec(spec); config.database_path = db_path(&base_path).to_string_lossy().into(); info!("DB path: {}", config.database_path); let client = service::new_client(config)?; let (exit_send, exit_recv) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); ::std::thread::spawn(move || { let _ = exit.wait(); let _ = exit_send.send(()); }); info!("Exporting blocks"); let mut block: u32 = match matches.value_of("from") { Some(v) => v.parse().map_err(|_| "Invalid --from argument")?, None => 1, }; let last = match matches.value_of("to") { Some(v) => v.parse().map_err(|_| "Invalid --to argument")?, None => client.info()?.chain.best_number as u32, }; if last < block { return Err("Invalid block range specified".into()); } let json = matches.is_present("json"); let mut file: Box = match matches.value_of("OUTPUT") { Some(filename) => Box::new(File::open(filename)?), None => Box::new(stdout()), }; if !json { file.write(&(last - block + 1).encode())?; } loop { if exit_recv.try_recv().is_ok() { break; } match client.block(&BlockId::number(block as u64))? { Some(block) => { if json { serde_json::to_writer(&mut *file, &block).map_err(|e| format!("Eror writing JSON: {}", e))?; } else { file.write(&block.encode())?; } }, None => break, } if block % 10000 == 0 { info!("#{}", block); } if block == last { break; } block += 1; } Ok(()) } fn import_blocks(matches: &clap::ArgMatches, exit: E) -> error::Result<()> where E: Future + Send + 'static { let spec = load_spec(&matches)?; let base_path = base_path(matches); let mut config = service::Configuration::default_with_spec(spec); config.database_path = db_path(&base_path).to_string_lossy().into(); let client = service::new_client(config)?; let (exit_send, exit_recv) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); ::std::thread::spawn(move || { let _ = exit.wait(); let _ = exit_send.send(()); }); let mut file: Box = match matches.value_of("INPUT") { Some(filename) => Box::new(File::open(filename)?), None => Box::new(stdin()), }; info!("Importing blocks"); let count: u32 = Slicable::decode(&mut file).ok_or("Error reading file")?; let mut block = 0; for _ in 0 .. count { if exit_recv.try_recv().is_ok() { break; } match SignedBlock::decode(&mut file) { Some(block) => { let header = client.check_justification(block.block.header, block.justification.into())?; client.import_block(BlockOrigin::File, header, Some(block.block.extrinsics))?; }, None => { warn!("Error reading block data."); break; } } block += 1; if block % 10000 == 0 { info!("#{}", block); } } info!("Imported {} blocks. Best: #{}", block, client.info()?.chain.best_number); Ok(()) } fn run_until_exit( runtime: &mut Runtime, service: service::Service, matches: &clap::ArgMatches, sys_conf: SystemConfiguration, worker: W, ) -> error::Result<()> where C: service::Components, W: Worker, client::error::Error: From<<<::Backend as client::backend::Backend>::State as state_machine::Backend>::Error>, { let (exit_send, exit) = exit_future::signal(); let executor = runtime.executor(); informant::start(&service, exit.clone(), executor.clone()); let _rpc_servers = { let http_address = parse_address("", "rpc-port", matches)?; let ws_address = parse_address("", "ws-port", matches)?; let handler = || { let chain = rpc::apis::chain::Chain::new(service.client(), executor.clone()); let author = rpc::apis::author::Author::new(service.client(), service.transaction_pool()); rpc::rpc_handler::( service.client(), chain, author, sys_conf.clone(), ) }; ( start_server(http_address, |address| rpc::start_http(address, handler())), start_server(ws_address, |address| rpc::start_ws(address, handler())), ) }; let _ = worker.work(&service).wait(); exit_send.fire(); Ok(()) } fn start_server(mut address: SocketAddr, start: F) -> Result where F: Fn(&SocketAddr) -> Result, { start(&address) .or_else(|e| match e.kind() { io::ErrorKind::AddrInUse | io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => { warn!("Unable to bind server to {}. Trying random port.", address); address.set_port(0); start(&address) }, _ => Err(e), }) } fn parse_address(default: &str, port_param: &str, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) -> Result { let mut address: SocketAddr = default.parse().ok().ok_or(format!("Invalid address specified for --{}.", port_param))?; if let Some(port) = matches.value_of(port_param) { let port: u16 = port.parse().ok().ok_or(format!("Invalid port for --{} specified.", port_param))?; address.set_port(port); } Ok(address) } fn keystore_path(base_path: &Path) -> PathBuf { let mut path = base_path.to_owned(); path.push("keystore"); path } fn db_path(base_path: &Path) -> PathBuf { let mut path = base_path.to_owned(); path.push("db"); path } fn network_path(base_path: &Path) -> PathBuf { let mut path = base_path.to_owned(); path.push("network"); path } fn default_base_path() -> PathBuf { use app_dirs::{AppInfo, AppDataType}; let app_info = AppInfo { name: "Polkadot", author: "Parity Technologies", }; app_dirs::get_app_root( AppDataType::UserData, &app_info, ).expect("app directories exist on all supported platforms; qed") } fn init_logger(pattern: &str) { use ansi_term::Colour; let mut builder = env_logger::LogBuilder::new(); // Disable info logging by default for some modules: builder.filter(Some("ws"), log::LogLevelFilter::Warn); builder.filter(Some("hyper"), log::LogLevelFilter::Warn); // Enable info for others. builder.filter(None, log::LogLevelFilter::Info); if let Ok(lvl) = std::env::var("RUST_LOG") { builder.parse(&lvl); } builder.parse(pattern); let isatty = atty::is(atty::Stream::Stderr); let enable_color = isatty; let format = move |record: &log::LogRecord| { let timestamp = time::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &time::now()).expect("Error formatting log timestamp"); let mut output = if log::max_log_level() <= log::LogLevelFilter::Info { format!("{} {}", Colour::Black.bold().paint(timestamp), record.args()) } else { let name = ::std::thread::current().name().map_or_else(Default::default, |x| format!("{}", Colour::Blue.bold().paint(x))); format!("{} {} {} {} {}", Colour::Black.bold().paint(timestamp), name, record.level(), record.target(), record.args()) }; if !enable_color { output = kill_color(output.as_ref()); } if !isatty && record.level() <= log::LogLevel::Info && atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout) { // duplicate INFO/WARN output to console println!("{}", output); } output }; builder.format(format); builder.init().expect("Logger initialized only once."); } fn kill_color(s: &str) -> String { lazy_static! { static ref RE: regex::Regex = regex::Regex::new("\x1b\\[[^m]+m").expect("Error initializing color regex"); } RE.replace_all(s, "").to_string() }